The New York Times Leaves the Reservation To Attack Biden Over MSM Avoidance

New York Times Leaves The Reservation To Attack Biden Over MSM Avoidance

Recently the NYT made a statement regarding the avoidance of Biden to do interviews with the MSM on his policies and selling out of the country to the Globalist.

This call out of the administration is either a one-off or perhaps a whistle-blower taking a chance to say what everybody else already knows.  

Or perhaps it’s a first step toward others standing up against the seditious activities of not only Biden but the Democratic Party as well. 

It is also evident that a portion or possibly more of the Republican Party is also complict in there seditious support of the globalist agenda in opposition of the Constitution and freedom in general.

The NYT has been a supporter of the government narrative.  As well as actively pushing wokism and the Marxist line. 

Communism has been a tool again Western society that has been utilized for decades by the Globalists in their relentless March toward their ultimate goals of depopulation and world domination.

The NYT has, like most of the MSM, always pushed the far Left ideology and repeatedly supporting globalism over the countries they were reporting on this, including the NYT historically. 

This is because most of the MSM both digital as well as hard copy is owned or directly controlled by billionaire Globalist elites.   Which makes them simply mouthpieces of the Globalist propaganda narrative.

This negative attack on Biden is departure from the standard propaganda message.   And as such is surprising in it occurrence.  As well as the possible causes and ramifications of such a public accusation against Biden directly.

Which could signal a number of possible scenarios.  Among which could be a lone disgruntled whistle-blower acting alone.  Or the beginning of a rebellion of reporters, perhaps realizing the dire position our country is facing.

Or perhaps it’s a sign that the Globalists see Biden as a liability to their overall agenda and perhaps are going to malign him either to bring in a different front man to carry on their agenda.

Or even they see the people waking up to their betrayal and have decided to allow Trump to take office for 4 years to calm down the public.  A public on the brink of violent revolution would run counter to their long-term plans.

The Globalist are not worried about short-term setbacks.   They are playing the long game confident that given time, they will achieve their ultimate goals. 

They just have to keep the population in the dark and pacified until they are ready to pull the trigger on they overall plans.  They just need to keep the public in the dark and believe that their threat is nothing but a (conspiracy theory).

As long as the people believe they have a choice and freedom, then they won’t rebel.  Even though their government no longer represents them nor has it for decades is irrelevant. 

Their elections are bogus and rigged.  Again irrelevant as long as they maintain the status quo until the moment they are ready to act.  The public will never realize they are nothing but unknowing slaves that are not only not free at all but all expendable.  Unaware sheep waiting on the slaughter.

Conclusion:  The NYT attack against Biden, though it appears as the first light shone on the seditious activity of the president and his avoidance of true damage, his policies and corruption have wrought on the country. 

This is at best suspect and, at worst, the first step to eliminate an asset that has ceased to be of use to his globalist masters.

A stand and watch mentality is needed to see where this action leads.  Whether it takes root, among other reporters, across the MSM landscape is left to be seen.

Or was it a one-off done by a disgruntled rogue who will be silenced is left to be seen.  One voice can be silenced.   A million can not so easily be removed.

In this case, only time will tell the direction this first salvo against Biden will take.  And whether it was an act of civil disobedience or the Globalists removing one puppet to replace him with another.

Hillary Talks of Kill Lists

I think it’s amazing that Hillary Clinton could actually mention the subject of kill lists.  Especially after so many people  who have crossed her or Bill either mysteriously died, were killed, or disappeared.

As politicians go, she is probably one of the most untrustworthy people in my opinion I have ever seen.  Politicians, in general, are a dishonorable breed.

Not one career politician actually keeps their oath of office or does their duty.  Unfortunately, nowadays, anyone who runs for office does so for money or power or both.

From the beginning of her career,  Hillary has been dishonorable and even got dismissed the Watergate hearing for impropriety. 

Now, she has the nerve to throw mud at other people, specifically Donald Trump.  Though, at this point, these people just can’t help themselves.   They are all in the state of chaos because they know if Trump is elected, they will all answer for the betrayal.

The fact that Hillary even dared mention the topic of kill lists just shows how desperate the Democratic Party would put her up to mention a topic that she and Bill had long been suspected of doing themselves.

Conclusion:  The Democratic Party has been in panic mood since they realized that Trump, despite all their efforts, has consistently been beating Biden.  They have pulled out all the stops to try to curtail Trumps rise in the polls.

5 is proven by Hillary bringing up a kill list.  Because she has been the target of scathing condemnation for having a kill list of her own as any who crossed her or Bill had a way of ending up deceased.

So the fact that they rolled her new attack out just shows how worried their Party really is at this point.  Their entire party and their supporters have proven their fear that if Trump is reelected, then the entirety of their crimes will finally come to light.

And though Trump doesn’t have a kill list like some other politicians may or may not have.  However, there is an implied guarantee that if he is reelected, retribution for their hidden crimes will ultimately come to light.

Democrats Are Attempting to Eliminate The Electoral College

Democrats Are Attempting to Eliminate The Electoral College

With the electoral college, they use congressional votes to actually elect the president in any election. 

As such, the number of electoral seats per state determines the votes that can be given to each candidate.

One of the reasons for allowing these invaders into the country is to change the number of seats. Therefore, the number of votes specific states has thereby rewritten the congressional districts.

They are doing this to change the number of electoral votes for specific states.  At the same time, they are waging a war to eliminate the electoral college so they can simply stuff the ballot boxes to make rigging the election that much easier.

Conclusion: Whether you agree or not, the 2020 presidential election was influenced by faulty election voting machines.  As well as ballot box stuffing as well as a number of events that have never taken place, including stopping the vote count, vote tampering, as well as other actions . 

This is not conspiracy based on whistle-blower as well as video evidence as well as evidence that the machines were rigged to flip votes from Trump to Biden.  This has been proven I court.

The Democratic Party wants to eliminate the electoral college in order that ballot stuffing can use the popular vote rather than electoral seats to determine the winning candidate of the presidential election.

The Path Forward

We know Globalists’ endgame.  However, what is their path forward?  They are running multiple games simultaneously.  

Among them, they forced immigration in order to mix their stealth army among those who are legitimately forced into migration.

And, it is notable that they utilize each of their moves for multiple purposes.  Such as utilizing their invading army to collapse the economy.  

To destroy the state sovereignty.   To replace the civilians currently present.   To demoralize the civilian population through crime such as robbery, rape, and taking of property such as real estate.

Then their true purpose to recon soft targets, ultimately to destroy those targets.  To disarm the public and to arrest and detain the current citizens in FEMA(concentration) camps.  In preparation for the final invasion of the US.

They utilized the Climate Change Scheme to redistribute the wealth of the middle-class.  Was just the first portion of the purpose of this ideology.   The second was control. 

By way of closing small businesses , changing regulations and shutting down small farms concentrating the majority of control of food into the hands of a select few corporations controlled by the Globalists.

He who controls the food controls the people.  They also utilize the ideology to limit energy and control travel, thereby restricting movement and centralizing people to make the capture and ultimate culling of the population easier.

And, finally they utilize this scheme as a reason for land grabbing and forced re-zoning and limiting where the population can live in preparation for the forced relocation to 24/7 Ai monitored Smart Cities.

Everything the Globalists do has multiple layers of purpose.  They have been planning this agenda for a couple of centuries.  Though in earnest for the last 90 years.

They attempted to level the playing field by attempting to emasculate the male population through chemicals and socially by creating the Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer to weaken the opposition to their plot.  Without strong men, they can quickly move forward with their agenda.

Conclusion: What is the path forward?  The answer also lies in a multipart plan .  First: a general nationwide strike and work stop age.

Second:  A demand for an end to the current invasion at the Southern Border.   And a deportation of all the illegal invaders’ current occupation being perpetrated and foisted on the public by the Democratic Party.

Thirdly: A complete moratorium on the broken immigration system.  And a cessation of all immigration into the country until the current problems have been addressed and repaired.

And finally, a hearings on all public officials who have acted against the Constitution and the laws of the US.  As well as refused to do the jobs for which they were elected to fulfill.

These actions would restore some semblance of normalcy to a badly broken and flawed system.  Without extreme action and repair of the current system. 

Then, I can truly predict the days of not only the US as a sovereign country as well as the rest of the Western world are numbered. 

And when I say numbered, we aren’t talking centuries or even decades.  But perhaps a few years, and I’m afraid we may not have that long.  I’m afraid the free world is on life support.  And the Globalists are trying with their every action to pull the plug.

Without immediate action, it’s only a matter of time before the West falls.

Censorship and the Hiding of The Globalist Conspiracy

I have noticed that a number of social platforms are using the excuse of (Community Standards) to hide blatant censorship of free speech when it comes to the governments selling out and complicity toward the globalist agenda.

Some platforms like Facebook and TikTok have been very upfront with their censorship agenda.  Other platforms are more subtle but nonetheless as adamant about towing the party line. 

Whether it’s blocking government decent here in the US.  Or in the case of TokTok blocking opposition to the Chinese and Communist issues.

Recently, I received a message from patrion stating 4 of my recent posts were censored because they were either in opposition to the invasion of the stealth army that has been allowed to invade the Southern Border  Or posts about the government sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer.

They are apparently running cover for the invasion of the US by the Globalists,UN, Brix Nations, and the Radical Islamic Middle Eastern countries.

Leading up to the 2024 Presidental election its obvious that the Democratic Party and their Marxist supported are pulling out all the stops to make sure nothing can be said by their opposition to prevent the coming Globalist agenda.

The Democrats have demonstrated their absolute contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.  They are now showing their absolute support of the globalist agenda and their adherence to the Marxist ideology.

As such, they are silencing detractors.  In some cases, it uses the three letter agencies, a weaponized judiciary, and backdoor censorship on social media platforms to maintain the globalist perspective in media and in movies, TV, and the MSM.

This censorship is merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is a worldwide selling out of the government leaders to the globalist agenda of depopulation and goal of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  My censorship on the patrion platform just galvanize my belief that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of freedom.  As such, it only pushes me to redouble my efforts to oppose censorship, the globalist agenda, and worldwide Marxist tyranny.

Their plot to depopulate the planet and conquer those who remain can not and must not be allowed to succeed.  It behooves every free thinking human being to oppose their thought policing and their attempt to enslave the human race.

Freedom of speech must be protected at all costs regardless of the consequences.

Will There Be an Election in 2024?

Based on the complete selling out of the  of the country, people and the Constitution by Biden, his Administration and the Democratic Party to the Globalist conspiracyo depopulate the planet as well as the destruction of sovereignty of all the countries of the West. 

And the creation of a one world totalitarian government to conquer the planet.  As such, it has put in question whether they will use their stealth army ( mass illegal immigration) to begin the final destruction of the US as a sovereign country.

The 2024 presidential election is now. I’m questioning whether it will go ahead at all .   Or whether the Democratic Party will yet again rig the election to force the population to eat  the Communist policies and Bidens’ continued anti-American agenda.

The real possibility of a complete insurrection by this invading army that the Globalists, UN , Brix Nations, and Radical Islamic countries have been  sending across the US Southern Border is becoming more and more of a threat.

As such with The Democrats and Biden are very aware that without trickery, deception, or an insurrection, they will lose power in the next election.  It has become a real possibility that they may well initiate the insurrection and declare martial law to suspend elections permanently.

They could also suspend the Constitution, disarm the public, and begin depopulation in earnest with pesky things like laws or constitutional rights getting in the way.

Conclusion: We stand on the precipice of a dark, dystopian future fraught with slavery and death for the few who survive the global holocaust to come they would be condemned to be the slaves of psychopaths who destroyed the population of the planet to fulfill a sick vision of power and domination.

As such, the US presidential election is in jeopardy as the Democrats realize they have overplayed their hands.  

As such they now face the real possibility of a universal revolt against their insidious plot to depopulate the planet and force the destruction of all current sovereign countries in favor of a one world totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the psychopaths who orchestrated this plot to begin with.

Foreign Agents Influencing US Elections

As this invasion continues, the scope of the sedition and treason becomes more and more apparent as each day goes by.

The Biden Administration and the Democratic Party continue to sell out the US citizens.  They have continued to block border security, gave aid and comfort to the invading stealth army that has been sent by the UN, the Brix treaty nations , and the Middle Eastern Radical Islamic states.

Biden is also currently negotiating the elimination of US sovereignty when the next inevitable plandemic occurs with the WHO.

And, now, to add insult to injury, the Democrats are legally or illegally pushing for their stealth soldiers to have the right only citizens should possess to vote.

They have, at this point, completely sold out the country and the American citizens in favor of the Globalists.  And their depopulation/world conquering agenda.

They aren’t even bothering to disguise it as an act of mercy.  They have acknowledged that they are allowing millions of stealth soldiers (Newcomers) to change congressional districts and to influence the upcoming presidential election.

Any credibility they had is now gone.  They are even bringing back the same rigging techniques, including the infamous mail in ballots that they used to rig the 2020 election.

Giving the citizenship right to vote to these invaders only cements the fact that they are now the wholly own subsidiary of foreign interests and are now acting on behalf of a foreign power and no longer are acting on behalf of the US people nor do the represent or defend the US Constitution.

Conclusion: The right to vote is a right of citizenship, not a gift to be given to invaders who just chose to cross the border illegally.

As such those attempting to frivolously give it away to lawbreakers are as guilty of violating US law as the ones would broke our immigration laws to begin with and are guilty of sedition and treason against the US Constitution as well as against the people of the United States.

As such, they should be held accountable under the laws of this republic.