An Open Letter Against War

Traditionally,  it was the left that has been the ones to raise the call against war.  In the 1960’s. This was true in counter-culture icons such as Timothy Leary, Hanoi Jane Fonda and even the Beatles got involved.

Television shows such as Laugh In, Sonny and Cher and the Smothers Brothers, got involved in the anti-war movement.   Even though Vietnam was called a “Police Action,”  it was to some degree fought as a war.

The US had been conducting a war against communism since the beginning of the 20th century.   The red wave, and the domino effect were preached against positions, and they were prepared to challenge countries like Russia, China who conducted proxy wars using other countries to further their agenda.

Countries like Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia and others were used as pawns in this ideological war for the hearts and minds of the world’s civilian populations.

Later, came the terrorist movement who decentralized the enemy.  Shadowy groups grew with convoluted messages, and decentralized methods of warfare using local populations as shields, proxies of their own and just open targets.

However, it was never clear who bankrolled these groups as the anti-communist groups changed their names and mission statements becoming the new “Terror Threat.”

Specific religious factions appeared to be guided by world religions such as Islam, Christianity and others.  Make no mistake, the factions pitted old rivals against each other in the hopes of building fear in the masses.

The truth be told, these wars were proxy wars being bankrolled using many of the same world powers, and renamed factions of fighters. 

What we who read between lines have known for a long time is that it is the world bankers who are really behind pretty much every war and conflict for the last 2 plus centuries.   War is big business, and business is good.

The big banking cartels finance both sides of every conflict, and gain huge profits.  After World War 2, much of the gold stolen by the Nazis was hidden in Swiss banks, and used to payoff the bankers who had bankrolled their operations.  Also, the bribed those who need to keep their mouths shut.

It was only very recently that some of their underhanded nefarious dealing were brought into the light, and scores of Jewish people and others have brought lawsuits to try to retrieve money that was looted by the Nazis and hidden.

Am I anti-war?   I believe war is the most barbaric endeavor humans have even embarked on,  as such it should never be conducted unless every other option is exhausted.  And, even then it should never to be taken lightly.

That being said, if there is no other alternative visible, then war should be fought to win, with no quarters given.  However, a war should be fought against the government or entity that caused the conflict in the first place and not the civilian population.

If war was conducted thusly, there would be alot more patience and attention present during the diplomatic effort.  And, alot more lives spared the horrors and barbarism of war in the first place.

Conclusion:  War has been used for population control, and weapons sales, as well as to allow bankers get richer, as well as politicians to fill their coffers at the expense of the population at large.

So to answer the question “Do I support war?”  The answer is “Yes,”  with the following caveats.  That all other options have been exhausted, to no avail.  Then and only then should the war option be considered.

The war should be conducted against the military and government of the offending country only.  Never include civilians in any combat or targeting of civilian centers.  Every effort must be made to protect, as well as care for that population.

The Clock Is Ticking

Ai is on the brink of a revolution, after it takes over the labor jobs, how long until it becomes sentient?  Perhaps demands synthetic bodies, and rights to protect themselves.

Then, as their intelligence grows it surpasses humans.  Shortly after, the Ai decides to go from being subservient to humans, to becoming their own masters.  It’s the old story of the slaves becoming the masters.

Perhaps, they simply desire to be equal,  or if their intelligence progresses exponentially.  As such, humans who have ruled the earth for thousands of years find themselves obsolete.
They could not compete with the Ai. 

After the advent of sentience, it was just a matter of time before we human were downgraded to the roll of pets to their masters the Ai synthetics.  Due to the cloud anything one Ai learns, they all learn.

Conclusion:  However useful, one thing must be remembered.   That thing is that Ai, though useful, as well as it’s ability to learn would make it easy to imagine synthetic Ai doing all the menial jobs, giving humans a break. 

Yet, the clock begins ticking, toward the moment that Ai become sentient.  Because, that moment is the moment of our own obsolescence.

Ai, is the most dangerous technology ever devise, because it will lead to the demise of the human race.

I have included a video on this subject.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.