The Path Forward: Transhumanism And The Advent Of The Nonhuman

This has been a much debated subject with the idea of selective breeding of homosapians being a long sought-after goal of governments and other organizations such as the Eugenics movement.

Nazi Germany in World War 2 using the Eugenics mindset embarked on a path to create a genetically superior human or homosurperiour. These experiments, though crude by today’s standards, nonetheless laid the foundation for the continued search for transcendence.

Genetic Modification has moved forward at a steady rate, and technologies have been created to augment this science such as the gene editing technology Crispr. This technology allows for direct editing of the human genome.

As such, traits can be added or modified, such as the augmentation of height, strength, and mental capacity through the use of adding material from different genetic patterns of multiple human eggs.

However, much talk has been raised about intentional genetic modification through the use of MRNA DNA modification to perhaps limit lifespans. Or add genetic disease precursors to make a given individual more likely to have, say, cancer or a pulmonary disease. Or even a stroke or kidney malfunction. The idea is used for population control.

MRNA has been said to be employed in both pharmaceutical applications, such as vaccines, and certain medications that could be used as delivery systems to human hosts.

Further, GMO foods are being targeted as vectors for delivery of these MRNA strands to human subjects. Though the goals as stated could be solely as a depopulation tool. It is possible that it could also be used for other purposes.

From dehumanizing targeted homosapians, thereby making their protection under the law null and void. Reducing them to a owned sub species to be used and exploited for applications such as body part harvesting and test beds for new technologies. As well as common free-range slaves.

Ethical questions raised by such actions are many and diverse. However, exploitation for profit is high on the list. As well as the lack of protection from unscrupulous corporations and individuals to use these transhumans for their own ends represent a moral conundrum moving forward.

As the definition of who is truly human is blurred. One thing is abundantly apparent. The future of humanity as a whole will forever be changed with the advent of genetic manipulation and augmentation.

Ethically, we are faced with age-old questions such as “Do we have the right to force any being into servitude?” Do we have the right to play God to satisfy our own need for competition with other nations and corporations?

Should we be allowed to dictate who has rights and who does not? Further, with the idea of the creation of Nonhumans or Homoborgenesis. Do we then have the moral high ground to move forward changing, modifying this Nonhuman class as we see fit?

Turning them into living antennas, for instance, using a patient owned by Bill Gates and Microsoft? Does this new subspecies have any right to stop them? Or are they simply reduced to chattel to be used, modified, or eliminated at the discretion of those who own the patients on their genetic modification?

How far is too far when dealing with legal genetic modification and manipulation? Ultimately, ethical questions aside, where will this ultimately lead us as a species if we remove random genetic mutations from our species?

The answers lay in a stagnation of our diversity. And a movement toward a though possibly genetic superior species. However, a morally ambiguous one that has no qualms with using anyone for profit, political goals, or as chattel and objects.

This future is the future of the globalist design. For a protected upper class ruling over the oppressed slave class of those who are deemed subhuman and thereby dismissed as irrelevant.

Conclusion: Though my initial purpose of this post was to expose the ethical implications of wholesale genetic manipulation and modification. I realized just how heinous and dystopian of a future would occur if this were allowed to reach its logical conclusion.

And, though the history of homosapians has been rife with destruction, abuse, and a testament to what happens when we allow too much power to be controlled by to few individuals.

One thing is abundantly clear. That is, regardless of the technology or advancement, its use and control is still governed by the same destructive minds who drove us as a civilization to the brink of annihilation by biological, chemical and nuclear means.

We are restricted by our own intellectual limitations and by the tendency of greed and need for ultimate control to override our empathy and basic humanity.

So long as this is a fact, we are doomed ultimately as a species. Unable to see beyond our petty selfish desires to see the opportunity to evolve as a people into something that transcends the physical boundaries of this existence.

Genetic manipulation and modification is a dead-end as a means to an end. It has many possible beneficial possibilities, such as an end to disease. And genetic malformations. However, the risk of abuse outweighs the benefits of its usage.

A Question Of Fate

As we have witnessed the carnage and barbarism taking place in real-time in Israel, we are forced to ask the question ( Why?)

Why was the terrorist group Hamas allowed to organize such a catastrophic attack without any intelligence organization being aware of it? When Egypt raised a word of alarm that something big was coming and no one heeded their warning.

Why? How could they get such a large number of weapons into position without anyone knowing it in this day of satellite surveillance and constant monitoring by the IDF , and the US, as well as the European Union and Greay Britain?

Further, how did Hamas gain access to weapons sent to the Ukrain? Unless they stole them. Or they were sold to them by the Ukrain or defense contractors.

Regional countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and quite possibly Saudi Arabia may also be complicit in aiding Hamas as well as other terrorist organizations in their continued attacks on Israel.

However, even with this hypothesis, there may be more than meets the eye to the current conflict. And that is it was almost impossible to hide such a massive buildup and staging. As such, the question is : Was it overlooked or part of some larger plan?

With the crisis in the Ukraine, the advent of the Brix treaty and the building of a spy station in Cuba, as well as a Russian missile base being installed in Venezuela. Is it possible this is just one more action to prepare for the advent of a world war?

It was no accident that Biden completely opened the southern border of the US. With zero vetting of anyone entering into the country. Which has been occurring at a rate of 10 thousand illegals a day. And all of those anonymous. Anyone could and has crossed our border.

Chances are very good a large number of sleeper soldiers from China, North Korea, Russia and Iran as well as other terror organizations have entered the country without detection and are now getting in place for the eventual attack on the mainland US.

This is far from a conspiracy theory or mere speculation. I suspect that perhaps elements of our own government have gone rogue and are currently buying themselves with deconstruction of our country.

Infrastructure as well as society using disinformation, demoralization, and misdirection to try to control the national narrative so that they can keep everyone in the dark until it’s too late to stop it from happening.

The truth is that this is not new. There have been in place since before the beginning of the 20th century. To gain complete control of not only the US. But also the entire world. It was the purpose of the first 2 world wars.

As well as multiple calls for depopulation, Planned Parenthood, and the continued push of the Climate Change agenda to shut down civilization. Forcing people to move to Smart 15-minute cities and 24/7 surveillance.

The UN agenda 21,25, and 30 spell out the New World Order’s agenda in detail. It is very specific in its laying out of the great reset plan and the elimination of freedom as we know it.

The continuing push to sustain war in the Ukraine is not by chance and has zero to do with democracy or freedom. And everything to do with selling arms on the front end and the reconstruction of the Ukrainian infrastructure by huge funds such as Blackrock and Vanguard. At the expense of the US taxpayers who are already burdened past their ability to maintain.

Conclusion: Nothing happens by coincidence or random chance. What is happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and soon to be coming to your street in middle America is by design. Planned way in advance and now being executed in real time and in your face. They aren’t hiding their intentions.

The ultimate goal, you ask? That’s simple: 98 percent of the population will be eliminated through war, biological weapons, and eventually quite possibly nuclear conflagration.

This is why they have been building bases, cities, and railways all underground. They have promised the Facist Communist Democratic party members. Others in government as well as possibly the Whitehouse.

These sellouts are moving lockstep with the Deepstate and the world’s elites. However, just like the intelligentsia of Russia, who assisted in the 1917 Bolshivic revolution. After they succeeded in taking over the country.

Lenin took all those who conspired to help him gain power, lined them up against a wall, and shot them. Because he knew if they would sell out once, when they found out he lied to them, they would him out as well. He called them (Useful Idiots).

That’s what the Fascist Communist Democratic Party and other sellouts are (Useful Idiots.) And just like what Lenin did to his supporters, so too will the Marxist Elites do to these sellouts.

A world war is coming. Make no mistake, we have a very small window to avert the coming holocaust. If we don’t stop them, their plan will come to fruition. The world will die. And they will win. This is the secret they are telling in plain sight. They are not obfuscation. They have spelled out exactly what they plan on doing.

They are hiding nothing. As such, these attacks in Israel were not missed by the worlds intelligence organization and governments. But they are still following the original plan, which started so long ago. Nothing has changed except they are telling you to your face they intend to steal all that is yours. Then kill you with chemtrails, fire, biological weapons, war, and eventually nuclear war.

This is the future they have in store for the people of the US as well as the people of the world.

The Coming World Enslavement

Really the title is a misnomer because most of the world is enslaved already.  Just they are free range slaves and don’t realize their true predicament.   As long as everything appears normal they remain obvious to their true dilemma.

The Covid Pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, gave people their first taste of hard in your face slavery and control.  For a fair section of the population they rolled over like sheep and did what they were told.

Peoples capitulation and relinquishment of their rights in the name of safety was not only breathtaking in its swiftness, but told the powers that be I’m the deepstate what they needed to know.  All they had to do was tell these automatic slaves what to do and they did it like good little sheep following their brothers and sisters right if the cliff to their demise.

Taking whatever vaccine they were told to not even questioning the fact that not only was it not effective in stopping the virus.  But appeared to bring on said virus .   As doctors tried to take ro social media and were stopped by the government from telling the people the truth over a million people died from poison in those jabs.

Now they are signaling more mask mandates, more vaccine mandates and renewed Covid lockdowns.   People are still oblivious to the draconian control that is about to be visited upon them yet again.  Not understanding this is all part of a world agenda called Agenda 2030.

Put forth by the U.N. and intended to eliminate 75 to a 100 million Americans with poison vaccines.  Poor Healthcare and using poisons in the drinking water in the form of fluoride.   In the air in the form of heavy metals.  And sulfuric acid sprayed in the sky for weather modification.

The are also signaling such things as climate lockdowns.   And forced relocation into 15 minute smart cities where a majority of the population would be in forced lockdown all the time. 

Recent freak fires appear to be man-made by use of Dew..or Directed Energy Weapons.   And , such fires were meant to force people off land that could be bought up at a discount price in order to make way for new smart cities and to force the population into those 24 hour monitored environments.

Conclusion:  This is not a recent idea.  This concept of absolute control and the total enslavement of the population has been planned for centuries.   It is only now that they possess the technology to make this nightmare a reality.

People like Bill Gates and others have been buying up as much available farm land and water rights as possible in preparation for the coming total control system.   Their stated goals are the elimination of 98 percent of the population.   Leaving approximately 850000 people alive globally.   And those left would be basically slaves for the elites.  And completely controlled permanently.   That is the coming planned future.