Population Elimination Right On Schedule

Have you ever wondered why people like Bill Gates, and the Democrats are pushing vaccines for a disease that kills less than the yearly flu epidemic?

Bill Gates, spoke in lectures about using vaccines to help lower the population.   Then, when it became obvious exactly what he meant, suddenly it was hard if not impossible to find that particular lecture.

The Democratic politicians are pushing vaccines,  even to the young and the old.  As they do this more and more “side effects,” yet if you challenge their efforts, you will be censored on all major social platforms.

When those who recieve vaccinations begin to have violent side effects try to tell their stories, they are told it breaks community standards.  Even if this side effects happened to you.

The question is “Should you go along with the mandates, even if you know that they are using these vaccines to eliminate a large portion of the world population?”

Or would be willing to fight back against the mandates of a government that supports the Socialist/Communism.  It dove tails right into the New World Order.

Further, it is not just the Covid-19 vaccines,  but all vaccines given to babies and the old.  There is enough evidence that vaccines are one way the lower your mental capacity so you become more either a severely mentallyater disabled person.  

Or you become infected with a terminal disease, that eliminates you altogether.  And, that is the exact goal of those who control the NWO.  They have been arrogant enough to write their goals on a set stones in Georgia called the Georgia Guide Stones.

Conclusion:  Your food, medicine, and pretty much everything you use including the water and air have been infected in such a way that you recieve poison.  It this poison that kills you later in life.  However, until these heavy metals kill you, it causes a dumbing down and a general retardation of a large portion of the world’s population. 

I have included a video as reference on this topic.
I encourage you to research the above topic as well.