Absolute Disrepect For Everything That Is American

It never fails to amaze me how far this president and his party can go to sell out our country, society, and people. 

Now, he is pushing the state Trans cult to continue the decimation of this country, society, and moral bulwark .

Biden and his party have, at this point, completely sold out the country and people.  After allowing invasion of our country.  Giving aid and comfort to the invaders they sided with against the people they took an oath to represent.

In siding with the Globalists, they have committed sedition and each day, they commit treason.  They not only betrayed the people but totally disrespected the Constitution.  And, it has complete and utter contempt for the Christian faith.

As such on one of the most religious holidays of the year Biden and his Administration has chosen to push their state sponsored Trans cult agenda and make a mockery of the day of remembrance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

They are not even hiding their contempt and indifference to the Christian population and Christian faith with this hideous insult and yet another betrayal of our society and moral foundation.

Conclusion:  This administration has made it their mission to destroy the moral fabric of our society. 

In concert with destroying the country as a whole economically, physically, waging propaganda campaigns in blatant psychological warfare against the population as they bring in their invading army to begin the final assault on Western culture as a whole.

In this blatant act of disrespect to the upcoming Easter holiday it only crystallizes the fact that this President and his party do not represent the country, people or values that have been our foundation since the inception of this republic.

Other Consequences of Allowing Barbarians To Invade: Contagion

This morning, it was reported that tuberculosis is on the comeback after over a hundred years suddenly its on the rise : (Why?)

With inoculations this disease has been held in check for decades however with the sudden throwing open of the border suddenly this disease of the past is now coming back with a vengeance and we need to understand that is being orchestrated and executed by design.

As they allow unvaccinated hordes of invaders to pour across the border along with out of control crime, economic turmoil, and both food and shelter shortages, pestilence comes in their wake.

Not to mention the possibility they are purposefully infected and then sent here as biological weapons to infect and kill as many of the population as possible . 

Perhaps they were infected with bioengineered strains that bypass the vaccine in a bid to further cull the population.

At this point, nothing is too far fetched or outlandish as we have globalists like Jan Goodall and Bull Gates expounding not only the benefits but the need for depopulation and offering ways to accomplish just that eventuality.

The time for subtly has ended. They have simply pulled out every stop and are not only telling you to intend to kill you.

They are using every conceivable method to do just that.  Including poisoning your food,water, air, anything you wear, the medications you ingest.  and releasing biological agents such as bioengineered strains of disease to hasten the march toward depopulation .

The invasion of the West is a prime example of them simply moving their agenda forward in the face of opposition.  Just as Globalists such as Rockefeller and others pursued their agenda in the past.

So to they are simply doing it without restriction or reservation.   They intend to eliminate carbon… and you are the carbon they intend to eliminate.

These releases of contagion are just one more step on the path toward depopulation.   They are brazen about they goals and are as we speak moving forward to carry out their insidious agenda.

Conclusion:  The Globalist elite have spelled out their view of the future.  A future without most of you in it.  The only question how effective their propaganda, brainwashing, and chemical lobotomizing have been.

The only thing standing between the hellish future they have laid out and now is you.  Either you stand up now and take steps to stop these events from taking place. 

Or the silence of a post human planet earth where a few transhuman psychopaths are left to wallow in their success at the elimination of the race called humanity.  The choice is yours.

Foreign Agents Influencing US Elections

As this invasion continues, the scope of the sedition and treason becomes more and more apparent as each day goes by.

The Biden Administration and the Democratic Party continue to sell out the US citizens.  They have continued to block border security, gave aid and comfort to the invading stealth army that has been sent by the UN, the Brix treaty nations , and the Middle Eastern Radical Islamic states.

Biden is also currently negotiating the elimination of US sovereignty when the next inevitable plandemic occurs with the WHO.

And, now, to add insult to injury, the Democrats are legally or illegally pushing for their stealth soldiers to have the right only citizens should possess to vote.

They have, at this point, completely sold out the country and the American citizens in favor of the Globalists.  And their depopulation/world conquering agenda.

They aren’t even bothering to disguise it as an act of mercy.  They have acknowledged that they are allowing millions of stealth soldiers (Newcomers) to change congressional districts and to influence the upcoming presidential election.

Any credibility they had is now gone.  They are even bringing back the same rigging techniques, including the infamous mail in ballots that they used to rig the 2020 election.

Giving the citizenship right to vote to these invaders only cements the fact that they are now the wholly own subsidiary of foreign interests and are now acting on behalf of a foreign power and no longer are acting on behalf of the US people nor do the represent or defend the US Constitution.

Conclusion: The right to vote is a right of citizenship, not a gift to be given to invaders who just chose to cross the border illegally.

As such those attempting to frivolously give it away to lawbreakers are as guilty of violating US law as the ones would broke our immigration laws to begin with and are guilty of sedition and treason against the US Constitution as well as against the people of the United States.

As such, they should be held accountable under the laws of this republic.

Biden Administration Is In Talks To Hand Over US Sovereignty To The WHO

The Biden Administration is setting the stage for handing over US sovereignty for another plandemic in Virus X or, in other words, the next planned bioweapons release.

The WHO has been floating a treaty that would grant that organization with complete authority in case of an unknown or known biological/disease threat.

Any nation that signs said treaty forfeits their self autonomy.   Ceding complete control of that nation and overriding all Constitutional protection in lue of the complete authority granted under this treaty to the WHO to do whatever they deem necessary to contain the outbreak.

Included but not limited to quarantines of any they deem at risk of spreading the contagion and granting control of all that countries’ resources and granting Supreme authority over all the citizens in the targeted country .

This treaty completely eliminates self-government as well as state sovereignty.   Allowing the WHO authority over all resources, assets, and supreme military authority over the country.  It supercedes all federal laws and state laws.  As well as nullification of the Constitution.

It grants complete control over the country under martial law rights granted by this treaty.  As such, it is a total violation of the US Constitution and the elimination of US sovereignty.

Conclusion:  Of all the seditious, treasonous acts yet perpetrated by the Biden Administration, this is by far the most damaging and heinous.

They are literally grant foreign powers complete control of the US in the event of a health emergency which they have been planning to cause in my opinion since the last bioweapons release failed to achieve their planned kill rate.

By granting this foreign power complete authority for the next planned bioweapons release, they plan to accomplish what their last bioweapon failed to achieve.

With complete control over the US, they could begin mass imprisonment as well as mass genocide of the general public by setting up death camps in the existing FEMA facilities already established.

If Biden is allowed to sign such a treaty, it would set the stage for mass incarceration and elimination of the entire citizenry of the US.

And would represent one more step in achieving the globalists’ goals of depopulation and elimination of the state sovereignty of the West and eventually the world paving the way for the NWOs, one world totalitarian government.

Paying Your Enemy To Invade And Kill You

As NY formally rolls out their seditious aid and comfort to to the invading hordes it behooves every American citizen to mark and remember how their political officials sold them out to the very enemies being sent to conquer and eliminate them.

Just as Great Britain did to their original colonist here in the New World when this country was first settled.  And, they are running the same playbook of extreme taxation to fund an invading force.

They are forcing the civilian population to not only fund but also forcing them to give aid and comfort to the instruments of their subjugation and eventual executioners.

This is being orchestrated by the Globalists in their continued efforts to further their depopulation and world conquest agenda.

However, forcing the cost of their army on the US population is not only the worst kind of betrayal.   It is a blatant Sedition and a treason against everything they swore to defend and represent .

There is no reasonable argument that can justify their actions.  They sold out forcwealth, power, and a promise of survival as the rest of humanity is sacrificed  on the alter of climate change and world domination.

Conclusion: This complete betrayal by the elected officials is without precedence and can not go unanswered.  They must be held accountable for their greed and hubertus. 

Whether through judicial correction or if it gets completely out of hand, they may face the very civilian population they abandoned.

The Invaders of the US and Food Shortages

At this point millions of invaders have poured across the Southern Border of the US and it has become blatantly obvious that this was a coordinated event orchestrated by the Globalists elite to push their agenda of depopulation and a global one world government.

Their goal is to destroy the US economy, disarm and cull the public, and eliminate the US state sovereignty.  All these goals are apparent.

However, other side effects are barbarians running amok.  Pillaging, raping and scavenging personal property such as vehicles and now land and homes.

Another side effect of the transformation of the US to a third world country with the collapsing of the US economy is a coming food shortage.

Globalists have been busy using the climate change wealth redistribution scheme as a catalyst to blame farming and livestock as a major factor for climate change.

As such, they have attacked farmers and the meat industry and levied a major effort to demonize them, thereby attempting to create food shortages and famine in a further effort to cull more of the worldwide population through starvation.

Add to the dumping huge amounts of stealth invaders into the mix and it will only act to exacerbate an already dire situation and only hasten the march toward starvation, food shortages and famine on a global scale the likes of which have never before been witnessed. 

The fact that this calamity in the making is not only masterminded but orchestrated by the Globalists as a means to an end toward worldwide depopulation is not only diabolical.   But it is a crime of such a magnitude that it is unparalleled in the history of the human race.

Conclusion:  These invaders are serving multiple purposes.  Yet, in this case, starvation, famine, pestilence, and death come in their wake. 

Famine and disease have always been a byproduct of war.  In this case, it is yet another weapon being leveled on the population of the West by bloodthirsty psychopaths who are willing to burn down the world for power and control.

Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer Cults

There has been a multitude of articles and opinions regarding this topic, and I have decided to weigh in on this issue.

I believe that these cult movements have been orchestrated and conceived not as some organic answer to those plagued by various gender related issues.  Instead, these were created  by the government in conjunction with the Globalists in a further bid to demasculate the males of the West.

And, further as a way to further damage the moral fiber of Western society.  They have also pushed pedophilia into the spotlight in an attempt to legitimize child abuse.  This sick and perverted practice has been pushed for years as a way to legitimize abuse of the innocence.

The Globalists, in an all-out assault on all Western values, has dumped millions in this effort to destabilize Western societies by mudding the waters as to what is or isn’t morally acceptable.  

Allowing grown men in women’s sports, spaces in the name of tolerance and inclusivity is not only foolhardy, it’s dangerous.  

Placing our females and children in potentially compromising and dangerous situations is an extreme disservice to our women and girls. 

It is also a complete sellout of the women’s movement who once was sworn to uphold women’s rights.  But now bows at the alter of political correctness.  For all intents and purposes, the women’s movement is dead.

These Cults are meant to demoralize and destroy society and weaken masculinity to such a degree as men will no longer be able to defend the countries in which they reside. 

Rest assured, the UN countries, Brix treaty countries, and radical Islamic countries do not allow this  psychological warfare to take place in their countries. 

These ideological cults were created solely to weaken and destroy the Western countries and are not allowed elsewhere in the world.

Conclusion: The globalist agenda remains the same : depopulation, destruction of Western countries state sovereignty, and the formation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

These Cults are simply one more tool in their arsenal to accomplish their central goals .  They are simply another form of psychological warfare and nothing more.

The Newest Invaders Action: Seizing Property

The latest outrage to be perpetrated by the invaders of the Southern Border is the seizing of empty property by these interloper.

They have now decided that they would simply take what they want from the citizens.  Believing just as so many other invaders have done through that ages that these properties are simply spoils of war. 

Just as they have been ramsacking the economy and raping the local women.  They believe they can act with impunity because the government has sold out the citizenry, and they will take what they wish.

The seditious nature of our government is apparent in their complete indifference to this latest outrage to an already volatile situation. These actions are adding fuel to a wildfire that is burning out of control.

There are so many violations to the Constitution by this current administration that is unprecedented in the history of the country

With the government granting aid and comfort to this invading force that is pouring across the southern border daily.  Allowing them any insult, any indignity they wish to perpetrate. 

From ramsacking the stores, to rape in US women, to now simply taking whatever they want from the citizens vehicles.  To now simply moving in and taking their homes as well

This situation has become untenable and extremely dangerous.   The people of the US will only accept so much abuse before they begin to push back, and this could well become a full-on armed revolt again, the seditious tyranny being currently foisted again the public at large.

Just as in the first revolution of the British colonies.  The UN, Globalists, Brix Nations, and Radical Islam, in conjunction with the governments of the West, are waging a campaign to force the current citizens to fund their own enslavement.  

But also, they are giving over the citizens of the affected countries to the abuses of these invading covert military operatives as they try to get into position for the main invasion.

They are waging guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare in an effort to demoralize the citizens in perpetuation for their coming capture and eventual culling.

Conclusion:  This will only go so far before a fed-up public fights back.  And, though no one ever wishes for violence if this invasion continues. 

I’m afraid this is the inevitable outcome to such a complete and total Sedition that has been perpetrated by politicians more interested with lining their own pockets and gaining power, than actually upholding the oaths they swore to the Constitution and doing the jobs they were elected to accomplish 

Quantum Entanglement and the Connection Between Your Alternate Holographic Avatars

Science has put forth the hypothesis of the multiverse.   This is the idea that there are infinite holographic realities layered on top of each other, only oscillating at different frequencies.

Though, when it is generally depicted, they appear as being bubble universes next to each other in an endless grid that stretches in every direction to infinity.

These realities represent every possible event that can potentially occur.  As such, one could say anything that could happen is happening in an alternate reality.  As such, anything is possible.

These realities are separated by energy barriers or forcefields.   Each individual reality has its own vibrational frequency.   And, all realities are holographic in nature, which means they are all made up of energy.

As the topic implies, my hypothesis is that in every holographic reality, a person either exists or, in some cases, doesn’t exist. 

However, in all the realities that a person’s doppelganger exist I believe you are energetically connected to at the quantum level in as such you are what is known as quantum entangled to all those other versions of yourself.

Quantum entanglement means that once a subatomic particle comes in contact with another subatomic particle, it remains in contact with that particle.  Space distance is irrelevant .  What happens to one happens to the other.

In 1964, physicist John Bell posited the theorem of Quantum Entanglement.   That is what one subatomic particle experienced, so to the other instantaneously experience. 

Albert Einstein called this spooky action at a distance.   It appears to defy Einsteins theory that nothing travels faster than the speed of light, even data.

I posit that all the various versions of people in all the holographic realities are linked at the subatomic level and can and do share data constantly.  As such, who one version knows, all versions have access potentially to the same data.

I believe that we are static in our experience of the multiverse rather than confined to a specific holographic reality. 

As such, in order to move between realities, it is a matter of changing your vibrational frequency to match the vibrational frequency of the reality you wish to experience.

This idea is called (Quantum Jumping). Once you successfully match your vibrational frequency with that of another holographic reality, I believe you are instantaneously there. 

There is no distance to transverse or time period required to make the move.  You are simply there.  Further, I believe this happens a lot without you even being aware it occurs.  Hense a lot of strange phenomena such as dejivu.  And, other odd occurrences.

This could explain the phenomena called the Mandela Effect.  An occurrence where a person remembers something different than what occurred in this holographic reality. 

It’s possible that they are not mis-remembering an event.  Rather, they are remembering the event as it happened in the holographic reality they had existed in before quantum jumping to the new holographic reality.

I believe that when you pass to the new holographic reality, you embody that version of you that exists there.  Perhaps you can only quantum jump to holographic realities where a version of you exists.

And, possibly when you quantum jump, another version of your quantum jumps to your holographic reality in the same instant, maintaining energetic balance at the quantum level.

I suspect it happens a lot perhaps daily, and we are completely unaware of the shift.  As your vibrational frequency changes, you simply jump to the holographic reality that matches your frequency.  

There are books I have seen which purport to teach you how to do this consciously.  As such, they give unlimited possibilities as to changing or adding whatever element you choose to your life if you know what frequency that particular thing exists at.

Quantum entanglement goes far to explain the mysteries of a lot of the high strangeness that has been witnessed in this reality. 

Further, I suspect the process is automatic, like breathing. Your body simply does it.  Just like I suspect, we create our own reality through focus belief through the prism of one’s will.

Conclusion: If all realities are energy oscillating at frequency.   It’s not a large leap to believe our holographic avatars are the same. 

As such if all our Avatars are Quantum Entangled then it only makes sense that what one knows they all know just perhaps they don’t access that information except for the holographic reality they are experiencing at the instant.  

Thereby, buffering data only on the local level.  Perhaps that the function of our brains to act as a buffer like a computer supplying data only as needed , but as a computer having the connection to all the data in the latent potintial to draw on as need or required.

This means if we are all linked, we may exist locally.  However, we have the ability and potential of the whole of all the versions of ourselves at all times. 

We just don’t access that potential, but nevertheless, it is always present as a possibility.

Hollywood Cults and Human Trafficking

It’s no surprise that things are not normal in Hollywood.   There have been reports of Sex Cults, Demon Worshipping Cults, and Canabalism Cults , even though they have not proven Reptillian Shapeshifter Cults.

Now, it has been reported that human Trafficking rings have been reportedly uncovered.  DHS has raided a rappers home in an ongoing investigation of a reported Human Trafficking ring .

Not that this is surprising in that the idea rich tend to get bored and then get involved in every type of perversion and debauchery.   They are demon Worshipping, human eating, and now apparently involved in Human Trafficking for these other Cults.

How much more can these disgusting individuals be involved in?  Why are they Trafficking humans?  Sexual abuse?  Sacrifice in ritual?  Torture, so they can kill and extract the substance Adrenalchrome to imbibe?  To use as food?

And, who is allowing these things to happen?  How much can they get away with?  Before their diabolical acts come to light?  These insidious activities are public knowledge as such, the only question is how are they allowed to continue?

Conclusion:  These people who portray themselves as stars .  Someone who should be looked up to.  Though they are pure evil.  And, obviously, their activities have been condoned by the government because if their actions have been public for years and nothing was done. 

Only now has the government taken action to stop at least part of the blatant evil .  These sins against humanity shouldn’t be celebrated but ridiculed and punished.