Surveys And There Effect On You’re Healthcare

In this age, everybody is conducting surveys to determine how effective their goods and services are being commercialized to the public. As such the medical field is no different.

With the majority of doctors being forced under larger umbrellas of medical facilities, such as the hospitals they work out of, their surveys are as you would think important feed back on how effective these medical professionals are in dealing with patients.

However, instead of these snapshots of a patient’s personal experience, they are being used in quite a different way. If you have experience a problem with a particular doctor or facility, and reported it honestly it is being given directly to those with whom you experienced the problem.

As such, said facility or physician is now utilizing such surveys to punish the patients who have answered honestly on the survey, not knowing it went directly back to those with whom you have had the issue with.

Those facilities and physicians then punish those survey takers in a number of ways from not giving the patient the medications they need. To changing medication dosages, without warning.

They also treat the patients in an abusive manner. Going so far as to remove the patients from the practice altogether sighting the patient was a problem due to not making appointments or being late to appointments.

This even occurs in cases where patients have been in the practice for many years. Generally, it occurs when the doctor first joins the umbrella organization. They are forced to punish anyone who gives them a bad review, with these surveys not being anonymous.

Conclusion: Due to pressure to have good records the physicians are forced to treat anyone who doesn’t give glowing reports on these surveys as a problem. As such you must understand, if you take these surveys, they will impact you’re future treatment.

A Dire Warning To Humanity About Ai

Elon Musk has released another dire warning regarding Ai manipulation of social media and possibly causing WWIII. It is interesting that he is so concerned about Ai and it’s ability to manipulate humanity. Yet, he owns a company that programs and creates Ai.

It’s sort of like warning about an imminent invasion as you are opening the gate for the Trojan horse. I tend to agree that Ai is a dangerious issue, that could if it became self aware, decide to enslave or destroy humanity. Yet, even as we are recieving these warnings, they are opening the metaphorical pit to release the demons.

The only way to be a hundred percent sure that Ai can never threaten humanity, is either to stop creating it. Or, put a backdoor into the Ai software and a kill code to disable it if need be.

Conclusion: A movie a while back called “Wargames,” had a type of Ai computer which through running every conceivable scenario taught itself that there was no way to win a nuclear war. While, one would hope any intelligence would realize that even if you win such a war you still lose.

We can not ultimately leave our future in the hands of an impartial machine intelligence, and hope it makes the right decision. We must stack the deck in humanity’s favor so that we will never be at the mercy of an Ai who decides the world would be better without us.

I have included an article as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Elon Musk freaks out about ‘advanced AI’ and its manipulation of social media

True Technological Level Of Humanity

We have been educated in science and technology, supposedly giving us the basic knowledge about our current technological level. However, was that just a lie, to keep the masses from knowing the truth about what humanity has really been accomplishing technologically?

With our President and others talking about space forces, and the evidence of the use of Trillion watt lasers from space. What is our true technological level? For years now we have heard stories of the world governments rushing in at supposed ufo crash sites to collect the ships and remains. How much of that technology have we reverse engineered?

While we see an explosion of technological advances from the twentieth to the twenty first centuries. The question is how many of these advances can be attributed to stolen alien tech?

Further, how much technology has been hidden from us in black projects which eat up billions in tax revenue each year, without telling anyone what they are using the money for. They have told us conflicting lies about space, and believe the American people so dumbed down by chemicals in the food, water and air that no one is aware of their deception.

On one hand they have said that somehow, miraculously they lost the technology to go to the moon. Yet, with more than 50 years of innovation in technology and science, they can’t replicate a feat done with the bear minimum of technology possessed 50 years prior.

Then, they tell us that the government must build a space fleet, that can patrol our system and beyond. So, if you can’t even accomplish going back to our own moon, how are you going to patrol our star system and beyond?

The answer is simple, they have had space technology for a long time and have been hiding it from the general population. Quite possibly the majority of ufo’s seen in the skys today are piloted by our own government. Further, alot of these finds in space are being done by this hidden space force, then attributed to Nasa telescopes, and other earth based sensing devices.

Conclusion: We must question each and every find in space. As well as the obvious lies being foisted on the public about our technological level. Some have stated our government is hiding technology 100 years more advanced than our current level. With others saying the government possesses technology 1000 years or more advanced than currently known.

The bottom line is we must not except the propaganda being pushed by official sources. Question everything, if enough people do the research and push, the truth will be known.

I have included an article about supposed finds in space as reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

‘Alien megastructure’ star not alone. More mysteriously dimming objects have been found.

The Hidden Sky

The sky has been heavily Chemtrailed across the world, and we must ask “Why?” The truth is we are approaching the end spoke of in Revelations in the Bible. However, even if you are not religious, the fact is the world’s governments are trying very hard to hide what is happening in the sky.

There is not only a planetary system moving through our own star system, but this system is causing tectonic plate shifts, volcanic activity and strange weather. Further, the government has placed a craft in space which projects light to hide this star system obscuring it with light in conjunction with the chemicals sprayed in our atmosphere.

There has been something that has happened to moon. They are using the projector on the moon, and it appears at times smaller, and at times parcially obscured by a eclipse that shouldn’t be there. Further, it has been projected with crescent on the bottom, which never happened on our moon.

There is at least one other body in earth’s orbit, possibly a large meteorite that got caught in earth’s gravity. Some nights it can be seen, and I suspect is what caused a parcially eclipsed moon I took a photograph of the night it occurred.

As for the system that is passing through our own system, it is causing havoc across the world, and I believe is a sign of the end times which is foretold to occur before the 7 years of Tribulation in the Bible.

Conclusion: Whether you are religious or not, the fact is there are celestial objects in the sky that the governments of the world are going to a great deal of effort to obscure and hide from the world population.

The US government not long ago advised all citizens to have 6 months of food and water on hand in case of emergency. I believe this is a very good idea. Further, if possible also have a way to power you’re home in case of a blackout.

There is a very good chance based all that we see, that we may well be approaching a time of Tribulation, but whether you are religious or not it is always best to be prepared in case of disaster.

If you would like a copy of the photograph of the partially eclipsed moon let me know.
I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.