A Question Of Ethics: The Israeli Hamas Conflict

Much has been said in recent days about the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. However, what has become blazingly obvious is that while the world itially supported Israel’s retaliation against Hamas.

They lost the stomach for it when Israel actually had to begin prosecuting the war and rooting out the terrorist from civilian areas of Gaza. Israel warned the civilians in Gaza ahead of those operations to leave the area. After the period for leaving had passed, then if people stayed, they risked getting caught in the crossfire.

Several things come into question. First, is Hamas an actual terrorist organization operating outside the Palestinian sphere of direct control, or are they being directed by the Palestinian leadership? And are they operating with or without the Palestinian people’s support? The answers to these questions have a big impact on my view of this conflict.

Because if Hamas is acting outside Palestinian authority and support, then they are not covered under the rules of war and therefore are terrorists operating in a nation-state rather than an actual military. However , if they are directly being directed by the Palestinian authority, then that authority is responsible for their actions and obvious war crimes.

Further, if they are operating with the support of the Palestinian people, then those people become by proxy guilty for the actions of these terrorist. However, if they are not supporting Hamas, then the people are simply being used as human shields to keep Israel from directly attacking them. And they are being held against their will and are as much victims as the Israeli civilians.

All that being said, we should also address the propensity of the world, especially the left, to support the idea of the “Free Punch.”” Of expecting countries to take attacks by rogue factions and countries and not retaliate. This is ludicrous in its very concept. To prove the moral high ground, you should just absorb an unprovoked attack and not respond is counter to not only common sense. But also human nature.

People should never be asked to just be the victim of a brutal assault and for moral reasons, just take it. This is the idea of allowing yourself to be destroyed. It’s an ignorant and self-destructive concept.

Israel has done everything it could to minimize civilian casualties. Why should a huge amount of restraint. They could have just thrown everything at the Gaza strip and completely decimated the entire area right away.

They didn’t. But rather issued a warning and allowed a time period for non-combatants to depart the area before beginning combat operations. They showed a huge amount of restraint considering the situation.

Those civilians that remained after the deadline were either in support of these terrorist and their brutality. Or were being held their as human shields. Neither of these eventualities could be controlled by Israel.

Also, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of Arab countries surrounding the Palestinian region. They always verbally support the Palestinian cause, however, refuse to lift a finger to offer humanitarian aid or to take in refugees from this conflict. They have shown they are morally backrupt when it comes to actually helping those people with either food or shelter.

And we must address the resurgence of brutal anti-Semetic genocidal racism not only in the region. But also being exhibited worldwide. Such blatant racism is not only appalling in 2023. But, it only goes to show the absolute hypocrisy and evil being hidden under the guise of standing up for the oppressed.

In a time of supposed diversity and understanding, such genocidal racist hatred has no place existing. Especially among a supposed enlightened tolerate people. The amount of hatred on display by the college youth is particularly troubling. Having never witnessed the conclusion that such ideas lead to.

Further, having such opinions being expressed by academia and the rich and powerful goes beyond troubling. It requires real questions about not only their moral compass. But also where such idea could lead the world yet again. And, that was a dark path narrowly averted the last time it arose, and only stopped at great cost of human life. We can not afford to tread that path again. The world may not survive it.

Also, I want to address the brutality that these Cowards Hamas embarked on in their unprovoked attack on the civilians of Israel. A recent interrogated Hamas fighter revealed the orders they were given by Hamas leadership.

They were told to do whatever they wanted to the civilians. Cut off their heads, stomp their heads, rape, and mutilation of women, children, and babies. Lighting them on fire. Whatever. This was the brutality they were instructed to inflict. Such barbarism and blatant evil that was inflicted on civilians by this Cowardly Terrorist organization .

Conclusion: These are trying times we live in, and one thing is abundantly clear. The world’s leadership are morally bankrupt. They are pursuing their own goals and agendas. And those agendas are not in the interest of the population of the planet.

But instead represent the goals of a select Globalist elite. A small minority of individuals and organizations that are operating in their own best interests counter to that of the rest of humanity. The UN being one of the vehicles of their agenda. Having come out in opposition to Israel protecting its people and its sovereignty.

Understand, these globalist elites and their money are driving not only every single war caused as well as controlling the MSM as well as government narratives. They are also the ones stirring up the Genocidal racism against the Jewish people.

Do not be conned by their lies and manipulation. Understand such people use their immense wealth to drive their narratives and agendas such as UN agenda 21,25, and 30 toward their ultimate goal of depopulation and control of all the world resources.

All world actions are centered on the achievement of these goals. Whether is the release of bioweapons, purpose driven food,water, and energy shortages. Wars and political unrest. It’s all done with the same end goals in mind.

This is why this blatant unprovolked attack occurred in the first place. It had nothing to do with the Palestinian cause. And everything to do with trying to create a larger conflict. So the elites can profit off the war, rebuilding after and to help with depopulating the planet. This is the ultimate goal.

The Path Forward: Transhumanism And The Advent Of The Nonhuman

This has been a much debated subject with the idea of selective breeding of homosapians being a long sought-after goal of governments and other organizations such as the Eugenics movement.

Nazi Germany in World War 2 using the Eugenics mindset embarked on a path to create a genetically superior human or homosurperiour. These experiments, though crude by today’s standards, nonetheless laid the foundation for the continued search for transcendence.

Genetic Modification has moved forward at a steady rate, and technologies have been created to augment this science such as the gene editing technology Crispr. This technology allows for direct editing of the human genome.

As such, traits can be added or modified, such as the augmentation of height, strength, and mental capacity through the use of adding material from different genetic patterns of multiple human eggs.

However, much talk has been raised about intentional genetic modification through the use of MRNA DNA modification to perhaps limit lifespans. Or add genetic disease precursors to make a given individual more likely to have, say, cancer or a pulmonary disease. Or even a stroke or kidney malfunction. The idea is used for population control.

MRNA has been said to be employed in both pharmaceutical applications, such as vaccines, and certain medications that could be used as delivery systems to human hosts.

Further, GMO foods are being targeted as vectors for delivery of these MRNA strands to human subjects. Though the goals as stated could be solely as a depopulation tool. It is possible that it could also be used for other purposes.

From dehumanizing targeted homosapians, thereby making their protection under the law null and void. Reducing them to a owned sub species to be used and exploited for applications such as body part harvesting and test beds for new technologies. As well as common free-range slaves.

Ethical questions raised by such actions are many and diverse. However, exploitation for profit is high on the list. As well as the lack of protection from unscrupulous corporations and individuals to use these transhumans for their own ends represent a moral conundrum moving forward.

As the definition of who is truly human is blurred. One thing is abundantly apparent. The future of humanity as a whole will forever be changed with the advent of genetic manipulation and augmentation.

Ethically, we are faced with age-old questions such as “Do we have the right to force any being into servitude?” Do we have the right to play God to satisfy our own need for competition with other nations and corporations?

Should we be allowed to dictate who has rights and who does not? Further, with the idea of the creation of Nonhumans or Homoborgenesis. Do we then have the moral high ground to move forward changing, modifying this Nonhuman class as we see fit?

Turning them into living antennas, for instance, using a patient owned by Bill Gates and Microsoft? Does this new subspecies have any right to stop them? Or are they simply reduced to chattel to be used, modified, or eliminated at the discretion of those who own the patients on their genetic modification?

How far is too far when dealing with legal genetic modification and manipulation? Ultimately, ethical questions aside, where will this ultimately lead us as a species if we remove random genetic mutations from our species?

The answers lay in a stagnation of our diversity. And a movement toward a though possibly genetic superior species. However, a morally ambiguous one that has no qualms with using anyone for profit, political goals, or as chattel and objects.

This future is the future of the globalist design. For a protected upper class ruling over the oppressed slave class of those who are deemed subhuman and thereby dismissed as irrelevant.

Conclusion: Though my initial purpose of this post was to expose the ethical implications of wholesale genetic manipulation and modification. I realized just how heinous and dystopian of a future would occur if this were allowed to reach its logical conclusion.

And, though the history of homosapians has been rife with destruction, abuse, and a testament to what happens when we allow too much power to be controlled by to few individuals.

One thing is abundantly clear. That is, regardless of the technology or advancement, its use and control is still governed by the same destructive minds who drove us as a civilization to the brink of annihilation by biological, chemical and nuclear means.

We are restricted by our own intellectual limitations and by the tendency of greed and need for ultimate control to override our empathy and basic humanity.

So long as this is a fact, we are doomed ultimately as a species. Unable to see beyond our petty selfish desires to see the opportunity to evolve as a people into something that transcends the physical boundaries of this existence.

Genetic manipulation and modification is a dead-end as a means to an end. It has many possible beneficial possibilities, such as an end to disease. And genetic malformations. However, the risk of abuse outweighs the benefits of its usage.

Truth Behind The Illusion: The Depopulation Agenda

As we have seen, the Globalist elites have to be very transparent about their plans and goals for the world in the future. A future which they plan on eliminating the majority of the world population 98%. Leaving a mere 800 thousand out of a population of roughly 7.5 billion.

Their methods have been stated to range from a wide range of contraceptives, both chemical and physical. They have encouraged the worldwide abortion movement. With a goal of zero population growth.

Along with the above measures, they encouraged the homosexual, transsexual and queer and trans activist. Their main reason for pushing and normalizing this behavior is that they can’t have children.

They have been very upfront about pushing these agendas. Further , they have devised methods for eliminating the current population as well. Through a number of methods including : Poison vaccines, gain of function research of viruses and diseases such as Covid 19, The Avian Flu, as well as other pathogens.

Also, they plan to re-write your DNA through those same vaccines with MRNA strands that change your component patterns, making you more susceptible to the viruses they were supposed to prevent. As well as literally shutting down your immune system entirely.

Also, through other products, pharmaceuticals, and GMO foods, they intend to achieve the same result using this MRNA to essentially rewrite your base sequence DNA so you are made to die much younger.

They have said this through spokesmen like Bill Gates. They further intend to use other methods such as chemicals released in chemtrails, which are heavy metals and other chemicals released in the atmosphere.

In conjunction with these methods, they will use conventional, biological, and yes, even nuclear war as a means to eliminate the majority of the world population. All of this which they tell you is because of climate change. They state they must save the environment by eliminating the majority of the population to combat climate change.

But, in reality, they are simply greedy evil people attempting to gain absolute control of all money and the commodities of life such as water, food, energy, and housing. Also, they want to have the remainder of the population under 24/7 surveillance by Ai controlled video systems. They want to own everything, including you. And effectively turning you into free-range slaves to the corrupt oligarchs running a totalitarian Global marxist dictatorship.

Those are stated goals. Much of the above laid out in UN documents labeled Agenda 21,25,30. As well as 2050. Their end game is a one world government controlled by a dictator.

The question is, how did we get here? Well , this began centuries ago with people who called themselves Charcoal dealers. They were literally the harbingers of the Communist ideology. Similar ideas were passed from secret society to secret society for a millenia.

The ruling elite Globalists are the descendants of those who ran all those secret societies and ruling families, as well as royal bloodlines. However, that is for another post.

I want to address how we got to this current incarnation of the depopulation agenda. The more recent progenitor of the ideology was an organization/ideology called Eugenics.

The idea that the majority of the world population were useless eaters. Mere consumers of the world’s valuable resources. And, as such, must be stifled and reduced. As such, they wanted to bring in selective breeding and the curtailing of just random coupling. The elimination of the lower middle-class as well as the lower-class having children at all.

So, an adherent and activist for Eugenics, a woman named Margret Sanger, set out to create a viable way to stop the lower and middle class from having children.

Her solution was named Planned Parenthood. Although it had little to do with helping people plan to be parents. And everything to do with stopping them from having children through aborting and eliminating their children entirely.

And, her efforts were noticed by a political up an coming leader. One who based his nations selective breeding program as well as other core Eugenics ideas into his national policy, including the Genocide of 6 million jews and the elimination of mentally handicapped as well as sexual deviants (homosexuals). This leader who had such admiration for Sanger was none other than Adolf Hitler.

This Eugenics ideology was taken up by the US government after the war in the 1950’s with a host of selective breeding programs created and later it was adopted by the UN as the idea of climate change initiatives, as well as the Agendas 21,25,30 factoring in depopulation to eliminate a large percentage of the world population through their global policies.

However, the current incarnation of the depopulation agenda can be tracked directly back to a document put out by the United States Security Council. Entitled: National Security Study Memorandum, (NSSM 200).

Otherwise known as The Kissinger Report. In it laid the foundation of not only the curtailment of the growing of the population. But, also the methods for decreasing and ultimate elimination of 98% of the world population. And makes up the framework of the elites agenda to gain control of the world’s resources as well as eliminating the population. As such, it was the literally action plan for the current depopulation agenda.

Conclusion: All the things such as feminism, abortion, the push to normalize homosexualuality as well as transgenderism were nothing more than the governments attempt to accomplish its end goal of population elimination, gaining control of the world’s wealth as well as all resources. And the total enslavement of all who are left after.

What’s Really Happening

In the scheme of things, sometimes we must understand the big picture, rather than just the small perspective. Such is true in relationships as well as politics. Things are not always what they appear.

In regards to relationships, people may appear faithful in the daylight. But, in the dark of night may be something else entirely. While their spouse may be hard at work or taking care of the family, the other may be betraying them right behind their backs.

So to is the case not only on the political stage but on the world policy stage as well. Politicians rarely do what is in the best interests of the country they represent and its people. And generally act out of self-interest greed.

So let us turn to the unfolding spectacle occurring in the Middle East. On the surface, it appears to pit old rivals once more against each other in a conflict that has spanned centuries. But, is that what is actually occurring?

Or is it simply political theater being staged to illicit specific responses? I mean, do you really believe that the greatest intelligence agencies in the world didn’t see a military build-up coming? A movement of huge amounts of ordinance and armaments?

Do you really believe that with all the technology at their disposal, they had no clue of an impending attack on the scale planned and executed by the terrorist group Hamas? Really?

And, if they either saw it and allowed it to continue. Or were complicit in its planning and execution, why would they want such a conflict to occur in the first place?

The answer lies in reality versus illusion. The illusion is there are seperate countries. Each independent and autonomous of each other . Each acting in their national best interest for the good of country and people.

What the reality is much more insidious. The truth is all nation states are controlled by groups of elite bankers, families and a select group often called Globalist, Deepstate and a cabal of hidden actors that carry out the edicts, mandates and goals of these individuals and groups.

They have not only been transparent about their goals of depopulation of the planet. But , also about their desire to control the total resources of the planet. As well as their desire to enslave the remainder of humanity left after their plans have succeeded.

Now, knowing this, let’s reexamine the current conflict in the Middle East under the microscope of understanding. And, see if we can glean the truth from the staged events.

Let’s now assume that not only were all the intelligence agencies aware of what was being planned. But were complicit in the staging, setup, and execution of the plan they had devices.

Further, all the actions that occurred after were carefully orchestrated to appear organic. However, we were carefully planned and staged as well. Then, the entire situation takes on a completely different meaning when we remove the emotional component.

Understanding that all events that occur on the world stage are planned in advance gives these events simply stage craft drama created to control the emotions of the masses while moving the endgame to completion.

Everything that occurs is not random but planned well in advance by these globalists. And has been in the works for a very long time. The world as it appears is an illusion.

The reality is that everything is being completely controlled. Every event, every story, every political figure on the world stage. All controlled and manipulated by the same corporations and people.

The war in the Middle East is a staged event. As is the response of the US and others. These Globalist always telegraph their intentions to prepare the population for what is to come through media as well as celebrities and organizations. All staged.

The UN is one of those controlling organizations that signals what’s coming in documents such as Agenda 21, 25. And 30. They have laid out their plans for total control of all natural resources and elimination of the majority of the population for a sustainable future.

Through smart cities, complete surveillance of the population 24/7 by Ai. And the curtailing of people’s reliance on meat, dairy, and fossil fuels. Moving humanity toward a dystopian future where, like in the movie the Matrix, we are used as a commodity. Fed on our own bodily fluids and waste. To protect the (environment).

The current events unraveling in the Middle East are a stark reminder that the world that we believe we live in is an illusion. Carefully produced and presented stage craft meant to control your emotional state and a mental state to manipulate the masses to do exactly what the Globalists want. This is the purpose of all world events.

Conclusion: The illusion of choice is just that an illusion. World events have been controlled, planned, and moved forward by the same globalist families and individuals for a very long time. They have made their end goals very apparent. They literally are telling you not only what they are planning but also how it will occur.

The problem is people are so caught up in the illusion that the Matrix that they can’t see the true reality right before them. They are completely blinded by it. And have been reduced to sheep led to the slaughter. On essence reduced to free-range slaves with the very technology they rely on daily as their invisible chains.

Completely controlled by the illusion of choice, freedom. When in reality, they have neither. This is the reality in which mankind currently resides.

A Question Of Fate

As we have witnessed the carnage and barbarism taking place in real-time in Israel, we are forced to ask the question ( Why?)

Why was the terrorist group Hamas allowed to organize such a catastrophic attack without any intelligence organization being aware of it? When Egypt raised a word of alarm that something big was coming and no one heeded their warning.

Why? How could they get such a large number of weapons into position without anyone knowing it in this day of satellite surveillance and constant monitoring by the IDF , and the US, as well as the European Union and Greay Britain?

Further, how did Hamas gain access to weapons sent to the Ukrain? Unless they stole them. Or they were sold to them by the Ukrain or defense contractors.

Regional countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and quite possibly Saudi Arabia may also be complicit in aiding Hamas as well as other terrorist organizations in their continued attacks on Israel.

However, even with this hypothesis, there may be more than meets the eye to the current conflict. And that is it was almost impossible to hide such a massive buildup and staging. As such, the question is : Was it overlooked or part of some larger plan?

With the crisis in the Ukraine, the advent of the Brix treaty and the building of a spy station in Cuba, as well as a Russian missile base being installed in Venezuela. Is it possible this is just one more action to prepare for the advent of a world war?

It was no accident that Biden completely opened the southern border of the US. With zero vetting of anyone entering into the country. Which has been occurring at a rate of 10 thousand illegals a day. And all of those anonymous. Anyone could and has crossed our border.

Chances are very good a large number of sleeper soldiers from China, North Korea, Russia and Iran as well as other terror organizations have entered the country without detection and are now getting in place for the eventual attack on the mainland US.

This is far from a conspiracy theory or mere speculation. I suspect that perhaps elements of our own government have gone rogue and are currently buying themselves with deconstruction of our country.

Infrastructure as well as society using disinformation, demoralization, and misdirection to try to control the national narrative so that they can keep everyone in the dark until it’s too late to stop it from happening.

The truth is that this is not new. There have been in place since before the beginning of the 20th century. To gain complete control of not only the US. But also the entire world. It was the purpose of the first 2 world wars.

As well as multiple calls for depopulation, Planned Parenthood, and the continued push of the Climate Change agenda to shut down civilization. Forcing people to move to Smart 15-minute cities and 24/7 surveillance.

The UN agenda 21,25, and 30 spell out the New World Order’s agenda in detail. It is very specific in its laying out of the great reset plan and the elimination of freedom as we know it.

The continuing push to sustain war in the Ukraine is not by chance and has zero to do with democracy or freedom. And everything to do with selling arms on the front end and the reconstruction of the Ukrainian infrastructure by huge funds such as Blackrock and Vanguard. At the expense of the US taxpayers who are already burdened past their ability to maintain.

Conclusion: Nothing happens by coincidence or random chance. What is happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and soon to be coming to your street in middle America is by design. Planned way in advance and now being executed in real time and in your face. They aren’t hiding their intentions.

The ultimate goal, you ask? That’s simple: 98 percent of the population will be eliminated through war, biological weapons, and eventually quite possibly nuclear conflagration.

This is why they have been building bases, cities, and railways all underground. They have promised the Facist Communist Democratic party members. Others in government as well as possibly the Whitehouse.

These sellouts are moving lockstep with the Deepstate and the world’s elites. However, just like the intelligentsia of Russia, who assisted in the 1917 Bolshivic revolution. After they succeeded in taking over the country.

Lenin took all those who conspired to help him gain power, lined them up against a wall, and shot them. Because he knew if they would sell out once, when they found out he lied to them, they would him out as well. He called them (Useful Idiots).

That’s what the Fascist Communist Democratic Party and other sellouts are (Useful Idiots.) And just like what Lenin did to his supporters, so too will the Marxist Elites do to these sellouts.

A world war is coming. Make no mistake, we have a very small window to avert the coming holocaust. If we don’t stop them, their plan will come to fruition. The world will die. And they will win. This is the secret they are telling in plain sight. They are not obfuscation. They have spelled out exactly what they plan on doing.

They are hiding nothing. As such, these attacks in Israel were not missed by the worlds intelligence organization and governments. But they are still following the original plan, which started so long ago. Nothing has changed except they are telling you to your face they intend to steal all that is yours. Then kill you with chemtrails, fire, biological weapons, war, and eventually nuclear war.

This is the future they have in store for the people of the US as well as the people of the world.

The Truth Versus The Narrative

As we can see, the current social political situation is chaotic at best . And downright terrifying at worst. With the different factions of the political spectrum at each other’s throats. The question is, how did we get here?

Was this merely an organic occurrence? Destined to ultimately end up this way? Due to ideological or political incompatibility? How did we get so far from our original ideas?

If it were a mere ideological problem. People could sit down and discuss their differences. And find common ground. This is something far darker and more insidious. This is being caused by outside forces that are intent on dividing humanity and keeping it that way to distract from the real provocateur.

You see for a very long time secret canals have run the world. They are called by a number of names to muddy the waters. And to keep people believing they are not connected but different factions.

They are called Globalists, Bankers, Elites, Deepstate, Illuminati, Concil on Foreign Relations, The Bildeburg Group. But regardless of what moniker they adopt, it’s the same group of individuals directing the outcome of world events.

What is their goals? Power, absolute control of all resources, lands and people. They have been very direct and have telegraphed their intentions repeatedly using the Main Stream Media to tell you what they intend to do.

From the fact that another ( Pandemic) is quickly approaching. Which they are constantly proclaiming. To the fact that they need to lock everybody down again for public (safety). To the fact the Climate Change us the cause for pretty much every bad thing that occurs. Therefore climate (lockdowns) are going to be needed to counter calamity.

They have laid out their agendas through the world politic the U.N.. In the form of resolutions called Agenda 21,25,30. The need for depopulation of the planet. Which we are told has to be brought down to 800 million worldwide in perpetuity.

As well as the adoption of smart 15 minute cities run by Ai and that 24/7 monitoring of all people is for our own good. Things such as free speech, religion and most fowl the possession of any means to defend ourselves is not only evil. But down right inhuman. That people who hold such ideas are extremist.

That gender is a construct. That there are more than to sexes everything is fluid, changing. No such thing as femininity or masculinity. And as a matter of fact masculinity is (toxic) and evil .

The nuclear family is a thing to be scorned. And traditional values a thing to be mocked and ridiculed. That things such as loyality and monogamy are outdated ideas to be discarded.

They tell us they are protecting democracy by waging proxy wars in other countries killing thousands not to defend that nation. But to make billions on selling arms, planes, and other objects of war. And with plans to profit on the backend through rebuilding. As well as contributing to their depopulation agenda.

As well as building underground bases, cities, railways. Do you believe that was for the protection and benefit of the people at large? Or in preparation for the release of biological and ultimately Nuclear warfare?

Have you ever wondered why the government doesn’t provide enough nuclear shelters for the population? They in the 50s and 60s at least made it appear they were providing for civil defense. But have since dropped all pretense of actually caring about public welfare.

They recently tested a national system of public communication. Did you not wonder why? Was it because they care about your welfare? Or as a means of control. They have built 100s of Fema camps why? In case of emergency or places to intere the public at large.

Do you not understand the reason they shut off all national energy independence and forced our dependency on foreign oil. Especially from China a country that only partially hides its contempt and loathing of our country and everything we stand for. Why? The answer is by design. Like everything else this cabal does to achieve its final goals. Which were stated earlier in this post.

They collaped the southern border not for humanitarian reasons but to change the balance of power in specific states so that the political party the overtly control. The Fascist Communist Democratic Party can pursue this canals goals directly.

While using lobbies to covertly control the other party. As well as local governments in the more conservative states. As well as campaign for local offices such as district attorneys and city councils to control local municipalities.

And, allowing unknown amounts of secret foreign troops to pass into the country unnoticed. So that they can be positioned for when the take over of the country is initiated. They will act as sleeper cells to prepare the way for an actual invasion.

The deconstruction of the country is by design. As they transfer the wealth from the lower and middle classes. Throw inflation, the climate change scam. As well as future pandemics and higher taxes.

All the while sending vast amounts of money to other countries . While allowing the citizens of this country to starve, struggle and live on the streets instead of using that money to provide affordable housing and commodity infrastructure to sustain our population.

And, these same people at the top are all connected. Using MSM, government, celebrities and political ideologies like the Cult of Trans, BLM, Antifa and other groups including Woke culture as control mechanisms as controls and a means to a end. Just as they continue to use Planned Parenthood and the idea abortion is a right.

When in actually it is simply one more concept they concocted to brainwash women in to believing its good to kill your offspring and thereby continuing their depopulation agenda.

As does war, and propagation of virus and diseases that they most likely have had cures for. Perhaps for many decades. All by design. To achieve their ultimate goals. And these individuals and dynasties are playing the long game. Nothing is by chance.

They further control hidden technology which they either suppress or have acquired from off world sources which they also use for the same agendas. Weather modification and control, putting things in the atmosphere such as poisons and heavy metals in chemtrails.

And, seismic technology to create earthquakes, HAARP and Laser technology to start fires in specific locations. All by design.
Mysterious fires popped up all over the globe burning so hot they melt ceramic, glass and engine blocks on cars yet skip whole areas even leaving vegetation untouched.

And, when things happen like Maui, no one asks questions such as (Why they turned the water off)? And (Why they blocked the citizens from leaving the affected areas even though to stay meant certain death)? Further, (Why did the damage only affect areas that the Elites wanted to build hotels and a smart city. While leaving the surrounding areas unharmed)? By design that’s why.

Conclusion: So what is the take away from all of this you ask? The answer is clear. A small group of people are masterminding the greatest deception in human history. And doing so while appearing complete separated from each other and at the same time telegraphing it in real-time. They are hiding only their connection to one and other while being totally transparent with their intentions to decimate the human population and ultimately control this world and everything on it. This is the hidden truth.