Using Sound Frequency To Eliminate Disease In The Human Body

Sound frequency therapy, also known as vibrational medicine, is a holistic healing technique that uses the power of sound frequencies to promote well-being and treat various ailments in the human body.

The principle behind sound frequency therapy is that every cell in our bodies has its own unique vibrational frequency. By using specific sound frequencies, it is believed that we can help stimulate these cells to restore balance and harmony, thus helping to eliminate diseases.

One of the key benefits of sound frequency therapy is its non-invasive nature. Unlike traditional treatments that may involve surgery or medication, sound frequency therapy harnesses the body’s natural ability to heal itself through the use of sound vibrations.

Research has shown that certain sound frequencies can help stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. By targeting specific areas of the body with these frequencies, it is possible to help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with various diseases.

Another potential benefit of sound frequency therapy is its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Stress is known to weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness. By using sound frequencies to induce a state of relaxation, it is possible to help boost the body’s natural defenses against disease.

In addition to promoting physical health, sound frequency therapy has also been shown to have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Certain sound frequencies have been found to help reduce anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall mental clarity.

Sound frequency therapy is a versatile treatment option that can be used to address a wide range of health issues, from chronic pain to autoimmune disorders. By tailoring the specific frequencies used in treatment to the individual’s needs, it is possible to achieve personalized and effective results.

While sound frequency therapy shows promise as a complementary treatment for various diseases, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and potential benefits. As with any alternative therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using sound frequency therapy to treat a medical condition.

Overall, sound frequency therapy represents an exciting frontier in the field of alternative medicine. By harnessing the power of sound vibrations, this therapy offers a gentle yet effective way to promote healing and alleviate disease in the human body.

Conclusion: The use of sound frequency therapy to eliminate disease in the human body holds great potential as a safe, non-invasive, and holistic approach to health and well-being. By harnessing the power of sound vibrations, this therapy offers a promising avenue for promoting healing and restoring balance in the body.

A man named Dr. Rife created a machine called the Rife machine in 1934 to treat people suffering from cancer. 

Rife used the machine to cure 16 people with terminal cancer.  The first 14 recovered within 70 days.  The remaining 2 recovered 3 weeks later.

Remarkably, the patients only required only 2 three minute sessions per week to achieve complete recovery.

Amazingly, the AMA (American Medical Association) rejected Dr. Rifes’ findings and ultimately discredited Dr. Rife based on the AMA being controlled by Globalist who made money off selling cancer medications and treatments . 

They ultimately bankrupted Dr. Royal Rife and he died at the age of 83 in 1971.  Like many beneficial treatments and devices that actually worked in curing disease, making money won out over public betterment.

Geoengineering and the Elimination of Private Farming

Chemtrailing, space shields to block sunlight and cloud seeding, and use of haarp to heat the atmosphere to change the  weather, all they say are in the name of climate change.

However, the actual reason behind this is more insidious in that it is a concerted effort to curtail private farming and to pollute the atmosphere to help depopulate the planet.

While in a more conspiracy theoretical light, they have reported extraterrestrial and extra dimensional entities are terraforming the planet to make it more compatible to them physically.

Whichever eventuality is true, the fact is they are changing the earth’s atmosphere to make it less conductive to human life.

The Globalist have made a major effort to push their agenda forward, and their main tenet is depopulation.   As such, changing  the earth’s atmosphere  to make it incompatible to human life. 

There is no logical reason to terraform the earth, making it incompatible to human life unless they want to kill humanity.  Change the earth’s atmosphere for some other species or race of beings.  Or they are just truly psychopaths and intent on eliminating all life on this planet.

Conclusion: To eliminate vegetation and food production on a planetary scale can only have a couple of purposes.  Either to eliminate current life on this planet.  Or to terraform the earth for some other species.

The WHO Is Trying To Force Member Countries To Sign The Treaty That Will Sign Over National Sovereignty.

The WHO is now on a mission to force member nations to sign the treaty that will effectively end the national sovereignty of all member states in the event of another pandemic . 

The question is, why?  Why so eager to force an agreement unless they themselves plan if either taking part  in a release of the disease.  Or they are aware and being directed by those who will release it.

They have been trumpeting about disease X for some time now.  Since the official end of the Covid scare .  Which was a control release the last time.

So, knowing the last pandemic  was a controlled orchestrated event .  It’s not a big stretch that the next will also be masterminded by the same psychopaths who released the last one, namely the Globalists.

In their rush toward achieving their goal of world depopulation, they have now created a better bioweapon in the Avian Influenza or more commonly known as the bird flu.

This weaponized version is perhaps much more virulent than the past strains have been released, and it even now begins its path toward infecting the globe.

As such, armed with this information, the WHO has set out to force compliance with their farcical treaty to eliminate national sovereignty in the name of public health.

However in reality it only speeds up the time table toward disarming and culling the planet by enabling member states to declare martial law in a epidemic emergency and suspend Constitutionally protected rights such as free speech and  the right to bear arms.

And give the government the absolute authority to detain and arrest anyone who would interfere with the depopulation agenda.  To clear the way for the formation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship headed by the Globalists.

Conclusion: The WHO treaty is simply a smoke screen to hide the worldwide power grab and the elimination of opposition to the globalist agenda.

Pestilence:The Resurgence of Tuberculosis And Other Diseases As The Uninoculated Are Being Used A Biological Weapons Against The People of The Planet

It was reported on MSM today that there is a resurgence in the disease of tuberculosis.  A disease that was eradicated in the West decades ago. 

Its resurgence has been enabled due to the invasion of the stealth army that has been directed by the Globalists through the cooperation of the UN, Brix treaty nations, and the Radical Islamic Middle Eastern countries.

These individuals are being used as vectors to deliver this disease and others to the nation’s of the West.  This particular report has to do with the invaders that are gathering in Chicago.

However, this is only representative over the larger issue.  The possibility of using these invaders as biological weapons to distribute weaponized diseases to the countries of the West.

Bird Flu, Tuberculosis, and Measles have already been reported to be currently present in the US and other invaded countries. 

These invaders serve multiple purposes .  Among these are the obvious actions of collapsing the economy, destroying state sovereignty, and they are the recon force that will be used to destroy soft targets, disarm the public, and begin incarcerate the general public.

They also apparently are being utilized as human vectors to release weaponized diseases, perhaps being distributed by the WHO ( the very organization that pretends to help the public to protect against the diseases they are possibility distributing).

The resurgence of these diseases is not by happenstance.   But in my opinion, being orchestrated by the Globalists in a continuation of forcing their agenda into being.

Conclusion: These multiple diseases appearing now is further evidence of the wider plot being perpetrated against the people of the planet by the Globalist psychopaths who are hellbent on the genocide of the population of the planet and their conquest of the world.

The Next Plandemic: The Avian Influenza

Recently, it was reported that the Avian Influenza had jumped from wild birds to domestic animals and then mutated to infect the first humans.

The (Bird Flu), is now being the possible next plandemic or possibly the disease X that the WHO and governments around the world have been so worried was coming.

Further, it has been identified as infecting a chicken egg plant recently to further exorbitant an already tense situation.   Giving rise to speculation that is just like Covid.  

It has been released by a government entity or possibly the WHO itself in preparation to activate the emergency treaty to remove national sovereignty from all those who were either foolhardy enough to sigh away their sovereignty or hadn’t expected them to release the bioweapon so soon.

It is rather interesting time with probably the most important presidential election in US history approaching.   If the government could declare martial law right now the could suspend the Constitution, suspend the elections indefinitely and disarm the public for ( Public safety which is just a code phrase for preparing the public for culling and slavery.)

It’s obvious why it’s suddenly occurring at this time.   It’s not surprising nor unexpected.   Further It’s not a random occurrence either. 

Just as Covid was released by the Globalists to push forward their agenda and effect the 2020 US presidential election .  So to this apparent bioweapon release was released just in time to lock down the public again ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

And, that it coincides with the invasion of the West.  Along with the coming presidential election makes it mutation only that much more suspect.

They want to re-lock down the public, making it easier to rig the election again.  As well as making it easier to control the public during the military coop to come by the invading stealth of the globalist army to come.

Add to it a treaty signing away national sovereignty to the Marxist organization the WHO.  And you have a perfect storm of confluence.   To make the invasion of the US that much easier without the interference of the public at large.

Conclusion: The release of the H1N1 Bird Flu is not a random occurrence, in my opinion.  Rather, a further orchestrated action being perpetrated by the Globalists in a concerted effort to push forward their depopulation/World Conquest agenda.

As such, I believe H1N1 Avian Influenza is a man-made variant of the disease that has been weaponized and released on purpose to force the next plandemic lockdown.  And subsequent mailing ballots and the upcoming advent of martial law.

Another Plandemic Begins: Bird Flu

It is now reported that Bird Flu has jumped from cattle, goats, and other animals to humans.  This has been planned since the end of the last Plandemic.

It was termed disease X, and they have been moving to set up the circumstances to grant the WHO.  They want to destroy state sovereignty in all countries through treaty.

The same treaty gives them the ability to incarcerate the public.  As they do, they will use this released bioweapon as well as other means to continue to cull the population.

They can, through the treaty, declare martial law and disarm the public as they use the Plandemic as a reason to imprison and ultimately eliminate the population.

This is simply a continuation of the agenda the globalists have been pursuing for centuries.   They will depopulate the planet and create a one world totalitarian dictatorship.   And, without any opposition, this will happen. 

As of now, the leadership of the Western world is complict in this betrayal to release the newest bioweapon.  And, begin pushing new poison vaccines which they manufacture to eliminate people’s immunity to the Bird Flu.

This is all being conceived and orchestrated by the same psychopaths and their families that have been pursuing world conquest for more than a century and possibly much longer than that.

Conclusion:  We stand at the crossroads.  One path leads to a future of technological development, medical advances, and a chance for universal brotherhood and peace.

The other path leads to a dystopian nightmare.  A world dominated by insane psychopaths would want to control everything , kill thevthe majority of the population, and use the few who remain as slaves. 

Cattle to be used as they see fit.  It is a darkness there is no coming back from.
They are two very different futures.  And , one will come to pass.  It’s up to you to decide which will be a reality.

The time is now to decide:  so choose life or death.  It’s in your hands now.

Other Consequences of Allowing Barbarians To Invade: Contagion

This morning, it was reported that tuberculosis is on the comeback after over a hundred years suddenly its on the rise : (Why?)

With inoculations this disease has been held in check for decades however with the sudden throwing open of the border suddenly this disease of the past is now coming back with a vengeance and we need to understand that is being orchestrated and executed by design.

As they allow unvaccinated hordes of invaders to pour across the border along with out of control crime, economic turmoil, and both food and shelter shortages, pestilence comes in their wake.

Not to mention the possibility they are purposefully infected and then sent here as biological weapons to infect and kill as many of the population as possible . 

Perhaps they were infected with bioengineered strains that bypass the vaccine in a bid to further cull the population.

At this point, nothing is too far fetched or outlandish as we have globalists like Jan Goodall and Bull Gates expounding not only the benefits but the need for depopulation and offering ways to accomplish just that eventuality.

The time for subtly has ended. They have simply pulled out every stop and are not only telling you to intend to kill you.

They are using every conceivable method to do just that.  Including poisoning your food,water, air, anything you wear, the medications you ingest.  and releasing biological agents such as bioengineered strains of disease to hasten the march toward depopulation .

The invasion of the West is a prime example of them simply moving their agenda forward in the face of opposition.  Just as Globalists such as Rockefeller and others pursued their agenda in the past.

So to they are simply doing it without restriction or reservation.   They intend to eliminate carbon… and you are the carbon they intend to eliminate.

These releases of contagion are just one more step on the path toward depopulation.   They are brazen about they goals and are as we speak moving forward to carry out their insidious agenda.

Conclusion:  The Globalist elite have spelled out their view of the future.  A future without most of you in it.  The only question how effective their propaganda, brainwashing, and chemical lobotomizing have been.

The only thing standing between the hellish future they have laid out and now is you.  Either you stand up now and take steps to stop these events from taking place. 

Or the silence of a post human planet earth where a few transhuman psychopaths are left to wallow in their success at the elimination of the race called humanity.  The choice is yours.