The Democrats Are Afraid,   He Will  Run Again?Why?

It is just another sign of either pure stupidity.  Or mental instability that there are stories being put out about their fear of Joe Biden running again.  If they are so fearful, why did they vote him in in the first place? 

It’s obvious, they bought their parties lies, and now are suffer from the fact that they had been fooled, they know it, as does the rest of the world.  Now, they are being forced to own their stupidity.  Whether, they like it or not, Joseph Biden was a seriously foolish error.

The consequences,  are being seen worldwide.  If he runs again, either he will end with a complete landslide for the Republicans.   Or the Democrats will be forced to cheat again.  Yet, if they do it,  would come at the death of the Democratic party.  Or the end of the United States as States succeed from the Union. 

After, the incredible lie that  the Democratic party forced on the US people.  And, further “Presidency,” of their liar Joe Biden.  It has become clear , that Biden has not only sided with Communist China.  As well as the NWO, and the rest of the US worldwide enemies.
All of the America’s Strengths were systematically either signed away.  Or, negotiated away by the Elites puppet.  With the US being betrayed at every turn, it is abundantly clear that not only the Republicans were lied to.  But,  all voters were lied to.  The United States of America is on the brink of collapse.

Another Biden or  Democratic  election equals the end of the US as it  has been.  The 2nd War between the States is what will be left.  Though, it looks like a Civil War is what it will appear as.  It is more accurate to say it is a civil war caused by Revolution caused by enemies of the US worldwide.

Conclusion: Biden or other Democratic candidate,  will trigger these above events as the Voters realize that it has gone on to long.  And, that no legal vote is possible to correct the problems as they stand.  

Correction by violence and war will become the only alternative left to the Patriotic Americans.   As well as those, who finally are willing to own the facts that their party has lied to them for a very long time.

I have included a link to a article on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Glenn Greenwald explains media shift against Biden: ‘Democrats are petrified’ he’s going to run again

Starvation Is A Growing Fact

It started out as a conspiracy theory, however after forced destruction of US farm crops.  Forced dump of dairy products, as well as the “Mysterious, ” deaths of 100’s of cattle because of excessive heat.  Even though the temperature was not bad on the day in question.

This is also the only forced mass starvation  on record.  That is unless it was times when war was being waged against particular peoples or ethnic groups.

It appears there is a concerted effort by not only the US government,  but a growing list of other countries to create a worldwide state of emergency due to lack of food production . 

A worldwide starvation , not only intentionally caused, but was purposefully created in specific nations.  Mainly, targeting western industrialized nations.  Many  African nations have had this occurring for decades, without relief.

Now, it is time to see how many they can reduce from the western countries. This is not a secret, it has been coming for a while now.  We were warned that if the government got control of food production,  we were in for a forced starvation , yet people ignored the red flags and warning coming from the farmer, cattle ranchers and dairy farmers.

Now, the reductions are being noticed  in Germany, and elsewhere in the E.U. .  The farmers are protesting the coming starvation  they can see on their horizon.  Yet, in the US, there is little to no protests, mainly because the people in the US are used to always having enough of everything.

Our parents were those who last suffered under the  shortages of war.  As such, this generation has been lucky enough to not to have suffered as our grand parents, and our parents did.  However, I suspect if the world elites have their way, alot more deaths by starvation  are  coming .

Conclusion: If you want to stop this coming famine, we must act as a unified people of the world.  I suspect there is a small window to act, and it is getting smaller daily.  The choice is yours. 

You either, act globally to head off this man made famine.  Or you watch, as family, neighbors and children die right in front you as you realize your lack of action allowed this culling of humanity take place.

I have included a video as a reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Just Saying So, Doesn’t Make It So

I find it interesting that in woke political perspective,  just saying it is so makes it so.  If you are born a biological male doesn’t make it so as long as you say you are biologically female.

Right now, just say what you want and somehow that changes reality for you.  Further, if you say that’s the way it is , and just like that,  it forces the rest of reality to conform with your viewpoint.

This is the way sexuality works, that is if you belong to the woke political perspective.   Changing your sexual gender is as simple as just saying so.  Born a man?  Don’t want to be?  Then just say your a woman, and poof you are now female. 

If you choose to change your sex organs then you can do that to make you feel more comfortable,  however it is not necessary required to become a female or male for statement to be accurate in woke viewpoint. 

However, truth doesn’t have to agree with woke political perspective.   Further,  you just have to believe it and it becomes so.  It’s sort of humorous that when the LBG group was formed being bisexual, or a lesbian or gay was the far-out left side of the political spectrum.   However, now if you are a member of a woke political perspective now, you simply shoehorn your woke perspective into the homesexual group, and this apparently grants your viewpoint legitimacy.

What pedophilia to be accepted?  Simply come out with a new catchphrase,  and a new flag , and shoehorn your perspective into the LGB moniker.  Now, if anyone disagrees they belong to a group trying to demonize your positive helpful, good role model you are now representing to the world.  And, that is how you create your own woke political perspective.

Transgender woke political perspective,  has been under some fire lately because, unfortunately just saying you are a woman or man for that matter does not make it so. 

The Transgender community has been pushing their woke perspective in female sports, forcing biological females to face biological males in sports requiring strength,  endurance and the ability to match male stamina.   And, as such the biological males posing as females are beating the biological females.

The Transgender woke perspective has as such painted themselves into a corner.  The groups that would normally defend their wokeness can’t do this without appearing hypocritical.   So they had to side with the physically weaker group, which means they defended biology or appearance.

Futher, the Transgender woke political perspective attempted to say biology can be wrong, and therefore changed.  Problem is, just because you are a male that changes his hormones  or even his sexual organs changed. 

It does not make him capable of becoming a biological female.  Regardless, of what he appears to be, he will never be an actual female .

Conclusion:  While, woke political perspective, is the ability to join the LGB whatever , thereby becoming mainstream and politically bulletproof.   Not every far left has the ability to successfully make the transition from demonize to accepted. 

Transgender  woke political perspective appears to be one of the exceptions to the rule.  Sadly, it failure appears to be not in following the guidelines,  but instead in it’s own branding.

I have an article as an example of the above view.
I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Macy Gray to Piers Morgan: Gender-affirming surgery doesn’t make you a woman