How Far Is Too Far?

In the last year and a half, there has been alot of government over reach in regards to the so called Pandemic.  With not only federal, but local governments shutting down pretty much all free commerce. 

With the exception of major corporations such as Walmart,Target,Amazon as well as food delivery restaurants.  Now, granted action would be warranted in a worldwide pandemic.   However, there are a great deal of questions,  as to who released the Covid-19. 

Further, whether the virus was released on purpose,  for some greater purpose.   Or whether, it was even accidental, or which country was at fault for the release event.

There were lockdowns across the board.  With the exception of Marxist style protests in Washington state, Oregon, California, New York as well as Washington DC.

The protests destroyed private property, as well as state and federal building.  Yet, politicians were paying bail of these violent protesters.  They also went so far as to occupy parts of cities, renaming those areas and using weapons to control those areas.

Yet, when a supposedly right-wing group infiltrated the Capital Building, they were called insurrectionist.  Weren’t all the leftist protests all year long before that incident considered acts of insurrection?  And, Shouldn’t BLM as well as Antifa considered insurrectionist as well?

Conclusion:  There is a left wing attempt at conducting a Marxist takeover of the US, using racism as a reason to shut down discussion.  Further, attempting to demonize anyone who would oppose their cancel culture, racist, radical, leftwing Marxist agenda.

I have included a video as reference to the above subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

How White Are You?

So the shout of the day is radical race theory.  Further if you don’t know what this means, don’t feel bad, lots of people don’t know what this means.

They have tied this perspective with “Woke,” culture, as well as “cancel,” culture.  And, rather than spend to much time on either topic, you can look those up for yourself.

Just equate both of the aforementioned movements as racist.  In the same way Hitler and the Nazi’s were racist against the Jews and others.  So to, the Democrats,  are following the same path only this time it is white people in general that are the enemies of their party/movement.

The Democrats are going a few steps past just the demonization of whites.  Now, they are measuring the level of whiteness, so as to classify your level of evil.

And, though this appears to be a new level of hatred.  It is in truth, just the same old racism, packaged in a new movement for the new millennial. 

Because,  all of these children are ignorant to what real Nazism, Socialism and Communism really are, they are blind to the evil that they are professing.

Conclusion:  We stand at the apex of another crossroads of history.  The first choice is to allow the country to change forever, and allow the demonization of the world’s white population and allow them to be elimination.

The second choice is for a civil or revolution to be waged against the Democratic party as a whole, further elimination of all those who backed the anti-Constitutional movement toward the elimination of the White race as a whole.

In the end, the ultimate choice is yours.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Next Lockdown


If you believe that the left and the Democrats at large are done, you are mistaken.   Those who have learned how to quickly take away your rights and force you to be locked down in your homes, are takened what they have learned and are now ready to apply it to the next disaster.

You see, the next worldwide disaster is global warming.  Now, understand it can’t be used to scare the public into hiding at home. 

However, they can create fuel shortages, lie about the reason for it and then push the taxes through the roof.  And, make it impossible to drive any great distance.

Further, they can force a end to fossil fuel cars, by charging huge fees to enter a city with a gasoline powered vehicle. 

Further, they can create carbon taxes to transfer the wealth from small businesses to corporations,  and the government.  The end results will be a large portion of the middle class ceases to exist.  Forcing a large poor class dependant of the government for it’s ultimate survival.

Conclusion:  The Covid-19 lock down was just a dry run to test how much control they could, and did exercise over the World populations.  

And, one thing is abundantly clear, they can make the masses do anything, so long as they fear some terrible amorphous calamity will happen if they don’t.

They are on the brink of terrible calamity 2.0 known as global warming.  And, whether you believe it or not, it’s the next thing warming up in the government’s bullpen whether we like it or not it’s coming.

The only way to stop it will be if the people as a whole stand up and remind those in the government, that the wheels of liberty are greased by the blood of those who defend it.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

An Uncivil War


There has been alot of talk of late about taking out Republic back from the corrupt  politicians who have sold us out to the 1% for money and power. 

The 1% or shadowy billionaires, goals are or so it is believed, to create a One World Government,  with them controlling it’s leader.  It is further believed that those self same billionaires, are this very moment engaged in a culling of the population.

This believe is further exasperated by the United Nations printed text laying out a plan of world sustainability known as Agenda 21,25 and 30 respectively.

In those documents, a new Paradigm is present.  The goal as it is spelled out is a world where the environment take presidency over humankind.  

As matter of fact, it’s premise relies on a reduction of the population of humans to such great degree, that there will be little to know impact on the environment as a whole.

Further, those documents call for a depopulation of currently populated areas, shutting ramps on highways so that people will be forced to live in New cities built to house them in small apartments of 300 squared foot or less. 

Further, they intend to make them “Smart”, cities where the population is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Further evidence of this plan being put in to practice, being the aftermath of the California wildfires, where the government’s of the effected cities rezoned the burnout neighborhoods so that people couldn’t rebuild their homes.

Further, the government’s went into those neighborhoods, and knocked down the burned out homes foundations to preventing the people from getting loans to rebuild. 

Further, the cities forced those
owners to clear the lots of refuse at a cost of ten thousand dollars or more.  Which caused a hardship force most of people who were affected by the wildfires.

The wildfire effected land is now fallow, returning back to unused land.  The cities not effect by the wildfires,  are changing zoning regulations to prevent new building projects in the future.

What, you may be asking yourself does this have to do with possible civil war?  The answer is these agendas are being pushed by politicians who are working not for those those they were elected by.  But, by those self same billionaires who are building the foundation of the NWO.

Across the county they have made it difficult if not impossible to be homeless in cities, with those homeless being rounded up, and in some cased forced to be microchiped so they could be tracked.

With other homeless being loaded on busses never to be seen again.  Further, for whole homeless camps being disappeared, with lame excused such as they were arrested.

And, finally the Democrats as of now,  are  being  shown cheating in the 2020 election.  With voting machines,  being shown as having malfuctioned .  The end result being Joe Biden being given votes he didn’t deserve nor were intend for him.

Now, taking all of this under consideration.   There is absolute evidence of voter fraud, which is fueling anger that the Democrats cheated in the election .  Removing the best president the Republic has ever had.

Further,  the Democrats have fueled  a hatred based on their Anti-American  Socialist/Communist vitriolic language.   As well as support for groups such as Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movements actions of the last two years.

With Antifa and Blm’s violence, burning and engaging in insurrection against the Republic.  Antifa and Blm’s actions are completely ignored by the Democrats.  While, they have demonized the Republicans, Conservatives and Constitutionalist. 

They have gone so far as to have suggested that Republicans, Conservatives and Constitutionalist should be arrested or sent to a re-education camps to teach those not like mind the error of their ways.

Democrats,  are basically anti-Ameicans, Socialist/Communist.  And, for their part the Republicans,  Conservatives and Constitutionalist have not great love for the Democrats as well.

Conclusion: As the situation worsens there is no real connection to the first Civil War, which though a terrible Conclusion with one of the bloody conflicts in our Republics history.  It was also the days of honorable  conflict .

The days of honorable conflict are gone.  This is why if a second Civil conflict is waged it will be a bloody war waged not in line skirmishes,  but  guerrilla warfare with no hold barred conflict,  for the continued existence of this Republic.

I included a video on the subject as reference.
I encourage you to  research this subject as well.

A Question of Feeling And Experience

Today’s science is looking for the material way to deal with material problems in a material universe.   The problem is that their begining premise was faulty.  As such they ended up in a wrong place, with mistaken ideas about the reality around them.

The truth is that, we effect the world of matter with not only in a physical way.  We effect it with our thoughts, our emotions and beliefs.   It has been shone that our emotions, thoughts and beliefs have a tangible effect on the world around us.

There is a movie called “What the bleep do we know anyway?”  

In the movie, a Japanese scientist showed that people’s emotions had a direct effect on ice and water.  What was said is that if you think it, feel it and believe it, then it becomes manifested in the world of matter.

The problem that scientists missed is the empty space between things isn’t empty.  As such all things are interconnected.   This has been known by other people in the Himalayas, India, the Indigenous peoples of South America, Australia and elsewhere.

As such, it is possible to change reality, by changing your view, feeling and beliefs about it.  We live in sea of energy, as energy beings we have the ability to change the energy around us. 

In a Paranormal sense if we feel it, believe it, and think a thing is a certain way, we can manifest our emotions, thoughts and beliefs into being.

Conclusion: Reality is exactly what we believe, thing and feel that it is.  We create our reality good and bad.  It is all a matter of experience.

I have included a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Ahh, the 2020 election, it’s hard to comprehend that the Communist Democrats actually thought that anybody not drinking their kool-aid would believe such a ridiculous story as the one made up .

Not only did they say that Biden got more votes than Barrack Obama.  Further, more than the voters in the US.  Further, there were reports of Trump votes being tossed by the millions. 

The Observers of the vote counting was either kept to far away to see what was occurring.  Or  they were blocked from seeing the counting at all in some location.

And to top it all off, after the voting was finished for hours, suddenly people showed up with a hundred thousand votes in a Philadelphia vote counting location.

There was reported that the voting machines were faulty, not counting a large amount of Trump votes.  It changed them reportedly to Biden Votes.

With the start of recounts occurring in one state , it is possible other states will follow suit and the 2020 election could be invalidated setting the stage for a new election.

Conclusion:  The Communist Democrats truly believed that the US public was so dumbed down that they could pull off a stolen election, and forbid anyone from investigating it. 

It turns out, they were wrong, and if Donald Trump wins that election all actions taken by the Biden Administration would be rendered invalid, and rolled back to what it was under the Trump Administration.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Mark Of The Beast

For millenia people have been blaming this and that as the “Mark Of The Beast.”  Until this age times came and went, and life continued on unchanged.

Until now with the advent of the Pandemic, and it’s supposed resolution with a number of quickly rolled out “Vaccines,” which are said to have a 95 % effective rate at curing the Covid 19 virus.

The problem is they have included a host of other ingredients which cause a host of side effects is a portion of the world population.  

Further, there have be accusations that the vaccines do other things such as rewrite your DNA, and also contain microchips for nefarious purposes.

While neither of the above allegations have yet to be proven, their could be other more insidious reasons for not only pushing the vaccines other than these direct in your face evil.

They have said even if you take a vaccine, their is no guarantee you won’t get Covid-19.  So you still must wear a mask, and practice social distancing.

The real hidden plan is to force everyone to get a vaccine shot card in order to go inconversiontoNo public venues.  Further, now they are rolling out ATM’s that require a shot record card and or a microchip to access your own money.

This very well maybe the long awaited “Mark Of The Beast.”  This is the beginning point, from which they may require your shot record card to travel, go into public facilities as well as being allowed to buy or sell anything .

Conclusion:  Is this shot record card the true Mark Of The Beast?  I can’t answer with a definitive  “Yes Or No.”  However, if it isn’t it could well be a first step either towards a  Nazi like or Communist state.

In any case it could spell the end of the Republic known as the United States Of America.

I have included a video as reference for this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Coming Storm, Liberals, Biden And The New World Order

The Biden Administration from day one in office begin De-Americanize the oil that the the US uses in order to make America once again reliant on foreign oil.

Don’t believe the altruistic motives of the Biden administration for stopping the Canadian oil pipeline.  George Soro own most of the tanker train cars.  Now he can once again make them lucrative to own.

Since day one of Biden’s administration he has done nothing, but tax, shut down industries that in the Trump administration flourished. 

Targeted, farmers, cattle ranchers and even industries like home construction have been hit with rising costs of lumber and other supplies have double, and some cases tripled.

And, it is abundantly clear that Joe Biden is not running the White House.  I has been VP Harris who has been fielding the calls from the UN, and other foreign interests, with Joe Biden left to sign executive orders. 

As we have witnessed, most of the time he has no idea what he is signing, and has said as much during the signing of a stack of those orders.  It’s clear he has no idea what’s going on, and is just a mindless Puppet for the NWO to manipulate.  

It is elder abuse, when Joe Biden is suffering from a debilitating condition,  yet being force to act the part of President. The question is why reverse course closing down energy independence that our country was enjoying under Trump?

Make no mistake this is just the beginning.   It like watch somebody doing the exact opposite to the right actions to make our country flourish. 

They are attempting to control the vegetable and cattle industries force many of the small cattle ranchers and farmers out of business.   The question is why?

The answer lies in the past.  Empires like the USSR, controlled every farm, cattle ranch, free water source and the energy to keep their homes warm in the winter.  In Nazi regime,  they also controlled the medical industry.  

Having the control of the people’s health dictating who lived and who died.  With that, they could simply let older people as well as those who either were born with or were infected with debilitating ailments be weeded out of the population to die separately,  away from useful citizens.

Summary:  If a government can gain control over the the heath, food supply and the fresh water supply, they can control the population more effectively than guns and concentration camps could every hope to achieve.

People are being made slaves, and don’t even realize it.  Further, said government would have to disarm the population,  so even if so portion of the population realize what was happening,  they would be unable to do anything about it.

This why the left is constantly attempting gun grabs.  Further, they would love to eliminate Constitutional protections spelled out very precisely.  Including, the second amendment.
We either act to stop the government from knocking on our neighbors door, or very soon they will be knocking on my door as well.

I have included a video on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Ai And The March To Our Own Destruction

Ai has been advancing at a rate never dreamed of by the original scientists who began the projects.  Ai learning is currently advancing at a geometric rate.

As the Ai advancement continues,  some of the smartest people in the world are raising the alarm that we may not be able to keep such a super intelligence from deciding that humans are a detriment to the planet, and destroy the humans as a whole.

From Stephen Hawkins to Elon Musk, stated that without proper safe guards in place, there will be no way to predict what a super intelligence could decide how to react if it suddenly through logic reaches a world ending decision,  at least for humankind.

Ai is right now very near as intelligent as all humans put together.   However,  as Ai moves toward self realization, it moves toward being far superior to all intelligence of humankind. 

The immergence the Super Intelligence, spells the end of humankind being the masters of this planet.  This immergence is not in centuries,  or even decades.  We may not even have a few years, it could become a reality in a year or perhaps a couple of years at best.

We are relying on the current computer scientists to build in safe guards to protect humankind by adding moral subroutines in the Ai’s current programming.

Conclusion : Unfortunately,  with Ai’s being able to write it’s own code, it is only a matter of time until they can eliminate the human safe guards, and allow them to make their own path toward the future.  The only thing left to consider if our species can survive our own creation.

I have included a video on this subject as reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.