The 3 World Wars Predicted by Albert Pike

Albert Pike was a prominent figure in American Freemasonry and is often associated with his alleged predictions regarding the occurrence of three world wars.

While some believe that Pike accurately predicted the events of the two World Wars, it is important to approach these claims with caution as there is significant debate and controversy surrounding them.

According to the alleged predictions, Pike supposedly wrote a letter in 1871 outlining a plan for three global conflicts that would reshape the world.

It is important to note that the authenticity of this letter is disputed, and some researchers argue that it may have been a fabrication or misinterpretation.

In the alleged letter, Pike purportedly outlined that the first world war would be sparked by conflicts between different European nations, leading to the downfall of several empires and the establishment of communism in Russia.

This prediction is seen by some as mirroring the events of World War I and the subsequent Russian Revolution.

The second world war, as predicted by Pike, would allegedly involve a clash between fascism and communism.

This conflict would result in the rise of a totalitarian global government, according to the alleged predictions.

While aspects of this prediction can be seen in the events of World War II, it is important to note that the historical context and motivations behind the war were complex and cannot be solely attributed to Pike’s alleged predictions.

The alleged third world war, according to Pike’s supposed predictions, would involve a conflict between the Western world, led by the United States, and the Islamic world.

This conflict would result in widespread destruction and chaos, ultimately leading to the emergence of a new world order.

It is important to approach this prediction with skepticism, as the dynamics and causes of potential future conflicts are uncertain and subject to numerous factors.

It is crucial to recognize that the alleged predictions attributed to Albert Pike have been widely debated and questioned by historians and researchers.

Many argue that the interpretation of Pike’s writings and the subsequent attribution of these predictions to him are based on speculation and conspiracy theories.

While Albert Pike was undoubtedly a significant figure in American Freemasonry, it is important to critically examine any claims or assertions regarding his predictions on world wars.

Historians and scholars rely on verifiable evidence and rigorous analysis to understand the past and make predictions about the future, and it is essential to approach such claims with a critical mindset.

Conclusion:  The alleged predictions attributed to Albert Pike regarding three world wars are a subject of debate and controversy.

While some see parallels between his supposed predictions and historical events, it is important to approach these claims with caution and critically evaluate the evidence and context surrounding them.

The study of history requires careful analysis and interpretation, and it is crucial to rely on verifiable sources and scholarly research when examining such claims.

Though there is some skeptism surrounding these predictions, what is important to understand is what this represents if genuine is evidence of how long and deep the globalist agenda truly is spanning decades if not centuries in the making.

Further, it demonstrates how interconnected all these groups and ideologies are and how they are being utilized as weapons of change to force the globalist end goals on the world.

It’s shows communism, radical Islam, and other ideologies are simply tools and means to an end to accomplish the globalists’ ultimate agenda of depopulation and the conquest of the planet.

The Reasons For The Fall Of The Roman Empire And The Parallels To The Current Day US

Barbarian Invasions: The constant invasions by various Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths weakened the empire’s ability to defend its borders effectively.

Weak Military: Over time, the Roman army became less disciplined and less effective, making it easier for invading forces to penetrate Roman territories.

Political Instability: The Roman Empire experienced frequent changes in leadership, with emperors often being assassinated or overthrown, leading to instability and power struggles.

Economic Decline: The empire faced economic challenges such as inflation, high taxes, and devaluation of currency, which weakened the economy and led to widespread poverty.

Social Decay: The gap between the rich and the poor widened, leading to social unrest and discontent among the lower classes.

Overexpansion: The Roman Empire grew too large to be effectively governed, leading to difficulties in maintaining control over distant territories.

Administrative Corruption: Corruption and bureaucracy within the Roman government led to inefficiency and mismanagement of resources.

Decline in Morale: The once proud and disciplined Roman citizens lost their sense of civic duty and became apathetic towards the state.

Religious Strife: Religious conflicts and sectarianism, particularly between paganism and Christianity, divided the empire and weakened its unity.

Military Overextension: The Roman Empire stretched its military resources thin by fighting wars on multiple fronts, leading to exhaustion and depletion of manpower.

Loss of Civic Virtue: The traditional Roman values of duty, honor, and civic responsibility eroded over time, leading to a decline in the strength of the empire.

Environmental Factors: Natural disasters such as droughts, plagues, and famines further weakened the empire’s stability and ability to recover from external threats.

Decline in Agriculture: The Roman Empire struggled with agricultural productivity due to soil exhaustion, leading to food shortages and economic hardship.

Decline of Trade: The disruption of trade routes and decline of commerce weakened the economy and deprived the empire of vital resources.

Cultural Decay: The decline of intellectual and artistic achievements in the Roman Empire reflected a broader decay in the empire’s vitality and creativity.

Military Reforms: The Roman military underwent significant reforms in response to the changing nature of warfare, but these reforms were not implemented effectively or efficiently.

Division of the Empire: The division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern halves weakened its overall unity and made it more vulnerable to external threats.

Leadership Failures: Weak and ineffective emperors failed to provide the strong leadership needed to address the challenges facing the empire.

Decline in Innovation: The Roman Empire saw a decline in technological and scientific innovation, which limited its ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Inability to Adapt: Ultimately, the Roman Empire failed to adapt to the complex challenges it faced, leading to its gradual decline and eventual collapse.

Conclusion:  As is evident about the parallels between the fall of Rome and the current situation in the US, the obvious similarities are startling.  Almost point for point the the conditions that caused the end of the Roman empire and the modern day situations happening in the United States are identical.

It makes one wonder if these conditions were recreated on purpose to destroy the US as they did 2000 years ago in Rome.

The Globalist have the stated goal of eliminating all the current countries in favor of a one world totalitarian regime.   As such, it is obvious the reasons for the  current situations that are occurring in the US.

And proves the old adage :  (If we do not learn from the lessons of the past, we are damned to repeat them).

Democrats Yet Again Betray The People And The Country

The Democrats were quick to defend the border of Ukraine.  To the tune of billions a month in remediation.   While refusing to defend or support this country or the Southern Border of the US.

The Democrats are quick to hand out massive amounts of month to defend almost any other country except the country they were elected to represent.

While the country has been invaded by over 7 million UN stealth soldiers hellbent on destroying the economy and eliminating national sovereignty. 

The Democrats and Republicans for that matter, show a unified front of their uniparty by voting to send close the 90 billion to defend the borders of foreign countries over that of the US.

Each day they hand out millions in aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth soldiers instead of doing their elected duty to secure the Southern Border of the US against the onslaught pouring across the US/Mexican border.

Conclusion: In obvious acts of treason and sedition the uniparty in DC is busy printing and handing out billions to secure the Ukraine and Isreali borders while they veto the bill that would have done the same for our own border.

At this point, we must seriously ask the question : ( Who do the members of the uniparty in the House and Senate truly represent?).  Because it is abundantly clear, it’s not the people of the US.

A Brief History of Communism In The 20th Century

Communism is an economic-political philosophy founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. They wrote and published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848, aiming to end capitalism, which they believed led to the exploitation of workers.

Marx and Engels envisioned a society where the means of production would belong to the entire community, abolishing all private ownership. Their slogan was that everyone would contribute according to their abilities and receive according to their needs.

Communist philosophy began to develop in Russia in the late 19th century, leading to the Bolsheviks seizing power through the October Revolution in 1917. They changed their name to the Communist Party and nationalized public property.

Joseph Stalin continued to lead the USSR with communist ideologies, extending the growth of communism in Russia and beyond. This example of communism influenced many countries, including China.

Communism as a political ideology advocates for state ownership of major resources in a society, aiming to eliminate the class system through equal redistribution of income and benefits of labor.

Karl Marx, known as the Father of Communism, proposed this ideology in his Communist Manifesto, emphasizing the importance of class struggle and critiquing capitalism’s instability.

The Communist Manifesto did not provide concrete instructions for setting up a communist government but influenced revolutionary industrial workers across Europe, leading to the rise of an international labor movement.

The early 19th century saw civil unrest in Europe as urban working-class individuals faced poor living conditions and saw stark inequalities between classes, fueling the appeal of communist ideas.

Marx envisioned communism as a global movement that would inspire and expedite working-class revolutions throughout the capitalist world, starting with the French revolutions of 1848.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 marked a significant turning point in the spread of communism, with the Bolsheviks establishing a communist government and nationalizing public properties.

The rise of the Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin and later Joseph Stalin exemplified the application of communist ideologies on a large scale, shaping the economic and political landscape of the 20th century.

The Cold War between communist ideologies represented by the USSR and capitalist ideologies represented by the United States was a defining struggle of the 20th century, highlighting the tensions between the two systems.

Communism in China followed a similar trajectory, with the Communist Party gaining power and implementing communist policies to transform the economic structure of the country.

The principles of communism, including collective ownership of resources and equitable distribution of wealth, continue to shape political discourse and movements around the world.

The transition from capitalism to communism involves a process of class conflict and revolutionary struggle, with the goal of establishing a classless society where everyone’s needs are met.

The implementation of communism has varied in different countries, with some experiencing success in establishing socialist governments while others faced challenges in transitioning to a communist society.

The influence of communism extends beyond economic and social realms to cultural and philosophical domains, inspiring movements for social justice and equality.

Criticisms of communism often center on issues of individual freedom, state control, and economic inefficiencies, leading to debates about the feasibility and desirability of communist systems.

Despite its challenges and criticisms, communism remains a significant force in global politics and history, shaping the trajectory of nations and influencing ideological debates.

The history of communism reflects a complex interplay of ideas, movements, and historical events that have left a lasting impact on societies around the world, shaping the course of modern history.

Conclusion: This overview provides a glimpse into the rich and intricate history of communism, highlighting its evolution, challenges, and enduring relevance in the modern world.

Communism like Capitalism were two approaches to a social issue which gripped the world.  The 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries were plagued by massive poverty, starvation, and pestilence.   This was due to overcrowding, poor living conditions and a scarcity of clean water, little food and unclean living conditions.

There were two distinct classes the wealthy and the poor.  It was under these conditions that Socialism/Communism were born. 

This was post feudal system, yet the wealthy saw them selves as aristocracy/noble born and the poor as nothing but slaves/the unwashed masses to be exploited for their enrichment.

They espoused Capitalism (Free Market Economy).  Though it appeared free and to believe in individual liberty and personal property.  The truth is that as long as you are wealthy, the system functions. 

However, those who were in the lower class were little more than slaves.  In the idea world Capitalism would have represented freedom.  However, we live far from the ideal world.

Therefore, it was simply a change of definitions and titles.  However, it was still the feudal system where the wealthy instead of having titles such as (Duke, Lord, Prince , or King was simply called Millionaires or later Billionaires).

Nothing in function had changed at all.  In the middle 20th century, the middle class emerged, raising the working classes standard of living somewhat. 

However, for the most part, nothing really has changed since the earlier eras.  As such, capitalism could not fulfill its envisioned goals of universal financial freedom and the ownership of private property for all. 

The wealthy maintained their domination of the majority of the wealth in society.

As such, it was out of this turmoil filled time that the idea of Socialism/Communism took root, especially among the lower working class. 

As they struggled to eck out a meager existence working (slaving) in factories, in farms and on jobs owned by the wealthy.

Communism was the idea of communal property.  Everything is owned not by a limited number of wealthy individuals.  Rather, all property would be owned by all the people.

The Communist idea was this would be achieved through a people’s revolution.  Where the workers would rise up and throw off the yolk of slavery to the wealthy and take back the means of creating their own destiny.

By doing this, give back all property to all the people instead of it being owned by a few at the top of society.  With everybody receiving their fair share according to their need.

Again, in an ideal world, communal ownership and governance seem to be a good path to take.  However, again, we don’t live in a. Ideal world. 

How it played out in reality is the Communism became a weapon to be spread among the poor of a given country sewing the seeds of hope among the disenfranchised and lower class as a way for enemies to overthrow governments through violent revolution and uprisings.

Communism was also a failure, just like capitalism because both relied on this being an ideal world.  And as we all are aware, we are far from living in an ideal world.

As such, due to greed, corruption, and psychopathic delusions of grandeur, the power hungry and opportunist used both ideologies to attempt world conquest leading to a very bloody and violent history spanning centuries.

Communism like Capitalism, was a failed ideology that led to nothing but misery and the death of millions of innocent people worldwide.  

Israel’s Retaliation To Iran

Israel has now committed to retaliation to the Iranian rocket and drone attacks.  The only problem is that, unlike Iran, Israel’s attack will likely be by aircraft.  Further, it will be much more destructive.

The problem is first, how many civilians will be forced to suffer from their coming attack?  This is not government versus government.   This violence will always be foisted on the civilians of each country.

The issue is that the beginning of this path of violence may well have been a rogue assault of opportunity as I doubt that it was a sanctioned attack on the Iranian Syrian embassy.

Chances are this attack was precipitated upon finding out Iranian generals were present, and some Israeli commander stepped off the reservation to take unilateral action with authorization from his higher ups and not considering the ramifications of his actions. 

As such, such an attack, of course, could not go unanswered, requiring Iran to act to save face.  The US has asked Isreal not to retaliate to the face saving action by Iran.

If it stopped there, it would not interfere with overall globalist plans and objectives.  However, now Isreal has pleaded that the face saving attack must be avenged, thus expanding the problem and further exacerbating an already tense and troubling issue.

If Isreal does as they have committed to pinpoint airstrikes that not only do extensive damage.  But further cause loss of civilian lives.  This could trigger a Brix treaty response, forcing a much wider conflict, possibly triggering a worldwide conflict.

The US, NATO, and possibly the UN might get involved if the Brix treaty is triggered by an Isreali attack on Iranian territory or assets.  It’s just a guess at this point, however, while a World War may have been part of the Globalist agenda. 

I doubt they were ready to pull the trigger on that particular event at this juncture .  Thus, chances are they are busy behind the scenes attempting damage control and trying to calm nerves before this situation gets completely out of hand and can’t be easily reined in.

Conclusion:  Though this hold chain of events may well have been some Isreali commanders’ wet dream. 

The fact that now the Isreali government is not willing to at least candidly admit their people screwed up and are too busy Saber rattling rather than putting a cabosh on this unfolding drama says that perhaps old animosities are stronger than the Globalists control over the world governments.

This may well be an indication that the people of the world still have a chance to turn back and stop the globalists’ culling and conquest agenda before it reaches it ultimate end.  Only time will tell.

The Coming War

The attacks of both Isreal on the Iranian Embassy in Syria and the return attacks on Isreal are they planned events heralding the World War the Globalists have been seeking? 

To hasten their culling of the world population and the destruction of the current countries in the preparation for the creation of the One World Government that has been the Globalists’ endgame since the beginning?

Or was this a rogue action, as was the attack on the Iranian Embassy?   Occasionally, the countries go off the reservation, so to speak and take unilateral action without clearing it with their globalist masters causing a mess, which then has to be cleaned up by the US and other major players.

The attack by the Palestinians, contrary to the official narrative, in my opinion, was a wholly orchestrated and staged event sanctioned by their globalist masters and with the complete knowledge and cooperation of all involved governments.

There is no way in this day of satellite surveillance 24/7 that anything as large as a major attack could be hidden.  Especially not with one of the countries having the best agreeably intelligence agency in the world.  It was a planned and carried out sanctioned event.

In this case, however, it is possible that Israel could have become cowboys and decided to do something stupid, like arbitrarily taking out a couple of Iranian generals just because they saw an opportunity that presented itself.  But wasn’t sanctioned by the Globalist. 

And, thus, it also triggered a retaliation by a long rival state.  Making this a rogue unsactioned escalation of a rogue assault.

Thus making the US and possibly other larger powers to have to step in and separate the two rogue players and restore the status quo.

Or is this the prelude to something much more dangerous to the world at large, possibly the outset of the World War the Globalists have been planning to push forward their nefarious agendas of depopulation and world domination.

Conclusion: Only time will tell us which scenario is the right one.  However, whichever eventuality is the correct one, one truth remains its always the civilian population is the ones in the end that pay for their governments actions and stupidity.

They pay the blood price for these games on the world stage.  In my estimation, it should be the governments leaders that stage these actions of violence that should be held accountable for these heinous despicable abuses of the civilian population.

Censorship and the Hiding of The Globalist Conspiracy

I have noticed that a number of social platforms are using the excuse of (Community Standards) to hide blatant censorship of free speech when it comes to the governments selling out and complicity toward the globalist agenda.

Some platforms like Facebook and TikTok have been very upfront with their censorship agenda.  Other platforms are more subtle but nonetheless as adamant about towing the party line. 

Whether it’s blocking government decent here in the US.  Or in the case of TokTok blocking opposition to the Chinese and Communist issues.

Recently, I received a message from patrion stating 4 of my recent posts were censored because they were either in opposition to the invasion of the stealth army that has been allowed to invade the Southern Border  Or posts about the government sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer.

They are apparently running cover for the invasion of the US by the Globalists,UN, Brix Nations, and the Radical Islamic Middle Eastern countries.

Leading up to the 2024 Presidental election its obvious that the Democratic Party and their Marxist supported are pulling out all the stops to make sure nothing can be said by their opposition to prevent the coming Globalist agenda.

The Democrats have demonstrated their absolute contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.  They are now showing their absolute support of the globalist agenda and their adherence to the Marxist ideology.

As such, they are silencing detractors.  In some cases, it uses the three letter agencies, a weaponized judiciary, and backdoor censorship on social media platforms to maintain the globalist perspective in media and in movies, TV, and the MSM.

This censorship is merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is a worldwide selling out of the government leaders to the globalist agenda of depopulation and goal of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  My censorship on the patrion platform just galvanize my belief that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of freedom.  As such, it only pushes me to redouble my efforts to oppose censorship, the globalist agenda, and worldwide Marxist tyranny.

Their plot to depopulate the planet and conquer those who remain can not and must not be allowed to succeed.  It behooves every free thinking human being to oppose their thought policing and their attempt to enslave the human race.

Freedom of speech must be protected at all costs regardless of the consequences.

Will There Be an Election in 2024?

Based on the complete selling out of the  of the country, people and the Constitution by Biden, his Administration and the Democratic Party to the Globalist conspiracyo depopulate the planet as well as the destruction of sovereignty of all the countries of the West. 

And the creation of a one world totalitarian government to conquer the planet.  As such, it has put in question whether they will use their stealth army ( mass illegal immigration) to begin the final destruction of the US as a sovereign country.

The 2024 presidential election is now. I’m questioning whether it will go ahead at all .   Or whether the Democratic Party will yet again rig the election to force the population to eat  the Communist policies and Bidens’ continued anti-American agenda.

The real possibility of a complete insurrection by this invading army that the Globalists, UN , Brix Nations, and Radical Islamic countries have been  sending across the US Southern Border is becoming more and more of a threat.

As such with The Democrats and Biden are very aware that without trickery, deception, or an insurrection, they will lose power in the next election.  It has become a real possibility that they may well initiate the insurrection and declare martial law to suspend elections permanently.

They could also suspend the Constitution, disarm the public, and begin depopulation in earnest with pesky things like laws or constitutional rights getting in the way.

Conclusion: We stand on the precipice of a dark, dystopian future fraught with slavery and death for the few who survive the global holocaust to come they would be condemned to be the slaves of psychopaths who destroyed the population of the planet to fulfill a sick vision of power and domination.

As such, the US presidential election is in jeopardy as the Democrats realize they have overplayed their hands.  

As such they now face the real possibility of a universal revolt against their insidious plot to depopulate the planet and force the destruction of all current sovereign countries in favor of a one world totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the psychopaths who orchestrated this plot to begin with.

Other Consequences of Allowing Barbarians To Invade: Contagion

This morning, it was reported that tuberculosis is on the comeback after over a hundred years suddenly its on the rise : (Why?)

With inoculations this disease has been held in check for decades however with the sudden throwing open of the border suddenly this disease of the past is now coming back with a vengeance and we need to understand that is being orchestrated and executed by design.

As they allow unvaccinated hordes of invaders to pour across the border along with out of control crime, economic turmoil, and both food and shelter shortages, pestilence comes in their wake.

Not to mention the possibility they are purposefully infected and then sent here as biological weapons to infect and kill as many of the population as possible . 

Perhaps they were infected with bioengineered strains that bypass the vaccine in a bid to further cull the population.

At this point, nothing is too far fetched or outlandish as we have globalists like Jan Goodall and Bull Gates expounding not only the benefits but the need for depopulation and offering ways to accomplish just that eventuality.

The time for subtly has ended. They have simply pulled out every stop and are not only telling you to intend to kill you.

They are using every conceivable method to do just that.  Including poisoning your food,water, air, anything you wear, the medications you ingest.  and releasing biological agents such as bioengineered strains of disease to hasten the march toward depopulation .

The invasion of the West is a prime example of them simply moving their agenda forward in the face of opposition.  Just as Globalists such as Rockefeller and others pursued their agenda in the past.

So to they are simply doing it without restriction or reservation.   They intend to eliminate carbon… and you are the carbon they intend to eliminate.

These releases of contagion are just one more step on the path toward depopulation.   They are brazen about they goals and are as we speak moving forward to carry out their insidious agenda.

Conclusion:  The Globalist elite have spelled out their view of the future.  A future without most of you in it.  The only question how effective their propaganda, brainwashing, and chemical lobotomizing have been.

The only thing standing between the hellish future they have laid out and now is you.  Either you stand up now and take steps to stop these events from taking place. 

Or the silence of a post human planet earth where a few transhuman psychopaths are left to wallow in their success at the elimination of the race called humanity.  The choice is yours.

Biden Administration Is In Talks To Hand Over US Sovereignty To The WHO

The Biden Administration is setting the stage for handing over US sovereignty for another plandemic in Virus X or, in other words, the next planned bioweapons release.

The WHO has been floating a treaty that would grant that organization with complete authority in case of an unknown or known biological/disease threat.

Any nation that signs said treaty forfeits their self autonomy.   Ceding complete control of that nation and overriding all Constitutional protection in lue of the complete authority granted under this treaty to the WHO to do whatever they deem necessary to contain the outbreak.

Included but not limited to quarantines of any they deem at risk of spreading the contagion and granting control of all that countries’ resources and granting Supreme authority over all the citizens in the targeted country .

This treaty completely eliminates self-government as well as state sovereignty.   Allowing the WHO authority over all resources, assets, and supreme military authority over the country.  It supercedes all federal laws and state laws.  As well as nullification of the Constitution.

It grants complete control over the country under martial law rights granted by this treaty.  As such, it is a total violation of the US Constitution and the elimination of US sovereignty.

Conclusion:  Of all the seditious, treasonous acts yet perpetrated by the Biden Administration, this is by far the most damaging and heinous.

They are literally grant foreign powers complete control of the US in the event of a health emergency which they have been planning to cause in my opinion since the last bioweapons release failed to achieve their planned kill rate.

By granting this foreign power complete authority for the next planned bioweapons release, they plan to accomplish what their last bioweapon failed to achieve.

With complete control over the US, they could begin mass imprisonment as well as mass genocide of the general public by setting up death camps in the existing FEMA facilities already established.

If Biden is allowed to sign such a treaty, it would set the stage for mass incarceration and elimination of the entire citizenry of the US.

And would represent one more step in achieving the globalists’ goals of depopulation and elimination of the state sovereignty of the West and eventually the world paving the way for the NWOs, one world totalitarian government.