The Anatomy Of Evil

This is a age old question,” What is Evil?”  With possible answers ranging from,”The devil made me do it.”  To, ” He was just evil.”  To, ” he was misunderstood, so he was a product of his environment.”

However,  let’s for a moment,  analyze  the idea of beings, noncorporial that we call demons.  What are they?  You may ask, and rightly so just what are these beings?  Further,  why do the harbor such hatred towards humans?

That question is difficult to answer,  what they are is between a protagonist,  and a leech that affixing itself the a human, and feeds on the humans life-force, and somehow also benefits from causing the host as much illwill and pain as possible.   Mental , Emotional and Physical.

Why?  If their existence has always been noncorporial, is it just the energy given off by the human? Or is it something else? They have plagued humanity from the beginning of humans, at least this is what we are led to believe.

Just like the Extraterrestrials, Dimensional beings, the entities have been in this plain of existence with us moving through time.  They were in the Bible, “Possessing,”  this human or that, until they are forced to leave.”  Almost like controlling a character in a video game.

All that being sao3mmememid, we are left with the creation story.  A Archangel,  cursed for his actions,  as was Adam and Eve.  Yet, where did the rest come from?  It is said, that Lucifer,  and a third of the angels, those who followed him getting thrown from Heaven.

It also has been said that Lucifer, is the god of this world. As such, we can assume that everything that exists could and does get used against it’s original purpose.  So it is a good possibility, the demons are the angels that followed Lucifer and shared his anger, that God made humans to rule over the angels.

Conclusion:  So, with all this being said we are left with the original question,  What is Evil?  There is a mottled half answer that is to say, that we can assume that outside forces have had their role to play, but evil is the same as it always was, i.e.  anything that goes against the original purpose, is Evil.

In the end, evil is a choice.   From the  beginning to right now, today.  We can choose not to be evil, or we can give in to the temptation, which can lead to our own destruction .

Or you can be corrupted by an outside factor
      whether it is Demon,Extraterrestrial or Dimensional.

In most of my posts, I give a video or article as reference.  However,  in this case, the body of reference material is both enormous and varied.   As such, if you wish to pursue this topic, you could start with YouTube with the search being, ” What is Evil?”

I only covered my view of this topic, if your interested to continue the research of this topic, use this text as a starting point.



The Coming Earth Changes

Like most things, the government does not tell you the truth.  Oh, I know this is not a great shock to anyone.  They also do not warn you of impending cataclysm.  Oh , they will say such things as global warming,cooling whatever.  However, the truth is much worse than they have said would occur.

They put out science fiction,  that contains a piece of the truth, however never the whole truth.  The leaders feel you are to stupid or childish to face the possibility of the destruction of your world and so they simply don’t tell you.

Of course there are signs, such as the CIA moving their operations from Virginia, a coastal state to Denver a mountainous state.  Or perhaps Submarine Veterans being told to live in the Ozark mountains.

Or perhaps building not only underground bases, and cities, but also underground roads and rail lines between the underground cities and bases.  Perhaps, it is just coincidence, or could it be they are preparing for something they know is coming and aren’t bothering to tell the public at large.

There have been those  who have sounded the alarm such as Gordon Michael Scallion,  and others who told people to prepare for an inundation and a change of the world they live in, just as many others tried to let people know what is coming.  Yet, most people who are afforded every convenience, will take most warning with a grain of salt.  They will not listen until it is too late.

The question is in what form will the earth changes take.  A recurring theme is a the gulf stream ceasing causing a rapid cooling of Northern land mass such as the United Kingdom, Russia and Canada.

Another being a celestial body such as a comet or meteor hitting the planet.  Such a collusion could result in a life ending cataclysm sending up a dust cloud to block out the Sun, causing nuclear winter.  This would result in a die off of most, if not all species of life on the planet.

However, the most likely scenario is a planet that has a elongated orbit, perhaps 11,000 years , circles back into the inner solar system causes the earth to shift on it’s axis.  The resulting cataclysm is caused as the ocean leaving it’s original place moves in huge waves as it settles in it’s new home.

Land will sink into the water, as new land rises.  The tectonic plates will move causing volcanos and earthquakes.  The water bulges at the equator,  due to the spinning centrifugal force and gravity.   This is where the extra water comes from that causes the water level to rise.

As the earth shifts on it’s axis, the water at the equator is released.  The water is released and for lack of a better word, “Sloshes,” from it’s original location to cover some land entirely.  Other areas new land will rise out of the water.  Generally, the ocean front will be pushed in several hundred miles.  With the Great Lakes becoming one inland sea.  Do to this , the Mississippi River will be
100 miles wide, all the way to the ocean.

Conclusion:  General skepticism is probably a good idea dealing with the government Propaganda is a good idea.  However, I would suggest living in a place a 1000 feet or better above sea level, just to be sure.  If the government is doing it, not talking about it is the signal
you should follow suit. 

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

How The Second Revolution Begins


By now it has become abundantly clear that the President is not representing the best interests of all Americans.  With Executive orders flying off his desk at a alarming rate, most which he had no idea what he was signing.  As such the rest of America,  has come to realize that the President and Vice President are nothing but puppets control by those that are truly in power.

The evidence has been mounting, as have the threats from Democratic Governors.  With vaccine mandates becoming the SOP of state and federal government employees, nurses,doctors and spreading to the private sector most recently with a directive towards the truck drivers.  The private sector employees have pushed back, with Nurses, Truck drivers and others responding to the government over reach by striking.

However, it is clear that the ways that people used to respond to government over reach is not going to be effective this time, as it is obvious that there is something different about this push by all the agencies in power to push a absolute mandate to comply with their directive.

Things have definitely changed.  The vaccines they are pushing have nothing to do with curing or preventing Covid-19.  More, over it is obvious they are poisoning those who have taken the vaccine.  Furthermore, upon study of the vaccines themselves lead to a laundry list of toxic chemicals that can and will create havoc, rather than cure will make those who have take the vaccines carriers of parts of the disease it’s self, “Shedding,”  it to those who have not yet gotten the disease.

However, though I  digress, I wanted to set the stage for why the second revolution finally will occur.

Michigan, has become one of the first states to threaten, in the parents didn’t get the vaccine, they would be incarcerated, and their children put in a Quarantine Concentration Camp.   Though it is a ominous threat, they have yet started to go door to door with are UN troops to enforce their edicts yet.

With the first day of enforcement of such mandates, will give rise to an armed response by the citizens facing such draconian measures.  Which will lead to the Governor declaring Martial Law for Michigan.   This will further fan the flames or revolt.

As other Democratic states follow suit with their own vaccination mandates, so the model will be created going through the same steps with the same results.

The Federal Government declares Country-wide Martial Law,  freeing up use of both military as well as allowing more UN assets to  be used quelling the Rebellion.  After hearing of the armed resistance as well as Presidential decree the Patriots will rise up as a national resistance movement who will declare a 2nd Revolution against tyrannical Federal Government over reach .

After that, the Patriots will wage a war not against the people, but against those who currently are in control the Federal Government .  They will use guerrilla tactics , and more than likely will end up  a war of attrition .

During this time other countries will intercede with their own agendas.  However, one thing is sure, it will be the Federal Government  and those who work for or have a Treaty with that will fire the first round that will initiate the start of the Second Revolution.

Conclusion:  Nobody likes war, it is the final solution,  after every other option has failed.   War, is a barbaric endeavor too be sure, and not one civilized human being should ever have to engage in.  However, there are a few reasons that would call for such an extreme measure.
I believe protecting the Sovereignty of the Constitution of the United States, is definitely one of those reasons.

I have endeavored to share how, I believe the Second Revolutionary  War will begin.  It has be long in coming, yet such actions appear to finally step over the line .  The ,”president, ”  has in my opinion, over stepped his authority,  by using threatening langauge to force the population’s  compliance.  As if you don’t do as you are told,  then he was going to force you to do as he says.”

This is of course just my take on this topic,   However, in my opinion, this is exactly how I believe it will start.  You can believe my opinion or not.  Whichever way you believe,  just know that war is coming, please be ready when it arrives.

I have provided a video as a reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.