I Believe,  Therefore It Is

I have been thinking alot about Paranormal occurrences, including UFO phenomena.  I addressed it from the perspective of a holographic universe.

I began to consider the possibility that we ofttimes, have expectations of a particular place or situation, before we go there.  We are told this place or road or forest is haunted.

And, upon going there, we find that it is exactly like what you have been told.  I would like you to take a moment and consider the possibility that if we indeed exist in a holographic universe,  then it is possible we are the ones creating our own experiences through our belief that the place is haunted.

It is possible to make a thought form by belief that it is real.  In Tibetan belief, we are able to create Thought forms or Tupas which you give a purpose, a time to exist and a time to end.

These thought forms then accomplish whatever was their purpose, and then cease to exist.  However, we can accidentally create one by believing in a specific idea, and without a purpose specifically given or time period to exist they can continue permanently.

These thought forms gain power from each person believing in them, and there is your haunting, demon or other entity.   Am I suggesting every Paranormal or UFO event is created by those who believe in it?  The answer is “no.” 

Do I believe it likely that at least some of these haunts,demons and UFO encounters are thought forms created by those going to look for them, believing they will experience the Paranormal,  “yes.”

Conclusion:  There is a great amount of knowledge, that we just don’t have on this subject.  Same goes with the makeup of this reality.  As such we must at least consider the possibility that we are creating our experience by our beliefs and expectations.

We must keep an open mind in searching for the truth about our reality, and our purpose within it.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Standing At The Edge

There is a real possibility that we as a society will either step over the edge, or will be pushed by a government that will do anything to eliminate our way of life and create the nightmare of a world government and religion.

Martial Law, has been thrown around as a way for them to eliminate Constitutional barriers that were put in place a certain to stop the government from claiming authority, that should belong to the people .

The Constitution as a bulwark of our freedom, has kept the barbarians at the gate, and not in front yards and from kicking down your doors.  Yet ,people like Joe Biden have little to no respect for the American people.  Biden, even questioned “What is an American? Not one person can tell me what is an American.”

As such I suspect, those in power will not allow the Constitution to remain a wall, to block the Communist Ideology, and Ultimately the NWO from flourishing in this country, and then the world.

And, just as our Founding Father’s knew what would happen in future America.  So to on the other side a man named Albert Pike who was the head of the Masons knew also what would happen, with help of the Illuminati agents to give a push here, and a shove there.

He made a statement as to what were the Illuminati’s goals for the 20th and 21st centuries .  He prophecies were about 3 world wars to move the world from where it was in the beginning of the 20th century to the place where the New World Order’s one world government and one world religion.
(*See at the end for his prophecies.)

Conclusion: If you understand the rights spelled out In our Constitution,  you would understand why the government regardless all the executive orders written do not possess the legal authority to declare Martial Law according to the Constitution.

Remember,  if you don’t stand up for the rights you have, then you don’t have any rights
at all.

I have included a link to the prophecies of Albert Pike.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Albert Pike and the 3 World Wars

The Mandela Effect And The  Holographic Universe

There have been countless hypothesis regarding the mysterious occurrence known as the Mandela Effect.  Further, I found a corresponding occurrence I have dubbed the Paradigm Shift.  

I will cover the Paradigm Shift in a separate post.  For now, I would like to discuss The idea of the Holographic Universe, and the Mandela Effect.

One of the weirdest text I have seen is from the C.I.A. in a report called Project Gateway, in which the cover the nature of reality as energy.  The state in this text that our reality is a Hologram made up of the above mentioned energy.

As such, they suggest  several ways to focus your energy, including Transcendental Meditation as well as biofeedback.   They state that by focusing your energy like a laser, you can create the reality as you see fit.

Furthermore, they imply that reincarnation is a reality, as well as alternate dimensions are also a reality.   They state when you die, your energy reunites with the infinite energy, and exists and therefore is also infinite.

However, for our purposes,  let’s just examine how focusing of your energy can change the Hologram.   Assuming this statement is true, then it is possible the Mandela Effect, is simply just people learning to change their reality through focusing their energy on a specific change.

A lot of scientists, entrepreneurs and others have stated they believe reality is a simulation or hologram,  however to have one of our nation’s intelligence agencies to say it adds  a definite air of legitimacy to this theory.

Conclusion:  Note the report on project Gateway has as been declassified, and is downloadable in PDF  form. 

As far as a summary of this subject, I can only say I have seen reality change when focus of energy was applied to reality.  So in as much as I have seen this phenomenon occur, I have to say that in that respect , I believe this aspect of the report is accurate.

As far as the rest is concerned, I leave that up to to the reader’s judgment to decide for yourself.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.