The Road Ahead

I have been making post after post about the fact that the world we live in is a falsehood created by an elite that are quite literally pulling the wool over your eyes to obscure their goal which they have been actually extremely transparent about.

They intend to eliminate the majority of the human population of the planet for purely selfish purposes. So they can survive at the expense of 98 % of the population being eliminated.

By disease, chemical, biological, war, starvation, and nuclear conflict, created calamities, whether technological or natural disasters, are caused by them. They have used psychological warfare to alienate, divide, and poison the minds of the young and old.

All the while quietly manipulating the entire world using ideologies, religions, political movements, and the financial markets to move forward their anti-human agenda. With allegiance to none except a select few Globalist elites with no national, religious, or ideological affiliations except their own selfish purpose of survival and world dominance.

Those unlucky enough to survive their culling of the majority of the world population will be locked in a perpetual state of free-range slavery. Destined to serve those same elites. Most likely confinded to prison like smart cities under constant surveillance and scrutiny.

Freedom, which has for a very long time dangled in front of them they will eventually learn was also an illusion. There was never actual freedom or self-determination. It was simply ideas to pacify the masses.

What the actual truth was that the people were always manipulated. Whether by religion, ideology, philosophy, or peer pressure of a given group or political affiliation. As well as societal convention. There were always control measures in place to manage the social structures.

The families that have been at the top of these hierarchies have remained the same for centuries. Meeting in secret and maintaining the same agendas for depopulation and world control and enslavement.

Whether Communist or Capitalism or Socialism, Religion, or lack thereof one guiding force has shaped the destiny of world history and events.

It all leads back to the same family lines. As we examine the historical view of the world as a whole. These individuals’ actions begin to make much more sense in the context of the ultimate endgame agenda.

They have financed and supported both sides of every conflict since before the time of Napolian. I believe it goes back far longer than that even. With the royals as pawns of these all-powerful elite family bloodlines molding and shaping world events for perhaps thousands of years.

One thing is abundantly clear. They have made their agenda transparent and have spelled out their plan to depopulate the planet control it and all its resources. And enslave whoever remains in perpetuity as their servents. Surfs to a New World Order one world totalitarian Global technocrat dictatorship. This is their endgame.

Humanity as a whole does not matter. You don’t matter to these individuals. As such, you must understand that everything you were taught was in service of their purpose. You were born into a lie. A matrix of control whose sole purpose is to facilitate their agenda and goals.

You were not educated about how reality actually exists. All ideological, religious, philosophical, moral, and sociological ethical constructs are by definition suspect. As parts of this control matrix.

And therefore must be re-examined with an analytical eye and a common sense approach understanding that these things are methods of control and therefore must be seen as parts of the mind prison matrix which they constructed to maintain the illusion that you were in control of your own destiny.

Conclusion: If we are to break free of their control matrix, we must take what we have been taught and throw it away. Starting from scratch with the goal to uncover the actual truth of our reality, existence, and actual purpose rather than what we were told by the Globalist system we were born into.

With this post, I simply offer you a path forward. A doorway if you will. Nothing more, it’s up to you to walk that path. To step through that doorway and follow the truth wherever that truth leads you.

The first step to true wisdom is to acknowledge your lack of understanding and say when asked of the nature of things to say ( I don’t know).

That is the starting point. To lay aside your inhibitions, fears, and prejudices and be willing to see the truth as it is.

Not as others have told you it is. Then, and only then will you gain true wisdom. Seeing the truth that was hidden from you since your birth.

This world you were told you were born into was a lie. Have the courage and intestinal fortitude to seek and follow the truth wherever it leads you. Only then will you be truly free.

Background People: The Souless Ones

There has been a hypothesis put forward that there is a section of the human population that is considered lessor beings. Oh, they exist but lack that essence that makes us human. The soul/spirit, which is the divine spark, that part of us that is God.

Now, that being said, does that mean they aren’t strictly human by definition? Perhaps even evil in that nothing within them is of the creator? That’s a possibility.

Though, I’m not sure you could classify them as demonic. Because even demons were once angels and, as such, possess the spark of the Divine within them.

I think we can classify these entities as devoid of the divine. As such, they are empty and lack the ability to experience forces like love, empathy, compassion, and a desire for gaining wisdom and understanding.

They have no capacity for understanding the spiritual and exist solely on the material plane. As such, they tend to be self-centered and self-serving, egotistical, narcissistic, and incapable of personal growth.

They are lacking in their understanding and focused on lower vibrational pursuits such as self gratification with zero concern for others. These are the ones that occupy woke ideas over common sense.

They have no remorse for hurting others, and many support killing babies in the womb. Though not all who pursue abortion are Souless, these types are attracted to misery and causing chaos and pain of every type.

And, while they aren’t physically less healthy or successful than anyone else, they lack the higher spiritual functions and capabilities of normal human beings. One could consider them sheep, clones, empty people, puppet people, or background people. Sort of like people who exist only within the structure of this physical matrix.

One might ask at the juncture how they came to be? It’s possibly their souls diminished over multiple incarnations. Or they were born without their soul to begin with.

Or perhaps they were taken over by outside forces. Or even they are clones that were created to fulfill specific purposes. However, they are relatively easy to spot.

Lacking empathy, caring, and incapable of love of anyone or anything except they own selfish pursuits. They manipulate others because no one matters but themselves. And , they exist wholly on the material plane alone.

Unfortunately, not all people are equal..physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The soul is the most important part of who and what we are.

And, whether their soul atrophied over time diminished over time or they were incarnated without it, they are empty and can be used by outside forces to manipulate those around them.

Becoming what we understand as evil, devoid of any real human emotion. Except their propensity for material pursuits and their own selfish, narcissistic endeavors.

Conclusion: These empty people are conduits for true evil to exist and flourish. They allow entryways for ignorance, hatred, and ambivalence to life in general.

They are the antithesis of everything that is divine, good, decent, or moral. They represent the opposite to normal humans. Lacking the capacity for love, they are simply vessels, empty shells which only manifest instability, chaos, bloodshed, pain, and misery in every conceivable aspect and form.

Their purpose is to counter life, love and compassion, and empathy. To push the narrative that the physical is all there is. Effectively stranding humanity in a matrix(prison). On this material plane.

What Is Money?

Since we were children, we have been led to believe that money is the vehicle for receiving goods and / or services for financial compensation. However, this concept is false.

In fact, in the past, the money we used we were led to believe had intrinsic value. IE Gold, silver, even precious stones were used in the past as having value in and of themselves.

However, in truth, even when these mediums were employed, they only had the value agreed upon by all parties that were involved. As such, I put forth the following statement. Money is nothing more than an idea. A symbol to represent power, energy, and control.

It has never been more evident than its current iterations paper, common metal BTC, and now nothing more than numbers on a screen that represents virtual credits called digital currency.

What money actually is is a symbol for power. The power to secure goods and services with nothing more than the act of conveying this symbol from one individual to another.

We have been led to believe that money makes money. With this concept, we were taught that you could make money in the form of interest through depositing it with a banking institution.

However, banks do not strictly exist. In the form in which we were taught, it doesn’t exist. What banks actually are is a trust company. This means they take the money you give them and invest it in insurance companies and other financial entities, making 6-15 percent interest.

They then benefit from use of your funds while paying you perhaps a fraction of a percent in return. And, at times, paying you nothing at all in return. In this way, they leverage the power you have given them making a profit while paying you basically nothing in return.

As such, you have simply given your power to a corporate entity. And thereby diminish yourself in the process unknowingly surrendering you energy to others for nothing in return.

As stated, money is a symbol of energy, power, and control. The more money you possess, the more power you can wield. As we see with billionaires such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Elon Musk.

Each leveraging this form of power to their own ends. Whether it is to depopulate the planet, eliminate national sovereignty worldwide. Or buck the system and attempt to implement a platform to provide free speech to the masses.

Whatever their end goals are, we see that the more power in the form of the symbol of money they control, the more influence they wield over the world at large.

They endeavored to keep us clueless about the true nature of currency in all forms because if they could maintain the secrecy of its true nature, they could use it to keep the masses enslaved. Living in a false reality, thereby never being able to harness the true power the symbol represents.

We are cut off from the energy it represents, and as such, we are controlled by our very ignorance of that lack of understanding. Like so many other lies, they have told us to maintain their dominance of the power structure of this planet.

Conclusion: If we ever wish to truly gain an accurate picture of the reality we live in, we must take all the things we were taught and discard it as a whole. Then, we must learn the actual truth about the world in which we live through personal education.

Analysis and common sense with the understanding that rarely is anything what it appears to be. As such, if we embark on this journey with the goal of the truth and nothing more, we can step outside this false matrix we have been raised in if we are diligent and determined.

We will finally gain true insight and will have taken the first steps on the path of ultimate wisdom. By understanding exactly how much we really don’t know about the world we live in.


I have been analyzing a lot of variables of late, and one thing I am beginning to see that is blaringly obvious. That is that everything we have been taught is a lie.

A clever falsehood that was created to keep us from asking questions. To simply accept what we have been taught without question.

As such, we would remain in a crafted reality that was created to make us believe that the world is exactly what we have been told. And, as such, we look no further for answers simply because that is all we think there is.

However, what I have come to understand is that nothing is as it seems. The education system was created not to actually educate. But, rather to indoctrinate us into the reality that the elites have carefully crafted.

As such, we must take everything we have been taught and toss it out the window. All of it is because if it was indeed a crafted narrative meant to keep us mentally enslaved. Then it is all suspect. All a falsehood. And therefore meaningless.

As such, we are left to reevaluate every aspect of our understanding. This brings us to the topic of this post-war. We have been taught that war is the final option when all other options for problem resolution have been exhausted between peoples or nations.

The ultimate problem resolution was to resort to the barbarism of violence to force agreement and compliance. However, if we assume that this idea is a lie, then what are we left with?

The answer is not a pretty one. However, to ascertain the actual purpose, we must begin with the ultimate goal of the Globalist elite, and it is a two-fold strategy.

First: the consolidation of power, elimination of sovereign countries in favor of a all powerful totalitarian one world government.

This has been their main objective for centuries. And, as we have seen that of late they have been very candid and forthright about this end goal.

They neither conceal nor mince words when it comes to this initiative or goal. As such, war is a useful tool to eliminate opposition to their March toward eliminating all local power.

And consolidation of that power in the hands of a single ruling body or an individual who will effectively control all resources. And therefore the destiny of the world population going forward.

The second part of this strategy is the elimination of the majority of the drag on said resources. This means removing the majority of the population in order to extend those resources into the future.

To do this, they have employed several strategies to implement this depopulation agenda. They utilized birth control and elimination.

As well as sterilization of a large number of the population through adding chemicals to the food, water, and air in the form of chemtrails releasing heavy metals and gases into the atmosphere.

As well as using genetic engineering as MRNA strands of RNA to resequence our genetic material and add disease into our very genetic structure. As well as to add this to our medicines and vaccines.

To be carried forward to future generations. Thereby limiting the lifespans of our offspring. Thereby effectively controlling population growth.

As well as utilizing specific chemicals that can affect our hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, in such a way as to cause people to be chemically castrated by way of changing gender.

Causing women to act as men and vice-versa because if they desire sexual contact with their own, they won’t procreate.

I suspect this is the reason Transgenderism and Homosexuality are on the rise. It’s being chemically induced. Zero population growth falls in line with their agenda.

They have also utilized starvation, dehydration, and weather modification as tools to eliminate specific sectors of the population.

Consider them as check valves to consistently and periodically eliminate a large number of humans. Especially in lower technology countries such as the Middle East and African nations.

As well as maintaining specific possibly curable diseases such as cancer and cardiopulmonary diseases. These remain to simply eliminate annually a set number of the world population. As does flu and other annual diseases.

Finally, we come to the title subject of this post-war. And, as we have seen, we have been taught what they wish us to know. Not what actually is reality. As such, war as an institution and actual means of conflict resolution is whole inadequate to accomplish its stated task.

It neither resolves conflict nor solves problems. It simply compounds issues already present. And is a huge drain on resources as well as manpower. So that being stated, what possible other use could such a destructive and barbaric practice be used for?

The answer is going back to the two stated goals of the Globalist elite. Those are the elimination of the national sovereignty of the world’s nations. With a consolidation of resources and power to one all-powerful totalitarian world government.

As well as the depopulation of the majority of the world population. Thereby maximizing the amount of world resources on those who are left.

The actual purpose of war is simply mass depopulation. That is the reason in 2023, such a barbaric institution remains. It is simply another tool the Globalist use for achieving their end goal of depopulation of the planet. It’s as simple as that.

Conclusion: Just as we must understand that war is not contrary to what we have been taught a method of conflict resolution. We must understand that nothing we have been taught is real or factual. As such, we must begin from scratch when building our worldview.

Nothing the establishment has taught us has anything to do with the way things really are and it is up to us to have the common sense to understand that we have been duped when it comes to education and everything we have thought we understand as reality.

And remember, the starting point on the path to wisdom begins is the statement: I don’t know.

We are left to seek out the truth for ourselves. And, as we progress on the path toward enlightenment, we will come to see the things are rarely what we believe them to be at first glance. Understanding and careful analysis will lead us toward the actual truth.

Follow that truth wherever it leads. Not fearing the final destination. This will lead you to the actual reality. And ultimately, true wisdom.