Hacking Reality: The Trek Toward A Solution Of The Mandela Effect

So we know there was a major push toward the god particle. The question is why? What did they gain by discovery of the Higgs Boson or Higgs Field?

Well, perhaps it gave them access to higher dimensions, through manipulation of the field in specific ways.

According to the video accompanying this post, they state that 3rd dimensional reality is attached to higher dimensions by way of fibers which attach to higher dimensions and are represented by way of what we see in our 3 dimensional reality.

Accordingly, these are connected higher, and higher until we reach the 8th dimension. They call it E8, and through understanding that, they say it could unlock the understanding of our own reality which they say is made up at it’s base level by the building blocks of reality the tetrahedron.

Is it possible that they have used the Higgs Field or some other technology to manipulate the higher dimensions and thereby directly are achieving affects in our 3 dimensional reality?

It is possible that by manipulating higher dimensions, and through the fibers attached to the dimensions leading to ours they are changing our reality. Well, if they can manipulate the higher dimensions, it is a possibility.

Conclusion: The Mandela Effect could be the direct result of their experiments in trying to manipulate the higher dimensions and through gaining access to those fibers gain the ability to edit our reality any way they choose so long as they can gain access to the corresponding fibers in the higher dimensions.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Update: Holographic Sky

Oh, how the deep state has been busy hiding the things in the sky. They have been using their lasers to bounce off the atmosphere to hide all kinds of things. As well as using their lasers in all kinds of ways that just boggle the mind.

It appears in some of the video that was shot that they used their lasers to cut clouds in perfect circles for some inexplicable reason making it somewhat obvious that some sort of energy beam technology was being employed.

In other parts of the video it looks like their holographic technology was glitching as they showed weird shapes appearing in the sky as they try to cover up planets and sun simulators.

They have been making it harder and harder to lie to the public as things appear in the sky that can not be explained away. It is pretty obvious they have sped up their time table and are getting sloppy as their testing of the holographic technology in daylight hours.

Conclusion: This technology most assuredly will be deployed, if it hasn’t been already. The deep state doesn’t care if it is seen testing the technology, because it believes no one will believe its an earth based technology, and therefore can claim Ufo involvement rather than taking responsibility for the technology sighting.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Is The Mandela Effect A Living Thing?

I have seen many changes over the last 2 years being aware of the Mandela Effect. I have cover a good many theories trying to find a solution. Ranging from time travel to Cern to Quantum computers to other diminsions.

However, today I happened on a video on you tube that made me question “Is the Mandela Effect a living thing?” What if it’s not Synchronicity, but instead what if the changes are the result of a living thing aware that we are watching it?

Just like in the double slit experiment, what if it knows we are watching and changes its wave function when observed? As it changes it ripples out in all directions, past, present and future. Just like a stone thrown in a pond. When observed changing things in all times simultaneously.

If this was the actions of a sentient being, aware it is being observed, then it acts in a specific way seen, and another way unseen. It’s wave function could be considered to be aware and therefore alive and sentient.

Conclusion: The Mandela Effect through it’s actions may well prove to possess sentience by changing it’s actions if witnessed versus not being viewed. It’s waveform reacting to people watching for changes may well actually cause the change as the ME becomes aware you are watching.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Under A Holographic Sky

For some time now people have been reporting multiple anomalies in the sky, both day and night.

Much discussion has been generated by sun simulators, apparent sun anomalies pointing to the possibility we now have a different sun.

Further, we have been witnessing apparent holographic generators blocking the moon. What we see in the sky has little resemblance to our natural satellite. Stars which should be in a certain position in the sky either are not where the are supposed to be or not visible at all on a clear cloudless night.

We have also witnessed multiple planets which have little resemblance to any planet in our known star system. With several planets being visible in broad open daylight in Barrow, Alaska caught on weather cams.

Further, more anomalies are emerging with multiple suns being visible. The moon’s crescent shape at the bottom of the moon instead of the side. Also noticed was the man on the moon inverted. Even rotation of 90 degrees only to rotate 90 degrees in reverse never showing its dark side of the moon.

It was initially suggested that project Blue Beam could be responsible. However, technology has advanced leading to project Blue Screen in which they use lasers to bounce off the upper atmosphere and project anything you like in the sky.

Conclusion: There are a series of somethings they do not want the population to be aware of as such they are using holograms, laser projections and sun simulators to hide the truth from an unsuspecting population, of whom they fear they would lose control of if they were made aware of the truth.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

TheĀ  Manufactured Genocide Of The White Race

Racism.. A blight to humanity and has beening going on since time immemorial. Religions, races,beliefs,places of origin. All have been committed against most of the humans on the planet.

However, now a concerted effort is being made to eliminate the white race from every facet of humanity in an open act of genocide. They openly committing acts of racism in colleges, places of employment. Even attempting to run white people out of their own homes.

Blacks in black lives matter and other groups have attempted to vilify the white man. While promoting the out right killing of all white people, including children and babies. At the same time stating that racism is not to be tolerate from white “supremacist”, in effect commiting the same crime they accuse others of doing.

As such, it is hoped that these racist can be quell, without violence or physical altercations. However, no one is standing up to decry violence, and the genocidal rhetoric coming from minorities and the left.

With such vitriolic langauge being used, it is only time before people start trying to act upon it. If this were to happen, then the white population would have no choice, but to rise and defend itself. That we be a very sad day for a nation that has tried to be the beacon of freedom and equality for all.

Conclusion: This reverse racism must be decried as the evil that it represents, as such any who would perpetrate such vitriol must be held to the same standards as all others are being made to uphold.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Weaponize Diseases And The Coming Plague

Not long ago the MSM was fueling a propaganda explosion of epidemic fear as ebola, as well as other diseases reached the continental US. Diseases thought long gone have raised there heads such as polio, measles, chickenpox, Bubonic plague, and even several forms of influenza have been found.

With a influx of illegal immigrants, comes a influx of disease which they brought with them from the Middle East, Africa, Central America, Mexico. As such ebola (also known as Hemorrhagic fever) has appear in sporadic cases in the US.

With the advent of ebola in the US came an apparent scrambling to find a cure which they apparently did in record time. After treatment those affected with the disease were apparently cured with no debilitating after affects.

It is likely that the deep state and the elites had intended to use ebola and possibly virulent strains of influenza to begin the culling process of the population of the US, however the publicity got out of hand and so they cured it and put it on the shelve for a later date.

Prehaps, they are weaponizing ebola possibly making it airborne as opposed to liquid borne current form. They have been beating the drum of epidemics coming such as influenza and ebola.

Perhaps, they will weaponize the bubonic plague making it airborne, then stage a “accidental release.”

Allowing the culling to take place while they take the cure and watch as the death counts skyrocket. This is a very possible scenario for the future as we march toward a NWO beast system rollout.

Conclusion: With ebola spreading in the Congo at this very minute, it is not far fetched that the infected could slip the quarantine areas and make it to Europe, Japan, China or the US. If this happens you can bet the deep state will capitalize on it and launch their culling of the population at the time so as not to raise suspicion.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Somewhere Under A Reversed Rainbow

There has been alot of weird things happening in the sky. Chemtrails, Sun Simulator, planets that should not be there, and even the moon acting very strangely.

Also a second sun was seen, we are left with alot of questions, and no answers. We have put forth some ideas such as stars move in a comet like fashion as opposed to being static with the planets revolving in a circular fashion.

We proposed that Stars move like comets with the planets being dragged behind in oblong orbits. Which could explain the extra planets and star. However, it would not explain how they were able to keep a sun simulator in place if the star is moving at 70000 miles a hour.

Further, it fails to account for the moon, and other sky anomalies. These are left to the realm of the unknown.

Until now, we find that Nasa has launched a holographic projector into space. They have also developed technology called Project Blue screen in which they bounce laser beams off the upper atmosphere and can project any image they chose.

It is very possible the holographic projector they launched into space was put on the moon to either hide it’s true appearance or it was put in orbit to hide the fact that our moon isn’t there.

The lasers they are using in the sky are to hide different things such as planets, etc however it’s ultimate purpose is much more insidious. It is said they will simulate deities in the sky as well as an alien attack on our planet.

Though this may seem far fetched, remember, we were told our government had the ability to project holograms in the sky in the early 1960’s. As such it’s not much of a stretch that the technology is perfected in 2018.

Conclusion: The government, deep state and factions pushing for a one world totalitarian regime will use any means at their disposal and that means this technology will at some point be rolled out. So it is up to you to see through the deception and recognize the manipulation when it happened.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

It’s A Dead World After All

In this world we live in we are being bombarded by death. Abortion, Chemtrails, Chemicals added to all our food and water. Vaccines and even NWO lackies like Bill Gates saying there are to many people on the earth, and is trying to eliminate the majority through attrition and a drug or two.

Now, we have the suicide machine. You climb in see nice views of sunrise or nightscapes. At a time of you’re choosing you push a button and are over come by gas, feel euphoric and pass out when the oxygen reaches zero, you die.

I believe this just one more idea being pushed by the NWO to make it “hip, and cool”, to eliminate yourself and also help the NWO reach their goal of eliminating the majority of our population.

Where China use to have mobile death vans, now mom and pop can open death boutiques get a hair cut a shave and kill yourself all under one roof. I can see these placed everywhere like video arcades of the 1980’s. Whole rooms filled with these in Las Vegas, where there are lots of people with nothing to live for.

Not to mention, the environmental movement, who will promote these as making the ultimate gesture to help the environment. I can see it now, this is the way to cut you’re carbon footprint to zero. Kill yourself for mother nature.

Of course the government will say that this machine is a great way to cut global warming, one hot body at a time. Eliminate yourself to help cool the planet and save the polar bears.

Conclusion: This device is tailored for a millennial generation who would see eliminating themselves the ultimate gesture of environmentalism. In the end it’s just one more asinine idea to help the NWO accomplish their goals and bring in the beast system.

I have included a video for reference on this subject.

I encourage you to research the above topic as well.