The Truth Will Set You Free

What is the truth?  What does that word mean to you?  Some words that mean the truth, is freedom, liberty, morality, peace.  However,  though it is a powerfully charged word, it can also be twisted and used to enslave the mind if it is controlled by a government that uses Propaganda,  calling it truth.

What if the meaning has been twisted, to mean a lie, and lies actually mean the truth? What if from the time you were born, everything you were taught was a carefully crafted lie? 

And, the truth was carefully hidden behind half truths and out right lies?
How would you know?  What if you were basically forced fed Propaganda from birth?

This where stand right now.  It takes patience to sift through the lies you are being bombarded with daily from main stream media, as well as every other source of information.

There is a fifth column of Communist/Socialist/NWO, who are now actively working to degrade every bit of our culture.   They are perverting art, eliminating links to our history by tearing down historic statues. 

They are assaulting our language, so much so that they are saying your right to free speech is removed if you disagree with their purpose or message.

They are attacking the tenets of our culture such as the denagrating the founders of our republic.   Our way of life,  Christianity and our very physicality. 

The foundation of our culture,  marriage between a man and a woman.  They embraced science so long as it supported their positions.  Then when it didn’t support their arguments,  they turned against it.

They went against the basic understanding of husband, wife, father and mother, boy and girl and created their own science to back their positions, even though there is no basis for what they say in science, medical science or even philosophically.

This plan of destruction of our republic has existed almost as long as our republic has existed.   From Johann Adam Weishaupt, to the likes of Albert Pike in the late 19th century.

Even the Civil War was in the end a chance to separate the republic,  and the Confederacy was working with the same old enemies of the Republic from Europe.  

The Sons of the Confederacy even went so far as assassination of the President of the United States at the time Abraham Lincoln.   They also attempted the elimination of key government officials at the same time trying to decapitate the leaders of the United States at one time.

Conclusion: The same old enemies are continuing toward their goal that began centuries ago,  the elimination of the US as a power for freedom.  So I say again ” What is the real meaning of the Truth?”

The answer is consider Truth as a light that makes the our way clear by eliminating the darkness of ignorance, Propaganda and generally is the opposite of what the world is broadcasting in MSM,Social Media and all the other information sources that exist in the world.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject we.

The Days Of Wine, Roses And Slavery

Question: Who can know the future?  I am not talking in some metaphysical sense.  But, what really is guiding our destiny?  When everything you are taught to believe and hold most dear, is shown to be false, where do you go from there?

For instance,  what if you found out your country was not a shining beacon on a hill to guide others toward freedom and justice?  Only later to find out the light was a facade, and those lofty ideas of freedom and justice only apply to those at the top of society?

What if it was created by idealist guided by the ancestors of those who still stand in the shadows and control it to this very day?  What if you were indoctrinated, not educated? 

With everything around you acting as a control mechanism, that serves to keep your minds in slaved to this very day?  Every war, every event, a carefully crafted and designed lie to eliminate those who the shadow leaders consider useless eaters.

Look around you, everything contains poison,  from the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the air you breath.  The medications you take don’t cure anything, they poison you while maintaining a good profit margin for big pharma.

While they tell you they are making the world healthy.  It’s a very well crafted falsehood.  Even if the common people were able to see the Truth, they would be painted as antagonist,  terrorist by the mainstream media owned by those same shadow leaders.

Those who were sent to take out those terrorist , would be considered Hero’s.  Then once the news moves on to other “news,”  those self same Hero’s would be eliminated,  can’t have those who are trained to kill ever left to the possibility real truth.

And, now with their Puppet democratic party taking power in this same country.  What would you expect that party and their President to do if this is the truth?  Reverse, every program and policy that those who thought the last “Free thinking,” President instituted.

In a quick session,  the current Puppet leader by his edicts  restored each and every policy that made the people’s lives harder.  Can’t have the slaves saving money, or have them thinking the they can get ahead.

The funny thing is those who haven’t been dumbed down to much, see the farce of the last election, and the fact that the current Puppet President is completely incapable of even appearing to be in charge.

Conclusion:  We can only hope that there is enough people awake to the real truth, and are able to act.  The only question is whether this republic will survive to reach the next “presidential,” election. 

Or whether a world War will happen, or a civil war.  Either way, a war would just speed up the process of the fall of the last empire.  As that shining light on the hill is extinguished forever, the saddest part of it all is that half the population never even knew they were slaves at all.  But, this true for most of this world’s entire population.

I have included a video as reference on this topic
I encourage you to research this topic as well.