What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

The Path Forward

We know Globalists’ endgame.  However, what is their path forward?  They are running multiple games simultaneously.  

Among them, they forced immigration in order to mix their stealth army among those who are legitimately forced into migration.

And, it is notable that they utilize each of their moves for multiple purposes.  Such as utilizing their invading army to collapse the economy.  

To destroy the state sovereignty.   To replace the civilians currently present.   To demoralize the civilian population through crime such as robbery, rape, and taking of property such as real estate.

Then their true purpose to recon soft targets, ultimately to destroy those targets.  To disarm the public and to arrest and detain the current citizens in FEMA(concentration) camps.  In preparation for the final invasion of the US.

They utilized the Climate Change Scheme to redistribute the wealth of the middle-class.  Was just the first portion of the purpose of this ideology.   The second was control. 

By way of closing small businesses , changing regulations and shutting down small farms concentrating the majority of control of food into the hands of a select few corporations controlled by the Globalists.

He who controls the food controls the people.  They also utilize the ideology to limit energy and control travel, thereby restricting movement and centralizing people to make the capture and ultimate culling of the population easier.

And, finally they utilize this scheme as a reason for land grabbing and forced re-zoning and limiting where the population can live in preparation for the forced relocation to 24/7 Ai monitored Smart Cities.

Everything the Globalists do has multiple layers of purpose.  They have been planning this agenda for a couple of centuries.  Though in earnest for the last 90 years.

They attempted to level the playing field by attempting to emasculate the male population through chemicals and socially by creating the Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer to weaken the opposition to their plot.  Without strong men, they can quickly move forward with their agenda.

Conclusion: What is the path forward?  The answer also lies in a multipart plan .  First: a general nationwide strike and work stop age.

Second:  A demand for an end to the current invasion at the Southern Border.   And a deportation of all the illegal invaders’ current occupation being perpetrated and foisted on the public by the Democratic Party.

Thirdly: A complete moratorium on the broken immigration system.  And a cessation of all immigration into the country until the current problems have been addressed and repaired.

And finally, a hearings on all public officials who have acted against the Constitution and the laws of the US.  As well as refused to do the jobs for which they were elected to fulfill.

These actions would restore some semblance of normalcy to a badly broken and flawed system.  Without extreme action and repair of the current system. 

Then, I can truly predict the days of not only the US as a sovereign country as well as the rest of the Western world are numbered. 

And when I say numbered, we aren’t talking centuries or even decades.  But perhaps a few years, and I’m afraid we may not have that long.  I’m afraid the free world is on life support.  And the Globalists are trying with their every action to pull the plug.

Without immediate action, it’s only a matter of time before the West falls.

The Truth Behind the Climate Change Scheme

What is the truth behind the climate change scheme?   Reputable scientists have come out with the truth that there is no evidence that CO2 was causing the earth’s atmosphere to heat by any substantial level. 

And certainly not by enough to warrant the things they are doing.  The truth is that this entire scheme was created for several reasons.  First, it was a massive wealth redistribution effort to try to eliminate the middle-class.

Second, it is a control mechanism to be used to control people’s actions through controlling industries.   They have used the idea of climate change to try to force EV, to force small farms out of existence, and to force people to accept the idea of limitation.

In power use, in food, and to try to limit people’s movement.   Making it easier to imprison and control their movements overall.

All of these things are in line with the globalists’ agenda of limiting resource usage, leaving more for them as they depopulate the planet.

And to train those that are left as slaves to accept less as the Globalists horde those resources for themselves.   They always preach all they limitations and then continue to live their lives of excess like the hypocrites they are showing themselves to be.

There is enough data to prove that this idea is a made-up fantasy.  Yet, they continue their propaganda push through the MSM and social media platforms as well as TV and movies. 

They were hoping  that the general public would be so hypnotized by this propaganda as to never actually check the truth for themselves.   Just believing what they are told without question.

Conclusion: Like many other parts of their plan is contingent of the public being so brainwashed by their propaganda as to never actually question their narrative.  

Because they know that under analytical scrutiny, their narrative breaks down as the lie they are pushing is revealed to be just that a lie.  Without an actual basis in actual scientific data.

And that their argument is nothing but a fabrication of lies without a basic in reality.

The Next Plandemic: The Avian Influenza

Recently, it was reported that the Avian Influenza had jumped from wild birds to domestic animals and then mutated to infect the first humans.

The (Bird Flu), is now being the possible next plandemic or possibly the disease X that the WHO and governments around the world have been so worried was coming.

Further, it has been identified as infecting a chicken egg plant recently to further exorbitant an already tense situation.   Giving rise to speculation that is just like Covid.  

It has been released by a government entity or possibly the WHO itself in preparation to activate the emergency treaty to remove national sovereignty from all those who were either foolhardy enough to sigh away their sovereignty or hadn’t expected them to release the bioweapon so soon.

It is rather interesting time with probably the most important presidential election in US history approaching.   If the government could declare martial law right now the could suspend the Constitution, suspend the elections indefinitely and disarm the public for ( Public safety which is just a code phrase for preparing the public for culling and slavery.)

It’s obvious why it’s suddenly occurring at this time.   It’s not surprising nor unexpected.   Further It’s not a random occurrence either. 

Just as Covid was released by the Globalists to push forward their agenda and effect the 2020 US presidential election .  So to this apparent bioweapon release was released just in time to lock down the public again ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

And, that it coincides with the invasion of the West.  Along with the coming presidential election makes it mutation only that much more suspect.

They want to re-lock down the public, making it easier to rig the election again.  As well as making it easier to control the public during the military coop to come by the invading stealth of the globalist army to come.

Add to it a treaty signing away national sovereignty to the Marxist organization the WHO.  And you have a perfect storm of confluence.   To make the invasion of the US that much easier without the interference of the public at large.

Conclusion: The release of the H1N1 Bird Flu is not a random occurrence, in my opinion.  Rather, a further orchestrated action being perpetrated by the Globalists in a concerted effort to push forward their depopulation/World Conquest agenda.

As such, I believe H1N1 Avian Influenza is a man-made variant of the disease that has been weaponized and released on purpose to force the next plandemic lockdown.  And subsequent mailing ballots and the upcoming advent of martial law.

Will There Be an Election in 2024?

Based on the complete selling out of the  of the country, people and the Constitution by Biden, his Administration and the Democratic Party to the Globalist conspiracyo depopulate the planet as well as the destruction of sovereignty of all the countries of the West. 

And the creation of a one world totalitarian government to conquer the planet.  As such, it has put in question whether they will use their stealth army ( mass illegal immigration) to begin the final destruction of the US as a sovereign country.

The 2024 presidential election is now. I’m questioning whether it will go ahead at all .   Or whether the Democratic Party will yet again rig the election to force the population to eat  the Communist policies and Bidens’ continued anti-American agenda.

The real possibility of a complete insurrection by this invading army that the Globalists, UN , Brix Nations, and Radical Islamic countries have been  sending across the US Southern Border is becoming more and more of a threat.

As such with The Democrats and Biden are very aware that without trickery, deception, or an insurrection, they will lose power in the next election.  It has become a real possibility that they may well initiate the insurrection and declare martial law to suspend elections permanently.

They could also suspend the Constitution, disarm the public, and begin depopulation in earnest with pesky things like laws or constitutional rights getting in the way.

Conclusion: We stand on the precipice of a dark, dystopian future fraught with slavery and death for the few who survive the global holocaust to come they would be condemned to be the slaves of psychopaths who destroyed the population of the planet to fulfill a sick vision of power and domination.

As such, the US presidential election is in jeopardy as the Democrats realize they have overplayed their hands.  

As such they now face the real possibility of a universal revolt against their insidious plot to depopulate the planet and force the destruction of all current sovereign countries in favor of a one world totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the psychopaths who orchestrated this plot to begin with.

America Has Quietly Adopted A Chinese Style Social Credit Score

In the last few years, woke culture has pushed a woke score in corporations.  This Woke score is meant to force corporations to follow the left leaning Woke agenda in their business and social practices including diversity, supporting left politics such as Climate Change and of course the Cults of Trans,Non-Binary, and Queer. 

As well as the Anti-American, Anti-White movements, including Antifa and BLM.  Through putting financial pressure, they are attempting to propagate this woke agenda.

As such they are forcing things such as electric vehicles, eliminating meat consumption and of course discouraging purchase of firearms and patronization of local all American products and support of anything that is pro-American or considered anti-globalist in nature.

The WEF ( World Economic Forum) in conjunction with the UN, Brix treaty countries and the radical Islamic regimes of the Middle East are working on not only collapsing Western economies and eliminating state sovereignty of all Western countries. 

This social credit score is part of building a population control system to eliminate opposition to their ultimate depopulation, one world government agenda.

As such, they are using the Climate Change scheme to force compliance with their wealth redistribution agenda. 

By pushing the state sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer they weaken opposition by attempting to neuter masculinity. I’m males to halt opposition to their agenda.

The Woke corporate credit score is a back door approach to force this Communist social credit score on the American public by so limiting their choices and options that they will have to choice but to comply with the government or be socially, and financially isolated.

This is how it is being used in China to force social compliance to government norms.  China was the test bed for this idea of social control.  Quite literally forcing the citizens to be their own slave masters.  Creating a society of (Free Range Slaves.)

Just as in the book 1984, the idea of state sponsored socially mandated slavery is being implemented in the name of the greater good.  Setting the stage for a diminished dystopian slave future to come.

As such, with the full support of the WEF and the UN they are implementing their agenda through forced immigration of the West by stealth army with the full cooperation of the leaders and governments of the West who have become corrupt and complict with the Globalists agenda.

The social credit score is simply one more tool in their arsenal to accomplish their goal of world depopulation and world governance.  It is a control mechanism put in place to prevent opposition to their anti-human policies.

Conclusion:  If you only see one component at a time, it is difficult to understand the overall strategy.   However, if we see the entire picture, we are witnessing the greatest conspiracy ever perpetrated of the human race.

The social credit score is a control collar meant to force the population at large to willing accept their yoke and place as slaves to their globalist masters. 

If you understand its intent, you begin to understand the true insidious diabolical nature of their psychopaths who are set on world genocide and world domination.

Another Plandemic Begins: Bird Flu

It is now reported that Bird Flu has jumped from cattle, goats, and other animals to humans.  This has been planned since the end of the last Plandemic.

It was termed disease X, and they have been moving to set up the circumstances to grant the WHO.  They want to destroy state sovereignty in all countries through treaty.

The same treaty gives them the ability to incarcerate the public.  As they do, they will use this released bioweapon as well as other means to continue to cull the population.

They can, through the treaty, declare martial law and disarm the public as they use the Plandemic as a reason to imprison and ultimately eliminate the population.

This is simply a continuation of the agenda the globalists have been pursuing for centuries.   They will depopulate the planet and create a one world totalitarian dictatorship.   And, without any opposition, this will happen. 

As of now, the leadership of the Western world is complict in this betrayal to release the newest bioweapon.  And, begin pushing new poison vaccines which they manufacture to eliminate people’s immunity to the Bird Flu.

This is all being conceived and orchestrated by the same psychopaths and their families that have been pursuing world conquest for more than a century and possibly much longer than that.

Conclusion:  We stand at the crossroads.  One path leads to a future of technological development, medical advances, and a chance for universal brotherhood and peace.

The other path leads to a dystopian nightmare.  A world dominated by insane psychopaths would want to control everything , kill thevthe majority of the population, and use the few who remain as slaves. 

Cattle to be used as they see fit.  It is a darkness there is no coming back from.
They are two very different futures.  And , one will come to pass.  It’s up to you to decide which will be a reality.

The time is now to decide:  so choose life or death.  It’s in your hands now.

Other Consequences of Allowing Barbarians To Invade: Contagion

This morning, it was reported that tuberculosis is on the comeback after over a hundred years suddenly its on the rise : (Why?)

With inoculations this disease has been held in check for decades however with the sudden throwing open of the border suddenly this disease of the past is now coming back with a vengeance and we need to understand that is being orchestrated and executed by design.

As they allow unvaccinated hordes of invaders to pour across the border along with out of control crime, economic turmoil, and both food and shelter shortages, pestilence comes in their wake.

Not to mention the possibility they are purposefully infected and then sent here as biological weapons to infect and kill as many of the population as possible . 

Perhaps they were infected with bioengineered strains that bypass the vaccine in a bid to further cull the population.

At this point, nothing is too far fetched or outlandish as we have globalists like Jan Goodall and Bull Gates expounding not only the benefits but the need for depopulation and offering ways to accomplish just that eventuality.

The time for subtly has ended. They have simply pulled out every stop and are not only telling you to intend to kill you.

They are using every conceivable method to do just that.  Including poisoning your food,water, air, anything you wear, the medications you ingest.  and releasing biological agents such as bioengineered strains of disease to hasten the march toward depopulation .

The invasion of the West is a prime example of them simply moving their agenda forward in the face of opposition.  Just as Globalists such as Rockefeller and others pursued their agenda in the past.

So to they are simply doing it without restriction or reservation.   They intend to eliminate carbon… and you are the carbon they intend to eliminate.

These releases of contagion are just one more step on the path toward depopulation.   They are brazen about they goals and are as we speak moving forward to carry out their insidious agenda.

Conclusion:  The Globalist elite have spelled out their view of the future.  A future without most of you in it.  The only question how effective their propaganda, brainwashing, and chemical lobotomizing have been.

The only thing standing between the hellish future they have laid out and now is you.  Either you stand up now and take steps to stop these events from taking place. 

Or the silence of a post human planet earth where a few transhuman psychopaths are left to wallow in their success at the elimination of the race called humanity.  The choice is yours.

Foreign Agents Influencing US Elections

As this invasion continues, the scope of the sedition and treason becomes more and more apparent as each day goes by.

The Biden Administration and the Democratic Party continue to sell out the US citizens.  They have continued to block border security, gave aid and comfort to the invading stealth army that has been sent by the UN, the Brix treaty nations , and the Middle Eastern Radical Islamic states.

Biden is also currently negotiating the elimination of US sovereignty when the next inevitable plandemic occurs with the WHO.

And, now, to add insult to injury, the Democrats are legally or illegally pushing for their stealth soldiers to have the right only citizens should possess to vote.

They have, at this point, completely sold out the country and the American citizens in favor of the Globalists.  And their depopulation/world conquering agenda.

They aren’t even bothering to disguise it as an act of mercy.  They have acknowledged that they are allowing millions of stealth soldiers (Newcomers) to change congressional districts and to influence the upcoming presidential election.

Any credibility they had is now gone.  They are even bringing back the same rigging techniques, including the infamous mail in ballots that they used to rig the 2020 election.

Giving the citizenship right to vote to these invaders only cements the fact that they are now the wholly own subsidiary of foreign interests and are now acting on behalf of a foreign power and no longer are acting on behalf of the US people nor do the represent or defend the US Constitution.

Conclusion: The right to vote is a right of citizenship, not a gift to be given to invaders who just chose to cross the border illegally.

As such those attempting to frivolously give it away to lawbreakers are as guilty of violating US law as the ones would broke our immigration laws to begin with and are guilty of sedition and treason against the US Constitution as well as against the people of the United States.

As such, they should be held accountable under the laws of this republic.

Continued Attacks On President Trump And The Consequences Of Those Attacks

The government continues its unrelenting attack on him as they try to stop his eventual 2nd presidency.   They brought a number of frivolous lawsuits to try to punish him for standing against the Democrats and the deepstate and Globalists.

Now, they are trying to break him financially and steal his businesses.  However, the public sees the truth that they have weaponized the judicial system to achieve their agenda.

The arrogance of their blatant actions is apparent.   They don’t care that they are doing this in the face of the people they pretend to represent.  

It is past the time to be respectful.   They have arrogantly assumed the people are so brainwashed by social media, the MSM, and the other talking heads in government and Hollywood.   But, they pushed too far by siding with the Globalists, The UN, The Brix countries, and Radical Islam.

Now, they try to do a remake of their 2020 rigged election.  They tried to replay the same garbage they did then.  Unfortunately, everyone knows their sins.  The only question now is what’s going to happen first.

President Trump becoming president again.  Their invaders disarm the public, collapse the economy, and the full invasion of the US.  Or the second revolution, and the elimination of the government and a reformation of the government in conjunction with the constitution this time.

Conclusion:  Either President Trump is re-elected, or their will be another revolution  its not a guess.  Its an obvious outcome to their arrogant Sedition and treason to the Constitution and the people of the US.