The Holographic Universe Theory

The Holographic Universe Theory

The holographic universe theory posits that the three-dimensional world we perceive is actually a projection from a two-dimensional source. This concept is based on the idea that reality may be akin to a hologram, where all the information needed to create a 3D image is encoded on a 2D surface.

One of the key proponents of the holographic universe theory is physicist David Bohm, who suggested that our physical reality is similar to a hologram. According to Bohm, the universe is an interconnected whole where everything is fundamentally interconnected.

Another influential figure in the holographic universe theory is physicist Leonard Susskind, who proposed the holographic principle as a way to understand black holes. Susskind’s work suggests that the information contained in a black hole is proportional to the surface area of its event horizon rather than its volume.

The holographic universe theory challenges our conventional understanding of space and time. Instead of viewing reality as a linear progression of events unfolding in space, proponents of this theory suggest that the entire universe may be a kind of projection from a deeper, higher-dimensional reality.

One of the implications of the holographic universe theory is that consciousness plays a fundamental role in shaping our perception of reality. If the universe is indeed a hologram, then our consciousness may be like a projector, interpreting the encoded information to create our sensory experience of the world.

Some proponents of the holographic universe theory point to phenomena such as synchronicities, near-death experiences, or psychedelic trips as evidence that reality may be more fluid and interconnected than we typically assume. These experiences suggest that our ordinary perception of reality may just be a limited glimpse of a much richer, holographic whole.

The holographic universe theory also draws on concepts from quantum physics, such as entanglement and superposition. These phenomena suggest that particles can be connected in ways that transcend classical notions of space and time, raising the possibility that reality is more malleable and interconnected than we realize.

From the perspective of the holographic universe theory, reality is not fixed or static but rather dynamic and participatory. Our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions may influence the holographic projection we perceive, shaping our experience of the world in ways that go beyond mere physical cause and effect.

One of the intriguing aspects of the holographic universe theory is its potential to reconcile seemingly disparate aspects of reality, such as the macroscopic world of everyday experience and the quantum realm of subatomic particles. By viewing the universe as a hologram, this theory suggests a unifying framework that can encompass both scales of existence.

The holographic universe theory also raises profound questions about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the physical world. If reality is ultimately a holographic projection, then our individual minds may be connected to a deeper, universal consciousness that transcends our individual identities.

Some researchers have proposed that the brain itself may function as a kind of holographic processor, interpreting the information encoded in the fabric of reality to create our subjective experience of the world. In this view, the brain acts as a kind of filter or lens through which consciousness perceives the holographic projection of reality.

The holographic universe theory has implications for our understanding of space and time. If reality is fundamentally holographic, then the distinction between past, present, and future may be illusory, and all moments in time may coexist simultaneously in the higher-dimensional space that underlies our physical reality.

From the perspective of the holographic universe theory, every part of the universe is interconnected with every other part, in a vast web of cosmic information. This interconnectedness suggests that the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and the external world are ultimately artificial and that we are fundamentally part of a unified whole.

Some proponents of the holographic universe theory suggest that phenomena such as psychic abilities, remote viewing, and other forms of non-local perception may be explained by the holographic nature of reality. In this view, consciousness is not confined to the brain but is instead a kind of non-local field that can interact with the holographic fabric of the universe.

The holographic universe theory also has parallels with ancient mystical traditions, such as Hinduism or Buddhism, which posit that the physical world is maya or illusion. According to these spiritual perspectives, the true nature of reality is transcendent and ineffable, beyond the limitations of ordinary perception.

Quantum physicists have also explored the holographic nature of reality through experiments such as the double-slit experiment, which demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light. This duality suggests that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior depending on how they are observed, raising questions about the nature of reality itself.

The holographic universe theory challenges our assumptions about the solidity and permanence of the physical world. If reality is holographic, then it may be more like a mirage or a dream, constantly shifting and evolving in ways that defy our ordinary notions of stability and predictability.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the holographic universe theory is its potential to offer a new paradigm for understanding the mysteries of the cosmos. By viewing reality as a hologram, we may be able to glimpse a deeper, more unified vision of the universe that transcends our individual perspectives and limitations.

The holographic universe theory invites us to reconsider our understanding of the nature of reality and our place within it. By viewing the universe as a hologram, we may come to see ourselves not as separate, isolated beings but as interconnected expressions of a vast, holographic whole that encompasses all of existence.

Conclusion:  Ultimately, the holographic universe theory challenges us to expand our minds and embrace a more expansive vision of reality. By exploring the implications of this theory, we may uncover new possibilities for understanding consciousness, the nature of the cosmos, and our place within the grand tapestry of existence.

Geoengineering and the Elimination of Private Farming

Chemtrailing, space shields to block sunlight and cloud seeding, and use of haarp to heat the atmosphere to change the  weather, all they say are in the name of climate change.

However, the actual reason behind this is more insidious in that it is a concerted effort to curtail private farming and to pollute the atmosphere to help depopulate the planet.

While in a more conspiracy theoretical light, they have reported extraterrestrial and extra dimensional entities are terraforming the planet to make it more compatible to them physically.

Whichever eventuality is true, the fact is they are changing the earth’s atmosphere to make it less conductive to human life.

The Globalist have made a major effort to push their agenda forward, and their main tenet is depopulation.   As such, changing  the earth’s atmosphere  to make it incompatible to human life. 

There is no logical reason to terraform the earth, making it incompatible to human life unless they want to kill humanity.  Change the earth’s atmosphere for some other species or race of beings.  Or they are just truly psychopaths and intent on eliminating all life on this planet.

Conclusion: To eliminate vegetation and food production on a planetary scale can only have a couple of purposes.  Either to eliminate current life on this planet.  Or to terraform the earth for some other species.

Hollywood Cults and Human Trafficking

It’s no surprise that things are not normal in Hollywood.   There have been reports of Sex Cults, Demon Worshipping Cults, and Canabalism Cults , even though they have not proven Reptillian Shapeshifter Cults.

Now, it has been reported that human Trafficking rings have been reportedly uncovered.  DHS has raided a rappers home in an ongoing investigation of a reported Human Trafficking ring .

Not that this is surprising in that the idea rich tend to get bored and then get involved in every type of perversion and debauchery.   They are demon Worshipping, human eating, and now apparently involved in Human Trafficking for these other Cults.

How much more can these disgusting individuals be involved in?  Why are they Trafficking humans?  Sexual abuse?  Sacrifice in ritual?  Torture, so they can kill and extract the substance Adrenalchrome to imbibe?  To use as food?

And, who is allowing these things to happen?  How much can they get away with?  Before their diabolical acts come to light?  These insidious activities are public knowledge as such, the only question is how are they allowed to continue?

Conclusion:  These people who portray themselves as stars .  Someone who should be looked up to.  Though they are pure evil.  And, obviously, their activities have been condoned by the government because if their actions have been public for years and nothing was done. 

Only now has the government taken action to stop at least part of the blatant evil .  These sins against humanity shouldn’t be celebrated but ridiculed and punished.  

Everything You’ve Ever Read Is False

I want to expound a hypothesis about this reality.  Everything you have ever learned, read, or were taught is a lie.  The secret of this reality is that those who are truly behind the scenes controlling aren’t human.

I know that’s an extreme statement.   However, let’s examine the facts.  First, those in power always hide any proof that advanced technology and possibly extraterrestrial/ultraterrestrial civilizations not only existed.  But quite possibly pre-dated human civilization.

Further, according to ancient accounts, it is very possible that those advanced races used DNA manipulation to create homosapians.  They may be the reason modern man exists at all.  We well could have been a created race.  Created and utilized as slaves to them.

It’s reasonable to assume that perhaps war or other calamity caused the majority of those races to either abandon the Earth. Or they moved underground or off the world to the moon or some other planet in the Sol system.

The premise has been put forth that a reptillian race has remained on the planet and has been the driving force behind human history.  Quieting controlling and directing the human species.  Keeping them in the dark as to their true history and origins.

They controlled information.  Just allowing the mere trickle of science to reach us, holding back the truth.  Leaving the human race in the (Dark Ages of Scientific Understanding.)

Further, it is these same reptillians that are the driving force behind the Globalists and their agenda of depopulation of the majority of  humanity to lessen the possibility that these slaves be a burden to control if they ever learned the truth and rebelled against them and their control.

To further their control, the elimination of all power structures but one would consolidate they control over the world’s resources and complete control over those left to be slaves and possibly food.

The globalists and other leaders of the planet are being controlled, possibly even bred into these elite families, creating hybreds to make it easier to survive in this environment.  They have been using climate change as a smoke screen to teraform the planet.

With space reflectors, cloud seeding and weather modification as well as chemtrails to put heavy metals in the atmosphere. 

Further, they are attempting to starve humanity by shutting down farming and meat production. Slowly but surely, they are killing off humanity and industry at a time.

Conclusion:  It’s hard to phantom or even comprehend what humans would adopt an anti-human agenda unless those behind it aren’t human and want to cull the entire human race.

Leaving the planet and its resources available for some other species to step in and take over.  If we use critical thinking, then the obvious answer is there is another species behind this destruction of humanity to serve their own ends.

So, to revisit the original premise of this post , everything you have ever been taught, read, or learned is a lie.  The truth is the always was other species on this planet.

And it is they that are the controlling force behind this planet’s history.  Humans were merely contributing players in the planetary saga.

Child Trafficking And Demonic Death Cults

Child Trafficking has become a major topic, in these days of pedophiles attempting to mainstream the abuse and enslavement of children.

While a lot of the Trafficking is focused on sexual prostitution.   There is a large amount of these vile acts centered around something that is far darker than even this. 
It surrounds a portion of the elite wealthy in Hollywood and elsewhere that belong to dark demonic Cults that abuse , batter, and even kill children for their sick rituals.

These are the demonic sex Cults dedicated to ritual sex, abuse, and sacrifice of these children to demonic (gods) they worship. 

They use this violence and abuse to cause adrenaline to be released into their victims’ blood.  Which they drain and consume as a drug which gives the imbiber a high like a narcotic.   It is also believed to have life extending properties.

There are a number of both demonic sex Cults, as well as adrenalchrome (adrenaline infused blood) drinkers in Hollywood and worldwide. 

These sick Cults demand that their members adhere to bisexuality as well as homosexuality.  As well as beastiality.  As well as some events degenerating into canabalism.

And, as if all of this wasn’t enough in and of itself.  There have been conspiracy theories circulating that there are either extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial races that resemble Reptillian entities.

The beings are said to feed on human flesh, blood, and some reportedly even feed on human emotions such as fear and despair.  Whether these rumors can or will be substantiated in the future remains a mystery. 

Though it is at least within the realm of possibility given the amount of unknown aircraft sightings that have been reported in recent years.  As well as reports of close encounters with unknown entities.

What can be said is that our government has hidden a great deal of information for (The Public Good.), which translates to knowledge is power, and they want the monopoly on power.  Hence, the misinformation and outright lies are being dispensed as credible information.

Though to be completely candid, if such unknown beings are on the planet, my guess is humanity at large was sold out for technology and the promise of power.  Which is the age-old aphrodisiac of the elite wealthy and would be world tyrants.
In 1954, supposedly American president Johnson signed a treaty with the Grey Aliens.

I’m guessing it was it was for technology, and he agreed to allow them to abduct and experiment on humans.  Further, it’s within the realm of possibility that he may have agreed to allow them to take humans for other reasons IE slaves, genetic experimentation, and even as a food source.

Conclusion:  The Trafficking of women and children is a fact.  It is further a fact that these abducted people are being trafficked with the cooperation of the government as well as other governments reportedly as well.   With even Main Stream Media reporting on these alleged activities.

Much of this is public record as high-ranking members of government organizations have been brought up on charges, and hearings have taken place on their alleged culpability in these nefarious activities.

The facts point to contorted efforts by rich elites to provide these demonic Cults with a continuous supply of innocent women and children to continue their base and evil activities.

Quite possibly because these same elite billionaires are all members of the same demonic cults.

Fear, Absolution, and The Coming Apocalypse

The things that are occurring in the world seem to appear random and one offs if you can see the bigger picture.

The problem is that the actual players are nor who they seem. You see, the heads of the countries aren’t the ones actually pulling the strings.

The ones who are wielding the actual power are hidden and have been for centuries. People are pointing at the Globalist and Deepstate as the power players when they are only the bag men the those whose agenda is being carried out as you are sitting here reading this post.

You see, the real leaders are the Orsini family. The current so-called Grey Pope is a member of the Orsini family, a clan linked to the Kings of Old. The grey pope is controlling all businesses worldwide. As such, he is the most powerful man on the planet. And you most likely have never heard of him.

There are 3 popes.. The White Pope… leader of the worldwide church. The Black Pope, who is the head of the Jesuit order and the Grey Pope, the most powerful of the 3, and it is he that controls the world’s corporations and all businesses worldwide.

It is the Orsini family they all take a knee to. And the depopulation agenda, and every other nefarious plot occurring from flooding Europe with Muslims. To flood the US with illegals. To all the UN Agendas. To the World Wars, Eugenics, and past and future pandemics. All are being orchestrated by them.

The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and all the Globalist elite take their marching orders from the Grey pope and his family. Most are decendants of that clan who changed their names over the centuries. They all hid their true affiliations because they understood anonymity equals safety.

As long as people can’t see the connections then they would remain oblivious until all their mechanizations were carried out and ultimately if they were told the truth most are so dumbed down by chemicals and lack of ability for rational thought they would simply thing it a conspiracy theory. And impossible.

Other things are occurring behind the scenes that are even more unbelievable and therefore unseen due to the sheer impossibility of these things actually occurring.

Such as other species, whether other dimensional, mulitiversal, or possibly even temporal in nature, are pushing their agendas on humanity.

You see, religions, ideologies, and philosophies are simply tools that are being used to divide, control, and conquer the human population. As long as they are divided, then they are easily controlled.

Once seen, understood, and believed, then what is occurring is rather obvious. I mean, why would humanity adopt an anti-human agenda?

Accept reduction willingly? And even entertain the idea that we as a people are the planet’s main problem to be eliminated? I mean, that idea is plain suicidal and obviously insane by its very concept.

Unless another outside group is pursuing this plan to remove the majority of the human population in order that some unseen outside species is removing humanity to prepare the planet for their occupation. Then, the anti-human agenda makes perfect sense.

Why else would they be using technology to teraform the planet through weather modification, chemtrailing, Haarp, arrays in space to block out the sun. And even say that plant life causes carbon and actively set about to destroy the very thing that’s eliminates carbon and creates oxygen.

All these things, including wars, bioweapons, starvation, and greater and greater moves to absolutely control the human population, boil down to some outside influence is attempting to remove humanity and take over from behind the scenes. The evidence is overwhelming.

Conclusion: All the old power structures are obsolete and are being used to contain, control, and eliminate humanity. Ultimately, the next conflict will be focused on this objective.

To clear the way for what species or outside entities to take possession of our planet. And they are using us to do it.

For whatever reason, the Orsinis, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all the other Globalists have agreed to assist them in their ultimate depopulation and elimination of humanity as a whole.

Perhaps power or control was promised. Maybe immorality or some other esoteric gift offered to sell out humanity. Whatever the case, the fact that the apocalypse is not just a prophecy or story to scare the gullible.

The end of humanity is inevitable if the population remains oblivious. And unable to see the truth that is staring them in the face. The end will happen because we, as a people, lost the capacity for deductive reasoning and rational thought.

Ultimately, our epitaph will read humanity became too dumb to live. Eliminated by our own foolishness. And divided by our own ignorance. Race was in the end irrelevant as the species that stole our planet saw us as just all human and all expendable.

Why Are the Globalists Trying To Depopulate The Planet?

I have been racking my brain trying to rationalize why any human being would want to eliminate 98% of the population.

I understand there has been a prevailing school of thought that people are actually divided not into multiple classes but only two. One represents the Globalist elite. The other they consider inferior and call them ( Useless Eaters.)

These Globalists see the majority of the world as expendable. As such, they set about a few hundred years ago to ultimately eliminate that majority. and enslaved whoever wasn’t eliminated.

That’s what the Eugenics movement represented. The formalization of this philosophy. They then set to work, creating a framework to carry out this depopulation agenda.

The UN, WHO, World Economic Forum, Planned Parenthood, the creation and pushing the gay agenda, cult of Trans, cult of Queer and Nonbinary all to limit or eliminate all together human population growth.

Further, this is what the World Wars were about the elimination of large numbers of humans. My question is, why? Yes, these Globalist appear to be power-hungry and selfish individuals who only crave more … but they have power.

They are extremely wealthy with more than they could ever spend in their lifetime, so why attempt such an anti-human agenda?
Unless something else is driving this agenda.

But what? Self-loathing? It’s tantamount to committing suicide. So why would they seek to eliminate the majority of their own species? Why, indeed?

I have considered the possibility of mass mental illness. Perhaps insanity is driving this agenda. However, when considered across a swath of people that are not genetically linked, the likelihood of the same self-destructive mental malaise doesn’t seem a likely factor.

So what are we left with? An outside influence of some kind. Either spiritual in nature, or perhaps the influence of beings from elsewhere. Whether that elsewhere is another dimension, an alternate reality, another time, or extraterrestrial in nature.

We are left with influence of other than humans pushing these Globalists to depopulate the planet for possible colonization by other than human entities.
I know this sounds fringe or conspiracy theory, but consider the facts.

These people are trying to make people believe their very breathing is bad and contributes to a fake scheme they created called (Climate Change.)

Based on this philosophy, they are justified in doing whatever they like and chalking it up to fighting this invisible threat they created. They redistribute the world’s wealth based on it.

They continue to gain more and more power sighting the need to fight this plague on the planet. They are enforcing greater and greater draconian control on the population.

All the while, they are attempting to block the sun. They are eliminating more and more energy sources. Limiting food creation and initiating much greater controls on who can create food and who controls that production capability and products created.

They are using weather modification tech such as million watt lasers and Haarp to superheat the atmosphere. As well as chemtrailing to block out sunlight. Why?

It appears they are terraforming the planet, but why? What could possibly push them to do this save a hidden actor changing the planet to better service whatever species or group of species they represent.

And, if all that just seems to be farfetched, Then , rationize all their actions as a whole instead of random one offs. Look at the entire picture, and what you begin to see is a concerted effort to eliminate the dominant species IE humankind in lue of some other hidden beings.

They may have been here from the beginning and just decided to reassert control over the planet. And, they what 800 million humans that is the suggested population after all the others are eliminated as their slaves, food, playthings.

Whatever, they are actively pursuing this agenda right this moment and utilizing everything at their command to eliminate you. Food, water, environment, war, medicines, every product you use all centered on one goal to eliminate you and everyone around you.

Conclusion: There is absolutely no rational that can being put forth to justify the Genocide of the majority of the human population aside from either megalomaniac insanity or an outside influence with an anti-human agenda to make way to populate the planet with another species.

Or it’s purely demonic in nature to simply kill indiscriminately the majority of the population due to hatred of mankind.
I believe some outside influence is the actual answer to the question of why these Globalists appear to be committing suicide.
There just isn’t any plausible explanation other than they have colluded with some other or multiple other species in a bid to eliminate their own for whatever they were promised.

Whether it’s power, control, or some other selfish motivation. They have unknowingly betrayed themselves as well because whoever these other beings are they are undoubtedly smart enough to understand if these individuals would sell out and betray their own species.

Then they would betray them as well if they decided to. Which makes them a liability, and I’m guessing they will eliminate them as well in the end.

Background People: The Souless Ones

There has been a hypothesis put forward that there is a section of the human population that is considered lessor beings. Oh, they exist but lack that essence that makes us human. The soul/spirit, which is the divine spark, that part of us that is God.

Now, that being said, does that mean they aren’t strictly human by definition? Perhaps even evil in that nothing within them is of the creator? That’s a possibility.

Though, I’m not sure you could classify them as demonic. Because even demons were once angels and, as such, possess the spark of the Divine within them.

I think we can classify these entities as devoid of the divine. As such, they are empty and lack the ability to experience forces like love, empathy, compassion, and a desire for gaining wisdom and understanding.

They have no capacity for understanding the spiritual and exist solely on the material plane. As such, they tend to be self-centered and self-serving, egotistical, narcissistic, and incapable of personal growth.

They are lacking in their understanding and focused on lower vibrational pursuits such as self gratification with zero concern for others. These are the ones that occupy woke ideas over common sense.

They have no remorse for hurting others, and many support killing babies in the womb. Though not all who pursue abortion are Souless, these types are attracted to misery and causing chaos and pain of every type.

And, while they aren’t physically less healthy or successful than anyone else, they lack the higher spiritual functions and capabilities of normal human beings. One could consider them sheep, clones, empty people, puppet people, or background people. Sort of like people who exist only within the structure of this physical matrix.

One might ask at the juncture how they came to be? It’s possibly their souls diminished over multiple incarnations. Or they were born without their soul to begin with.

Or perhaps they were taken over by outside forces. Or even they are clones that were created to fulfill specific purposes. However, they are relatively easy to spot.

Lacking empathy, caring, and incapable of love of anyone or anything except they own selfish pursuits. They manipulate others because no one matters but themselves. And , they exist wholly on the material plane alone.

Unfortunately, not all people are equal..physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The soul is the most important part of who and what we are.

And, whether their soul atrophied over time diminished over time or they were incarnated without it, they are empty and can be used by outside forces to manipulate those around them.

Becoming what we understand as evil, devoid of any real human emotion. Except their propensity for material pursuits and their own selfish, narcissistic endeavors.

Conclusion: These empty people are conduits for true evil to exist and flourish. They allow entryways for ignorance, hatred, and ambivalence to life in general.

They are the antithesis of everything that is divine, good, decent, or moral. They represent the opposite to normal humans. Lacking the capacity for love, they are simply vessels, empty shells which only manifest instability, chaos, bloodshed, pain, and misery in every conceivable aspect and form.

Their purpose is to counter life, love and compassion, and empathy. To push the narrative that the physical is all there is. Effectively stranding humanity in a matrix(prison). On this material plane.

The Secret Hidden In Plain Sight

There is a war coming.  It’s a unwinnable conflict that will result in the possible annihilation of mankind on planet Earth.  How did we reach this point?  Good question, however there is no equally good answer.

This began centuries ago in the hidden chambers of secret societies and amongst the rulers of those times whose aspirations were world conquest and greatness.  However, the question is what drives such selfish and potentially lethal aspirations?

There are alot of reasons: wealth, power,control.  However, the answer is much more complex than the obvious reasons.  Were there hidden motivations that led to this point in history?

We have seen alot of destructive ideologies come and go leaving untold millions dead in there wake.  But what if it wasn’t random?  Oh these global ideological movements have appeared random.  But were they?  The Monarchs, Nazis, Communism.  And countless others have left their mark in blood on our planet’s past.

What if all of this wasn’t random?  What if all of it was done by design?  All the killing, destruction, misery was planned and not actually done by opposing forces.  But instead by one unified force which is and has been working behind the scenes to drive the planet in a specific direction?

You see nowadays all these changes, wars, movements are in your face.  With specific agendas.  As well as specific goals.  Such as population reduction, disease pandemics, global weather modification, poisoning of the food, water, air.  The creation of medications that harm more than heal.

It appears every thing around us is geared to harm, control, or eliminate large portions of the world population.   Do you really believe it is all happening organically?  Separately? Random?

There has been a prevailing direction the world has been heading for a very long time.  It would appear anti-human in design and function from poisons instituted all around us.  The earth literally being controlled and teraformed.  The environment being controlled and manipulated to be ever more lethal to human life.

And, even people pushing the notion that their own species is a blight on the planet to be eradicated from existence for the good of the planet.  And, all of this points to a specific agenda being driven by an elite class that believes themselves above the rest of humankind.

Why?  Why would such a belief be propagated unless either they had a way to avoid the conflagration of poison and destruction.  Or an outside force is using these useful idiots to cull their own species.

The UN has made its goals very public.  The control and elimination of a majority of the world population.   The number 800 million was put forth from multiple sources as the end goal of population control. 

Planned Parenthood, war, disease, starvation, violence in every form as well as climate control, weather modification, poisoning of the environment has all been leading toward this their end goal.

Don’t believe their lies.  This is a concerted effort and ALL the elites, world leaders, Globalist, wealthy as a whole are in on this conspiracy to eliminate the population in mass down to that number 800 million.

And, this is why the conditions are being setup for a nuclear third world war.  They have been preparing for this for sometime building underground installations and cities to survive the elimination of the majority of mankind.

This is why they are propagating a war in the Ukraine against Russia.  And why they refuse to negotiate a ceasefire and an end of bloodshed.  This is an escalation of hostilities until there will be no alternative to nuclear conflict.

The question is : Is this a purely human endeavor?  Or is some other species extraterrestrial, dimensional or alternate reality race involved?  The answer is unknown.

Conclusion: Whoever, or whatever has been driving history has lead us to this point in which the fate of mankind hangs in the balance.  We are on the precipice of elimination of the majority of our species.  And the sad fact is the majority of the world population will perish in such a holocaust without even knowing who their true executioner was or why.

That’s why all of this is simply in the open at this point.  They believe humanity has been so crippled by their education or lack thereof and environmental factors that they are simply sheep to be led to the slaughter. Complete oblivious of their true predicament.  That’s why the third world war is inevitable.  It has been all been done by design since its inception. 

Without understanding, humanity as a species is doomed to eventual extintion.  And as bleak as that outcome appears.  It’s a certainty without education, and a concerted effort to fight against these hidden adversaries of life.  Of humanity.  And the time is quickly approaching when it may well become to late to reverse.

And that is the knowledge that these global elites are suppressing.  And its that knowledge that could be mankind’s salvation.