Why Won’t Other Arab Nations Either Take In Or Help The Palestinian People?

A lot of people are asking Israel to send aid and other humanitarian support to the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip.

What would you say if I told you that Israel almost exclusively supports the infrastructure of the Gaza strip supplying power, water, and food to the people in Gaza?

This fact is the truth. And, yet the Palestinians think of the Jewish people as the enemy. Why? They see fellow Arabs in surrounding countries as allies, yet none of those countries will either take in refugees. Nor do they supply aid of any kind to the Palestinian people at all.

Now, you may be wondering why this would be true? The answer is that all of those Arab countries understand the very real possibility that the Palestinian people could and do become potential weapons of radical Muslim sects would would use them to destabilize the governments in those Arab countries.

As such, rather than take a chance on such radicalization of the Palestinian people, they refuse them entrance into their nation and material aid.

Iran has used the Palestinian people and other nations people as weapons not only against Israel. But, also the nations in which they reside. Such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.

The fact is that any poor, dispossessed individuals can be motivated and used as a destabilizing factor in a given nation. All the Arab countries in the region know this and, as such, refuse to give refuge to the Palestinians because of this fact.

Further, every nation that has allowed Arab people to immigrate has seen this very thing occur. Whether it is Great Britain, France or Germany. In every case, these Arab populations not only radicalized. They also acted as a destabilizing factor for the nation’s in which they immigrated.

This includes the US. They act as a cancer. Assault the population of the host nation. Attempt to convert that nation to Islam and Sharia law. And rape and attack that nation’s female population.

This has happened in Finland, Sweden, and Norway as well as Scandinavia. With those nation’s not only recognizing the threat but also going so far as to put on signs on how to rape their female population without hurting them.

The question is why the West would choose to accept these disruptive influences on their population when their own people would not?

This is a topic for another time. However, I would simply say on this topic that it appears done by design for the purpose of demoralization of that nation’s population. As well as multiplication of these people over the people in those respective nations.

The nations surrounding Gaza understand all of these factors. As such, they purposefully refuse to allow such a cancerous situation to occur in their respective countries. Though they do use the Palestinian people as a propaganda tool against Israel and by proxy the US.

Conclusion: By understanding all these factors, one thing is abundantly clear. Israel, though considered the enemy of the Palestinian people, actually does more in support and care of the Palestinian people than any nation in the Arab world.

The demonization of Israel to the people not only in Gaza but the rest of the Arab world has little to do with the actions of the Jewish people in those countries.

And more to do with those respective governments trying to maintain a collective boogeyman to justify their aggressive agendas against Israel and the Jewish people.


Throughout history, there have been two obvious factions. Though, at times, not always so clear cut but two paths of thought nonetheless.

One was pro-life cult centered on life and its preservation . The other anti-human or basically a death cult. As we look back on civilizations.

Throughout the sum total of human history, these factions have fought for dominance.
With kings and empires rising and falling in this age-old struggle.

With the goal of a single individual controlling the fate of the world. With ultimate power and total control of the planet and its inhabitants. This has been ever would be a dictators dream. And sadly, nothing has changed.

While terminology and nomenclature have changed, the basic desire remains the same. To gain ultimate control of the planet, resources, and people.

Along the way, the agenda is to eliminate 98 % of the current population. With those remaining population will be funneled into control grid called 15 minute Smart Cities. Under 24-hour surveillance. To basically become free-range slaves.

The path that has led here through the 16th,21st centuries was a bloody one as the two factions have fought for supremacy. Through many bloody conflicts, and almost constant war culminating in the 20th and 21st centuries,

With conflicts, the likes of which the world had never witnessed rising from the ideology adopted from these death cults of Marxism. Also known as Communism or Fascism. Its basic ideas had to do with dividing the rich and the poor. And fermenting conflict between them.

Of course, it was used to cause further divides between races, cultures, political affiliations, classes, countries, sexs, and sexual orientation. As well as religion and other forms of thought.

It was created as a method to divide and conquer the population. It was weaponized separation. Control by playing on people’s greatest fears and prejudices. And was the single most devastating weapon of depopulation of the last 150 years.

Another thing that must be understood is that most of the wars of the 20th and 21st century were controlled on both sides by the death cult. Not as you would imagined the Cult of life was not fighting in open conflict. But, was instead trying to prevent the conflicts from occurring at all.

As we witness the current situation, we see the ear marks of the death cult’s fingerprints in most ever bad things that are currently occurring from the war in the Ukraine.

To the war in Israel. To the constant push for abortion of children. To the terrorist groups push toward violence against the Jewish people . And the constant attacks against the US Constitution to errode the rights of the people in the US.

You can see the death cult acting in the Ukraine rather than encouraging a sit down with the Russians to negotiate a ceasefire and an end to bloodshed.

The elements in the US government associated with this death cult are obvious. They are the ones pushing everything up to a regime change in Russa. They have even spoken of Nuclear conflict which is the ultimate expression of this evil worldview.

Though, Marxist ,Communist, Fascist ideology is a product of the late 19th century reaching its pentacle in the 20th century. However, the basic tenets are not new.

The idea of divide and conquer has left a bloody path down through the ages pointing us to the very same agenda of depopulation as well as control. In that nothing has changed.

The life cult has fought to endow mankind with the rights of Free Speech, Freedom of Religion as well as the Freedom to Defend ourselves, Family and property.

The Right to being born. And the sanctity of all human life. It has fought for peace worldwide. And the Right of people to control their own destiny. And to govern themselves.

We see today that the Marxist ideology is attempting to force the world to pick a side. Though either side you choose you lose. Because both sides lead to death.

These factions are represented by the Globalist elite. And they are using the World Economic Forum and the UN to further push their agenda of the death, depopulation and control. And the Biden Administration is assisting by forcing the illegals crossing southern border for use in deconstruction of our society. As well as the elimination of the Constitutionally guaranteed Rights enumerated therein.

Conclusion: From Time of the wars in Greece and Rome and all the way to the present, these two facts are sacrosanct . The first is that life will find a way. And two that in the end death will have no real dominion

You can either choose to hold human life sacred and precious. Or you can choose to to propagate death. Ultimately the choice is yours.

Does Democracy Still Exist?

In 2023, we are faced with the real question: ( Does Democracy still exist? Or has it been appropriated by other ideologies as a cloak to hide their true intentions?)

I have been watching the political spectrum recently. What I have witnessed is the left attempt to use the term Democracy as a shield and weapon to attack anyone who rails against their Fascist activism on a number of issues.

From the Trans debate to the supposed Palestinian issue. To any opposition to the war in the Ukraine. In every case, it has been used as a conversation ender. To say if you oppose their position, then you oppose Democracy, therefore, are evil and wrong.

But, what actually occurring is that they are simply attempting to silence free speech. And freedom of expression . People who call themselves anti-Fascist are actually the most oppressive and Fascist in their worldview.

In the world where they are attempting to rebrand and package Communist/Marxism/Fascism as Socialist/Democratic.

We must understand that what they call Democracy is actually Communism in action. They have simply appropriated and redefined the meaning of the word for their own purposes.

The woke left uses Democracy and Socialism interchangeably. What they actually mean is control. Their actual ideology is Communism, which is totalitarian slavery.

Without rights except as they see fit. They use racism as a weapon for demonization and canceling any who oppose their dismissive actions. They use Democracy as a catch phrase to represent accomplishing their communistic goals of control and enslavement.

What I find most interesting is that they apply the term to the form of government that exists in the US. Which is patently false in that we have a representative Republic, not strick Democracy.

We rely on the rule of law versus the majority rule. Though, we do believe in the rule of the people. It operates as a representative form of government. Rather than consensus rule.

However, in the context they are using the term it has a very different meaning. They try to say Democracy=Freedom. Yet in action it has come to mean control of and values of the West, specifically the values/goals of the US government. Which has not been aligned with the Constitution of late.

Therefore, the term has been hijacked to represent whatever the left and the globalist elite want it to mean. Which increasingly has been Socialist /Communist values.

Their goals are clear, and I have covered them extensively in past posts. As such, I won’t spell them out except to say that they are attempting to redefine reality, history , and terminology to fit their narrative.

They have recycled ideas such as anti-Semetism to fit their narrative of the Israeli oppression of Palatine. In reality, they are simply reusing ideas of the past to accomplish their current and continued goal of depopulation.

Conclusion: The word Democracy has become a cloak of oppression. They have corrupted the term to hide their true motives, which are control and world depopulation and enslavement.

The evils of the past are now being hidden in ideas such as Democracy and Socialism. However, they actual goals have not changed. The remaining complete control of all land and resources. The depopulation of 98% of the world population. And the enslavement of the remaining population.

They have corrupted the meaning of this word to represent freedom and self governance. When what they actually mean is the exact opposite.

As such, I would have to say, given the state the world is in, that actual Democracy no longer exists. It is simply a word that means control/enslavement and life under Communist totalitarian rule of the Globalist elites.

Climate Change And The Ultimate Journey Toward World Enslavement

Much has been said years about the dangers of climate change and it global implications on the future of our planet. While it is true, our planet is going through climate changes. What is also true is that it has always experienced such changes before humankind could have had major effects on it.

While supporters of this ideology state the science is in. And that their beliefs have been validated. The fact is it is far from settled. In fact, there are many scientists who have pointed out geological evidence that the world has always passed through cycles of climate change.

This is evident in the evidence of multiple ice ages that have occurred in millions of years of planetary development. As such, we must ask ourselves that ( If the Globalist elites are aware of this ecological factor, then why would they push the idea of man-made climate change)? The answer is control.

Through the ideological movement of climate change, they can force human behavior to change in specific ways. Force an end to certain technology. And gain control of the building blocks of life such as land, food, water, and energy.

In order to control a huge population, you must first contain them. Hense buying all all the land. And forcing the majority into contained areas, i.e., Smart Cities). Within these smart cities, the population can be effectively contained, kept under constant surveillance , summarily desposed of in accordance with their worldwide depopulation agenda.

Henry Kissinger stated : (Control the food, control the people. Control energy controls the nation. Control money control the world.) These things are exactly what climate change ideology provides. Absolute control of the corner stones of humanity.

They will use climate change to redistribute wealth from the muddle-class to the wealthy. And force compliance with they goals of absolute control through fear, indoctrination of the next generation, regulation through legal means. As well as international treaties.

The ultimate goal of the Globalist Elites is a one world government. The UN agenda 21, 25, and 30 are the literal founding documents and guide for laying the groundwork for making this future a reality.

People like Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab have been sowing the seeds of this idea as the main problem and cause of all the world’s problems as a spring board to allow them to offer their ( Solutions) ie Smart Cities, GMO foods, Lab Grown Meat, New Vaccines. Digital currency, heavy energy regulation. As well as more surveillance.

They have banned organic farming, raw milk, personal gardens, collection and use of rain water, and organic beef. As well as increased taxation on these things. They have devised a carbon tax for carbon emissions. As well as come up with the idea of 15-minute cities, the idea of which to limit the use of personal vehicles to 15 minutes a day. With fines for going over this time restriction.

As well as limiting air travel to as little as one a year. With some suggesting it should only be 3 times in your lifetime. With the only exception being an emergency. Also, they use climate change to institute more control in the form of a social score to enforce compliance with their behavior mandates.

Bill Gates even reportedly made the asinine suggestion that trees and other planet (caused) extra carbon emissions and should be eliminated. When obviously the opposite is true and trees eliminate carbon dioxide and product oxygen.

Further actions being taken in the name of climate change include Chemtrails being created using heavy metals in the upper atmosphere to block portions of the sun. As well as the launching of satellites, which have the capacity to deploy screens to block the sunlight from space.

Conclusion: The road ahead. It is obvious based on the case I have laid out above that the Climate Change ideology is simply a vehicle of change and control. Change from a democratic, free society to a controlled totalitarian enslavement of the world population.

Each initiative put forth in the name of preventing climate change is merely one step closer to absolute enslavement of the world population. And a fulfillment of their ultimate depopulation agenda. Just as a frog is put in cold water, having the temperature rise slowly until the frog is boiled but never sees it coming.

So too the world population is enslaved and culled slowly so as not to raise suspicion until it will be to late to stop their agenda. The climate change agenda is just such a hidden vehicle for accomplishment of their depopulation agenda.

That is the ultimate end goal of climate change. Depopulation and enslavement of the remaining population. That is their end goal.

The Actual Motivation For Biden’s Open Border Policy

Much has been said, and a lot of speculation as to why Joe Biden has literally thrown open the border to Mexico. As well as not only facilitating illegal immigration but encouraging it through assisting in getting homes, money, and other assistance to any and all who walk across the southern border.

The logical question is why would a president who was elected to represent this country and its people do the opposite? And provide more representation to people from other countries? Even to the detriment of his own country and people?

There are several logical reasons for this to take place. And, I will attempt to present the most likely reasons for this occurrence.

We must analyze what has been the driving agenda of the Democratic Party for decades. That has been an erosion of the core values this country was founded on.

Such as the inalienable rights of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms to defend ourselves, our families, and property. And the right to feel secure in our person and property and not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure of said property.

The Democrats as a party were undermined and taken over by the ideology of Marxism. Its core tenants were the dissolution of freedom. And the elimination of the US as a bastion of freedom. It began over 100 years ago.

However, it was politically embarked on in the 1950s. When Kruschev began the campaign to gain control of a US political party then use that to ferment a degradation of society as a whole and demoralization of our way of life in preparation to move the US from a capitalist Republic to a Socialist one.

And ultimately cleared the way for Communism. And the formation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship. This control began by gaining control of the Democratic Party. Which has been achieved.
They have steadily eroded this society a piece at a time, gaining control of the educational system to teach cultural Marxism to the next generation. Then, they gain control of mass media. Then Healthcare.

They destroyed the family unit. Promoted debauchery and immorality as the norm. Promoted Eugenics and elimination of the poor and those they deemed inferior, such as useless (Eaters). As well as fermented hatred amongst classes, races, and ideologies further dividing the population.

To keep them from seeing the true agenda of mass control and depopulation. They told women it was a right to kill their unborn children.

Convincing them that men were oppressing them by wanting them to have children. Thereby further eroding the family unit. And also furthering the global depopulation agenda. Killing two birds with one stone.

They also set out to rewrite history to such a degree as to paint the founding fathers as oppressors, slave owners, and ultimately evil for building the country to begin with.

When in reality they were simply trying to escape those things in England. And, as a side note it is the decendants of those Kings and Queens and other so called Nobal families that represent the Globalist elite who have been using Marxism as a tool to achieve their agenda all along.

Now, with all that being said , you ask ( why recount all this history)? The answer is simple. We need to understand what the endgame is in order to understand the path to their goals.

So why is the Democratic Party fighting so hard to keep the border wide open? The answer has several parts. First, it is to try to change key demographics in states that oppose their agendas, such as Republican controlled states.

Next: We need to understand the depth of their treachery. Which is they are bought and paid for by these Globalist elites so they do what they are told to do. Inact the laws they are told to. And, they are working toward the deconstruction of our society, values, and legal structure.

Which is why they totally ignore the laws that were put in place to prevent this eventuality from ever happening in the first place. They attack any governmental entity or person who would block or oppose their agenda moving forward. Hence, their continued attacks on President Donald Trump.

Thus is why they are financially bankrolling these incoming invaders over the citizens of this country. Because they see the citizens as their enemies because they oppose their ultimate goal of elimination of US Sovereignty and the creation of the One World Government.

If you understand all of this, then their actions make perfect sense. The Democratic Party does not represent the people at all . Instead, they are an agent of the Globalist elites. Many other government agencies are also bought off and controlled. As is half the Republican Party.

Finally, the major stumbling block to their complete takeover is the 140 million plus gun owners in this country. Which is why they have been taking a multipronged approach to eliminating this problem.

Through, Indoctrination by the MSM that legal gun owners are (Dangerous), and (Reckless) for possessing firearms for self defense. And as a bulwark against tyranny from an increasing dictatorial government, which has stopped listening or even representing the will of the people in favor of following their new masters the Globalist.

They have staged many false flag events to portray the danger of an armed population. Thereby attempting to create a narrative, it is much safer to disarm the public for the greater good. All the while trying to find every way possible to circumvent the Constitution.

Every anti-gun law literally violates the inalienable right spelled out in the Constitution to bear arms. To protect ourselves from abuse and tyranny.

Further, notice that the majority of those invading our southern border are not women and children. Instead, are adult men of military age. Do you think this is by coincidence? If so, it simply means you haven’t been paying attention.

Much has been said in recent years of the creation of fema camps, huge stockpiles of plastic coffins, and large supplies of fenced-in enclosers. Why do you think all of these exist? Did you believe it all just a conspiracy theory?

They have been preparing this takeover for decades. Quietly, working behind the scenes. In preparation for the moment, they would attempt the final part of the takeover and disarming of the public.

They have trained UN troops toward this goal. From countries like China and others that wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to reach their end goals. Iran and other Middle Eastern countries will be included in that invasion force. Because once our own soldiers understand the treachery, they will switch sides.

Conclusion: The ultimate purpose of allowing the continued invasion of our southern border is to allow the invading force to get into the country. Financed and staged in the states where they will later be armed and expected to disarm the public in preparation for the complete takeover of the United States.

This is the actual purpose of Biden and the Democrats open border policy.

Soylent Green: Your Life in The Matrix

Based on everything the globalist elites are putting out, they intend to control the food supply entirely. First, starting with GMO foods and vegetables. Removing the natural ability of fruits and vegetables to reproduce naturally. It is the first method of control.

Moving on to legally regulating the publics ability to grow their own organically grown fruit and vegetables. To take control and actually claim ownership over all water, including naturally falling rain water in places like Florida and elsewhere.

To take control of farms in Pennsylvania were the Amish community sold raw milk and farm raised beef. With the government unreasonably fining, forcing them not to sell. And even confiscating the products and farms themselves.

This is the first step : Control the Food /Control the People – Henry Kissinger. Their goal is to control all food production and potable water. This is why Bill Gates has now bought enough farmland to be the US largest owner of farmland.

They are also creating things such as ( Lab Grown Meat). As well as encouraging the use of insects as a food source. As well as encouraging recycling urine and even human waste as a food source. Which is insanity in and of itself.

Along with adding MRNA materials to manufactured foods to alter those who consume it, compromising their DNA, causing a host of conditions, diseases, and ultimately death as a result.

But, it has been suggested that they are actually using humans as meat in fast foods and other store meat that is supposed to be pork, beef, or chicken. With elits in Hollywood reportedly hosting canabal parties bringing human meat to consume at those gatherings.

Just like the movie The Matrix People’s future, though perhaps not reduced to a power source, though at this point, anything is possible. They intend to feed the slaves dead slaves to conserve food supplies.

And if this sounds like conspiracy theory. Just listen to them speak. They have hid nothing and come out and tell you their goals. Of depopulating the planet through vaccines, abortion, and bioweapons they call ( Pandemics).

As well as war, famine, and manipulating the environment in the name of combating their crisis narrative of global warming. Which is a wealth redistribution scheme. As well as a catalyst for extreme measures.

Such as weather modification. Control of the amount of global sunlight reaching the planet through chemtrails and huge space mirrors. As well as using billion watt lasers and Haarp. They also use cloud creation factories to block the sun and weather modification

Their plan is once they have eliminated 98% of the population. Those remaining will be herded into smart 15-minute cities where they are completely controlled 24/7.
Essentially, turning the remainder of the population into free-range slaves.

Their intent is to control the food, energy, and money of the entire world for their benefit. To literally rewrite reality to fit their totalitarian dictatorship agenda. The sad thing is they have been extremely upfront about their agenda in the UN Agendas 21, 25, and 30 documents.

Further, the likes of Klaus Schab have said : You will own nothing and be happy about it. Henry Kissinger in the National Security Study Memorandum. Also known as the Kissinger Report, which laid out the framework for the depopulation of the globe.

Conclusion: We are quickly approaching a world the likes of which we have never witnessed. A world that was deconstructed and destroyed by design. A world of control and slavery. A tyranny the likes of which the founding fathers couldn’t have imagined. A reality that was crafted by a few to eliminate the majority.

A world where the grand experiment known as humanity has reached its twilight. And eventual cessation. Perhaps, in a millenia, who knows. Perhaps another species will rise up to take mastery over this blue marble known as Earth. I hope they will be better stewarts over it than we were in the end. Allowing hatred and a true loathing of our own species to ultimately be our undoing.

The Coming Storm

Most ration people feel something is coming. Even if they don’t know what that something is, they still know things are not the way they were. They can see that the government has become more and more controlling. And far less accommodating to people’s Constitutional rights.

The Marxist left has become much more authoritarian. Making bolder and bolder pronouncements about how they want to eliminate people’s rights. But, in the case of the Hamas attacks, hie they support the absolute genocide of the Jewish people.

A marked departure from they inclusive narrative that they have been pushing for decades. With people like Rashida Talib calling for the elimination of Israel openly. As well as supporting openly a Leftist Pro-Hamas incursion of the Capital building. With zero consequences. As well as Illan Omar supporting the same.

The rest of the Democratic (Squad) after the 2020 election called for a Nazi style internment of those who supported MAGA. And literal torture was called for by Cortez. With people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actively working against our national interest.

Further, many allegations have been brought against Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family of corruption and literally sell out our country to foreign players for financial gain.

With the result causing us to be stuck supporting a pointless war in the Ukraine. Supporting violence, rather than sitting down to negotiate a ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. Why? The reason is clear, money. Money to be made on Arms sales to the Ukraine. As well as the rebuilding after the conflict.

Further, alleged money laundering through the Ukraine and kicked back to political campaign upcoming. Sound far-fetched and the stuff of conspiracy theories? Well, based on everything we have heard about the Bidens’ supposed dealings with Zalenski, Biresma, and other foreign oligarchs, it seems far more likely in 2023 than in the past years.

However, what is the endgame? What are their true agendas and goals? They have been very transparent as to where they want policies to lead. They spelled out much of their future plans in the UN documents Agenda 21,25, and 30.

The need for global depopulation of 98% of the world’s total population. Smart 15-minute cities for the remainder of humanity. 24/7 surveillance and absolute control of all land, resources by the Global elite. The dissolution of all state sovereignties in preparation for a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. And the elimination of all current cities.

Toward the goal of depopulation, they intend to use bioweapons, poison vaccines that rewrite your DNA, and eliminate your immune system. Strict birthing practices. The encouragement of gay, Trans, and abortion to curtail population growth.

These ideas have been put forth, supported, and propagated by the likes of billionaire Globalist Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger , George Soros, Bill Gates the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds and other Globalist families.

They are actively supporting genocide in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and supporting it in China by way of the Marxist ideology. They are utilizing the Arab world to push the genocide and dissolution of the Jewish people with the very same ideology, terror, and tactics utilized by the Nazis in World War 2.

This is an anti-human ideology with evil at its very core utilizing every possible thing at its disposal to achieve their endgoals. They have used Eugenics to eliminate useless eaters. Which was the framework that Adolf Hitler adopted in World War 2 in an attempt to eradicate all ( Undesirables), including the Jewish people, Homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped as well as religious peoples.

Conclusion: They are simply recycling all these evils of the past. They have gone out of their way to hide the destruction these ideologies have caused and their ultimate anti-human agenda.

They have used a combination of separate a number of different ideas and concepts from the past. That weren’t necessarily combined so they could appear separate things. When in reality they were working in concert to accomplish their endgame .

The elimination of the majority of mankind. And the control and enslavement of those lucky enough or unlucky enough to remain after the holocaust and conflagration that they had wrought.

The sad reality is that the enemy is not just without but within as well. Lincoln said : The United States wouldn’t be destroyed from outside. But, if it happened, it would be by our own hand. And, that is what we are witnessing in real-time.

The deconstruction and dissolution of our countries’ infrastructure, society, moral standards, and a watering down of our rights enumerated in our founding documents. And ultimately the demoralization of our people and the destruction of the nuclear family.

A Question Of Morals

It is the time passing the attacks on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas and the resulting conflict that has ensued we are left with multiple moral conundrums.

From the resurgence of ethnic racism against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. To the moral dilemmas of racism being exhibited worldwide wide by the woke left who have made a career to point out racism in every action.

Yet, they are so buried in their own hypocrisy that they fail to see they have become their own Frankenstein’s monster. The boogeyman they so appeared to abore.

And, a world who has come to expect the marginalized groups like the Jews and the American right to some lessor degree. To allow “Free Shots” without retaliation because they at least in the warped realities of the left deserved it.

Further we are left with the moral question of how to respond to a devastating brutal barbaric inhuman attack that left 1300 dead and woman and children, raped, beheaded, stomped to death or set on fire to be burned alive.

What sort of moral response is appropriate for such utter wanton destruction and mass murder? Where should we draw the line? How much retribution is required to regain the balance of civility?

Can one ever return to the normalcy of what was? Or would such an event forever scar a people and make such a people be lost in their own pain irreconcilable to ever going back to the peace of what was?

Should civilians on both sides be precluded from such a conflict? And removed from such combat areas? And who is responsible for such relocation?

What if one side, such as Hamas, uses the civilians as human shields? What, then? Who is responsible for their lives and deaths? Should Israel not retaliate? Because to do so would hurt those civilians even as Hamas continues to attack them?

And, that aspect aside. Put yourselves in the place of the men and women of Israel who had just experienced such wanton destruction unprovolked. How would you feel? What would you feel compelled to do?

Think of 911 and The Twin Towers. People were out for payback. It led to twenty years of brutal war. Now, imagine it was your child or wife or husband brutalized. What would be your response?

That is the predicament the Jewish people now face. And regardless of your personal opinion. Given those circumstances, I believe the IMF has shown incredible restraint thus far.

Do I believe that civilians should be protected and removed from active combat zones? My answer is yes, whenever possible, and also provided humanitarian aid as well.

However, in the current situation, those who are being forcibly held against their will as human shields are in harms way. And, of course, should be spared and protected whenever humanly possible. However, they can not be allowed to stop the rooting out of those who were responsible for the initial attack.

And while the argument can be made that two wrongs don’t make a right. Still, these terrorist must be stopped. Collateral damage, though, should be kept as low as possible and will be forced to happen if said terrorist can’t be reached in any other way.

I’m aware that this decision seems equally barbaric. However, responsibility for such loss of life rests squarely on the heads of Hamas for refusing to protect the Palestinian people. And to get them clear of the combat zone.

Though other nations such as Turkey have threatened military action based on the return attack hurting civilians. To that, I answer: Why would you attack the Israelis for attempting to eliminate the violent threat to their country and people. Because, I guarantee the IMF is not treating civilians with the same violent disregard as Hamas has done.

Conclusion: War is a barbaric endeavor. By its very nature, it is inhuman. And should never be entered into until ever other option had been exhausted. However, under these circumstances, it was sadly unavoidable.

Foisted upon the Israeli people mercilessly and with utter disregard for human life. As such, one could be expected to defend oneself. And, if there is no alternative but to attack the enemy by hitting areas where the people are held to stop such retaliation.

Then though such instances ate of course regrettable. And civilian casualties should be avoided whenever possible. However, those terrorist must be stopped. And, the only hope is that such collateral damage can be kept to a bare minimum.

Though, moral delimmas are many. One thing is abundantly clear. To do nothing will not stop the continued brutal attacks on Israel. So, really, they are forced to attack and eliminate the threat at any cost. Hamas must be eliminated.