Quantum Reality Jumping

I want to start this post with a couple of suppositions.  First, reality as it exists is holographic in nature.  That is to say, reality is an energy matrix vibrating at a specific frequency.  

That frequency is 7.44 mhz.   That is the vibrational frequency vibrates at.  The second supposition is that there are an infinite number of similar holographic realities existing right next to one and other separated by energy barriers or forcefields that keep them separated.

Each separate instance of holographic reality has its own unique vibrational frequency.   None of them are identical .  As such, each holographic reality is different and unique in and of itself.

These realities represent every possible conceivable possibility of events that could occur.  The idea that we (create ) each reality as we make choices throughout the day, I believe, is a false supposition.  

I believe every possible conceivable choice is already in existence and represented in an alternate version of our own holographic reality.  I once thought of our specific holographic reality as 001 or the origin or original holographic reality on which all others were based.

However, I have come over time to realize how arrogant that idea truly is.  It is quite possible we are just one of the multitudes of infinite realities that exist in the multiverse with no evidence. Our specific reality is the origin point at all.

All that being said, I do, however, hypothesize that our souls have the ability to pass from holographic avatar to holographic avatar jumping between these realities.  Also, I suspect it’s much more common than people even suspect.

Things like dejavu, as well as other changes that appear as daily curiosities that can make you scratch your head over, are actually instances of temporary quantum jumping between holographic realities.

The idea of the Mandela Effect is a prime example of quantum jumping.  While I suspect random or accidental quantum jumping between different holographic realities is not only possible but likely.

I believe that through meditation and focus, it is possible to not only quantum jump on purpose.  But also through focusing on the specific changes you want to see transpire in your existence can lead to jumping you to the holographic reality where those exact events currently exist.

There are a number of books on the  subject of techniques to quantum jump, so I won’t cover that in this post.  My purpose is to point out the nature of reality and our interaction with that reality.

My goal is to supply valuable insight you can use as a starting point on your journey toward understanding who and what you are and how exactly you interact with the universe as a whole.

Conclusion:  Reality is rarely what you believe it is.  With an open mind and an analytical perspective, you can take the first steps on the path toward a true understanding of the world around you  and true wisdom.

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