Sovereignty Or Slavery

The WHO is set to do something the U.N. and the Elites have never been able to do in centuries of warfare.  They are set to recieve the Sovereignty and control of a 190 nations including the US,Canada  and Mexico.

All that is left is a vote on the treaty to grant them this Sovereignty, is the declaration of a new pandemic.   At that point they simply  release the next pandemic and then declare Martial Law.  After that, the muster their troops (many from the same nations they are literally invading.)

There is a problem with their plan.   In the US their is 17 million ex-military Vets, while defend their freedom with firearms.  Another 63 million regular citizens the are multiple firearm owners.  Which means they have 80 million Americans who will resist such a attempt to lock down.  America  will fight the invasion of the blue helmets.

Further, other Americans such as police and the military may  well join the resistance,  as such,  the Patriots represent the largest standing army  that has ever been cobbled together to face their invading forces.  I personally believe that the blue helmets will be destroyed.  However, if they use bombers and nuclear weapons, there will  be significant casualties on the Patriots.

Yet, if they were to use that approach,  the airfields become targets.  Either way in the end the U.N. force will be heavily outnumbered.   The WHO will fail the world takeover.

Conclusion:  The President and Congress do not have the authority to sign away our Sovereignty/Constitutional rights  and freedoms .

I encourage all to research the above subject.

Deconstruction Of The Present

The left is quick to defend gays,Communist and abortionist, yet no one is talking about not only how the homeless actually go that way.  Their are nuisances, a problem,  disgusting  so on and so forth.

The truth is right now the Democrats and the left are trying their hardest to deconstruct our Republic.   However, this post is about one of the results of their deconstruction, and that is the homeless population.

Further, there is no consideration for those who have become homeless not by their own actions.  It is ok to call them names, push them around, and basically just consider them useless eaters .

They are treated badly and force to move from place to place , because of nuance laws .Even places like 24 hour Walmart.  Even though it has been a place to camp for the night.  There was always Truckers  and RV’s parked there.  Yet ,  when a homeless family quietly parked for the  night,  a night manager backed up by 2 police cars pick this night at about 2AM, to kick everyone out.

Or how about a hospital,  that sends their security around after the advent of a severe thunder storm to kick out a family who was quietly parked there

for the night. 

Further, there is no respect for the homeless,  and no consideration given.  They have ceased being human, and they are thought of as below the other animals.  Though this is a sad situation,  and yet it is  a fact.  Society considers cthe homeless a non-entity. To be pushed around.  Through will get into trouble, if you curse out a homeless person, that person has no recourse against such haters.

Conclusion:If you have been made homeless, not of your own accord,  you can at least get food and water to  help you survive.   I believe that homeless folks should be added to the defended list protected by law.

The reason I chose to write about this subject is because I have been homeless for 2 years  now.
Remember to take care of those who are in need.

We Are Coming For Your Guns

It is interesting that as soon as a mass shooting occurs, the first thing the Democrats trumpet is gun control.  Thing is I believe they set these false flags up, to create a environment in which they can push their agenda of gun control.

They, are planning to sign a treaty to hand away the US sovereignty to the WHO.  They can’t take away your freedoms as long as the public has the means to stop this handover of our sovereignty.

So they create false flags involving firearms, so they can point at it and use it as a rallying cry to restrict firearms, and gain support for their illegal activities.
They believe the public is so stupid,  they will never see the connection.

The question you must ask yourself is why, why arm’s control is being pushed, instead of Mental Health Control.  Democrats are quick to blame the gun rather than the person wielding the weapon.

The fact that the firearm is blamed,  instead of the person, can only be justified to a person who can’t understand the concept  that a firearm is just another tool.  Just like a hammer,screwdriver or a car.  None of these items operate on their own.  It takes a operator to utilize said object to make it accomplish what ever task the object is being used for, not the tool itself.

And, so as I have stated in the past, the Democrats, believe everyone is so stupid they will just blame the tool instead of it’s operator and use a incident to take away your writes.  Their hope is that you just believe their false narrative,  and call for their own rights for them.

Conclusion  :  False flags are being caused by the Democrats, in order that they may  direct the public to act in tandem with them to damage their own Second Ammendment rights.

I encourage you to research this topic too.

None Dare Call It Treason

Since President Biden became president,  he has done nothing but undermine the Republic.   Took away energy independence.   Thrown the borders wide open.  And , sold out the US to every enemy  the country has, except Russia which he is basically blaming for all the Democrat Party problems.

The truth is that, President Biden, and by extension the Democratic party are committing Treason,  by selling selling out the US sovereignty to the WHO in the event of another pandemic.

It also guarantees another pandemic will occur, in order that the WHO, can exercise the treaty and take over world sovereignty and control most of the nations of the world, including the US.  If this happens, it will ignite a war, the likes of which has never been seen in the history of mankind.  Further, this generation of children won’t survive the conflict due to their inbred fear of conflicts and firearms.

Further, unlike the past civil conflict, their will be a decentralized command on the side of the Patriots.  During the Civil War, there was a clear cut command structure.  Further,  their was clear cut territorial goals.  In this theoretical conflict there won’t be as clear cut territorial boundaries.

And, even at brink of possible nuclear war with the Russians, they still push the NATO in Putin’s  face, and through billions of dollars away in the Ukraine.
The question is why infuriate Putin into a irrational  position,  after he has repeatedly stated  he would use  nuclear weapons,  if he felt Russia was threatened.

Conclusion: This theoretical war if it  would occur , would be the most bloodly war in the history  humankind.  It will be against the largest civilian military force ever raised.  The rules of engagement would not consist of the Geneva Convention. 

Further, I suspect it would continue until those who have sold out our country, will be captured and held accountable for their Treason.  In the end, this war won’t be inevitable,  but it will be a product of the  elites who have working toward a one world government.

Sadly, this could have been avoided, if people would have stood against those derogatory types of thought decades ago.  Unfortunately, they decide to go with then flow.   Burying their heads in the sand rather than doing the hard thing of opposition of socialism,communism and other avenues of thought which conspired to force our nation into it’s declined. 

Which would set the stage for it’s fall as a nation, and it’s forced inclusion into the coming one world government.

I encourage you to research this topic as well.

A Question Of Fate

Anyone who is even paying the least amount of attention to what’s going on in the world can see that we as a species is traveling a course to our own destruction.

There are too many things , occurring that will at the very least reduce our populations number to a fraction of what it is now. 

Food shortages, fuel shortages, the threat of a treaty that if signed, basically guarantees the universal loss of sovereignty to the nation’s of the world.

As well as, the stage being set for the creation of a one world government, which will be an authoritarian dictatorship.   With 24 hour surveillance,  and total control of the population . 

This is part of the U.N. plans of Agenda 21,30.  Everything that is occurring is by design.  President Biden, will be lockstep with the U.N. agenda, as well as the preparation of the US to become part of this NWO one world government.

Who will suffer? The population of the planet.  The plan is set, to eliminate most of the people on the planet, through starvation, war, extermination by prison camps, bioweapons and elimination of new child birth by way of abortion, as well forcing sterilization of most of the population.

After the signing of the treaty that will come into effect , if another pandemic occurs, then they will declare another pandemic , in order to activate this treaty.

With the signing of the treaty being put forth by the WHO, the elimination of the US Constitution , they will eliminate the rights of all Americans .  Most likely U.N. peacekeepers will be deployed to the US to disarm the population.

Most likely creating new “Smart,” cities and force the population into these cities to be monitored 24 hours a day.  Mind you, this is part of the U.N. Agenda 21,30.  They are forced to accelerate the their time schedule, because of the war in the Ukraine.   As well, as information being brought forth, that shines the light on a number of things which shows that the NWO’s plans are currently being put in motion. 

The actions of President Biden, are clearly in support of the downfall of the US , and the handover of US sovereignty to the WHO and the  U.N. .

Conclusion : The facts are clear for those who are aware of what is actually happening in the world.  The future of not only the US, but the rest of the world as well.

The only thing that stands in the way of the NWO and the One World Government, is the people of the US as well as the people of the rest of the world.   The future is quite literally in your hands.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Murder And The NWO

The NWO backed by the left have made woman believe it is a right to kill their offspring.  Telling them that  fetuses are not alive.  They have further, went so far as to allow mothers to kill their baby’s up to 28 days after birth.

Here is the truth about abortion, it is a plot that was hatched by a group to eliminate the poor, unwanted, and black babies by the creater of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

Planned Parenthood has not now nor ever actually stood for reproductive health of woman.   The fact is she was part of the Eugenics  movement,  which was the belief in selective breeding.

Which view was to eliminate the eaters which is represented as the poor, black or handicapped which in their mind represented the undesirables of humanity.  As such Planned Parenthood,  was simply a continuation  of this idea.

Hitler, subscribed to this idea, and use the idea of Eugenics to create his death camps to do just that eliminate the unwanted in the German population. He invited Sanger to speak in German on the subject of Eugenics.

The idea of Eugenics,  was a idea of depopulation of the undesirables,  and it continues today with the continuation of abortion, the pushing of Planned Parenthood.

Conclusion: Roe v Wade is a lynch pin of this same depopulation agenda.  Without it they can not continue to push the Eugenics agenda and the depopulation of the poor and handicapped.   They Market it as a woman’s right to choose.  However, what it is, is the murder of the innocents.

Sadly,  the government has brainwashed a sector of women in to believing that killing their unborn children and in some cases their born children as a right.  When in reality, it is simply another part of the New World Order’s agenda of depopulation.

I encourage you to reach this subject as well.

Department Of Disinformation

What is a “Thought Crime?”  The phrase has been coined several movies, as well as stories such as 1984.  But, basically it means any idea that goes against the state narrative.

Though, it has been fiction in this country until now, the Biden administration has gave the go ahead to the Department of Homeland Security to create a division to combat the first amendment,  and free speech.

The Department Of Disinformation will combat any narrative deemed against the governmental narrative.  Can a person really be charged with a Thought Crime?  People in Communist countries have used this idea for decades.  As did Nazi Germany.

Now, we stand at the precipice of losing our Republic, become just a block controlled by the New World Order, they are pulling out all the stops.  Just digging up every horrible idea used by the Dictators of the past to control free Thought as well as to try to eliminate the freedoms enumerated in the US Constitution.

The Department of Disinformation,  will combat truth with the lies of a narrative that is being driven by the far left side of the Democrat party.  People are going to be brought up on phony charges, and either put into re-education camps, or killed for their convictions.

Of all the Communist plots that have possibly damaged our republic beyond repair, this is the worst.  The question is how to address this insanity without destroying the republic in the process.

Conclusion:  While lots of evil,  has been allowed to fester in our Republic.  By far this has reached new heights of darkness.  There are two paths before us as far as actions are concerned.

The first: Is to try a political solution,  which at this point is questionable at best.  With possibly both sides of political aisle is possibly owned by the elites crafting this evil. 
The Second: Is to address this situation with violent revolution.  The problem with war is it is unpredictable.  As is the opportunity for long standing Enemies to attack when the government is preoccupied.

Now, with those two options before for the American people,  the only question is which one will bring less damage to our Republic.

I encourage you to research this topic.

The Burning Of A Republic

Autacracy:  Is a government in which one person has uncontrolled or unlimited authority over others; the government or power of an absolute monarch.

This is the actual definition of the word Autocracy,  which is the President’s ideal form of government.  Consequently, Barack Obama suggested the same thing at one of his speeches.

Joe Biden, started out by saying democracies are to slow to act in this day and age.  As such, he stated that the only solution is to change our government from a democracy to a Autocracy.

Government’s across the globe have been this idea for a very long time, and each time it failed spectacularly.  From most of monarchs of Europe and Asia.

To the Communist Dictators of the 20th century.  China remains as a Autocracy,  however it has transformed from a government ruled by violence,  to a government  that controls by mean of technology.   They can turn off their ability to travel by air, and by mass transit.

The monarchs that remain have lost their power to govern,  but retain their power to influence political figures.  Further, their kept their wealth.

However, now the aim is to build a New World Order, which is a totalitarian one world government.  It will also have a one world religion.   All other governments and religions will cease to exist.   One man will control the government.   One man will control the religion.   This is the Autocracy,  that first Obama and now Biden are calling for.

Conclusion: We stand at the precipice, we can either choose to stand for our Republic.  Or we can take that next step toward enslavement and death.  The Choice is yours.

I have included a video on this subject.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.