What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

The Path Forward

We know Globalists’ endgame.  However, what is their path forward?  They are running multiple games simultaneously.  

Among them, they forced immigration in order to mix their stealth army among those who are legitimately forced into migration.

And, it is notable that they utilize each of their moves for multiple purposes.  Such as utilizing their invading army to collapse the economy.  

To destroy the state sovereignty.   To replace the civilians currently present.   To demoralize the civilian population through crime such as robbery, rape, and taking of property such as real estate.

Then their true purpose to recon soft targets, ultimately to destroy those targets.  To disarm the public and to arrest and detain the current citizens in FEMA(concentration) camps.  In preparation for the final invasion of the US.

They utilized the Climate Change Scheme to redistribute the wealth of the middle-class.  Was just the first portion of the purpose of this ideology.   The second was control. 

By way of closing small businesses , changing regulations and shutting down small farms concentrating the majority of control of food into the hands of a select few corporations controlled by the Globalists.

He who controls the food controls the people.  They also utilize the ideology to limit energy and control travel, thereby restricting movement and centralizing people to make the capture and ultimate culling of the population easier.

And, finally they utilize this scheme as a reason for land grabbing and forced re-zoning and limiting where the population can live in preparation for the forced relocation to 24/7 Ai monitored Smart Cities.

Everything the Globalists do has multiple layers of purpose.  They have been planning this agenda for a couple of centuries.  Though in earnest for the last 90 years.

They attempted to level the playing field by attempting to emasculate the male population through chemicals and socially by creating the Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer to weaken the opposition to their plot.  Without strong men, they can quickly move forward with their agenda.

Conclusion: What is the path forward?  The answer also lies in a multipart plan .  First: a general nationwide strike and work stop age.

Second:  A demand for an end to the current invasion at the Southern Border.   And a deportation of all the illegal invaders’ current occupation being perpetrated and foisted on the public by the Democratic Party.

Thirdly: A complete moratorium on the broken immigration system.  And a cessation of all immigration into the country until the current problems have been addressed and repaired.

And finally, a hearings on all public officials who have acted against the Constitution and the laws of the US.  As well as refused to do the jobs for which they were elected to fulfill.

These actions would restore some semblance of normalcy to a badly broken and flawed system.  Without extreme action and repair of the current system. 

Then, I can truly predict the days of not only the US as a sovereign country as well as the rest of the Western world are numbered. 

And when I say numbered, we aren’t talking centuries or even decades.  But perhaps a few years, and I’m afraid we may not have that long.  I’m afraid the free world is on life support.  And the Globalists are trying with their every action to pull the plug.

Without immediate action, it’s only a matter of time before the West falls.

The Truth Behind the Climate Change Scheme

What is the truth behind the climate change scheme?   Reputable scientists have come out with the truth that there is no evidence that CO2 was causing the earth’s atmosphere to heat by any substantial level. 

And certainly not by enough to warrant the things they are doing.  The truth is that this entire scheme was created for several reasons.  First, it was a massive wealth redistribution effort to try to eliminate the middle-class.

Second, it is a control mechanism to be used to control people’s actions through controlling industries.   They have used the idea of climate change to try to force EV, to force small farms out of existence, and to force people to accept the idea of limitation.

In power use, in food, and to try to limit people’s movement.   Making it easier to imprison and control their movements overall.

All of these things are in line with the globalists’ agenda of limiting resource usage, leaving more for them as they depopulate the planet.

And to train those that are left as slaves to accept less as the Globalists horde those resources for themselves.   They always preach all they limitations and then continue to live their lives of excess like the hypocrites they are showing themselves to be.

There is enough data to prove that this idea is a made-up fantasy.  Yet, they continue their propaganda push through the MSM and social media platforms as well as TV and movies. 

They were hoping  that the general public would be so hypnotized by this propaganda as to never actually check the truth for themselves.   Just believing what they are told without question.

Conclusion: Like many other parts of their plan is contingent of the public being so brainwashed by their propaganda as to never actually question their narrative.  

Because they know that under analytical scrutiny, their narrative breaks down as the lie they are pushing is revealed to be just that a lie.  Without an actual basis in actual scientific data.

And that their argument is nothing but a fabrication of lies without a basic in reality.

Shutting Down All Coal Plants Even If There Is A Power Shortage

*New Hampshire , the last coal plant in the region, is closing even if there is no alternative put in place to replace the loss.

There has been a  quest in recent years to convert to renewable energy sources to help save the environment.   However, the technology hasn’t reached a par with non-renewable sources.

As such, it means that in order to produce the necessary electricity , it is cost prohibitive as well as well as the technology is not adequate to the task to produce the required energy required.

And while the Democrats are well aware of this fact.  They are still pushing the green new deal and forcing you and me to deal with less.   Shortages in New Hampshire are assured if they close the last coal fired plant in the region.

Rushing ahead with this climate change agenda is not only foolhardy.   It could prove very dangerous if power were shut down to hospitals or other 1st responder locations.

The question is, who benefits from such shutdowns?  The residents don’t.  As a matter of fact, it could impact greatly especially for the elderly.  As well as those who require electricity for breathing and other medical equipment.   As well as heating, cooling, and everyday survival.

Further, the purchase and maintenance of sufficient equipment to generate the needed electricity to replace the loss of the coal plant will be a substantial drain on a public already hurting from inflation as well as many job losses.

The renewable suppliers benefit from sales of equipment.   However, the government stands to make a substantial profit of the climate change wealth redistribution scheme.  And the elite Globalists .

Conclusion:  The ultimate winners in this debacle are, as usual, the Globalist elite pushing the Climate Change Agenda on the people of the US.

The Next Plandemic: The Avian Influenza

Recently, it was reported that the Avian Influenza had jumped from wild birds to domestic animals and then mutated to infect the first humans.

The (Bird Flu), is now being the possible next plandemic or possibly the disease X that the WHO and governments around the world have been so worried was coming.

Further, it has been identified as infecting a chicken egg plant recently to further exorbitant an already tense situation.   Giving rise to speculation that is just like Covid.  

It has been released by a government entity or possibly the WHO itself in preparation to activate the emergency treaty to remove national sovereignty from all those who were either foolhardy enough to sigh away their sovereignty or hadn’t expected them to release the bioweapon so soon.

It is rather interesting time with probably the most important presidential election in US history approaching.   If the government could declare martial law right now the could suspend the Constitution, suspend the elections indefinitely and disarm the public for ( Public safety which is just a code phrase for preparing the public for culling and slavery.)

It’s obvious why it’s suddenly occurring at this time.   It’s not surprising nor unexpected.   Further It’s not a random occurrence either. 

Just as Covid was released by the Globalists to push forward their agenda and effect the 2020 US presidential election .  So to this apparent bioweapon release was released just in time to lock down the public again ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

And, that it coincides with the invasion of the West.  Along with the coming presidential election makes it mutation only that much more suspect.

They want to re-lock down the public, making it easier to rig the election again.  As well as making it easier to control the public during the military coop to come by the invading stealth of the globalist army to come.

Add to it a treaty signing away national sovereignty to the Marxist organization the WHO.  And you have a perfect storm of confluence.   To make the invasion of the US that much easier without the interference of the public at large.

Conclusion: The release of the H1N1 Bird Flu is not a random occurrence, in my opinion.  Rather, a further orchestrated action being perpetrated by the Globalists in a concerted effort to push forward their depopulation/World Conquest agenda.

As such, I believe H1N1 Avian Influenza is a man-made variant of the disease that has been weaponized and released on purpose to force the next plandemic lockdown.  And subsequent mailing ballots and the upcoming advent of martial law.

America Has Quietly Adopted A Chinese Style Social Credit Score

In the last few years, woke culture has pushed a woke score in corporations.  This Woke score is meant to force corporations to follow the left leaning Woke agenda in their business and social practices including diversity, supporting left politics such as Climate Change and of course the Cults of Trans,Non-Binary, and Queer. 

As well as the Anti-American, Anti-White movements, including Antifa and BLM.  Through putting financial pressure, they are attempting to propagate this woke agenda.

As such they are forcing things such as electric vehicles, eliminating meat consumption and of course discouraging purchase of firearms and patronization of local all American products and support of anything that is pro-American or considered anti-globalist in nature.

The WEF ( World Economic Forum) in conjunction with the UN, Brix treaty countries and the radical Islamic regimes of the Middle East are working on not only collapsing Western economies and eliminating state sovereignty of all Western countries. 

This social credit score is part of building a population control system to eliminate opposition to their ultimate depopulation, one world government agenda.

As such, they are using the Climate Change scheme to force compliance with their wealth redistribution agenda. 

By pushing the state sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer they weaken opposition by attempting to neuter masculinity. I’m males to halt opposition to their agenda.

The Woke corporate credit score is a back door approach to force this Communist social credit score on the American public by so limiting their choices and options that they will have to choice but to comply with the government or be socially, and financially isolated.

This is how it is being used in China to force social compliance to government norms.  China was the test bed for this idea of social control.  Quite literally forcing the citizens to be their own slave masters.  Creating a society of (Free Range Slaves.)

Just as in the book 1984, the idea of state sponsored socially mandated slavery is being implemented in the name of the greater good.  Setting the stage for a diminished dystopian slave future to come.

As such, with the full support of the WEF and the UN they are implementing their agenda through forced immigration of the West by stealth army with the full cooperation of the leaders and governments of the West who have become corrupt and complict with the Globalists agenda.

The social credit score is simply one more tool in their arsenal to accomplish their goal of world depopulation and world governance.  It is a control mechanism put in place to prevent opposition to their anti-human policies.

Conclusion:  If you only see one component at a time, it is difficult to understand the overall strategy.   However, if we see the entire picture, we are witnessing the greatest conspiracy ever perpetrated of the human race.

The social credit score is a control collar meant to force the population at large to willing accept their yoke and place as slaves to their globalist masters. 

If you understand its intent, you begin to understand the true insidious diabolical nature of their psychopaths who are set on world genocide and world domination.

Everything You’ve Ever Read Is False

I want to expound a hypothesis about this reality.  Everything you have ever learned, read, or were taught is a lie.  The secret of this reality is that those who are truly behind the scenes controlling aren’t human.

I know that’s an extreme statement.   However, let’s examine the facts.  First, those in power always hide any proof that advanced technology and possibly extraterrestrial/ultraterrestrial civilizations not only existed.  But quite possibly pre-dated human civilization.

Further, according to ancient accounts, it is very possible that those advanced races used DNA manipulation to create homosapians.  They may be the reason modern man exists at all.  We well could have been a created race.  Created and utilized as slaves to them.

It’s reasonable to assume that perhaps war or other calamity caused the majority of those races to either abandon the Earth. Or they moved underground or off the world to the moon or some other planet in the Sol system.

The premise has been put forth that a reptillian race has remained on the planet and has been the driving force behind human history.  Quieting controlling and directing the human species.  Keeping them in the dark as to their true history and origins.

They controlled information.  Just allowing the mere trickle of science to reach us, holding back the truth.  Leaving the human race in the (Dark Ages of Scientific Understanding.)

Further, it is these same reptillians that are the driving force behind the Globalists and their agenda of depopulation of the majority of  humanity to lessen the possibility that these slaves be a burden to control if they ever learned the truth and rebelled against them and their control.

To further their control, the elimination of all power structures but one would consolidate they control over the world’s resources and complete control over those left to be slaves and possibly food.

The globalists and other leaders of the planet are being controlled, possibly even bred into these elite families, creating hybreds to make it easier to survive in this environment.  They have been using climate change as a smoke screen to teraform the planet.

With space reflectors, cloud seeding and weather modification as well as chemtrails to put heavy metals in the atmosphere. 

Further, they are attempting to starve humanity by shutting down farming and meat production. Slowly but surely, they are killing off humanity and industry at a time.

Conclusion:  It’s hard to phantom or even comprehend what humans would adopt an anti-human agenda unless those behind it aren’t human and want to cull the entire human race.

Leaving the planet and its resources available for some other species to step in and take over.  If we use critical thinking, then the obvious answer is there is another species behind this destruction of humanity to serve their own ends.

So, to revisit the original premise of this post , everything you have ever been taught, read, or learned is a lie.  The truth is the always was other species on this planet.

And it is they that are the controlling force behind this planet’s history.  Humans were merely contributing players in the planetary saga.

The Supreme Court Rules That The Government Can Block Freedom Of Speech

In a ruling made by the Supreme Court, it has granted the right to government officials to block followers on social media to those who are critical of the actions of public officials in clear violation of Constitutional first Amendment Free Speech rights.

This obvious censorship push is due to the upcoming presidential election and the current seditious activity of those officials in regards to the allowance of foreign operators to enter the US through the Southern Border.

While it is truth social platforms strictly speaking have a legal right to control content uploaded to their platforms .  This ruling legalized shadow bans of specific content creators and blocks criticism of government officials as they may act against not only the good of the country, but also the good of the citizens they are elected to represent.

It has become abundantly obvious that such blocking of followers of the content creators is a veiled attempt to block critics of the President, his administration, and their involvement in the current invasion of these infiltrators.  As well as their seditious behavior in giving aid and comfort to these enemy infiltrators.

In so doing, the Supreme Court is legalizing censorship to cover government corruption and Sedition.   This is tantamount to legalizing tyranny.  This judgment should and must face government scrutiny.

It reeks of government corruption and wielding of undo power in the attempt to influence the upcoming presidential election.

Conclusion:  The Supreme Court is now running cover for politicians who have long ago ceased actually represented the interests of the citizens they were elected and sworn to represent.

The politicians are wholly owned agents of the Globalists who are now orchestrated the greatest coop and mass global genocide in the history of the world.

The Enemy At the Gate

With the advent of the influx of the current invading army we are faced with the real possibility that these invading enemies will be targeting the citizens because they have little regard for either US laws or the fear that to commit crime against the citizens would in anyway be punished.

As such, we are seeing out of an out of  control crime wave in almost every city in which these illegal invaders are inhabiting.  Rapes, theft, assault and battery and murders have skyrocketed. 

With the apparent blessing of a seditious administration that has not only condoned this silent invasion.   But also gave aid and comfort to this invading army.

Who suffers such an invasion?  The citizens, of course, whether it’s directly due to crime or through being compelled to pay the price tag, so that their own country can be invaded.

As the crisis reaches epic proportions, we witness this violation being repeated over and over as each country in the West has been not only subjected to this invasion.

But also forced to endure the consequences such an invasion wreaks on society as their governments sell them out to Globalists interest over the citizens in the affected countries.

Rape, murder, drugs, assaults all up 100% with no one to try and stop the continuous onslaught of violence and mayhem. 

To add insult to injury our governments are foisting the bill for the invasion on the citizens in the form of levying higher taxes and forcing the citizens to house, feed and grant other social services on the public at large.

Who suffers the most?  Children who will ultimately have to endure these invaders in the next generation if we manage to reach it, and that’s assuming the country survives this invasion, which at this point is not a certainty.

Conclusion:  Globalist interest have become a cancer in modern Western society slowly draining the life and resources and ultimately eliminating life itself as they rush roughshod over the human population with their depopulation agenda. 
We stand on the precipice of the end of humanity.  With the globalist dictators attempting to control all resources and eliminating the majority of the opposition for their planned world, take over in the name of depopulation and climate change.

The enemies are not just the globalist scum pushing this anti-human agenda.  But also the politicians who are complicit in the treasonous Sedition which is facilitating this mass murder of the world population.

Abraham Lincoln once said :  ” If the US falls, it won’t be from an outside enemy, but instead, it would be by our own hand.”  The enemy is not just without.  The enemy is us.

In the Presence Of Enemies

Sometimes, we are faced with moral dilemmas.   Things that truly make us question our own values and everything we hold dear. 

We are faced with our own humanity.  And must determine whether we stand against tyranny or remain silent and, by inaction, become as complicit as those who have orchestrated it.

Such is the current state of affairs in the US .  With the Southern Border being invaded with an obvious silent invasion force that is being put in place for an eventual coming invasion, conflict, and quelling and subjugation of the current population.

The UN, the Globalist elites, the deepstate and current government are all working in unison to orchestrate and carry out the eventual subjugation of this country for the purpose of making way for a one world government that has been planned for centuries.

This same scenario is being played out in every Western country. At the moment, the only question is when they will pull the trigger on the inevitable world war to come.  And the populations respond to these traitors of humanity.

Their purpose is clear the complete decimation of the world population save for a select few that will survive the maelstrom to come.  With the majority slated for annihilation.

The future is a very bleak one indeed if we do nothing.  Already, the citizens are being relegated as simply slaves to be used, ignored, and abused at will as their diabolical plan is being put in place. 

The question is how far?  How far will humanity as a whole allow these enemies of humanity to progress before they say ( Enough!)   This far and no more.

The UN has spelled out their plane to eliminate humanity as the dominant species on earth in their publications: Agenda 21, 25 , 30.  They have not only spelled out their treachery.  But have done so brazenly and unapologetically.

The only question is humanities response.  People like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros are being very clear in their intentions to quell humanity.  Even notable scientists like Jane Goodall have sided with these enemies of humanity.

Their message is clear: they have declared war on the human race.  It makes me wonder what sort of narcissistic, sociopathic individuals could conceive of such a plan and a future post human reality.

Further, I question why humanity as a whole would stand by while their species is wiped out of existence with fighting back?  You may not have a stomach to take up arms against such a demonic enemy.  However, in this case, resistance is not futile.

You need neither comply with their demands.  Nor do you need to accept their taxation or efforts to further their insanity either.  You simply refuse to participate in the destruction of humanity as a whole.

And , if enough people say no and refuse their demands.  Then, they will be forced into submission, lacking the manpower and financial means to carry out their holocaust of humanity.

Conclusion:  The current governments of the West no longer represent the people they claim to govern.  They are simply figureheads being directed by the UNs depopulation agenda, which is being spearheaded by the Globalist elites in their quest for world domination and the creation of a one world dictatorship

As we attempt to get our politicians to actually do their jobs rather than cave to foreign interests and Globalist pressure we must understand that at this moment we stand in the company of enemies whose only goal is an elimination of you and humanity at large in a bid to create their one world government.