Folded Time.. And The Question Of Changing The Time Line

I recently was privy to a video about Folding Time And The Operation of moving through time.  As stated before in my past writings, time is not an arrow moving from past to present to future.  Time operates as a field where all periods of time operation occurs simultaneously.  As such you are not traveling so much a when as a set of coordinates in the ever present field.

I had heard the question ” Can time events be changed?”  The answer was that if something was changed, it was diverted to the timeline where that event either did or did not occur.  So time travel,  is being used to collect flora and rocks and minerals back from different coordinates in the ever present time fields. 

I have wondered for some time if a process or mode of, “Time Travel” was responsible for other occurrences such events changing that should have happened a specific way, but didn’t.  Or things such as people reappearing after they were supposedly “dead.”  Or building disappearing, appearing changing size/color or purpose. As well as numerous logo changes, song lyrics changing and written word changes both in print and on the internet.

All of these changes collectively, known as the Mandela Effect, as well as the Paradigm Shift.
Rather than to recap the similarities and differences of each, consult my past writings, as well as the internet for more information.

A few years ago, I read an article about a new device that would in the future be given to government operators to use in clandestine operations.   This device could create a field in a limited area where time stopped.  However, those carrying the devices were not affected by the device’s operation.

I believe the name given to the device’s operation was Time Splicing.   I became curious if this same or similar thing could be done on a larger scale.   If they could use a similar technique, then time travel goes from being a scientific tool, to a useful tool to change anything they wished in this portion of the time field.

Conclusion: Knowing Time Travel exists is not enough in itself.  For if it is merely a scientific tool, then it in itself is useless information.

However, if the governments can use Time Travel to change anything they want, would change everything.  This is why these videos are important, as we can monitor not only that the technology exists, but how it can be used.  Further, notice what is carefully not being said.

I have included a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Truth That Has Been Hidden


I have seen a multitude of videos about the hidden space program, portal to other planets and other dimensions.   The government has hidden so much that everything you think you know is a lie.

According to whisleblowers there are 38 more planets in our solar system.  The sun is not hot, but emits electro magnetic radiation.   All of the planets are inhabited.

Mars has water, and a atmosphere.   The moon has water as well.  And, is inhabited by humans working for the new world order as well as Drago reptilians.

The government black projects have had portal, antigravity, faster than light travel, time regression as well as time travel for quite some time.  As such, they have men working for 20 years then being regressed back to the age the started, the taken back in time to where they began.

Some men have went through this program several times.  After, hearing this it should be abundantly clear that we have been the victims of brainwashing perpetrated by the school system.  It was reinforced by peer pressure, books and as you reach adulthood you are expected to follow your programing.

Conclusion:  We were brainwashed, and lied to by the government, everything you read, see in movies and TV.  Even your parents enforced the lies that they were told.  Bottom line is nothing you were taught was true.  You must break the programing.  Step out of the line of those asleep. 
I have included a video on this subject .
I encourage you to researched this subject as well.

Multiverse Or Just Endless Copies Of The Same Universe

The question has bouncing around is the multiverse a endless host of possibilities?  Or is the multiverse just a endless host of exact copies of our own universe?

However, as we observe our universe, there are keys to answering the above questions.  Just as we see there are no two snow flakes the same.  So too we can understand that while yes there is symmetry in connections between how things are formed.

There is also differences between solar systems, and by extension the universe as a whole.  A key was given to these similarities and differences in observing the very smallest parts of our reality atoms.  Ancient Greek philosophers suggested that by observing the smallest bits of reality we could learn about the greater parts of our universe.

While they understood the stood the concept of how to resolve the question, they had no way to test their ideas.  However, today we possess the tools to put their ideas to the test.  What they have found is that while there is definitely a uniformity to all space.  There is also differences as well.

Yes, life is found in the goldilocks zone in each planetary system.  This means on a planet close enough to the star to allow for liquid water.  However, this in my opinion is where similarities end.

They want you to believe that each of these planets form and therefore allow for endless replicating of our own civilization.   So the multiverse, is endless copies of the same universe.  Which means endless copies of everyone, which means you are simply one of endless versions of you.

Now, there have been suggestions, that each bubble universe is another possibility of how our universe could have been.  In other words in that particular universe other choices occurred rather than our own universe.

I think that the random possibilities theory makes more sense, than endless copies of the same universe.  Further, it is possible our essence, our soul may jump from universe to universe.  However, that discussion is for another post.

Conclusion:  The concept of the Multiverse has exist for much longer than mankind has had the tools to at least begin to investigate the possibility of it’s existence.

I have included a video on this subject.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.