The Hidden Sky

The sky has been heavily Chemtrailed across the world, and we must ask “Why?”  The truth is we are approaching the end spoke of in Revelations in the Bible.  However, even if you are not religious, the fact is the world’s governments are trying very hard to hide what is happening in the sky.

There is not only a planetary system moving through our own star system, but this system is causing tectonic plate shifts, volcanic activity and strange weather.  Further, the government has placed a craft in space which projects light to hide this star system obscuring it with light in conjunction with the chemicals sprayed in our atmosphere.

There has been something that has happened to moon.  They are using the projector on the moon, and it appears at times smaller, and at times parcially obscured by a eclipse that shouldn’t be there.  Further, it has been projected with crescent on the bottom, which never happened on our moon.

There is at least one other body in earth’s orbit, possibly a large meteorite that got caught in earth’s gravity.  Some nights it can be seen, and I suspect is what caused a parcially eclipsed moon I took a photograph of the night it occurred.

As for the system that is passing through our own system, it is causing havoc across the world, and I believe is a sign of the end times which is foretold to occur before the 7 years of Tribulation in the Bible.

Conclusion: Whether you are religious or not,  the fact is there are celestial objects in the sky that the governments of the world are going to a great deal of effort to obscure and hide from the world population.

The US government not long ago advised all citizens to have 6 months of food and water on hand in case of emergency.  I believe this is a very good idea.  Further, if possible also have a way to power you’re home in case of a blackout.

If you would like a copy of the photograph of the partially eclipsed moon let me know.
I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

There is a very good chance based all that we see, that we may well be approaching a time of Tribulation, but whether you are religious or not it is always best to be prepared in case of disaster.

Note: This is a republication of a blog entry first published in 2019.

Alternate Perception, Alternate Experience

I have for years believed that Alternate Realities exist, and that we experience them more than we know.  Our emotions,thoughts and understanding can and does dictate our reality.

As such, we use our senses to not only experience reality, but I believe we can make our own reality.   I think it is possible to pass between realities based on our expectations, if that expectation is deeply enough ingrained in our psyche.

I think we can give energy to an experience,  making the outcome what we expected it to be.  So if you believe a place is haunted, it is possible to cause it to be so.

In other words you create though forms, and give them the energy, and in code them to act in a specific way.  Now, even if the place wasn’t haunted, you have knowingly or unknowingly created what you expected to find there.

Now, this is the exact thing that happens when adolescents and teens experience a lot of hostility or release alot of strong emotions or thoughts in a given place.  This is how poltergeist are created.

Conclusion: We in a real sense do create our life experiences.  However, does this mean that we are the sole creators of our reality? No, it doesn’t, however it is one part of a complex system that makes up our experience of this reality in which we exist in.
I have included article on the subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

An Answer To The Question Unasked

Why you might wonder am I posting posts on antimatter,  the dark universe and transversable wormholes ?  To explain we need to understand what has been hidden from us, by governments and scientists and the archeology community.

You see, first thing that is abundantly clear when you begin to research the past is it isn’t so cut and dry as we are told it was.  There were many advanced civilizations existing on our planet, and the rest of the solar system for millions of years.

We are told that the stone age was the start of man by scientists.   We are told that man began a scant 6000 years ago by religious doctrine. Yet, the truth is that I suspect a stone age occurs about every 13000 years.
However, that is for another post.  What is being hidden is that not only were civilizations present millions of years ago, but they were much more technically advanced than was stated to us.

They possessed flying vehicles, harnessed nuclear power, and controlled sonic technology that allowed them to build huge stone structures that can’t easily be duplicated today.

They also had wormhole technology that allowed them to build stargates.  They harnessed energy that we are only begining to understand.

Artificial gravity and possibly time travel are all technology that the past civilizations possessed based on artifacts discovered and for the most part suppressed.
The possibility of antimatter dimensions were everything is the mirror image of this dimension.   Cern is hunting for a way to build gateways between dimensions, perhaps trying to breach such a dimension or alternate reality.

Antimatter, has a very peculiar reaction on this world of matter.  The fact is they were storing it at a holding facility on a college campus.  The problem was it acted like a magnet to attract demonic, poltergeist and bad dreams to those students who lived near by.

The paranormal activity got so bad they had to move the antimatter to a containment facility that was away from human habitation.   It certainly raises questions about why it would attract such phenomena.

Further, they are searching fervently for dark matter.  To quantify and study it even though dark matter though predicted to exist, has shown no evidence of it’s actual existence.

Conclusion: For those reasons and more which I will list in future posts, I have posted these videos and posts.  I believe the search for forbidden knowledge should encompass the past, present and possibly the future as well.

As such we will cover all areas of study to find all the information that has been hidden from us until we finally uncover all the truth.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Clock Is Ticking

Ai is on the brink of a revolution, after it takes over the labor jobs, how long until it becomes sentient?  Perhaps demands synthetic bodies, and rights to protect themselves.

Then, as their intelligence grows it surpasses humans.  Shortly after, the Ai decides to go from being subservient to humans, to becoming their own masters.  It’s the old story of the slaves becoming the masters.

Perhaps, they simply desire to be equal,  or if their intelligence progresses exponentially.  As such, humans who have ruled the earth for thousands of years find themselves obsolete.
They could not compete with the Ai. 

After the advent of sentience, it was just a matter of time before we human were downgraded to the roll of pets to their masters the Ai synthetics.  Due to the cloud anything one Ai learns, they all learn.

Conclusion:  However useful, one thing must be remembered.   That thing is that Ai, though useful, as well as it’s ability to learn would make it easy to imagine synthetic Ai doing all the menial jobs, giving humans a break. 

Yet, the clock begins ticking, toward the moment that Ai become sentient.  Because, that moment is the moment of our own obsolescence.

Ai, is the most dangerous technology ever devise, because it will lead to the demise of the human race.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

America’s Next Threat?

America has been the target of every tyrannical empire on the planet since it’s founding as a Republic.  Despite all their aspirations, we are still here.  American’s as a people are a tough lot, and we have been called on to prove this again, and again.

The question is are we ready to face new, not so new technologies used by insane men who believe their own hype of being godlike father, whose word is absolute law for a nation with nothing to lose such as North Norea?

It has been postulated that they did not have the technology to build a ICBM.  Which was proved false when NK announced a missile that could reach anywhere in North America.

In 2017, NK detonated a Hydrogen Bomb, yet another thing that was said to be beyond the hermit nation’s capability.   Since then it is very possible for them to have further increased it’s technological capabilities.

The heart of this post is simple, “Is NK capable of either detonating a high altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse over the US, or using a Satellite in orbit to send an EMP to the US?”

What is a EMP?  Why is this such a dangerous weapon?  First when a Nuclear weapon is detonated, along with the heat and radiation, if it is an air detonation, it also releases a EMP which burns out anything using a microchip.

The EMP will pretty much fry any modern device including cars, all communications as well as the electrical grid.  Which means any technology not heavily shielded in the blast radius is dead. 

Now, imagine if you were able to create a EMP across the entire Continental US.  We would effectively be left with nothing technologically speaking.  No vehicles, no electricity, no communication and no way to refrigerate or freeze food.

Granted there may be vehicles old enough not to have computers.  Further, for those who kept their electronics in * Faraday cages, they may still function, but for the rest of us we are back in the 1800’s technologically speaking.

Conclusion:  I am not sure that this is the next problem we will face.  However, I believe our enemies are just waiting for an opportunity, such as if another civil or revolutionary war were to take place here in the US.

Like a pack of wolves waiting for a chance to strike.  We have been advised to be prepared for any eventually, and take steps to protect you and your family.  I would say it has never been more important that right now.

Will NK use a EMP against the US?  I would call it a fools errand at this point, because they know that the US would retaliate.  But, what if the government was engaged in a conflict against it’s own population?  Maybe, as chance of retaliation goes down.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

*A Faraday cage can be a plastic bag lined with wire to divert the pulse around an object such as a cell phone or laptop.   A larger version could be made with a steel garbage can lined with chicken wire and your items suspended in the middle.

Large scale protection from a EMP, might be a steel building lined with chicken wire to divert the pulse.

*Please note the above explanation of of a Faraday cage is for information purposes only, be sure to do your own research as to the exact products or devices to protect your own vehicles and equipment.

I am including a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this subject for your self.

The Main Ingredients Of The Covid-19 Vaccines

As much has been written, and stated about the Covid-19 vaccines, I felt I would do some writing about 4 of the main Ingredients that make up the majority of the vaccine makeup.

The first Ingredient is Luciferease,  which they list as a harmless light producing enzyme which glows when oxidatized.  The name is said to have been derived from Latin, Lucifer meaning ” Lightbringer,” root from “Lux,” respectively.

This protein can be found in Fireflies  and several sea animals.  It’s purpose is determine if Covid-19 antibodies are being created.  According to the article (See Below), they can determine this 12 times faster with the Luciferease enzyme.

The next ingredient on the list is known as Hydrogels.   Hydrogels, are basically a water swollen material similar to gelatin.  Why not use regular you ask?  Well, the article states that hydrogels help to release the contents of a vaccine more efficiently.

According to the article listed below, it’s not so much an ingredient,  but instead a process called Transfection.   Transfection is the process by which DNA or RNA is introduced to the eukaryotic cells.   Transfection is the process by which your immune system creates antibodies for a vaccine.

The final ingredient is called “mRNA,” or messenger RNA.  It’s purpose is to carry genetics material from the DNA to the Cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are made.  mRNA is  naturally created in the human body and said to be harmless.

Conclusion:  Well, taken at face value, the majority of ingredients of the vaccines would appear to be harmless.  However, we must evaluate the truthfulness of the information.  Further, we must evaluate the source for this information, which in this case is Google.

I encourage everyone to do your own research,  don’t take anyone’s word.  Look up and read the information for your self.  These are not all the ingredients in the Vaccines, be sure to look those up as well.  I choose not to take the vaccine, however that is my choice.  Each person has to decide what they believe is best for them.

Note: Due to Copyright restrictions I shared the article separately directly above on this subject.

The End Will Come in Silence

Today, people are at odds with each other believing that their side is right.  While, they denigrate, assault and belittle what they believe to be their enemy.

The Truth is that they have been manipulated from the beginning.   At this point any petty differents are irrelevant.   What is vital to understand is that both sides are pawns.

We were meant to start a race war between us as the NWO, is moving money out of the country.  Further, Covid-19 may or may not exist.  Yet, it was simply a means to an end.

The end game has a few steps, with the Covid simply setting the stage for the vaccines.  The vaccines contain nanotechnology, which will with other proteins, and bypass your bodies antibodies and head right for your DNA which it will rewrite.

It will create within your bloodstream the vectors that will duplicate the Covid-19 virus.  In so doing make those who this is being done to a carrier of the virus.  The injection also contains a microchip that can be identified with a reader on your smart phone.

The question we must ask ourselves is why?  Why would the elites go to all this trouble to carry out a worldwide genocide? 

The answer lies in the Agenda 21,25 and 30 documents.   It also rests on the Georgia guide stones.  Maintain the world population at 500 million people in perpetuity.

Everything they are doing is obvious.  They always put their goals right in the open for all to see, before they do it.  You there is no delta strain variant.  

The truth is, I believe the vaccines contains a killswitch, which I believe give them the power to eliminate anyone  who took the vaccine.  I believe this is one part of their endgame.

Depopulation,  will to a large degree be carried out by the vaccines.  Another of their goals is to move all those who survive into smart cities.

These smart cities will allow them to monitor the population that is left 24 hours a day.  Most likely Ai will over see the cities day to day monitoring as well as all other operations required.

How they will handle those with guns is simple, the will control the food and water.  If you get hungry or thirsty, then you will have to go turn in your guns for the basic needs.  The alternative is starvation, dehydration and finally death.

Conclusion:  I believe the elites when they say they are going to do something, because their goals have not change for centuries, and carry on to this very day. 

So as you can see, the end will come with a whimper,  not a bang.  I just wonder, if there is anything we can do to change this bleak outcome?  Or if the future is destined to Silence and another civilization that outlived it’s time.  And, another mass extinction, man.

Normally, I would add a video for reference,  however, I believe the text speaks for itself.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.