A Question of Change

The U.N. put out it’s Agenda 21, Agenda 25, Agenda 30 as a framework of change. Change not only for the US, but for the world. The Globalist have been pushing this agenda for a very long time.

The first thing to understand is that voting and the 2 party system are nothing but distractions. The truth is our government was taken over by Globalist long ago as have the rest of the world’s governments.

Their plan for transformation is hidden in many different titles, New Green Deal, Global initiatives for Change, Climate Change Initiative, and so on. The key thing to remember is that not only are they operating on a global scale, but also on a national as well as local scale as well.

The goal for our country is the destruction of the state and national sovereignty. Their intention is to break up the states, moving to a 6 regional plan. Under this plan there would be mega cities in each region. Unlimately the whole world be ruled by a Global government. This is their plan, and everything they do is to destroy the current paradigm.

Nothing that occurs is by chance, including the release of the Covid-19 bioweapon. They have basically shown their hand, by printing their blueprint in the U.N. documents listed above. Further, they have also listed not only what they intend to accomplish, but they have list their time frame for doing it believing that most of what they wish to accomplish will be completed by 2050.

The have a website listing titled America 2050. They will break down old paradigm relationships and allegiances. No more connections to states,federal or Constitutional rights. Also, elimination of personal relationships, no friendships, familial relationships either.

Your only allegiance is to the World Governments, making all people part of the system of policing and control. Without, caring about others you feel no remorse about calling in any transgression. We have seen evidence of this in people reporting people who have went against the Covid-19 lockdown mandates.

The goal is total control, and technology has caught up to their goals. The have always desired the ability to create life and immortality. They are very close to creating life, as well as at least life extension if not immortality itself.

What you need to understand is that the Globalist have had this plan for a very long time and they are only now revealing it directly. If you knew what to look for you could have uncovered at least so of their intentions in the writings of Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells and others. The goals are power over everything, and total control of every person and every aspect of existence.

Conclusion: All mechanization of change has the Globalist goals at their center. Climate change, Disarmament of the entire world. Elimination and disarmament of the nation’s policing force. Elimination of religion, sexual morality as well as silencing decent.

Further, they intend to eliminate the Constitution, or at the very least call a Constitutional Convention and change the document to remove your 1st and 2nd as well as your 4th amendment rights.

Make no mistake, all of the things spelled out in this post are coming if we do not make drastic changes to stop there occurrence.

I have included a video of Rosa Korie explaining U.N. Agendas 21,25 and 30 as well as some of America 2050.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Civil War 2.0

The last few months have been marred by violent riots in democratic cities around the US. There has been huge loss of property, as well as loss of life. This violence was supposedly touched off by the death of George Floyd. However, it is clear that the violent groups were looking for a reason and used Mr.Floyd’s death as a catalyst for their country wide riots.

The fact that they used the radical groups BLM and Antifa to try and push their racist, Anti-American, marxist agenda is irrelevant. Those who are paying attention see the real targets are eliminating local policing authority as well as federal policing authority.

The mere fact the that the local as well as federal Democrats absolute support for these uprisings is not only treasonous, but is by their actions supporting domestic terrorism. They have ordered stand downs of local police, as well as opposed the federal policing agencies being called in to defend federal buildings in affected areas.

As the Republicans have moved to block and stop this continuing Insurrection, they have been ridiculed by Democrats in Congress, most notably by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Speaker Pelosi has accused the President of being heavy handed, further leading the Democratic response to these violent riots nationwide.

Who is being forced to suffer the actions of these violent rioters? The common man who loses his property to the violence, as well as bystanders who are not only attacked by these rioters, but in some cases beaten or shot and killed.

The people of this country will only suffer this Insurrection for so long before they rise up to put these insurrectionist down. In 2016, the people had had enough of an increasingly Anti-American Democratic government that had targeted conservatives with governmental overreaching and constant attacks on the American values that we have all held dear.

It was only the election of President Donald Trump that kept a full blown revolt at that time. However, the Democrats have done ever conceivable thing to damn this President and to push their treasious agenda forward culminating in the riots we have seen taking place in Democratically controlled states and their continuing support for the Anti-American Insurrectionist.

This can only goe on for so long before the people will be forced to rise up to stop this runaway violence and destruction. When this uprising occurs, it may well take the form of a new civil war between the left and the conservative elements in the communities.

There has been a large section of Americans that were once Democrats, that can no longer support the party due to it’s Anti-American left leaning agendas, which they repeated have stated would “fundamentally,” change our country forever if actually implemented.

I suspect a new civil war would be a very bloody conflict. Further, I suspect a majority of the Democratic party would not survive in power. The cost of such a conflict would be high in destruction of property and loss of life. Yet, nevertheless is what appears to be looming on the horizon, if nothing changes.

Conclusion: For to long the enemies of this country have been been actively working against this country. I believe, as they push their agendas and violence on an increasingly fed up population that it is only a matter of time before one riot to many will occur, and it is the spark that will ignite the push back and uprising that will be the beginning of the Civil War 2.0.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

The Coming Storm

I have for a while questioned the validity of the actual threat of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Having seen no sign of it in my everyday life I thought that it was something the government was using to crash the economy.

Further, I believed it was a scheme to keep people locked in their homes ahead of some sort of invasion perhaps ushering in the U.N. and Agenda 21 . However, I was set straight about the real threat the Covid-19 really poses toward not only our country, but the entire world.

You see my friend has seen the death and destruction wrought by the Covid-19. She had spoken to doctors, nurses and PA’s who has been battling the disease. They had shared first hand how people had struggled and died.

There is no apparent immunity to Covid-19. I was reminded that this disease was created as a bioweapon, created to be a perfect killer. Their test they created is completely useless. As such there is no way to know you have the disease.

Covid-19 was created to be as easily transmitted as the common cold. It was created to be asymptomatic so that as it hurt the host, that host would continue to infect others. All the while the disease attacks all the hosts organs damaging them in some cases beyond curing causing death.

Even if you can fight it off, there is no herd immunity. As such you can contract it again and again. Their “vaccine, ” is suspect at best, and being created for some nefarious purpose at worst. I am told that no immunity is possible, which means their vaccine has some other purpose entirely.

However, after being told by the likes of Bill Gates that vaccines will help eliminate a good portion of the population. Remember 95% is what Bill Gates and others see as the number of the population that needs to be eliminated.

Further, it is Bill Gates who is buying shares in a vaccine as well as owning the original disease. I believe you would have to be insane to trust any vaccine that he had a hand in creation.

After, my friend’s impassioned post explaining the truth about what is the real impact of the Covid-19, I have to question why would they allow all those people to leave quarantine to protest? Knowing how dangerous it was and that they would surely be at high risk not only to contract the disease, but to transmit it to others.

There is only one reason I can think of and that was to infect as many people as possible with the Covid-19. Then to transmit it to as many as possible to kill as many as they could.

Further, we are being told that the second wave of this disease is coming in October or November. With protesting continuing and a fight to defund as many police departments as possible, violence and crime will skyrocket. With truck drivers already saying they will not go to any city that their safety is an issue.

You can expect shortages of everything including food. Just like before everything will be in short supply. However, the worse part of the shortages will be food. Starvation will occur, as will more violence as people start looking for food. There will be a breakdown in civil interaction, with everybody becoming suspect.

Conclusion: Covid-19 is much more dangerous than people realize. It was create to infect, remain hidden and to kill as many as possible. It was quite literally created to kill as many as possible, and I think it will do just that.

I advise you to prepare by putting away as much food and other supplies as you can giving you a cushion between starvation and survival. I would also get weapons and other survival gear. You have several months to prepare , you can survive by making preparations ahead of such an outbreak .

I have included a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Racism Is Racism Regardless Of The Race Perpetrating It

Racism=Racism regardless of what the race is perpetrating it.  I will not stand by and beg forgiveness for my race, anymore than any other race would. 

This is simple,  I am sick and tired of my race being used as whipping boys, and scapegoats for the fact that others have either not tried to use hard work to get ahead.  Or get “mistreated,” by the authorities because you have chip on your shoulder and can’t live without breaking laws and use your race as the reason. 

Rather than except responsibility for your own actions.  Just look at the murder and mayhem that has been foisted on everyone by anarchists, Marxist and racebaiters in the last weeks.  The Groups Antifa and BLM think they can whip up a race war and that they can demonize White Americans. 

I have news for you, We are NOT the enemy, nor are we the problem.  The problem resides on the heads of the ones pulling the strings behind the curtains, and controlling the Democratic party. 

The rest of us are just regular working people, black,  white or otherwise.  I am tired of being blamed for the sins of those who are in control of the power of the world, and make no mistake it has NOTHING, whatsoever to do with what race anyone is, but instead how much money and power you wield. 

I will no longer be nice about this, these Enemies of us All need to be faced and called out on their attempt to destroy America and turn American against American in a bid to destroy our country and make way for the creation of the NWO. 

I have included a video on the subject.

A Simulation Or Something Else Entirely

I have of late revisited the possibility that we exist in some sort of very elaborate Simulation. The more things I find, the more keep turning up all over the internet.

Now, I know we have all seen the airplanes sitting still to the sky for minutes at a time, not falling seemingly defying gravity. However, how about entire parks filled with people that just stop. Nobody moving at all, simulated people? Perhaps, for a brief period, time just locally stopped?

What would cause such phenomena? How about lights it the sky? One video shows the light of what appeared to be the sun inside a cloud, not above it. The problem is that knowing alternate realities exist, it is possible that the energy barrier between these realities and possibly alternate dimensions as well could be constantly moving in and out of our own reality.

It would appear to be a simulation, while what is really occurring is much more intricate indeed. The evidence shows something is happening worldwide. The problem is without constant surveillance, and scientific devices to record and log these phenomena, it just remains a mystery.

What if the Mandela Effect and the Paradigm Shift are part of this constant interaction? Could it be natural phenomena identified as something else entirely. There has to be a way to categorize and identify whether we are in a simulation or are continuously interacting with other realities.

Conclusion: We must be vigilant in our research, and find ways to measure and log all the phenomena we encounter. I don’t know what is worse, not knowing what is occurring. Or identifying what is actually happening, and learning that all we are experiencing is actually just some sort of incredibly intricate computer simulation.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Advanced Civilizations Hidden From Us By Accident Or By Design

There is ample evidence to suggest not just one or two, but possibly dozens or more extremely advanced civilizations have not only existed in the past. There is evidence that at least some of these entities are currently still on Earth today.

When we start analyzing the architecture, designs and even art appear to have been created by the same beings. From Pyramids in Egypt and South America. To art depicting the same beings in several places worldwide.

We have heard of the flying machines in India’s ancient Sanskrit text. To evidence of atomic weapons being used in some ancient war that turned part a desert to glass. As well as the granite steps in a Egyptian Pyramid showing signs it melted and reformed.

We haven’t even mentioned the art in the Egyptian pyramids depicting jets, helicopters and other assorted technology we are told was not possible at their primitive state at the time.

We have not even grazed the surface of the mountains of evidence being hushed, of alien, possibly interdimensional reptilians existing on our planet as we speak. Not only depictions of these reptilian creatures going all the way back to the begining of human history. With some people saying that at least one faction of these Reptilians being called the Anunnaki.

Supposedly, there is another faction of Reptilians called the Drago Reptilians. These Reptilians are said to have traded technology for our people. Apparently, they eat humans especially children, and drink their blood. These Reptilians are said to be shapeshifters and the blood and flesh are said to help them maintain human shape.

Other beings exist such as the Greys, the Insectodes and a host of cryptids that may or may not be sentient . There has been debate that some or all of these creatures are interdimensional and possibly demonic. However, religious connotations aside we just have hearsay and art evidence that they exist.

Conclusion: Whether you believe in these creatures or not there is enough evidence left behind to not only believe they existed in the distant past. But also believe it is very possible they still exist today. Further, the archeology community has been engaged in not only a cover-up of epic portions.

It is very possible our own governments hid their existence for fear of a general revolt if the population found out not only are we not most advanced civilization on this planet. We are part of a bargain in which we were traded for as a food source and blood source.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Quantum Random Number Generator And The Randonautica App

I am continuing a post I wrote recently on Probability Tunnels. Well, that post was about a new app called “Randonautica.” It is an app that says that if you answer a few questions, and think of an intent the app will give you coordinates to fulfill that intent.

Randonautica app claims that based on a choice of one of 3 decisions, which decide if there is more,less or equal possibilities you will recieve a random set of coordinates to fulfill whatever your initial intent was. However, does it function as stated?

Supposedly, through the use of a Quantum Random Number Generator, it provides a truly random set of coordinates to a destination. However, let’s analyze this statement to see how this could possibly be true.

The way a random number generator is supposedly said to function is it will use either binary or other means to create a number sequence that is suppose to be random. However, under normal circumstances the number sequence though it appears quite random, isn’t.

Whether, binary, ascii or any other means to try and randomize numbers, there are a finite list of numbers. This means that with enough time and a good computer you would find that though it appeared random, it wasn’t.

With a Quantum Random Number Generator, however there is true randomness. Using the spin of Quantum particles to map out random number sequences up to 512 bits. As such I tried to explain possibility tunnels in my last post, so if you would like to read about that go to my blog: patriotpages.wordpress.com .

What I am questioning is this, ” How can an random set of coordinates lead you to a personal intention?” The answers I have applied to this question are all rather disturbing.

For instance, if any random coordinates can possess an answer to an intent. Then, we are in a simulation of some kind where things exist at specific spacial coordinates and therefore the app isn’t doing anything mysterious, just locating resources that occur at regular intervals, and leading you to those resources.

It could somehow, pull an answer from and alternate reality to this reality to answer your intent. This is what a Quantum Computer does.

The next possibility is that someone or something uses your GPS location to place objects or directs you to specific locations to appear to fulfill your intent. I find this idea the most disturbing, because the possibilities of what or who, could range from Ai from our reality or some other. It could be a person or group leading you to either a nefarious purpose. Or even, aliens, interdimensional beings or stalkers.

The last possibility is actually three fold. That someone is manipulating time. Or possibly space as in the Mandela Effect or the Paradigm Shift to change reality itself to place things at the coordinates the app leads you to.

Conclusion: Enough people have used the Randonautica app with similar experiences to at very least dictate caution while using this app. I would suggest the following:
1. Never turn on your GPS at your home to start the app.
2. After using the app turn off your GPS before you get near your home.
3. Be aware of your surroundings, and be aware of people following you or you encounter at the coordinates the app leads you to.
4. If possible take a group of friends with you when using the app.
5. If possible legally arm yourself just in case.
Be cautious. Only use the app in the daytime.
As I learn more information about this app, I will post it.

I have included the Apps information page for reference on this topic
I encourage you to research this topic as well.


The Beginning of The End?

The future has always been enigmatic, shrouded in mystery, and unknown. So why am I writing this if it remains so? The fact is we know more now than we ever have, and the information comes from multiple sources including the Christian Bible.

Wars and rumors of wars, a third of the sea dying. Plagues, starvation birds dropping out of the sky dead yet, for no apparent reason. It has been said that these are the latter days spoken of in the Book of Revelations .

The rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, was said to be a sign. It has already begun, and the enemies of Israel are mounting. We aren’t at the time yet, but we are closer than we ever have been in all of human history. The time is short indeed, and though you may or may not be a Christian, but the signs are there.

As for non-religious context, let me mention I have heard from more than a few secular sources who have been predicting a civil war in the US. During which Russia and China and others take the opportunity while the US is divided to use their Nuclear weapons on California and other states in a bid to cut the head off of their enemy before it realizes it’s happening.

The NWO would rise from the ashes of the United States. The worse totalitarian, government the world has ever seen. I have seen the U.N.’s plan, Agenda 21,25 and 30. It calls for a culling of 95% of mankind.

I have heard modern day prophets saying they have have seen a time that the U.N. troops on the ground in Washington. Chinese and Russian soldiers, taking people prisoner. They have said that they believe this will happen near October of this year. They have cautioned people to have food,water,guns and bullets and medical supplies stored before October.

I suspect that the Mandela Effect as well the Paradigm Shift, and other oddities that have been occurring are factions trying to speed up as well as slow down our March toward the end. If you would like to more information about the ME, PS and other oddities feel free to check out my blog. (patriotpages.wordpress.com).

Conclusion: Though, I admit that a few years ago, I would have not gave credence to any of this however, the recent events including all of the above listed occurrences, plus the recent “pandemic,” have convinced me otherwise.

I will leave you with this, Preparedness is always a good idea. Further, with the recent events including the violent riots and destruction of our nation’s historical statues and monuments it is imperative.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.
