DNA: Not What They Thought It Was

DNA, the very computer of our existence.   With common belief that only 10 percent to be used and that the Crispr is the device of change in that 10 percent.  Leaving 90 percent to be called junk DNA, to be tossed aside as useless.

However, as in all things, new information comes to light.  In this case, the fact that the 90 percent may not be as useless as was  believed in the past.  What they have discovered,  is that words, music and frequency have more power over DNA than had been imagined.

The fact is words have power, as does music and frequency over DNA.  The fact is , DNA is much more pliable than was first known.  In fact, words of specific frequency can and does have the ability to change, and heal DNA.

Further, music in the same way as words based on specific frequency can act in the same manner to change and heal DNA.  It is possible that the 90 percent of DNA hitherto considered junk, may well serve purposes far greater than the first 10 percent.

Such as different,  and far reaching as controlling the aging factor, adding immunity against all disease.   Possibly,  granting near god like abilities.  So much yet to be discovered,  that is yet unknown.

Conclusion:  Magick such as spoken spells, may be simply frequency changing the fabric of this reality.  Which would explain why DNA can be changed in a similar fashion. 

This entire reality is governed by frequency, finally scientists are learning what Nicola Tesla, and occultist knew for centuries.

I have included an article as reference on this subject .
I encourage you to research this subject as well.


When Did The Federal Government Gain The Right To Eliminate The First Amendment?

It has now become a crime to disagree with the Federal Government.   If you do not agree with the Federal Government’s use power, apparently in any situation,  then DHS now considers you a domestic terrorist.

Historically,  the Democrats are known for power overreaching.   During the Obama administration,  veterans returning from duty over seas were put on a list of potential domestic terrorist.

Now, instead of just veterans,  now it is “anyone,”  who disagrees with the President or anyone in Federal Government.   I will say that vigilance is always a good strategy.  

However, you can’t just take a large swath of the citizenry, and just label them domestic terrorist for disagreement with the government. What about our First Amendment to Free Speech?

Or , are you going to declare Martial Law, and imprison anyone who opposes the laws and Presidential Decrees?  After all it was under the Obama Administration,  guillotines, firearms and fema camps were obtained
over the country.

So we must ask ourselves,  in light of people in media and elsewhere crying out to have anyone who supported President Trump deprogramed in a camp.  And, now the DHS, declaring any citizen who disagrees with Federal Government use of power is a domestic terrorist.   We should very troubled by these declarations.

Conclusion: In the time of the founding of this country, our Founding Father were dealing with a huge overreach of the King Of England in the form of unjust taxation without representation.  

And, in our time they foresaw the Government of this country overreaching it’s authority and as such they gave a a Constitution that spelled laws the hoped would protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government who would abuse it’s authority to the detriment of the citizens.

I have included an article as reference on the subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.


Trump Was A Bait And Switch

In 2016 the United States was on the brink of Civil War, for the second time in US history.  Something had to be done to quell the coming violence.

As such, those who operate behind the scenes decided to switch out who had been planned to become president.   It was a last minute decision,  no time to alert everybody who was involved.  And, just like that they put Trump in the Oval Office.

That one act, stopped a calamity because all of the middle America working class felt they were finally represented in the White House.  That one act, changed the course of the nation, and averted a war that those behind the scenes knew that the left in America would lose.

They allowed him to do all the right things, and change America for the better.  They convinced the left that he opposed all of their common sense agenda.  So it appeared real, and gave the working man a hero to believe in and support.

Then, the next election came and they rigged it, just as they always do.  Remove Trump making look contrived on purpose so it appeared believable and put a socialist in office who was mentally pliable, to continue their agenda to eliminate the Constitution.

So Joe Biden basically is undoing all the supposed good Trump accomplished,  and continuing their March toward eliminating sovereignty, preparing for the New World Order, and a one world government.

Conclusion: Those who voted and backed Trump from the beginning are victims of a bait and switch.  They gave you four years to calm down so you wouldn’t start a civil war and ruin their plans to eliminate opposition to their march toward a one world totalitarian government.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

White Supremacist Or Just American

Now, in the time of extreme racial politics, and Democratic attacks on conservatives, Republicans or anyone remotely connected with President Trump.  Another label is being brought to bear,  “White Supremacist.”

During the 4 years of President Trump’s presidency, the left leveled every possible vitriolic label they could to demonize anyone who supported him.

As such, now they are calling Trump supporters “White Supremacists,” as yet another form of Demonization, to yet again attempt to marginalize those who stood for the Constitution,  and are conservative Republicans.

They actually went as far as to call Republicans socialist in a main stream media publication.   The truth is Republicans are just Americans.   The truth is the real white supremacist the KKK is on the decline, and has been going on for the last decade.

Racial politics, are now the order of the day for the democratic policy.  Further, white males are considered the worst of the worst when it comes to racial policy.

Separation of the races, is mandatory in order to control the narrative, and demonize White people in general and  White males specifically.  As such they label them Supremacist, so they can marginalize the  White males.

Conclusion: Racism is consider one of worst crimes you can commit in Democratic America.  The only racism tolerated is against white people, with white males being the worst of the worst.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

And Then There Were None


Can the Constitution survive yet another Democratic socialist?  The current political landscape is barren and we are weeks maybe months from a clamp down on Republican conservatives.   This incoming administration is meant to pickup the destruction of the Republic, where Obama left off.

The incoming administration has already made it very clear that the 74 million Americans who voted against Biden are to be targets. 

The possibility of re-education camps, arrests and targeting of conservatives by the IRS and other government organizations are almost assured.

The question is , are we witnessing the finally president of the Republic,  and the end of our Constitution?  Make no mistake the bankers behind the relentless March toward a worldwide totalitarian government is on the brink of succeeding.

The Democratic party is a tool of the NWO, and if allow to control two of the three branches of our government, they will finish the destruction of the Republic that Obama began.

If Trump hands over the reins of power, our country will be destroyed by Biden, who has stated he will reverse all the restoration that President Trump has accomplished.

Conclusion:  The only chance to survive the socialist/marxist/communist  is if President Trump  takes the hard step of exposing the political coup that has been perpetrated through voter fraud.

I have included a statement by the incoming V.P. to prove the true intentions of the Anti-American Democratic Party.
I encourage you to research the above subject as well.

Fear And Loathing Of The 75 Million

For a long time we have been a two party system, but were told that we were one people.  How as of the last few years we have seen the true about how the Democratic Party sees the 75 million Americans that disagree with their policies and goals.

For that 75 million Americans who disagree, the politicians have called them deplorable, and clingers to their Bibles and guns.  They have called those who joined the arm services as potential terrorist as they returned home.  They even put some of that 75 million on no fly lists with the implications that they were already convicted terrorist.

And, whether it is Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or the incoming Democratic administration they all have a ideology of hate and vitriolic language meant to demonize a large percentage of the American public. 

Now, we have the incoming Vice President saying in a speech that once the Democrats regain their rightful place in control of the government, they will be coming for that 75 million Americans that disagree with the Democratic Party’s Anti-American Communist agenda.

What exactly is that Communist agenda?  That is easy, what it has always been,  the elimination of the United States as the only superpower in the world.  Destroy America’s economy, which the Chinese took the first step in doing releasing the bioweapon Covid-19.

Next, they arranged to have voting to be done online, and mail in votes.  The machines used were machines that could be hacked by China or other world actor. 

Finally the arranged for votes for Trump in the mail to be conveniently lost, and Biden votes to be found.  Funny thing is it is hard to have more votes than registered votes.

Conclusion: With the Democrats holding the reins in Congress, The Senate and the Whitehouse,  the 75 million Conservative Republicans will be targeted and that is guaranteed.  

I have included an article on the above subject.
I encourage you to research the above subject as well.

Censorship And The Social Media


Recently, there has been a rash of censorship being perpetrated by social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.   They claim the right to block anything that doesn’t meet their community standards.

Yet, the majority of the posts censored appear to be conservative content.  They also block anything they basically feel is anti-left or anti-democratic party.

They however allow Antifa, The Iran leader and pretty much anyone that isn’t right leaning.  The worse censorship has been perpetrated this year to block support of President Trump, culminating in blocking the President himself from posting on their platforms.

While they claim the right to censor any content they wish, based on them owning a private platform.  However, is this actually legal?  While it is true they are private platforms,  they are operating within our country.   As such, our laws apply to such private platforms,  and they can be forced to end censorship of our citizens, or stop operating within our borders.

No company is exempt from our laws and as such they would be hurt financially based on their illegal activities such as censorship of our citizens.

Conclusion: While it is true, these social platforms have a right to conduct business as they see fit.  It is also true they are libel for their actions financially, and should be held accountable for such actions that they do within the borders of the United States,  and that includes censorship of the citizens that use the platform.

I am including a video as reference on this topic.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

The Controlled Destruction Of Capitalism

This video contains some of the most important information you will ever learn.  It explains the decline of the current banking political model. 

It explains why there are no countries,  but instead political models.  Further, it explains why the culling of mankind is on the table and with the end of the capitalist system possibly in the next year or so the end of the US as a national power.

Further, why Trump was chosen in 2016, and why they chose the Democrats to oversee the deconstruction of the current capitalist model.  The real reason the that Joe Biden, and the Democrats were ushered into power to over see the deconstruction of the capitalist system.

There are blocks made up of blocks of countries Russia and the old Soviet countries, China the Korean pensula and Japan.   The European block, and the American block made up of the America’s.
And, the America’s block goal is to push the cashless society.  As well as Transhumanism.

Conclusion: This video makes clear why the election was tampered with, and the reason why the Democrats were put back office.

I included a video on the above subject for reference.
I encourage you to research the above topic as well.