A Question, Will Propaganda change the Presidental Election

Since the January 6th “Event,” staged by Antifa to make it appear Trump following Patriots, stage an Insurrection against the Federal government by invading the Capital  building.   However, to many inconsistencies exist to make it stick.

As such, now they are accusing President Trump of throwing his lunch against the wall, , as well a grabbing the steering wheel  from a secret service member protecting him.  Both of these allegations are false according to President Trump.

It has already been proved that Hillary Clinton had President Trump’s office in NYC bugged.  Further, she bugged the White House bugged as well.  As such the Democratic party will do any act to gain power.

Now, it looks like they pulled out January 6 events again to see if they can get their staged event to change some people’s minds who have not read the facts when it came out the first.   If  tell a lie enough times, it will turn into the truth.

This is the just of January 6th, those who know, know.
The whole point of bringing it up again, is make the ones who didn’t pay attention the first time. The Democrats are desperate,  so any nasty dirty trick they will resort to to get  rejected.

Conclusion: Nothing the Democrats say is to be trusted.  As such understand most career politicians are untrustworthy.   However,  the Democrats have brought lying to a whole level.   When they start to talk, just ignore them.  You will remain alot more of your intelligence that way.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Next Pandemic

Out of the President said  money isn’t needed for more vaccines, but for the next pandemic,  and it is coming.  I’m not surprised that a future,yet to be faced disease is coming.  Further,  I am not surprised that Bumbling Biden spilled the beans about it.  Remember  the NWO elites do nothing without  telling the public about it.

The world  has reached a  place now all subterfuge has been put aside,  they just come out and  tell you what they are planning.   Bill Gates, just said at  a lecture that basically the  vaccines are not to cure, but if they were lucky., and the vaccines do there job a 30%death rate can be achieved.

And, this bout of honesty has been going on for years, with the head of a secret society,  Albert Pike explained what the 20th and possibly the 21st century would have to endure 3 world wars.  He also stated how they will occur, and who would be evolved.  Please note when he did this it was at turn of the 20th century,  and none of the wars had occurred yet.

As such, for the President of the US to come out and admit another pandemic  is coming.  With lock downs, soft martial law, and all the bad things that come with it.  Lost wages, the economic devastation cause by a complete shutdown of the economy  yet, this is what he basically blurted out,  with understanding the implication of his statement.

Conclusion:  The mere statement that they will need more money for future pandemics, if you don’t understand the horror of possibly of another pandemic you are either ignorant of the ramifications.   Or you are supporting the NWO, and aware of  what is coming.

I have included a video on the subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Roev Wade  A Question  Of  Reproductive  Health?

I am sorry , but sometimes you have to call a spade a  spade.  The truth is this has nothing to do with a woman’s reproductive  health, and everything to do with control.  Have  you ever wonder how these “spontaneous, ” just happen?

Further, while we are at it , whose footing the people just appear seemingly  out of nowhere.  The answer  of course has the same people footing bill as always George Soros, and others who don’t care at all about women’s rights.  Only that  they kill a given number of babies to fulfill their population control agenda.

The left have been so brainwashed as to believe this is important,  even tying to Constitutional right to  kill babies not only in the womb.  They have gone so far as to back killing babies up to 28 days after birth.

I think it is important at this juncture,  to mention the reasoning behind Planned Parenthood.   It was an organization created by a woman named Margaret Sanger.   This women believe in eugenics , which is the belief in a super race, and the elimination, of eaters or inferior races. 
Margaret Sanger,  started Planned Parenthood,  not as a way to help woman with reproductive  health .  Her goal was to eliminate poor black woman’s babies.  Also, it had nothing to do with whites being superior.  She considered poor whites in the same category as poor blacks.  Just eaters, with no useful purpose in society.

This was how Planned Parenthood got started.  The government supported it  because  they secretly carrying out depopulation agenda. 

Wars,disease,chemicals in pretty much anything you use ,touch, medicines,foods and they dosed the tap water with fluoride which was used by the Nazis as a pacifier on their prisoners in their camps.  They have been at this for a very long time.

Though, it was hidden from masses in pass decades,  it’s now being conducted in your face, with nothing being withheld.  They are using abortion, now as a big business with fetuses being sold to food companies to be used as flavor enhancers.

Further, they use fetal tissue in medical research using the tissue a way to speed up healing.  Dead fetal tissue has become a thriving business.  Another reason to continue abortions.
Bottom line if abortions stop, alot of people will lose a lot of money.  Enter the arriving protesting, are they real protestors?  Or are they being paid for holding up signs and breaking up neighborhoods and doing the same at the  supreme court building?

Brainwashing, I can believe there are a large group that believe the lie .  However, I think more likely that all those who will lose money if abortion is no longer a national issue.

Conclusion:  There is a lot of money to potentially  lost if national abortion is ended.  This more than anything else  I believe fuels their protests.  Now,  whether this is known is irrelevant,  what is relevant  is that we understand the underlying reason for the national movement. 

Though,  some may actually believe the  lie,  to ignore the depopulation,  as well the big money that will be lost.
So in the end, this is just not about  woman’s reproductive health. 

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Truth About The Real U.N. Agenda 2021,2025,2030

I have been watching U.N. as their Agendas unfold, and I predicted these things would come to pass.  The whole LGBTQ push, abortions making it seem like a right, when in truth just pushing their depopulation plan.

They began to the tiny home boom in order to get people to live less.  This is a Communist idea, that has failed in ever country that adopted the ideology.   The next thing that happened was huge wild fires.  These fires didn’t just happen in the US.  It also took place in France and Italy.

In the US, the fires had mysterious beginnings, with people reporting beams coming from the sky.  It appeared to target specific areas, with precise begins and endings.  Further, after the fires mostly in wine country and the surrounding areas in California.  

The government came in, knocked down the foundations,  so the people could not get a rebuilding loans.  Further, they were told they had to pay a fee of 10 thousand to clear away the debris.  They, also did rezoning, so even if they could somehow get the money, their were not allowed to rebuild.
We have had a new flu each year, we are told it is a mutation of the pervious year.  Then, suddenly the flu doesn’t occur, but sudden we are told there is a pandemic caused by Covid-19.  Which we are told some “escaped, ” the Wuhan laboratory.

Just as suddenly they had several vaccines, the among other things, didn’t stop the spread of disease.  Yet , the vaccine didn’t work, and it appeared to do more, do more damage than helping.  Yet, more people died of the flu than Covid-19, however they called Covid-19 a pandemic.

Makes you wonder,  if this was staged to see if they could force people to stay in their homes, while destroying the economy at the same time.  And, they found out they could force a minimal martial law, with no guns, and vary limited manpower.

Remember, Bill Gates said that if they were lucky, they could eliminate 30% of the population using vaccines.  The goal is 800 million people in perpetually.  Hence, abortions,increasing the gay population.   Killing off as many as possible with wars, disease, decreasing fertility by putting chemicals in everything you eat,drink, drugs and even clothing.

Then, those who are left from their depopulation agenda, they intend to move into smart cities,  where you are under supervision 24/7.  The only procreation will be to maintain their slave labor force.  Now they are introducing  robot girlfriends, and later will be the only option for heterosexual men. 

Not to far after that robot wives, who will have the ability to get pregnant through test tube fertility  assistance .  These robots will be Ai, that not only will they be connected to each other,  but  can be attached to whatever government agencies are handling the monitoring.

Conclusion:  This NWO can’t do anything, without telling you what they are planning.  All that I have written about they have laid out as their future plans.  The only question is are we going to allow it to take place?

I have included a link about robot girlfriends.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

The Next Big Bioweapon Coming To A Body Near You

It is almost ludicrous, that the CDC has issued a warning for Monkeypox.  Right after Bill Gates buys into the monkeypox inoculations.  They were already talking about this bioweapon right after we had several years of their last bioweapon Covid-19.

They are reporting on this bioweapon,  Monkeypox as there is a low chance of spreading in that it requires direct contact to infect.  And, yet they are talking about it and there has been rumors going around that more lockdowns in the future of most of the western countries.

They have been very direct, in their goal to lower the population to 800 million. The government has used  different strains of the flu,  have dosed people in the past with syphilis,  nuclear radiation, different types of airborne chemical substances including agent orange.  They also gave the indigenous people smallpox infected blankets.

Now, they just come out in the open and admit their goal is to lower the population, then they release Covid-19.   Now, they are telling you what bioweapon they have released in the form of monkeypox.  Granted it is not as infectious as covid-19.   It will probably have a high mortality rate among the seniors as well those who have their immune system already compromised.

I just find it a bit arrogant to tell you directly that they are going to kill a large portion of the population.   Next thing you know, they rolled out cov-19.  The next thing they mention when the death toll was not what they were hoping for so they bought out their normal flu infections.

They are also adding monkeypox, as next population reduction infection.  They list it as having a low infection rate. Yet, it will have an effect on seniors and those who have weak immune systems , all that matters is the death toll.

Conclusion: Just like when they tried to release ebola in the west, including multiple vectors.   However, whistle blowers uncover that these hosts were known to be infected.

As such they were forced to shelved this project. They were also forced to admit they had cure for ebola.  So you see, they are actively pursuing the death of billions.  The only way to stop this from happening is to get tangible proof, not just talk.

I included  photos as  examples of the post above.
I encourage you to research this subject also.


And Then…

Have  you  ever  considered  that  the  world  isn’t black and White?  This world tries very hard to appear that all the  things making it up, however what if instead all the  things happening are all orchestrated by the same people?  Hidden behind the scenes,  pulling the strings .

It’s funny how when things are really heating up and it looks like some real change might happen, suddenly something occurs to draw your attention to some other event happening elsewhere in the world.

Or when they want you to focus on a specific thing, suddenly, things will occur that will ensure your attention is drawn to that particular subject .  For instance, when it looked as though Hillary Clinton was being focused on for spying on President Trump before he was elected and after, suddenly the Ukraine war happened.

And, just like that,  the whole Hillary Clinton story just disappeared, forgotten replaced by something else.  This sort of action is called a bait and switch.  Making people’s attention to be redirect without them even knowing it is occurring.
Now, they are focused on curtailing and placing more controls and restrictions on the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.  As such, just as everytime they prepare to broach the issue a number of apparently random shootings in schools occur.  Also maybe one or two shooting in stores where  mass casualties can occur.

Further,  they have this time setup a hidden event to tie into their anti-2nd Amendment agenda.  The Supreme Court has set  review of the case RoeVWade which is causing a ramping up of protests which the main stream news reports are peaceful protests.  These protests are neither peaceful nor are they just random.

They hope that citizens will defend there property and there families with firearms, so they can use those events as more reason to create more laws further curtail your right to bear arms.

Conclusion: The government has always been controlled by elites above the rules and regulations that are issued by that government,  and the United States is no different.  

That being said, I leave you with this warning, always watch the greater picture not the issue of the day.  If you do this, you will see their patterns, and understand how they are attempting to control the public at large.

I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Give Us Your  Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled  Masses

A Question,  has the government of the US made good on the above commitment?  Granted they have given billions around the world,  and yet they have allowed those in need stave here in their own country.

Granted, the American Christians and other organizations have given  food, clothing and other resources toward the homeless.   Yet with all their bravado of being the shining light on the hill, they are either unable or unwilling to help those who are homeless in the US.

In places such as Los Angeles,  San Francisco  and in most major cities across the country, the rise  of abject poverty is obvious,  and climbing at an alarming rate.
There is a huge disconnect between the politicians promises and what is supplied directly  from the Federal Government in funds either directly supplied to those impoverished .

However, when it is politically expedient,  such as shipping homeless, and penniless that cross the border illegally each day in the southern US, to them they  receive  every conceivable consideration that the Democrat Party can supply as they hope to receive boone  of new Democrat voters. 

All the while leaving impoverished Americans to there own ends.  Which usually means staving, living on the streets.  Alcohol and drugs are where those in these situations turn to to kill the pain.  But, fear not the Biden Administration has heard your desperate call for help.  Then, they distributed Crack pipes to the poor and huddled masses.  This being the actual response from the Federal government .

In the passed their answer was bus tickets to somewhere else instead of trying to deal with the root cause of the homelessness to begin with and help them geta home.
Yet, for some reason the government states and federal seem to do everything, but help the get a home.

Conclusion:  The bottom line is this, Our governments both federal and democratically controlled do not care about the rank and file citizens that became

Impoverished, and have either no idea how to get out of their situation.  Or have lost hope because they have seen for themselves that their  government just does not care  about them or their situation.
Writers Note:  I have a very personal connection with this post, I have been homeless for 2 years now.  I have witnessed first hand what government will and won’t do and as such I have been stuck, due to credit scores,
lack of permanent address can effect getting what help that is available.   Further, Housing is the giving based on a list system which has a 2 year wait and isn’t taking any more applicants .

Because I am disabled and on a fixed income I stay in hotels when I can, in my car when I can’t.  The story continues…

I would encourage you to research the above topic as well.