Toronto Police Advice Residence To Just Surrender Their Keys

Toronto criminal activity (car theft and breaking and entering) is up 400 percent.  The Toronto police are now advising the residents to leave their car keys outside their houses to make it easier for the criminals to take their vehicles.

Apparently, local police have given up actually doing their jobs.  They are now just surrendering to the criminal element in their city.  And , they can’t or won’t do their jobs and step up their law enforcement activity to curtail these illegal activities.

It appears the Canadian authorities are following the current trend of selling out the citizenry to invading elements that have been unleashed on the West by the UN, Brix Countries, and the Middle East.

It has become apparent that the Western governments are in league with this UN plot to destroy the national sovereignty of not only the US but also Canada and the other Western countries.

The citizens of these affected Western nations have become the unwitting victims of these seditious activities perpetrated by the Globalists through the UN and Brix as well as the Middle East.

Now, Toronto Police is the latest in these governmental sellouts to just tell the citizens to give away their property rather than have it taken by force.  I’d say this is a glowing advertisement for the citizens owning firearms.

Conclusion:  The Governments of the West are either unable or unwilling to stop the apparent invasion of our countries and the duty falls to local authorities and the citizens to stim the tide of violence, criminal activities and the invasion of Stealth cells that are being levied against the citizens of these countries in a bid to destroy the nation sovereignties and ultimately depopulate the planet.

All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.  You either stand now against the tyranny being waged against people and oppose it.  Or you can lament later on your knees in subjugated silence later at your leisure. 

The choice is yours.

One thought on “Toronto Police Advice Residence To Just Surrender Their Keys

  1. How are the gun laws there?
    Must be pretty good.
    So, I can not protect my property with a gun. Can I use a machete? How about a baseball bat?
    Nobody will get my vehicle without some kind of beatdown.

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