Hidden In Plain Sight

There has been a lot of hate and vitriolic language being thrown around by the left as a boy, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury of citizens.  Yet, the left is not concerned with justice under the law.  Rather, they want mob justice, and a rope.

However, rather than rehash the merits of the lefts morality, what I would like to address is the shadow backers, who are allowed to financially back, and prepare weapons, as well as hand out such items as bricks, bats and even fire bombs to aid in “protesting,” in a left leaning city.

The question is who are these companies that hire mercenaries to carry out violence as well as destroy property every time the left does not get it’s own way?   Further, who is financially backing these violent actions in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco?

Shadow Backers, such as George Soros, The Rockefellers , The Rothschilds and others through created dummy corporations and companies are quite literally financially backing a Communist coup in leftist control cities and states in the United States.

Other countries are also being torn apart by violence perpetrated by these same Shadow Backed entities as well.  And, though this is going on here in the US, and abroad, the real question we haven’t broached yet, why are these corporations and companies allow to operate with impunity in the US and abroad?

Bricks and other equipment was pre-stage yet this being allow to continue.  Why, are the police and state and local officials allowing these preparations to occur with impunity? 

It is ridiculously obvious, by now, that these state and local authorities are complicit in the violence and destruction that occurs during these violent protests. 

Not only, are they culpable for all the actions perpetrated by the violent protestors.  Yet, not one of these officials are being bought up on charges of domestic terrorism .

They are quite comfortable setting up a fake incursion into the Capital building portrayed as domestic terrorism, arresting those who supposedly were involved in the fake encounter.  And, basically keeping them in isolation since the day of the occurrence.

Conclusion:  There is domestic terrorism being perpetrated, however it is not being done by the right.  The Communist Democratic Party and their backers are the ones who are attempting to eliminate our Constitution, prepare the way for the New World Order, and a one world totalitarian government.

This is their true goal and if you understand this, then their actions make perfect sense.

I encourage you to research this topic as well.

What Is Happening To The Earth’s Water

It began several years ago, with the oceans apparently pulling back from the shores.  All happening around the same time.  Even places that had been traditionally inundated such as the canals in Italy sudden were dry with the water just gone.

That was the beginning of the phenomenon, and then rivers were inexplicably have miles of there water just gone, with no explanation.   The best example was the Mississippi River had huge sections of it’s water just dissappear.   Some of the sections were miles in length.

Then there were talks in which corporations as well as China tried to negotiate buying up part of the water from the great lakes.  One of the corporations was NestlĂ©.   I am not sure they succeeded, however it was going on at or around the same time these other phenomenon was occurring.   It is rather suspicious,  the timing involved.

Now, we are see a huge drop in lakes across the country, and the question is this a natural phenomenon, or is the water being removed by mechanical or other means?  Another question is by who?

Water being one of the pillars of life on this planet, as such we must take these occurrences very seriously.  Without water, life on this planet in a very few years would cease to exist.

Conclusion:  Whether being perpetrated by faction on or off this planet.  If done by any country, corporation or other earth based faction, it could a depopulation attempt on a planetary scale.  And, an act of war by those involved against the rest of those on this planet.

If it was done by off world factions, it is a blatant attempt to remove humans from the earth.  Perhaps in a move to remake our world so that some other off world faction could take over our planet.

Whatever is the cause, it is a dangerous precedence for the future of humankind on this planet, called Earth.