China, Crispr And Editing The Future

It is no secret that Communist China has aspirations of being the world superpower.   They have been pursuing this goal, financially, militarily as well as extending their reach far beyond their own borders.

2020 has been a very difficult year, because of the virus that was either accidentally or purposefully released from a lab in China.  This event lead to a worldwide pandemic with far reaching consequences economic, as well as the loss of human life.

Some questions should be asked at this juncture.   Was the release of Covid-19 an accident or was it deliberate?  Why did China not stop the virus from getting out of their borders?  Why is the rest of the world not holding China financially responsible for this man made disaster? 

While all of these questions need to be answered, the US and other countries are being hacked by Chinese hackers who are stealing government data on weapons as well as technical data.  This data enables China to innovate and build up it’s military as well as gain  technological  superiority in other areas of scientific development.

It has been stated by our government that China is as using Crispr to edit DNA to create super soldiers immune to disease, chemical attack as well as stronger.  Using thisDPn technology they can edit their future soldier’s DNA can create a whole new caste of super soldiers that are bred from birth to be the foot  soldiers of a new Chinese Superstate.

Though unethical and condemned universally by the world scientific community,  China continues to pursue it goal of world domination.   And, while they can edited the DNA of embros to grant a host of effects with Crispr.  The question is can the edit the DNA of  adult humans granting the same bodily changes that can achieve in embroidery?

Just imagine if they could update their 3 million man army with all the advancements that they will include in their next generation of military.  They would then have the ability to dominate the world militarily in a year or less rather than decades.

Conclusion:  Make no mistake,  world domination is the goal of Communist China.  With Crispr, they now have the means to raise a army of homo superior humans that could help them achieve that goal.

I have included a article on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

What is Human Gene Editing?

Genome editing is a way of making changes to specific parts of a genome. Scientists have been able to alter DNA since the 1970s, but in recent years, they have developed faster, cheaper, and more precise methods to add, remove, or change genes in living organisms. Researchers are working to develop therapies that use gene editing to treat children or adults for a range of conditions, including sickle cell, hemophilia, and some forms of cancer and blindness.

Since 2015, a few laboratories have been experimenting with a far more controversial use of CRISPR: editing the genomes of early human embryos, eggs, and sperm. If edited embryos are used to start a pregnancy, the changes affect every cell in the body of any resulting child, that child’s offspring, their offspring, and so on. Dozens of countries already prohibit any attempt to start a pregnancy with edited embryos, yet some scientists seem eager to proceed.

In November 2018, researcher He Jiankui from Shenzhen, China announced the birth of the first gene-edited babies: twin girls publicly referred to as Lulu and Nana. In a reckless and widely condemned experiment, He had edited the DNA of two embryos and used them to start a pregnancy. The babies were born prematurely and their current health status is unknown.

These utterly unethical experiments have pushed the issue of human genome editing to the forefront of media, scientific, and public discussion and debate. Any discussion of how we might use this technology in the future needs to consider the serious societal consequences of human genome editing. This includes examining the rise of vast economic inequalities and the resurgence of overt xenophobia and racism in many parts of the world. It also includes acknowledging our eugenic histories and the present-day systemic oppression of women, people of color, Indigenous people, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities, particularly as they relate to reproduction and ideas about who is “fit” to reproduce.

Human genome editing is not just a scientific issue. It is a political and social justice issue that intersects with the concerns of multiple movements, including disability rights, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights and justice, racial justice, environmental justice, and health justice. Read on to learn more about human genome editing and why everyone should have a say in the decisions we make about whether and how to use this powerful technology.

What is CRISPR?

CRISPR is a gene editing technology that allows scientists to make changes to the DNA of living organisms more precisely and inexpensively than before. CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats. These segments of DNA occur naturally in bacteria, where they store information that helps recognize invading viruses. Associated enzymes, such as Cas9, then cut viral DNA out of the bacterial genes.

Scientists discovered that they can adapt CRISPR-Cas molecules to search for a specific DNA sequence and cut precisely at that point — not just in bacteria, but in plant, animal, and human cells, too. They can also provide a new DNA sequence for the cell to use when it repairs the cut.

CRISPR-Cas is often compared to the “find and replace” function in a word processor, but this metaphor of gene “editing” can make it sound more precise than it actually is. CRISPR sometimes mis-recognizes a DNA sequence that is similar to the one it’s looking for and cuts in the wrong place, causing “off-target mutations.” Other times it might cut in the right place, but cause mistakes, or “indels,” where DNA is incorrectly inserted or deleted.

Gene Therapy: Changing genomes to treat disease

There are two distinct ways gene editing might be used in humans. Gene therapy , or somatic gene editing, changes the DNA in cells of an adult or child to treat disease, or even to try to enhance that person in some way. The changes made in these somatic (or body) cells would be permanent but would only affect the person treated. One way this is already being done is by editing a person’s immune cells to help them better fight cancer. Clinical trials will soon be underway to use CRISPR to edit blood cells as a treatment for sickle cell anemia and other blood disorders. Gene therapy raises many of the same social and ethical issues as other high-tech medical treatments, including ethical research practices, safety and effectiveness, unequal access to expensive treatments , and how we allocate resources, but is widely supported as a promising way to treat disease.

Germline Editing: Changing the genomes of future generations

But there is a much more controversial way that human gene editing could be used. In germline modification, gene editing would change the DNA of embryos, eggs, or sperm. Because germline DNA is passed down to all future generations, any changes — whether they had beneficial or harmful effects — would be as well. Some have proposed that germline editing could be used to prevent inherited diseases, but this would carry unacceptably serious safety, ethical, and social risks. And it’s unneeded, since we already have safe and effective ways to prevent passing on an inherited disease. People at risk can use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a way to screen embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and select one that is unaffected; this allows parents to have a genetically related child without passing on an inherited disease. PGD certainly raises its own ethical questions, particularly around disability rights and justice, but it poses fewer safety and societal risks than germline editing would.

Understanding the Social and Ethical Risks

New technologies often raise ethical questions about their unknown risks and benefits. These questions become especially tricky — and essential — when we are talking about something like human germline editing, which affects future generations who obviously can’t consent to the changes being made to their DNA. What risks would women (who are rarely mentioned in discussions about human gene editing for reproduction) be subject to as the ones who would carry pregnancies started with genetically modified embryos and deliver the resulting children (for themselves or for others)? How could potential parents make informed decisions when there would be unknown health risks that might emerge during pregnancy for the woman and the fetus, epigenetic effects, and health issues that might not develop until adulthood or old age (or even in future generations)? It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to ethically conduct the kind of follow-up studies that would be necessary to say that human genome editing is safe enough to use in reproduction.

But focusing on these obvious safety risks takes too narrow a view and overlooks the many serious social and ethical risks that germline editing would pose. Imagine wealthy parents being able to purchase enhancements (real or perceived) for their children, and the kind of world that would result if children’s education and life chances were thought to be determined at birth by their DNA. Imagine the long-term consequences of imposing the preferences and biases we hold today on the genes of all future generations. Consider the potential effects on groups that have less power in society and are already discriminated against, including people with disabilities, people of color, and women. Ableism, racism, and reproductive injustices would likely be exacerbated by human genome modification, if it were ever allowed. These and other social inequalities that already shape our lives could rapidly grow worse, and new forms of inequality could be introduced, leading to a new form of eugenics.

While it might seem possible to avoid such dire outcomes by limiting the use of germline gene editing to the prevention of serious diseases, this would be extremely difficult. The line between therapy and enhancement is fuzzy and would be nearly impossible to enforce. How would we determine which diseases are serious enough to edit out? And who would decide? There are many disabled people who value their differences as a form of human diversity and do not think they need to be “treated” or “cured.” Allowing just some uses of germline gene editing for reproduction would mean opening the door to all uses. For these reasons, over 40 countries have banned human germline modification.

Who Gets to Decide?

Human germline editing is not just a scientific or technical issue. It affects how we understand ourselves as humans and what kind of future we want to build. It has implications for society as a whole, not just individuals. Therefore, decisions about whether to permit germline modification should not be made by small groups of scientists or bioethicists, by biotechnology companies, or by wealthy elites. Human germline editing is an urgent social justice issue; we need public discussions of it that are open to all.

Slave Or Freedom

I am going to ask some questions and let’s see if you answer quickly.  Or think before you speak,  let’s begin.
1.) Now, Everyone argues about the right to abortion.   But, would feel the same way if you were forced to get an abortion everytime you get pregnant by the government ? Further,  you are required to get a license to have a child?  Would you feel the the same way?
2.) Would you be willing to give up your free speech, for security?
3.) Would you surrender your right to bear arms, for a food allotment from the government at no cost to you?
4.) Would you give up privacy, and agree to be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in exchange for a 300 square foot apartment free of charge?
5.) Would you agree to be microchiped in exchange for a living wage in online credits which are monitored by the government?
6.) Would agree to live in a smart city for life, and to be stop and searched everytime you leave your apartment?  Further, to have cameras monitoring the inside of your apartment 24/7?
7.) Would agree to take whatever vaccines the government deemed you needed when they tell you to take them?
8.) Agree at a specific age, that the government deemed you were no longer of value to the government, to be eliminated for the greater good?
9.) Have paid government employees to observe you for violations of good social interaction.  To many violations, take away your ability to use mass transit.  Further, by agreeing to live in a smart city you must forfeit your right to a private vehicle.
10.) You agree for the greater good and for the environment, to a culling of a specific number of the population.  Keeping to  500 million people in perpetuity.
11.) Finally, you agree to your brain being connect to Ai, that can be connected to everyone else on the planet?  Controllable by the  government?
The above questions are part of communism/socialism and NWO.  This is where the Democrats are attempting to lead the country.
Conclusion:  All of the above is our future if nothing is changed.  The U.N.  is complicit in the goals for the US through their Agenda 21,25 and 30.  The only thing standing between the US heading toward that dark future is you.

Are you willing to give up all your rights and liberties for controlled , supervised life that has a expiration date, old means useless?  This is what the Nwo will give you.

Old Boss Same As The New Boss

It has been said that different races of exterterrestrials have been on Earth since the beginning.  However, it was the Annunaki who built a civilization in Sumer and the surrounding area known as Mesopotamia.

There are tablets made of clay describing what these “gods,” did how they created by way of cloning and DNA manipulation the human race as slaves to mine gold which they used to repair the atmosphere of their planet.

These gods waged war with the other exterterrestrials using weapons that were devastating were devastating destroying whole cities.

As of the date of writing this post, we are only speculating as to the beings origin.  Whether exterterrestrial or dimensional beings.  Further, the working class Sumerians did not like the Annunaki , as such the temples built to “worship,” the their gods was built with the entrance on top.  The elite of the Sumerians only dealt with the gods.

The hidden secret , is that nothing changed, the Annunaki and the other exterterrestrials have never left.  Lots of gold is being mined in in South Africa,  and elsewhere today , much of which disappears .

Just as in ancient times,  the elite are still dealing with them in secret.  How angry would the rest of humanity be if they found out that the U.N. Agenda 21,25,30 as well as depopulation of the planet was the idea of the Annunaki and other off world entities?

Conclusion:  The fact is the elites are constantly worried about bloodlines and their connection to the bloodlines of the gods or off world aliens.  It is my belief, that they are still mining the Earth’s gold reserves.

  A while back they showed where the gold reserves had been kept in Fort Knox .  What was seen was empty vaults, and no gold, and  no explanation as to where it went.

These off world entities are still running the world.  And, they hide this fact because just as in ancient times,  the population would revolt .
The occupation of this world continues.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.