What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

Main Stream Media Has Gone From Slanted Ideological Narratives To Active Promotion Of Far Left Ideological Activism

NPR has recently been the latest example of blaringly promoting far Left and, in many cases, blatantly anti-American reporting pushing narratives that are counter to the US and its policies.

This goes beyond the slanted Left leaning standard of the Western journalism has promoted for decades.  Not just putting forth counter conservative perspectives.

This new far Left Activism abandons any semblance of pretending to offer a fair and balanced view of the current events. 

And simply outright opposes any perspective that is pro-American in perspective, support of American policies . Or defense of US laws, the US Constitution, or even recently politicians that attempt to represent the citizens of the US or the policies that would protect the citizens’ rights.

Donald Trump is a perfect example of their far left Activism in their neat constant attacks meant destroy the man simply because he had the audacity to go against their goals to destroy this country and anything even remotely Pro-American or conservative in nature.

Balanced journalism and unbiased reporting of the news is dead and a thing of the past.  That is if it really ever existed at all to begin with.

What is left are simply propaganda dispensing outlets that push a far Left narrative, which is tailored to show pro-American, pro-Constitutional, or pro-conservative perspectives as negative, misguided, racist and basically demonize anything Uniquely American.

Conclusion:  The Main Stream Media had been bought and paid for by the Globalists and has become one more arrow in their quiver to destroy the Western society,economy, and sovereignty.

Communism, Socialism and Far Left ideology is their preferred weapon against the ideas of conservatism and capitalism. 

As such, they use radical perspectives through almost Cult like Activism to attempt to destroy Western societies and ultimately economies and sovereignty in preparation for depopulation and globalist conquest of the planet.

Actual unbiased reporting of the news is dead.  There are no more news reporting agencies remaining.  What we have now is simply mouthpieces of globalist far leftwing propaganda.   This all they convey.

The Moral Dilemma of the Government Using Propaganda To Control It’s Citizens

Propaganda has been a powerful tool used by governments throughout history to influence public opinion and shape the beliefs of the population. In the United States, various administrations have employed propaganda techniques to control the narrative and sway public perception on a wide range of issues.

One of the most notable examples of propaganda in the US was during World War II when the government used posters, radio broadcasts, and films to rally support for the war effort. Through slogans like “Loose Lips Sink Ships” and imagery depicting the enemy as evil, the government effectively mobilized the population in support of the war.

In more recent times, the US government has been criticized for using propaganda to justify military interventions and wars in the Middle East. The manipulation of information and dissemination of misleading narratives have been employed to garner public support for controversial foreign policies.

The government also utilizes propaganda to shape public perception on domestic issues such as healthcare, gun control, and immigration. Through strategic messaging and media spin, authorities aim to influence public opinion and garner support for their agendas.

The rise of social media has provided new avenues for the government to disseminate propaganda and manipulate public discourse. State-sponsored disinformation campaigns, fake news, and targeted messaging have been used to influence public opinion and sow division among the citizenry.

The use of propaganda by the  raises concerns about the manipulation of information and the erosion of trust in institutions. When citizens are bombarded with misleading or biased information, it becomes challenging to distinguish fact from fiction and make informed decisions.

Propaganda can also be used as a tool for censorship and control of dissenting voices. By shaping the narrative and controlling the flow of information, the government can suppress opposing viewpoints and limit public discourse on sensitive issues.

The effectiveness of propaganda lies in its ability to appeal to emotions, biases, and fears. By tapping into these psychological triggers, propaganda can sway public opinion, incite outrage, and rally support for a particular cause or agenda.

It is essential for citizens to be critical consumers of information and to question the narratives presented by the government and media. By engaging in independent research and seeking diverse perspectives, individuals can guard against the influence of propaganda and make well-informed decisions.

Conclusion:  A democratic society, the use of propaganda by the government raises important ethical and moral questions about the balance between freedom of speech, transparency, and the protection of democracy. By remaining vigilant and holding authorities accountable for their messaging, citizens can help safeguard the integrity of public discourse and uphold democratic values.

Democrats Are Attempting to Eliminate The Electoral College

Democrats Are Attempting to Eliminate The Electoral College

With the electoral college, they use congressional votes to actually elect the president in any election. 

As such, the number of electoral seats per state determines the votes that can be given to each candidate.

One of the reasons for allowing these invaders into the country is to change the number of seats. Therefore, the number of votes specific states has thereby rewritten the congressional districts.

They are doing this to change the number of electoral votes for specific states.  At the same time, they are waging a war to eliminate the electoral college so they can simply stuff the ballot boxes to make rigging the election that much easier.

Conclusion: Whether you agree or not, the 2020 presidential election was influenced by faulty election voting machines.  As well as ballot box stuffing as well as a number of events that have never taken place, including stopping the vote count, vote tampering, as well as other actions . 

This is not conspiracy based on whistle-blower as well as video evidence as well as evidence that the machines were rigged to flip votes from Trump to Biden.  This has been proven I court.

The Democratic Party wants to eliminate the electoral college in order that ballot stuffing can use the popular vote rather than electoral seats to determine the winning candidate of the presidential election.

Censorship and the Hiding of The Globalist Conspiracy

I have noticed that a number of social platforms are using the excuse of (Community Standards) to hide blatant censorship of free speech when it comes to the governments selling out and complicity toward the globalist agenda.

Some platforms like Facebook and TikTok have been very upfront with their censorship agenda.  Other platforms are more subtle but nonetheless as adamant about towing the party line. 

Whether it’s blocking government decent here in the US.  Or in the case of TokTok blocking opposition to the Chinese and Communist issues.

Recently, I received a message from patrion stating 4 of my recent posts were censored because they were either in opposition to the invasion of the stealth army that has been allowed to invade the Southern Border  Or posts about the government sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer.

They are apparently running cover for the invasion of the US by the Globalists,UN, Brix Nations, and the Radical Islamic Middle Eastern countries.

Leading up to the 2024 Presidental election its obvious that the Democratic Party and their Marxist supported are pulling out all the stops to make sure nothing can be said by their opposition to prevent the coming Globalist agenda.

The Democrats have demonstrated their absolute contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.  They are now showing their absolute support of the globalist agenda and their adherence to the Marxist ideology.

As such, they are silencing detractors.  In some cases, it uses the three letter agencies, a weaponized judiciary, and backdoor censorship on social media platforms to maintain the globalist perspective in media and in movies, TV, and the MSM.

This censorship is merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is a worldwide selling out of the government leaders to the globalist agenda of depopulation and goal of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  My censorship on the patrion platform just galvanize my belief that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of freedom.  As such, it only pushes me to redouble my efforts to oppose censorship, the globalist agenda, and worldwide Marxist tyranny.

Their plot to depopulate the planet and conquer those who remain can not and must not be allowed to succeed.  It behooves every free thinking human being to oppose their thought policing and their attempt to enslave the human race.

Freedom of speech must be protected at all costs regardless of the consequences.