Probability Tunnels

Many people have hypothesized that we are existing in a simulation. Things typically moving in regular patterns, with the occasional hiccup of a change. These changes are seen as data corrections, like software updates to correct errors developing in the running simulation.

People have called these changes or updates things like Deja vu, the Mandela Effect and later the Paradigm Shift. What it amounts to is a correction or changes occurring that can be seen in real time.

Now, these changes or software corrections, can be limited or rather large changes effecting the entire simulation. Such changes in the past have included, the solar system changing position in the universe, other solar systems appearing within our own solar system, and the world’s continents changing shape and size just to name a few.

While there are quite a few papers and videos covering this subject already, I won’t be covering the simulation theory. What I am going to discuss is the idea of probability tunnels.

A probability tunnel is the space around you that constitutes the probable out comes of your actions as well as the apparently random occurrences that happen around you daily.

What if you were able step outside this Probability Tunnel? Could you change the outcomes of these seemingly random occurrences, and thereby change events that generally occur in your life experience?

What if there were a hack to simulation? Further, what if you were able to use this hack to gain new experiences, based on your intent? If we truly do live in a simulation, then there is a set of variables that govern your experiences.

These variables could be considered probable outcomes to any action you choose. As such there is no such thing as random occurrences. Everything exists in a tunnel around you therefore no matter what you choose to do, an outcome has already been assigned for whatever action you took.

Now, imagine you could truly make a random outcome occur, rather than an outcome that had been programmed for your action. Your experience would, for the very first time be truly new.

There are also possible consequences for stepping outside your Probability Tunnel, which could be anything from having your life reset to before you stepped outside you Probability Tunnel.

To the possibility of changing elements of your life so as to put you into another Probability Tunnel which would never lead to the ability to step outside the Probability Tunnel in the first place.

Conclusion: I am not saying I necessarily believe or disbelieve in the simulation theory. However, I think it remains within the realm of possibility. As such, I think it is possible we could exist in a simulation, without many ever knowing that they are controlled by a set of variables that control our every more, action or experience.

With all that being said, I believe it would be at least worth the effort if we had a way to test the theory, we should do it. I have included a link to a app app that states it does just that. According to write up about this app, it is meant to allow you to “Step Outside,” your Probability Tunnel and grant you a truly random experience, for the first time in your life based on your intent.

A word of caution, I am a big proponent of experimentation, however if all of this is a simulation, then it is possible to gain the attention of the “Programmer.” And, that could lead to a number of unfortunate occurrences some of which I noted in the above text. You have been cautioned.

I have included a link to the app for your experimentation purposes.
I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

A Message About Racism

I just felt compelled to address all that is going on and to bring my own perspective to the events that have been and are occuring not only nationwide but worldwide.

First, the riots and violence that has been taking place is not, I repeat not about a man being killed by a police officer. It has been made to appear as a grassroots protest against police brutality.

However, in fact it is a opportunity for George Soros, and the Democratic party to use this unfortunate event as a catalyst to push forward the events they hope will collapse the US government, and issue in the NWO.

What we are seeing is the above mentioned people and political party using Antifa, BLM and paid Mercenaries to wage Insurrection and violence in the hopes of bring Marxist Communism as a breeding ground for the totalitarian NWO regime.

Police are human, and humans sometimes make mistakes, right or wrong it happens. However to blame all police for the crimes of a few is wrong.

As for abolishing police departments is foolhardy. If you want anarchy, and the destruction of this country then eliminating the police is a good starting point.

As to the White people being responsible for the crimes of a few, is just ludicrous. I fought my whole life to protect the rights of all Americans. Not white, not black, but all Americans.

However, I will not remain silent, as foreign powers attempt to use domestic terrorism to destroy my country. Reverse racism is still racism, no matter how you package it.

Further, violence, destroying property and threatening the lives of innocent people is wrong, and I believe if the government is unwilling or unable to protect it’s citizenry. Then it is the responsibility of every citizen to stand up and defend their neighborhoods, towns and cities.

To remain silent, as Antifa trys to invade town after town, and city after city is to be accomplices in their actions and crimes. Reverse racism is being used as an excuse for the violence and the riots and looting.

Conclusion: Regardless of what is being said, using a crime perpetrated against one man as a reason to harm and murder others in the name of justice is not just wrong, but is as evil as the original crime.

A Moment in Time

What if everything you have ever seen was a projection, created by what you perceive as the world around you? It has been said we can see only 1 % of the visible light. If this is fact then there is 99% that is completely unknown to us.

What is consciousness? Is it a lens through which we filter reality? Is it a buffer through which that 1 % is filter? With the other 99% being recorded by our subconscious, filing it away perhaps filtering to us in a way our conscious can understand in dreams and premonitions.

We have puzzled the true nature of our reality, for thousands of years, with the truth remaining a mystery. The fact is the closest we have come, is for a physicist, to find what he described as a specific computer code that is used in computer browsers.

Is it possible that reality, as we perceive it is simply a projection, a projection that has been either purposefully or accidentally narrowed to a very limited light spectrum. Our brain, is capable of not only perceiving and existing 11 dimensions.

We have been witnessing changes in what we perceive, we have attibuted these changes to possible time travellers going back changing things. Also, a number of other hypotheses, however if our reality were a projection, then it would be possible to change by simply rewriting the code that projection is running.

Or possibly narrowing the visible ban of the spectrum, the specific ban we our capable of being consciously aware of and it would appear to us as changing, appearing or disappearing.

Further, it is possible another civilization could literally exist, in the light spectrum that compromise that other 99%, and we are simply unable to perceive them at all. It is possible that they are the creator of our limited projection.

Further, our conscious forcing us to live linearly in time. As such if other beings are capable of living outside linear time then, to then past,present and the future exist “Now.”

As such, those beings would seem as gods (small g), to someone stuck moving linearly only in time. Whether they created the projection or simply evolved to exist in the full spectrum of reality is not important, what is important is could such beings either create such a projection?

And, if they did create it, then did they also either write us into that projection, or somehow alter their DNA in such a way as to limit our perception to such a narrow spectrum of light effectively making us unable to perceive them at all?

Conclusion: Time, consciousness and perception have limited our progression to such a degree that only intervention of such a advanced civilization could break us out of this prison of conscious perception.

Or possibly finding a way to harness our subconscious, tapping into the full potential of our brain. Making it possible to perceive our full reality with more than just our limited eyes. Just as the blind can utilize other senses to exist.

We are currently blind, and the key to unlocking the true nature of our reality exists inside. The more we are able to stretch our perception, the more our consciousness and unconsciousness will meld into one. Perhaps, it is this melding that will allow us to exist outside the prison of time.

Allowing us to for the very first time to become fully aware of our reality, whatever that reality really is projection or something else.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research this topic as well.