Who Does the Current Government of the US Actually Represent?

As of late, it has become abundantly clear that the US federal government does not represent the US public.  Over the last several years, every act the federal government has taken was counter the wellbeing of the US citizens and country as a whole.

Cutting national energy independence.   Attacking the farmers, thus limiting national food production.  Attempting to limit air travel in the name of stopping climate change.

The Biden Administration has gone out of its was to attack the bank accounts of average citizens and hired a large number of IRS agents to go after middle-class Americans. 

In an attempt to fleece more money from the middle class in order to continue, the wealth redistribution program began during the Obama years.

Further, Biden and his administration have done everything they can do to curtail the  Constitutional rights of the citizenry, including religious freedom, free speech, and, of course, the right to bear arms. 

As well as furthering their assault on the 4th amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure and a person’s right to feel secure in the home and belongings.

The Biden Administration has weaponized the justice system and took aim at white Americans and started a campaign of degradation and demonization of white heterosexual Americans portraying them as the source of all the woes of those who are (people of color.)

As such, attempting to further create division among common Americans in a bid for further control and manipulation.   Siding with Klaus Schwab and the other Globalist attempting to use the UN as a vehicle for elimination of not only US national sovereignty. 

But also the elimination of all national sovereignty and national loyalty of all western  countries.  This is the purpose of the current orchestrated silent invasion of the West by mass illegal immigration from countries unlikely to require emergency immigration.  

Such as China, India, the Middle East, and Africa.  With these military age men appearing at the Southern US border after obviously been flown to South America with the obvious intention to have them infiltrate the few legitimate Illegal immigrants to get them access into our country and then to form sleeper cells for a future invasion militarily to come

The other Seditious action taken by the Biden Administration and the federal government is to not only allow this invasion but to aid and abet our enemies .

Setting up and the staging staging of these sleeper cells with providing a cell phone, airline ticket, rent, food, and a visa card worth between 5000 and 10000 dollars.

None of these facts are in dispute.   Further, the Biden Administration had hindered any attempt to curtail, slow, or stop this invasion from occurring.   As well as assisted more illegal invaders to reach the border for entry into the US.

They have attempted to get them into the US military, police departments nationwide, as well as give them rights reserved for and in some cases prohibited to citizens of the US.

They are not hiding their treasonous behavior and intent.  Going so far as to state, they would close the VA in order to use those funds for ( people of color ie illegals.) 

As well as kicking people out of nursing homes, children out of schools, and spending billions to house these invaders in hotels in NYC, Chicago, San Deigo, and elsewhere.

There are even reports that some governmental agencies have attempted to arm these sleeper cells, and their efforts were thwarted and reported on by independent journalists.

Further, they attempted to give these invaders the most basic right reserved to citizens. The right to vote is an obvious slap in the face of every single US citizen.

Conclusion:  It is obvious the Biden Administration, as well as the US government, no longer represents the interests of the citizens of the US.

It is now apparent that the US government has been co-oped by Globalist elites, corporations and unscrupulous people who are attempting a silent coop on those same US citizens in an attempt to eliminate national sovereignty, destroy national identity and collapse the US economy.

As well as to infiltrate an army ready, willing, and able to disarm the citizens of the US.  To prepare for the next steps in the depopulation agenda of the Globalists, and to make way for the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

The US government has apparently been compromised and now represents the globalist concerns and no longer that of the US citizens.

The Nature of Reality And How Humans Effect It.

Let me start by stating that this reality is holographic in nature.  It consists of an energy matrix oscillating at a specific frequency.   This frequency is 7.44 mhz.

All energy in our specific reality oscillates at that frequency.   Our bodies are holographic as well.  They are energy avatars in which our true essence our soul resides and acts as an interface between the hologram and us.

There are multiple holographic realities comprising the infinite possible combinations that can exist.  Each holographic reality oscillates at its own unique frequency.  They are separated by energy barriers that effectively wall off each unique holographic instance.

These infinite local holographic realities are known collectively as the multiverse.  While it remains theorical in nature, the fact is there is enough empirical evidence to confirm its existence, though science hesitates to acknowledge its existence.

This is mainly because the governments of they planet worry of the implications on religions structures and dogma .  As well as the possible loss of influence and control over the general public, such knowledge might pose if it was made common knowledge.

/ they talk about it in theoretical terms.  The second topic on this subject has to do with a phenomena I term (Bleed over.)  This refers to a weakening of the energy barrier between holographic realities causing temporarily that energy matrix frequency to act on our reality.

When this occurs, it causes our energy holographic matrix to change to the holographic matrix of the reality that bleeds over.  As such, our reality changes in conforming with that reality. This, I believe, is the basis of the changes witnessed and collectively called the Mandela Effect.

The question is, what causes this wearing of the barriers between holographic realities?   The answer is a strong magnetic or gravitational field acting in (< areas of the planet. 

Such strong fields are generated by particle accelerators such as Cern while in operation.   These fields are generated as particles are accelerated to the speed of light.  This causes weakening and disruption of the energy barriers between that holographic reality and our own, resulting in the bleed over effect.

The second possible cause is near earth heavy, gravitational objects such as wormholes.  NASA has acknowledged not only the existence of a number of these wormholes.  But, also, they stayed one such wormhole goes from just outside earth orbit to near the Sun.

Another, they stated goes from near earth orbit to another star system.  I suspect there are more than just those 2 wormholes. 

I hypothesize that as a specific portion of the earth surface comes in direct contact locally with the gravity from the wormhole, it weakens the energy barrier in that that localized area causing the bleed over to occur there .

There may be more natural or man-made reasons for the temporary weakening of that energy barrier.  However, the possible scenarios I have stipulated seem to be the main reasons for this occurrence.

Now that we have discussed the physical nature of reality, let’s discuss the effect humans have on the holographic matrix.  CWe are beings of energy at our cores.

You see, we are tasked with the creation of our own holographic experience.   The conscious and subconscious reflect our 6 when this energy is focused through the prism of our will, it affects the holographic matrix around us .

The way things occur is through possibility waves that directly affect the occurrences in your life.  The more you believe something, the more energy given to that possibility wave moving forward and the greater the chance that that thing will manifest in your personal reality.

The reverse is true if you don’t believe  stripping that possibility wave energy making that wave collapse and making it not manifest.

We are energy beings at our cores.  As such, we have the natural ability to control energy, and it is an autonomic function and operates to create our reality on autopilot based on our thoughts and desires. 

However, occasionally, we directly focus on a desired outcome.  Whether good or bad, we are generally unaware of this ability.  We literally hold our futures in the palm of our hands.

I suspect karma is a demonstration of our deep-seated belief of something.  For instance, you do something, and then based on your conscious, you feel guilty for it.  As such, your conscious or subconscious decides you need to be punished.  Thus, focus through your will to make that retribution a reality.

Note that this all takes place beyond your normal perception.   ( Hense the old adage : ” Bad things happen to good people.”)  Conversely, the adage (“If you believe it, you can achieve it.”). Refers to your conscious/subconscious, causing good to occur in your local holographic reality.

Conclusion: We exist in a holographic reality.  As such, everything we perceive is simply our energy avatar translating the energy matrix in which we reside.  Nothing is matter, all that we perceive as matter is simply energy oscillating at the frequency of 7.44 mhz. 
Reality as we have known it is nothing but an illusion created by our energy avatars.

Child Trafficking And Demonic Death Cults

Child Trafficking has become a major topic, in these days of pedophiles attempting to mainstream the abuse and enslavement of children.

While a lot of the Trafficking is focused on sexual prostitution.   There is a large amount of these vile acts centered around something that is far darker than even this. 
It surrounds a portion of the elite wealthy in Hollywood and elsewhere that belong to dark demonic Cults that abuse , batter, and even kill children for their sick rituals.

These are the demonic sex Cults dedicated to ritual sex, abuse, and sacrifice of these children to demonic (gods) they worship. 

They use this violence and abuse to cause adrenaline to be released into their victims’ blood.  Which they drain and consume as a drug which gives the imbiber a high like a narcotic.   It is also believed to have life extending properties.

There are a number of both demonic sex Cults, as well as adrenalchrome (adrenaline infused blood) drinkers in Hollywood and worldwide. 

These sick Cults demand that their members adhere to bisexuality as well as homosexuality.  As well as beastiality.  As well as some events degenerating into canabalism.

And, as if all of this wasn’t enough in and of itself.  There have been conspiracy theories circulating that there are either extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial races that resemble Reptillian entities.

The beings are said to feed on human flesh, blood, and some reportedly even feed on human emotions such as fear and despair.  Whether these rumors can or will be substantiated in the future remains a mystery. 

Though it is at least within the realm of possibility given the amount of unknown aircraft sightings that have been reported in recent years.  As well as reports of close encounters with unknown entities.

What can be said is that our government has hidden a great deal of information for (The Public Good.), which translates to knowledge is power, and they want the monopoly on power.  Hence, the misinformation and outright lies are being dispensed as credible information.

Though to be completely candid, if such unknown beings are on the planet, my guess is humanity at large was sold out for technology and the promise of power.  Which is the age-old aphrodisiac of the elite wealthy and would be world tyrants.
In 1954, supposedly American president Johnson signed a treaty with the Grey Aliens.

I’m guessing it was it was for technology, and he agreed to allow them to abduct and experiment on humans.  Further, it’s within the realm of possibility that he may have agreed to allow them to take humans for other reasons IE slaves, genetic experimentation, and even as a food source.

Conclusion:  The Trafficking of women and children is a fact.  It is further a fact that these abducted people are being trafficked with the cooperation of the government as well as other governments reportedly as well.   With even Main Stream Media reporting on these alleged activities.

Much of this is public record as high-ranking members of government organizations have been brought up on charges, and hearings have taken place on their alleged culpability in these nefarious activities.

The facts point to contorted efforts by rich elites to provide these demonic Cults with a continuous supply of innocent women and children to continue their base and evil activities.

Quite possibly because these same elite billionaires are all members of the same demonic cults.

Invasion  By Design: The Secret UN Invasion

The current border crisis at the US southern border, as well as most other Western countries, is being portrayed as a humanitarian disaster.

However, any honest analysis makes it abundantly clear that this is not the case.  First, if it had been simply an organic mass migration due to socioeconomic calamity, then the majority of those coming would have been South American.

However, that theory doesn’t hold given the obvious nationality and race of those who have suddenly appeared at the US southern border.  Further, such spontaneous mass immigration would have included women , children as well as the elderly.

However, the majority of those who have turned up at the Southern Border are military age men.  Further, they appear to be of every nationality.  So such a spontaneous argument just doesn’t hold water. 

This same occurrence is being replayed across the planet.  In every Western nation.  Not in the East or Middle East.  As such, we must speculate given these facts that these events are being orchestrated by design to specifically collapse the west in a blatant effort to destroy the economy in those targeted countries.

As well as to eliminate national sovereignty.  And national identity in preparation for the creation of a one world government which the Globalist elite have been pursuing for decades if not a century or more.

As we observe the events unfolding.  It’s clear that this is a coordinated event.  With a similar mix of ethnicities and nationalities of those participating in this mass forced illegal immigration.   As such, we see it is being done by design.

Coordinated and planned out in advance to accomplish specific pre-planned goals.  Eliminate national sovereignty, identity, change voting demographics, collapse national economies, and I’ll add another goal to pacify and eliminate resistance of the native populations of the targeted countries.

If we ask ourselves who would coordinate and what reason they would orchestrate such events, the perpetrators become obvious.  As well as their motivations for such wishing to carry out such acts become clear.

First, the Globalist elite have been saying plainly that their main goal is depopulation.   They have been pursuing this agenda thru world organizations such as the World Economic Forum as well as the UN. 

They have further made UN treaties to disarm the world in mass.  However, the citizenry of the Western countries would never just submit to being disarmed. their countries national identities were eliminated.  And there people summarily killed.

So the only way to carry out their stated goals would be to invade those countries and do those things by force.  However, rather than just try to militarily attack each country triggering a mass revolt, they would try to do it by stealth in order to preserve much of the infrastructure, minimizing rebuilding costs after the take over.

As such, they would have to use a worldwide organization that could supply enough manpower to accomplish this task.  Further, who wouldn’t care about the countries being targeted.  Enter the UN. 

This organizations goals and agendas have stated they are indeed aligned with the agenda of the Globalists.  Further, they have stated as much in such UN publications Agenda 21,25,30.

As we witness the ongoing invasion, we see a mix of every nationality crossing the border.  It is being facilitated by the national governments of the targeted countries with those countries provided material support and aid both financially and directly on the form of transportation to the invading horde.

As such, it suggests not only compliancy but also mass pre-planning and coordinated effort.   These acts of blatant Sedition were done by design, and to do that, it means all of it was done in advance.  As such removes any notion of it being an organic occurrence.

The only world organization that could pre-plan such a monumental effort and garner such worldwide acceptance and coordination is the UN. 

While it is within the realm of possibility that some criminal and terrorist organizations could mix in with this UN invading army.

  I believe in my opinion the majority of the invading force are stealth UN operatives carrying out operations to disarm native populations and collapse economies of targeted countries in preparation for the creation of a one world government.

This is in line with the stated goals of not only the UN itself.  But also the Globalists who have stated plainly their intent to depopulate the planet, to control all resources and to create a one world government which they call the New World Order.

Conclusion:  As stated above it is obvious given the facts as stated it’s clear that these illegal mass immigration events only targeting Western Countries are neither spontaneous no are they organic caused by local disasters or other calamity.

But rather, they have been pre-planned, orchestrated by design to accomplish very specific military/socioeconomic goals to eliminate regional powers and populations to clear the way for the globalists’ plan of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

The UN is the chosen vehicle to coordinate, plan, and carry out this agenda.  As we watch the events unfolding, we can see in my opinion that this is indeed exactly what is transpiring, and all the leadership of those targeted countries are complicit in this effort.

A Question Of Sedition

Much has been said and written in the news about the current debacle at the Southern Border of the US. As a steady stream of military age, illegals continue streaming into the country.

It has been argued that the continued tolerance for the illegal mass exodus into the US, as well as most of the Western countries, continues and is being said to be a humanitarian effort. What is actually happening in my estimation is a betrayal not only to our citizens and way of life.

But a betrayal of all the Western world by country leaders which complicit in Sedition against the countries they were elected to represent.

The evidence is clear as they are providing support for this illegal invading force that far exceeds anything even remotely in the realm of standard or reasonable.

In fact, in most cases, superseding any assistance provided to citizens of the affected countries. In most cases, it is not only inconveniencing the citizens but actually eliminating services such as hotel facilities and school or elderly care to make room to house these illegal invaders on the public dime.

Further, these invaders are exempt from the need of ID for air transportation. While citizens are forced to continue these security procedures, these invaders demand the best accommodations and refuse emergency food.

As well as demand and are receiving financial support from the US government and others while their are citizens who are homeless and unable to feed their families.

Now, it has come to light that the Biden Administration is fully complicit in this continued illegal invasion of the country.

As a hot mic caught Biden saying, Texas will not be allowed to stop the military age invaders entering the country. And , he would send F-15s to Texas to prevent any interference with the continued invasion.

I would say, in my opinion, this removes any lingering doubts as to not only the reason behind the allowance of the continued invasion.

But to the seditious nature of the Biden Administration as well as the Democratic Party in the destruction not only of US sovereignty but also the collapse of our economy as well as elimination of our society and national identity.

This is simply further evidence of globalist interference in not on US politics. But Western politics as well. The Biden Administration, in my opinion, has sold out the American people in favor of the globalist agenda of one world government and depopulation.

Conclusion: There is now little doubt as to the seditious nature of the current policy or lack thereof regarding border security. Their argument is soundly refuted as to refuge protection as mass amounts of invading Chinese, Middle Eastern as well as African illegals pour across the border.

They are not refugees from drug cartels. They are operatives from foreign powers being sent here as an advance force to eliminate US resistance to the globalist takeover of the globe.

The fact that not only does the Biden Administration not act to defend the border, but instead actively facilitate said invasion by sending border guards and IS military to eliminate barriers to this invasion represent a clear and present danger not just to our way of life but to the sovereignty of our republic is not only a clear act of Sedition.

It represents a clear act of treason to the Constitution and the people of this republic. While I do not advocate violence. I do believe the states have not only the Constitutional duty to stop this invasion by any and all legal means at their disposal, including force to stop the invasion.

As well as to secure the Southern Border. Regardless of federal mandate, If the federal government can’t or won’t act to protect the country. Then, that duty falls to the states to take up and execute.

Once that duty is accomplished, then the failure to perform the duties of their offices must be addressed by Congress and the Senate. With guilty parties not only being held accountable. But brought to justice for their actions.

We are a nation of laws. As such, they must be brought to bear to correct this betrayal and injustice. Rather than to resort to violence to correct a failure of our checks and balances to prevent such an eventuality from ever to have transpired in the first place.