The Purpose and Potential Danger of World Military Associations

One the world stage, a number of international military treaty organizations have made not only their presence known but have had rather than a stabilizing effect a disruptive and potentially deteriorating effect on world people and cooperation.

Organizations such as Nato, Brix, and the UN peacekeepers have been involved not only in destabilizing regional stability in a number of regions, including the Orient, the Middle East, Europe, and the Ukraine. 

As well as the UN funneling money and resources to promote unprecedented mass migration to Europe, the US, and elsewhere.

As such the question at the juncture we must address is whether these organizations which were created with an eye toward balance, peace, stability, and sustainability of society at large are preforming the role for which they were created?

As Nato appears to be doing the exact opposite.  In provoking what can only be called the possibility of a nuclear conflict with Russia and the Brix (Which, is another international military association)  that was created as a counter balance to Nato and its aggressive stance it has taken not only against Russia.  But , also China, North Korea and Iran.

Though it is a valid point that Nato has taken a hardline toward the Brix nations.  It is equally true that the Brix treaty countries are pursuing an equally rigid stance in response to Nato aggression.

The UN, though it appears to represent unity, diversity, and acceptance.   In actuality, its organization as a whole is equally violent, uncompromising, and seemingly bent on world depopulation and control.

This they do this by covertly fund and facilitate mass migration with the infrastructure to support such overwhelming mass invasion. 

As such, they are currently paying immigrants from the poorest countries to invade.  They also offer logistical support to get the illegals to the border of the US.  As well as once inside the host country, they assist in moving and spreading these illegals the with and length of the country.

Conclusion:  All current world international military organizations are acting in complete opposition for the purpose for which they had been established in the first place.

As such, the only logical action we can ascertain is that these organizations have overstayed their time of usefulness.   Now, being detrimental to the continued stability of the nations and peoples of the planet and such organizations represent the existential threat of our time.  Along with terrorist activities.   They ofttimes operate in direct opposition to the hosting state, people , and  region.

For this reason among others they should all be disbanded in favor of countries themselves negotiating with each other rather than international organizations that value their own interest above that of the people’s and countries they are purported to represent.

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