Hydro Electric Fuel Cells For Vehicles

Normally  I cover a wide range of topics that are considered , ” Conspiracy.”  My audience who read these  posts understand, that for the most part conspiracy simply means truth that is hidden.

As such the topic of Hydro Electric Fuels Cells is just that a hidden topic .  This  technology has been hidden for more than a century, with a patent  dating back to the 1920’s.  The question is why, why was this technology suppressed?

The answer is if all cars contain this technology,  the fuel mileage would be moved from low rates of say 17 miles to the gallon, to somewhere around 70 miles or more depending on the size of the Hydro Electric system you install.

Obviously, this technology,  like most others involving a way to operate a motor vehicle to either lower petroleum usage or eliminate it was suppressed by the petroleum companies to protect their profit margins.

In the last century, people came up with both Hydrodrogen engines, Electric engines and a host of other technologies that were much more nature friendly,  as well as cheaper to operate.  However, all of those technologies were summarily purchased by the petroleum companies and either hidden, or destroyed.

They kept their profit margins, and no one was the wiser.  That is until their money or threats were no longer sufficient to keep these technologies hidden.  They began supporting battery assisted motor vehicles, that is as long as they owned a piece of the battery companies.

Technologies, that may have costs pennies on the gallon to purchase and operate now cost a large front end cost, plus a large operating cost if you operate a battery assisted vehicle.

While similar front end cost exist, operating cost is far less than those that were controlled by petroleum manufacturers.  I have  found at least one  of those  lost technologies,  namely  Hydro Electric  Fuel Cells.

According to the information I was able to get that fuel usage went from 17 miles a gallon, to approximately 70 miles to a gallon highway miles.  The savings is worth the front end costs over time.

Conclusion: These suppressed technologies  can make a huge difference in the lives of the common man.  Huge corporations are still suppressing technologies just as petroleum companies did in the previous century. 

With the release of Hydro Electric Cell technology,  perhaps this is the start  of a golden age of technological innovation for mankind.

I have included a link to a company that sells the Hydro Electric Cells as reference to this technology.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

Home is the link to the company offering this technology.


Putin’s Private Little War

I have found the real question in dealing with the motives, for the war on the Ukraine, Russia may be a bit more complicated than just either a land grab or Saber rattling toward either NATO, or the west.

There are too many unanswered questions.  Such as was the Ukraine  supporting the elites in research or implementation of further bioweapons?  Were they setting up for an invasion of Russia?

Mind you things are never as they seem when one country invades another.  Remember, it takes money to conduct such a campaign.   So as such, follow the money and you begin to see what the real motive for the was really is.

The elites are always behind the majority of the world’s conflicts.  The main reason is usually either money, power or depopulation.   It been this way for millenia,  with the poor and middle class being the cannon fodder for those nasty little wars.

Conclusion:  What ever the time period, it’s never a clear reason for a nation, or coalition of nations to attack any other sovereign nation.  However, as we are now aware there are only a few motives for their actions chief among them as state above money,power or depopulation.  If I were going to define the reason for such actions, I would follow the money, the root of all evil, and the number one reason for 95 percent of the wars fought in the last few centuries.

Of late, I might confess that depopulation has been another recent development,  although to be truthful it may have always been a reason in the mix.  Yet, in the past it was conducted to eliminate a race or ethnic people, rather than just general elimination of the population.

I have included a link as reference on this topic.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.
