You Reap What You Sow

Currently, massive anti-semetic protests are raging across the US, with Pro-Palestinian riotors declaring autonomous zones on those campuses.   Forcing the police to be put in dangerous situations to attempt to counter the violence.

With financial support coming from many Marxist organizations and surprise surprise, the Communist Party of China. 

A globalist puppet and weapon that has been doing their damnist to destroy the US from the inside financially.   It’s not surprising that the same actors that backed and financed the violent riots of the last several years are back using Palestinian as the catalyst for the current disruption.

Not that they really need a reason because their main purpose is social disruption and destruction of US sovereignty, so the cause is irrelevant.   As long as the goal is achieved.

These behind the scenes agitators drop and adopt causes at will with zero regard for the actual cause, it’s outcome, or the ramifications of their actions as long as the ultimately,  disruption of society, massive damage occurs and US sovereignty is destroyed.   Bonus if they damage the economy in the process.

However, this outcome should be a surprise to no one.  The Globalist have been pushing on hot and heavy with their agenda of depopulation and destruction of national sovereignties of all the Western countries.  

As such, this issue has been leveraged to again accomplish several goals simultaneously.   And , as such, they are putting pressure on an already overburdened society by staging these fake Pro-Palestinian rallies using them as an excuse to disrupt society. 

And foster animosity between Jewish and non Jewish factions.  Further, forcing the cities where these riots take place to finance the police presence to attempt to contain these staged violent events.

The use of Communism as a tool for the Globalist is obvious.  And, as such, the fact that the Marxist and Communist are behind staging these riots is not unusual.   In fact, they have been using these same agitators to disrupt and destroy the social bonds of this country for years now.

What is interesting is that not only has the federal government not stepped in to stop these stage violent events. 

They have until now encouraged them and in past violent protest assisted them going so far as to financially support these actors bailing them out of jail after the police did their duty to attempt to stop their acts of violence.

What does this say for the federal government?   The obvious statement is not only to support the Globalists in their mission.  But they are actively helping carry it out across the country.

As for where all these violent protectors came from, well, why do you think the Biden Administration has fought so hard to keep the southern border wide open? 

The Democratic Party is part of the Globalist plot and, in my opinion, actively assisting in the destruction of the US to the tune of between 12 to 14 thousand invaders daily.

They have their members married into the globalists’ families as well into the family of at least on family in the Middle East, and they are irreparably compromised.

With the Republicans in my opinion, colluding with them either compromised by their criminal or questionable actions. 

Or compromised by lobbies providing a lot of under the table encouragement to support the globalist agenda.  Basically turning Washington into a uniparty single party system owned by the Globalist and their partners and interest.

You reap what you sow.  As you throw the borders wide open and allow the invasion of the country by an unvetted UN/Brix Treaty/Radical Islamic stealth army, what did you think would be the ultimate outcome?

Conclusion:  The Globalist have been upfront with their stated goals of depopulation and elimination of the national sovereignty of all the current countries.  As well as the elimination of their societies as relics of another era.  In preparation for their final conquest of the planet to make way for their one world totalitarian government.

As such, these violent protests are simply another means to that end.  Just as Marxist Communism is but another means to achieve their ultimate goal.

The fact that the people allow their government to so throughly sell them out in such a blatantly seditious manner they will, in the end, reap what they have sown.

Antisemitism: Folstered By The Globalist Elite

Since the onset of the current conflict between Isreal and Palestine in the West Bank, the occurrences of Antisemitism has been on the increase.

The question of whether this is a grassroots occurrence or something that was manufactured on purpose by the Globalists to foster further amity in the US and abroad to weaken social bonds as well as damage US sovereignty is unknown by suspect given their penchant for psychological operations as well as their fostering of propaganda.

It appears that through a combination of unfettered invasion by radical Islamic sympathizers and a push by Globalists Like Soros and Schwab they have fostered animosity toward Isreal and the Jews especially in the US on college campuses and at the Capital.

With their ongoing desire to eliminate the national sovereignties of all the countries of the West.  It’s not surprising that they would utilize their stealth soldiers as a socially disruptive force against the Jewish people as the portrayal of them as the aggressor in the current conflict.

Whereas the current crisis there is not a war between peoples.  Rather, it is a created conflict between governments that rather than an opposition that couldn’t find a peaceful resolution.  Was a manufactured event created, planned, and orchestrated, not by the two governments. 

It was planned and financed as a means to an end by the world’s globalist elite in a further effort to push forward their plan to cause further social disruption and a permanent elimination of national sovereignty.

Who are the victims of this manufactured event?  Not the countries that staged the event.  But rather, the innocent civilians who have been brutalized, raped, ravaged, and killed as well as displaced from their homes.

And why, you ask?  Well, it is a cruel scheme to act as a smoke screen and catalyst for the narrative of  forced immigrant migration. 

A narrative they use to hide the movement of their UN , Brix treaty stealth soldiers into the Western countries to begin their assault on the economies, sovereignties and societies in preparation for their destruction to make way for the creation of the Globalist one world totalitarian government.

Conclusion:  The current rash of antisemitism being folstered and put on display is being manufactured and utilized as simply one more act by the Globalists to destabilize, demoralize and hopefully destroy the social bonds of the Western countries in a bid to eliminate national sovereignties.

Israel’s Retaliation To Iran

Israel has now committed to retaliation to the Iranian rocket and drone attacks.  The only problem is that, unlike Iran, Israel’s attack will likely be by aircraft.  Further, it will be much more destructive.

The problem is first, how many civilians will be forced to suffer from their coming attack?  This is not government versus government.   This violence will always be foisted on the civilians of each country.

The issue is that the beginning of this path of violence may well have been a rogue assault of opportunity as I doubt that it was a sanctioned attack on the Iranian Syrian embassy.

Chances are this attack was precipitated upon finding out Iranian generals were present, and some Israeli commander stepped off the reservation to take unilateral action with authorization from his higher ups and not considering the ramifications of his actions. 

As such, such an attack, of course, could not go unanswered, requiring Iran to act to save face.  The US has asked Isreal not to retaliate to the face saving action by Iran.

If it stopped there, it would not interfere with overall globalist plans and objectives.  However, now Isreal has pleaded that the face saving attack must be avenged, thus expanding the problem and further exacerbating an already tense and troubling issue.

If Isreal does as they have committed to pinpoint airstrikes that not only do extensive damage.  But further cause loss of civilian lives.  This could trigger a Brix treaty response, forcing a much wider conflict, possibly triggering a worldwide conflict.

The US, NATO, and possibly the UN might get involved if the Brix treaty is triggered by an Isreali attack on Iranian territory or assets.  It’s just a guess at this point, however, while a World War may have been part of the Globalist agenda. 

I doubt they were ready to pull the trigger on that particular event at this juncture .  Thus, chances are they are busy behind the scenes attempting damage control and trying to calm nerves before this situation gets completely out of hand and can’t be easily reined in.

Conclusion:  Though this hold chain of events may well have been some Isreali commanders’ wet dream. 

The fact that now the Isreali government is not willing to at least candidly admit their people screwed up and are too busy Saber rattling rather than putting a cabosh on this unfolding drama says that perhaps old animosities are stronger than the Globalists control over the world governments.

This may well be an indication that the people of the world still have a chance to turn back and stop the globalists’ culling and conquest agenda before it reaches it ultimate end.  Only time will tell.

The Coming War

The attacks of both Isreal on the Iranian Embassy in Syria and the return attacks on Isreal are they planned events heralding the World War the Globalists have been seeking? 

To hasten their culling of the world population and the destruction of the current countries in the preparation for the creation of the One World Government that has been the Globalists’ endgame since the beginning?

Or was this a rogue action, as was the attack on the Iranian Embassy?   Occasionally, the countries go off the reservation, so to speak and take unilateral action without clearing it with their globalist masters causing a mess, which then has to be cleaned up by the US and other major players.

The attack by the Palestinians, contrary to the official narrative, in my opinion, was a wholly orchestrated and staged event sanctioned by their globalist masters and with the complete knowledge and cooperation of all involved governments.

There is no way in this day of satellite surveillance 24/7 that anything as large as a major attack could be hidden.  Especially not with one of the countries having the best agreeably intelligence agency in the world.  It was a planned and carried out sanctioned event.

In this case, however, it is possible that Israel could have become cowboys and decided to do something stupid, like arbitrarily taking out a couple of Iranian generals just because they saw an opportunity that presented itself.  But wasn’t sanctioned by the Globalist. 

And, thus, it also triggered a retaliation by a long rival state.  Making this a rogue unsactioned escalation of a rogue assault.

Thus making the US and possibly other larger powers to have to step in and separate the two rogue players and restore the status quo.

Or is this the prelude to something much more dangerous to the world at large, possibly the outset of the World War the Globalists have been planning to push forward their nefarious agendas of depopulation and world domination.

Conclusion: Only time will tell us which scenario is the right one.  However, whichever eventuality is the correct one, one truth remains its always the civilian population is the ones in the end that pay for their governments actions and stupidity.

They pay the blood price for these games on the world stage.  In my estimation, it should be the governments leaders that stage these actions of violence that should be held accountable for these heinous despicable abuses of the civilian population.