Haarp and Weather  Modification

The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a research program that was funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the University of Alaska. HAARP was established in 1993 and its main facility is located near Gakona, Alaska.

HAARP is known for its ionospheric research and its ability to manipulate the ionosphere. The ionosphere is a region of the Earth’s atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. HAARP uses high-frequency radio waves to excite the ionosphere and study its effects.

One of the speculated applications of HAARP is weather modification. Weather modification is the intentional alteration of the weather through various techniques, such as cloud seeding or ionospheric heating. HAARP’s ability to manipulate the ionosphere has led to speculation that it could be used to control the weather.

However, there is much debate and controversy surrounding the topic of HAARP and weather modification. Some believe that HAARP could be used for malicious purposes, such as weaponizing the weather. Others argue that HAARP is simply a scientific research program with no nefarious intent.

It is important to note that HAARP’s capabilities for weather modification are largely theoretical and not yet proven. The scientific community continues to study HAARP and its effects on the ionosphere, but conclusive evidence of weather modification remains elusive.

Despite the speculation surrounding HAARP and weather modification, it is crucial to approach the topic with a critical and skeptical mindset. It is essential to distinguish between scientific research and conspiracy theories when discussing HAARP and its potential applications.

HAARP and weather modification are complex and nuanced topics that require careful consideration and scrutiny. It is important to rely on credible sources and scientific evidence when discussing the capabilities and limitations of technologies like HAARP.

As research on HAARP and weather modification continues, it is crucial to remain informed and engaged with the latest developments in the field. By staying informed and educated, we can better understand the potential impact of technologies like HAARP on our world.

Conclusion:  HAARP is a research program that has been associated with weather modification due to its ability to manipulate the ionosphere. However, the extent of HAARP’s capabilities for weather modification remains uncertain and requires further study and analysis.

I hope this information helps you better understand HAARP and its potential implications for weather modification. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

The American Revolution: A British Civil War, And is a Revolt Coming Again?

The American Revolutionary War was a historic event that directly led to the break away of the British colonies from Great Britain.

It was a direct result of the monarchs unreasonable taxation of British citizens in the New World and the subsequent tyranny directly caused by the heavy handedness of that governments attempts to force its edicts on an unresponsive citizenry.

As such, it was not actually the American Revolution, but a British rebellion against an oppressive king and government. As such, the events that are currently taking place more closely resemble those events than the Civil War of the 1860s.

Because while the Civil War was a rebellion of sorts against federal abuse and states’ rights. What is happening now is a government not trying to force states to comply with the law.

Rather, it is a government attempting to not only force oppressive and unfair taxation without any actual representation or regress against such oppressive and unreasonable taxation.

It also represents an oppressive regime attempting to circumvent actual law in favor of a globalist agenda, which does not serve the wellbeing of either the states as an institution. But it also represents a clear tyrannical and unreasonable attempt to force the citizenry to comply with the same.

During the British conflict, Great Britain was empire building. This was led by the Banks and Wealthist family lines such as the Rothchilds and others pitting countries against each other, financing both sides of each conflict.

Becoming rich at the expense of the suffering of those who had to fight those bloody conflicts. Then, they would finance the rebuilding after each conflict.

These globalist bankers held the actual power in all the world’s governments. Which they have continued to do up to the present era. They have been following their agenda, which they have been pursuing for centuries.

Their ultimate goal has always been to possess all the world’s wealth and natural resources. Further, the second goal will have to be the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship that they will control.

After which they will have to eliminate the majority of the world population (98%) in order to maintain their control over global resources and enslaving those that remain to act as slaves maintaining the infrastructure required to control the global government and their hold on global resources.

All of these are stated goals of the Globalists. None of this is conjecture or conspiracy theory. They have stated this with their own mouths in the UN., the World Economic Forum, and their other entities. None of this is in dispute.

What we must understand is these same agendas were in play during the actions which led up to the British revolt of the colonies and the subsequent break away of those British colonies and directly led to the war of 1776, and formation of the United States of America.

So, in a real sense, the globalist agenda led to the British revolution, which formed the United States. Flash forward a century and the same Globalist families and their financial organizations were the catalyst that led to the 1860s conflict between the break away states and the US federal government.

In that conflict, they again financed through proxies both sides of said conflict. In the aftermath, they again made a killing in loaning money, which was used in the rebuilding effort after the cessation of hostilities.

Flash forward to the present. Once again they are attempting to circumvent the laws of the country in a blatant attempt to force their clearly illegal agenda down the throats of the citizenry much in the same fashion as they did by utilizing the King and British government to levy unreasonable taxes and then use force to enforce their tyrannical mandates.

Thus, we stand at another juncture in history where yet again the Globalists are forcing their proxies in the US government much in the same fashion the did the British King and government to circumvent the law of the land to push forth their agenda at the expense of the country as well as its citizens.

Their intent is clear. They intend to collapse the US as a whole and import so many illegal aliens as to completely destroy national sovereignty in preparation for their creation of their much anticipated one world government.

This is nothing but a continuation of the agenda centuries in the making. It is completely obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

As such, what we are witnessing is the exact same tactics the Globalist attempted to apply, which led to the British revolt of the 13 original British colonies and the formation of the United States of America.

Their agenda directly led to that eventuality. The only question is, was it a miscalculation, or did they do that on purpose?

Was the breakaway and formation of a new country done on purpose in an attempt to begin a drawing together of power in preparation of the next steps to eliminate old sovereignties in preparation for building the foundation upon which they would build their one world government?

Conclusion: You see, the current dilemma we find ourselves in is reminiscent of the elimination of British sovereignty here in North America to make way for the next step toward their dream of world government.

Only now they are attempting to eliminate US Sovereignty in North America in preparation to move their agenda forward yet again in their constant drum beat toward their one world dictatorship.

As such, if the citizens revolt, it will be a direct reflection of what occurred in 1776 . The only question is if such a revolt were to occur, we must ask ourselves, is it another miscalculation?

Or are they simply resorting to the exact same tactic they used in 1776 to eliminate British sovereignty in North America. However, this time to eliminate US sovereignty in order to once again move their agenda forward at the expense of the citizens of the US?

Fear, Absolution, and The Coming Apocalypse

The things that are occurring in the world seem to appear random and one offs if you can see the bigger picture.

The problem is that the actual players are nor who they seem. You see, the heads of the countries aren’t the ones actually pulling the strings.

The ones who are wielding the actual power are hidden and have been for centuries. People are pointing at the Globalist and Deepstate as the power players when they are only the bag men the those whose agenda is being carried out as you are sitting here reading this post.

You see, the real leaders are the Orsini family. The current so-called Grey Pope is a member of the Orsini family, a clan linked to the Kings of Old. The grey pope is controlling all businesses worldwide. As such, he is the most powerful man on the planet. And you most likely have never heard of him.

There are 3 popes.. The White Pope… leader of the worldwide church. The Black Pope, who is the head of the Jesuit order and the Grey Pope, the most powerful of the 3, and it is he that controls the world’s corporations and all businesses worldwide.

It is the Orsini family they all take a knee to. And the depopulation agenda, and every other nefarious plot occurring from flooding Europe with Muslims. To flood the US with illegals. To all the UN Agendas. To the World Wars, Eugenics, and past and future pandemics. All are being orchestrated by them.

The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and all the Globalist elite take their marching orders from the Grey pope and his family. Most are decendants of that clan who changed their names over the centuries. They all hid their true affiliations because they understood anonymity equals safety.

As long as people can’t see the connections then they would remain oblivious until all their mechanizations were carried out and ultimately if they were told the truth most are so dumbed down by chemicals and lack of ability for rational thought they would simply thing it a conspiracy theory. And impossible.

Other things are occurring behind the scenes that are even more unbelievable and therefore unseen due to the sheer impossibility of these things actually occurring.

Such as other species, whether other dimensional, mulitiversal, or possibly even temporal in nature, are pushing their agendas on humanity.

You see, religions, ideologies, and philosophies are simply tools that are being used to divide, control, and conquer the human population. As long as they are divided, then they are easily controlled.

Once seen, understood, and believed, then what is occurring is rather obvious. I mean, why would humanity adopt an anti-human agenda?

Accept reduction willingly? And even entertain the idea that we as a people are the planet’s main problem to be eliminated? I mean, that idea is plain suicidal and obviously insane by its very concept.

Unless another outside group is pursuing this plan to remove the majority of the human population in order that some unseen outside species is removing humanity to prepare the planet for their occupation. Then, the anti-human agenda makes perfect sense.

Why else would they be using technology to teraform the planet through weather modification, chemtrailing, Haarp, arrays in space to block out the sun. And even say that plant life causes carbon and actively set about to destroy the very thing that’s eliminates carbon and creates oxygen.

All these things, including wars, bioweapons, starvation, and greater and greater moves to absolutely control the human population, boil down to some outside influence is attempting to remove humanity and take over from behind the scenes. The evidence is overwhelming.

Conclusion: All the old power structures are obsolete and are being used to contain, control, and eliminate humanity. Ultimately, the next conflict will be focused on this objective.

To clear the way for what species or outside entities to take possession of our planet. And they are using us to do it.

For whatever reason, the Orsinis, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all the other Globalists have agreed to assist them in their ultimate depopulation and elimination of humanity as a whole.

Perhaps power or control was promised. Maybe immorality or some other esoteric gift offered to sell out humanity. Whatever the case, the fact that the apocalypse is not just a prophecy or story to scare the gullible.

The end of humanity is inevitable if the population remains oblivious. And unable to see the truth that is staring them in the face. The end will happen because we, as a people, lost the capacity for deductive reasoning and rational thought.

Ultimately, our epitaph will read humanity became too dumb to live. Eliminated by our own foolishness. And divided by our own ignorance. Race was in the end irrelevant as the species that stole our planet saw us as just all human and all expendable.

Why Are the Globalists Trying To Depopulate The Planet?

I have been racking my brain trying to rationalize why any human being would want to eliminate 98% of the population.

I understand there has been a prevailing school of thought that people are actually divided not into multiple classes but only two. One represents the Globalist elite. The other they consider inferior and call them ( Useless Eaters.)

These Globalists see the majority of the world as expendable. As such, they set about a few hundred years ago to ultimately eliminate that majority. and enslaved whoever wasn’t eliminated.

That’s what the Eugenics movement represented. The formalization of this philosophy. They then set to work, creating a framework to carry out this depopulation agenda.

The UN, WHO, World Economic Forum, Planned Parenthood, the creation and pushing the gay agenda, cult of Trans, cult of Queer and Nonbinary all to limit or eliminate all together human population growth.

Further, this is what the World Wars were about the elimination of large numbers of humans. My question is, why? Yes, these Globalist appear to be power-hungry and selfish individuals who only crave more … but they have power.

They are extremely wealthy with more than they could ever spend in their lifetime, so why attempt such an anti-human agenda?
Unless something else is driving this agenda.

But what? Self-loathing? It’s tantamount to committing suicide. So why would they seek to eliminate the majority of their own species? Why, indeed?

I have considered the possibility of mass mental illness. Perhaps insanity is driving this agenda. However, when considered across a swath of people that are not genetically linked, the likelihood of the same self-destructive mental malaise doesn’t seem a likely factor.

So what are we left with? An outside influence of some kind. Either spiritual in nature, or perhaps the influence of beings from elsewhere. Whether that elsewhere is another dimension, an alternate reality, another time, or extraterrestrial in nature.

We are left with influence of other than humans pushing these Globalists to depopulate the planet for possible colonization by other than human entities.
I know this sounds fringe or conspiracy theory, but consider the facts.

These people are trying to make people believe their very existence..ie breathing is bad and contributes to a fake scheme they created called (Climate Change.)

Based on this philosophy, they are justified in doing whatever they like and chalking it up to fighting this invisible threat they created. They redistribute the world’s wealth based on it.

They continue to gain more and more power sighting the need to fight this plague on the planet. They are enforcing greater and greater draconian control on the population.

All the while, they are attempting to block the sun. They are eliminating more and more energy sources. Limiting food creation and initiating much greater controls on who can create food and who controls that production capability and products created.

They are using weather modification tech such as million watt lasers and Haarp to superheat the atmosphere. As well as chemtrailing to block out sunlight. Why?

It appears they are terraforming the planet, but why? What could possibly push them to do this save a hidden actor changing the planet to better service whatever species or group of species they represent.

And, if all that just seems to be farfetched, Then , rationize all their actions as a whole instead of random one offs. Look at the entire picture, and what you begin to see is a concerted effort to eliminate the dominant species IE humankind in lue of some other hidden beings.

They may have been here from the beginning and just decided to reassert control over the planet. And, they what 800 million humans that is the suggested population after all the others are eliminated as their slaves, food, playthings.

Whatever, they are actively pursuing this agenda right this moment and utilizing everything at their command to eliminate you. Food, water, environment, war, medicines, every product you use all centered on one goal to eliminate you and everyone around you.

Conclusion: There is absolutely no rational that can being put forth to justify the Genocide of the majority of the human population aside from either megalomaniac insanity or an outside influence with an anti-human agenda to make way to populate the planet with another species.

Or it’s purely demonic in nature to simply kill indiscriminately the majority of the population due to hatred of mankind.
I believe some outside influence is the actual answer to the question of why these Globalists appear to be committing suicide.
There just isn’t any plausible explanation other than they have colluded with some other or multiple other species in a bid to eliminate their own for whatever they were promised.

Whether it’s power, control, or some other selfish motivation. They have unknowingly betrayed themselves as well because whoever these other beings are they are undoubtedly smart enough to understand if these individuals would sell out and betray their own species.

Then they would betray them as well if they decided to. Which makes them a liability, and I’m guessing they will eliminate them as well in the end.

The Truth Versus The Narrative

As we can see, the current social political situation is chaotic at best . And downright terrifying at worst. With the different factions of the political spectrum at each other’s throats. The question is, how did we get here?

Was this merely an organic occurrence? Destined to ultimately end up this way? Due to ideological or political incompatibility? How did we get so far from our original ideas?

If it were a mere ideological problem. People could sit down and discuss their differences. And find common ground. This is something far darker and more insidious. This is being caused by outside forces that are intent on dividing humanity and keeping it that way to distract from the real provocateur.

You see for a very long time secret canals have run the world. They are called by a number of names to muddy the waters. And to keep people believing they are not connected but different factions.

They are called Globalists, Bankers, Elites, Deepstate, Illuminati, Concil on Foreign Relations, The Bildeburg Group. But regardless of what moniker they adopt, it’s the same group of individuals directing the outcome of world events.

What is their goals? Power, absolute control of all resources, lands and people. They have been very direct and have telegraphed their intentions repeatedly using the Main Stream Media to tell you what they intend to do.

From the fact that another ( Pandemic) is quickly approaching. Which they are constantly proclaiming. To the fact that they need to lock everybody down again for public (safety). To the fact the Climate Change us the cause for pretty much every bad thing that occurs. Therefore climate (lockdowns) are going to be needed to counter calamity.

They have laid out their agendas through the world politic the U.N.. In the form of resolutions called Agenda 21,25,30. The need for depopulation of the planet. Which we are told has to be brought down to 800 million worldwide in perpetuity.

As well as the adoption of smart 15 minute cities run by Ai and that 24/7 monitoring of all people is for our own good. Things such as free speech, religion and most fowl the possession of any means to defend ourselves is not only evil. But down right inhuman. That people who hold such ideas are extremist.

That gender is a construct. That there are more than to sexes everything is fluid, changing. No such thing as femininity or masculinity. And as a matter of fact masculinity is (toxic) and evil .

The nuclear family is a thing to be scorned. And traditional values a thing to be mocked and ridiculed. That things such as loyality and monogamy are outdated ideas to be discarded.

They tell us they are protecting democracy by waging proxy wars in other countries killing thousands not to defend that nation. But to make billions on selling arms, planes, and other objects of war. And with plans to profit on the backend through rebuilding. As well as contributing to their depopulation agenda.

As well as building underground bases, cities, railways. Do you believe that was for the protection and benefit of the people at large? Or in preparation for the release of biological and ultimately Nuclear warfare?

Have you ever wondered why the government doesn’t provide enough nuclear shelters for the population? They in the 50s and 60s at least made it appear they were providing for civil defense. But have since dropped all pretense of actually caring about public welfare.

They recently tested a national system of public communication. Did you not wonder why? Was it because they care about your welfare? Or as a means of control. They have built 100s of Fema camps why? In case of emergency or places to intere the public at large.

Do you not understand the reason they shut off all national energy independence and forced our dependency on foreign oil. Especially from China a country that only partially hides its contempt and loathing of our country and everything we stand for. Why? The answer is by design. Like everything else this cabal does to achieve its final goals. Which were stated earlier in this post.

They collaped the southern border not for humanitarian reasons but to change the balance of power in specific states so that the political party the overtly control. The Fascist Communist Democratic Party can pursue this canals goals directly.

While using lobbies to covertly control the other party. As well as local governments in the more conservative states. As well as campaign for local offices such as district attorneys and city councils to control local municipalities.

And, allowing unknown amounts of secret foreign troops to pass into the country unnoticed. So that they can be positioned for when the take over of the country is initiated. They will act as sleeper cells to prepare the way for an actual invasion.

The deconstruction of the country is by design. As they transfer the wealth from the lower and middle classes. Throw inflation, the climate change scam. As well as future pandemics and higher taxes.

All the while sending vast amounts of money to other countries . While allowing the citizens of this country to starve, struggle and live on the streets instead of using that money to provide affordable housing and commodity infrastructure to sustain our population.

And, these same people at the top are all connected. Using MSM, government, celebrities and political ideologies like the Cult of Trans, BLM, Antifa and other groups including Woke culture as control mechanisms as controls and a means to a end. Just as they continue to use Planned Parenthood and the idea abortion is a right.

When in actually it is simply one more concept they concocted to brainwash women in to believing its good to kill your offspring and thereby continuing their depopulation agenda.

As does war, and propagation of virus and diseases that they most likely have had cures for. Perhaps for many decades. All by design. To achieve their ultimate goals. And these individuals and dynasties are playing the long game. Nothing is by chance.

They further control hidden technology which they either suppress or have acquired from off world sources which they also use for the same agendas. Weather modification and control, putting things in the atmosphere such as poisons and heavy metals in chemtrails.

And, seismic technology to create earthquakes, HAARP and Laser technology to start fires in specific locations. All by design.
Mysterious fires popped up all over the globe burning so hot they melt ceramic, glass and engine blocks on cars yet skip whole areas even leaving vegetation untouched.

And, when things happen like Maui, no one asks questions such as (Why they turned the water off)? And (Why they blocked the citizens from leaving the affected areas even though to stay meant certain death)? Further, (Why did the damage only affect areas that the Elites wanted to build hotels and a smart city. While leaving the surrounding areas unharmed)? By design that’s why.

Conclusion: So what is the take away from all of this you ask? The answer is clear. A small group of people are masterminding the greatest deception in human history. And doing so while appearing complete separated from each other and at the same time telegraphing it in real-time. They are hiding only their connection to one and other while being totally transparent with their intentions to decimate the human population and ultimately control this world and everything on it. This is the hidden truth.

A Question Of Coincidence In Maui

The conflagration of coincidence is beyond any possibility of just being accidental.  With the water authorities shutting off the water needed to fight the blazes. 

And the the electric company leaving the power on knowing the possibility of spreading this disaster yet not appearing to care at all.  But the question is was it purely mere coincidence or something more sinister like a planned elimination of specifically targeted areas of the population?

Perhaps, eliminating resistance to plans for the area which had been drawn up for some time.  Why did the police keep people from leaving the fire affected areas? 

Why were celebrities homes and billionaires homes completely unaffected by the wildfires?  Why did Oprah and other purchase large swaths of land ahead of time.  And a number of others take out insurance policies just prior to the blazes?

And the fire patterns look like directed energy weapons were employed to create precise damage effected areas.  With cars engines melting ad well as glass but leaving roads and trees untouched.

The fires only affected areas that they were considering for building a new smart city and hotels.  Coincidence?  I’d say the chances are quite low.  Further, a book about climate change just comes out during the blazes.   And the government just happens to talk about buying up all the affected land. 

As well as land developers swoop in to try to take advantage of the disaster.   FEMA says they don’t have the resources to actually do what they came to accomplish.   Yet they were all put up in 5 star hotels

And the Biden Administration only offers 700 per affected family.   Though they are throwing billions at the Ukraine.   1000s are dead and unaccounted for yet no one appears to actually care aside from profuctory platitudes. 

And meaningless gestures including Ophra herself.  A billionaire with the nerve to ask common people to donate money to help.  When she could use her great wealth to have a huge effect to the damaged areas.

Conclusion: Summing up all these facts and more what does it point to?  A concerted effort to hide a planned and executed disaster which was orchestrated to force relocation and acquisition of a area that would have otherwise been unobtainable by any other method.

Obviously, this is all just speculation.   Lacking direct verifiable hard evidence.  A smoking gun if you will.  However, based on all the facts I have presented, I would say the chances of all these things occurring by random chance are nearly zero.  You do your own research and then decide for yourself.

I would say that very little that occurs is what it appears anymore. 

The Coming World Enslavement

Really the title is a misnomer because most of the world is enslaved already.  Just they are free range slaves and don’t realize their true predicament.   As long as everything appears normal they remain obvious to their true dilemma.

The Covid Pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, gave people their first taste of hard in your face slavery and control.  For a fair section of the population they rolled over like sheep and did what they were told.

Peoples capitulation and relinquishment of their rights in the name of safety was not only breathtaking in its swiftness, but told the powers that be I’m the deepstate what they needed to know.  All they had to do was tell these automatic slaves what to do and they did it like good little sheep following their brothers and sisters right if the cliff to their demise.

Taking whatever vaccine they were told to not even questioning the fact that not only was it not effective in stopping the virus.  But appeared to bring on said virus .   As doctors tried to take ro social media and were stopped by the government from telling the people the truth over a million people died from poison in those jabs.

Now they are signaling more mask mandates, more vaccine mandates and renewed Covid lockdowns.   People are still oblivious to the draconian control that is about to be visited upon them yet again.  Not understanding this is all part of a world agenda called Agenda 2030.

Put forth by the U.N. and intended to eliminate 75 to a 100 million Americans with poison vaccines.  Poor Healthcare and using poisons in the drinking water in the form of fluoride.   In the air in the form of heavy metals.  And sulfuric acid sprayed in the sky for weather modification.

The are also signaling such things as climate lockdowns.   And forced relocation into 15 minute smart cities where a majority of the population would be in forced lockdown all the time. 

Recent freak fires appear to be man-made by use of Dew..or Directed Energy Weapons.   And , such fires were meant to force people off land that could be bought up at a discount price in order to make way for new smart cities and to force the population into those 24 hour monitored environments.

Conclusion:  This is not a recent idea.  This concept of absolute control and the total enslavement of the population has been planned for centuries.   It is only now that they possess the technology to make this nightmare a reality.

People like Bill Gates and others have been buying up as much available farm land and water rights as possible in preparation for the coming total control system.   Their stated goals are the elimination of 98 percent of the population.   Leaving approximately 850000 people alive globally.   And those left would be basically slaves for the elites.  And completely controlled permanently.   That is the coming planned future.