Theory One: The Quantum Is Another Reality

I have been doing some best guessing as to exactly what the Quantum is. I have considered the lack of time or space and as such I considered that the Quantum is not only a separate reality, may well be part of the original void.

Lacking laws that govern our reality it is possible, that the Quantum is extension of the void between alternate realities. I find the lack of governing laws may well define the Quantum just as well as the laws of space/time govern our own reality.

The lack of space in the Quantum allows for instantaneous experience between quantum entangled particle pairs. It also allows in an inexplicable way for the same instantaneous experience between humans that are likewise quantum entangled pairs. I suspect that the instantaneous experience in humans passes through the quantum using that reality as a type of short cut between humans.

Further, the same is true of the lack of time in the Quantum. I believe Superposition is possible due to no time/space as well.

Another thing I want to address is the experience of a timeless state as witnessed from an apparent state of time. There would be no begining or ending in a timeless state. Therefore, Probability Waves passing from a timeless to a time state could have originated long ago or possibly from the future. They could also move instantaneously.

Conclusion: I am theorizing that the Quantum reality is not just a microcosm of our reality. Rather, it is a literal reality in and of itself. With properties that govern it. It in my opinion separates realities, and is the places in between other realities.

Further, it allows for hacks to reality such as “folded space.” I believe it is in the Quantum we will find the clues to solving both the Mandela Effect as well as the Paradigm Shift.

I didn’t include reference material with this post, I suggest looking up spacetime in the Quantum as well as timelessness in the Quantum.

All Time, No Time In The Quantum

I have been considering the existence of time, and how it affects the Possibility Waves that cause the Mandela Effect, and the Paradigm Shift. What I realized is there is no time in the Quantum.

As such, things like Quantum Entanglement and Superposition are possible because the Quantum exists outside the space and time constructs. There is no time in the Quantum, so it can act in all manner of ways that make no sense to someone watching it from within the time/space construct.

This is why spookie action is a normal function in a place where time/space are not a consideration. As such the ME and PS Probability Waves may well have had the same origin, in fact, it’s possible it is the same wave.

As such, due to the timelessness of the Quantum, it may just appear that the ME Probability Wave started in 2016, while the PS was identified as begining in 2018. Both, can be the same wave, just leaving the Quantum at different points.

As, the ME may well have never existed, it might have always been the PS, pop misidentified. As for residuals, that will be covered in a video to be put out shortly.

I theorize that due to time not existing in the Quantum, it is being used as a medium to transmit this Probability Wave to our time/space construct. Further, I do not believe the changes are random, but instead I think the waves are somehow “programed,” with the changes before they are transmitted to our reality.

Conclusion: Whether the Probability Wave is a result of something created by us is unknown at the present time. Or whether it is being sent by something totally alien. What is known is that our solar system and the surrounding area appears to be the only one affected at the present. However this could change.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Government Accidentally Released Data During A Foia Request

Curtis Waltman of the website “Muckrock,” got more than he bargained for when he sent a Foia request for information on Antifa and White Supremacist groups in the US to a fusion center.

Along with the information he request he also got hard proof that the US government has the ability to use Electromagnetic Mind Control on anyone they choose. This document not only spells out in detail what they can do, but also exactly how the Electromagnetic field effects the human body.

It is the smoking gun to prove that targeted individuals, who have spoke of being harassed for years by all the symptoms listed in the document were telling the truth.

It is damning, that shows that the government not only has the ability, but the methods for implementing this technology against anybody they choose. This document also shows how they convey the electromagnetic fields against their target or targets.

It contained a great deal of information on this subject. One has to wonder how such a document could, “accidentally” be conveyed when it contains such hidden information. We are left to speculate if it truly was an accident or did someone want to expose this technology and the damage it can and has caused.

Conclusion: We may never know the motivation of the person or persons who released this information. However, now that we know it is not only possible, but likely they have been employing this weapon against a unsuspecting public we can guard against it.

I have included an article for reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Fallacy Of Climate Change

A favorite lie of the left is man made climate change. For a long time now they have pushed this narrative in the hopes they could make their lie a truth in order to make a justification for their carbon dioxide tax which they could potentially make trillions of dollars on.

They were unsuccessful in bringing in their carbon taxes during the Obama administration even though they controlled both houses of Congress. The reason is the lobbiest pushed against it due to the huge amounts of money it would have cost the corporations.

They tried everything, even going so far as to threatening to make climate change denial a crime punished by prison time. Yet they just could not push their agenda forward. Even offering cabon footprint credits as an incentive.

The implantation of their planned carbon tax scheme would have created a new carbon police who would have had the power to impose fines on those deemed in noncompliance with the law. Further those carbon tax police could have closed corporations and companies down, and do the same to individual homeowners who were in noncompliance.

The carbon police would wielded probably the most power of any single government department. Yet, thankfully at least so far they have been unable to implement their carbon tax hoax.

Of course their is no real data that man has created global warming at all. With the scientists they have bought towing the party line only to keep their government grant money flowing. The majority of scientists don’t truly agree on the fact of man made climate change.

The fact is the planet goes through periods of warming and cooling and chances are man has nothing to due with the cycle whatsoever. If you consider the planet’s history as a whole you see that the earth cycles, seasons if you will, and it is a natural occurrence.

Conclusion: Man made climate change is a lie created to further fleece the public and their companies and corporations of what wealth the rich couldn’t steal any other way, nothing more.

I have included a video on this subject as reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The PS And Superposition

In a recent conversation I had with some very close friends, we discussed the nature of the PS (Paradigm Shift, ) and Quantum Entanglement.

We tried to hammer out an understanding of the PS and the ME. We considered the possibility that the ME people affected by that effect we all or in groups Quantum Entangled. We considered that we too those affected by the PS might also be Quantum Entangled in a seperate group.

As such we would each be affected by a different Wave Function or Probability wave. However, we see the whole picture, at least we see the changes caused by the PS, while most in the ME (Mandela Effect)community do not see them.

In fact, they don’t just not see them, they don’t seem to react at all when they are told about them. A great number of the ME community seem to be recycling old ME’s as if they are brand new. Those who didn’t see or react to the PS we assumed were affected by the “Mr.Smith Effect.”

The “Mr. Smith Effect,” for those who haven’t heard of it is a complete indifference to shared information that should have illicit a response. Further, a complete inability to see changes even if they are made aware of them.

However, after close consideration we concluded that it was Quantum Entanglement that was preventing perception and retention of the information about the PS.

We further concluded that we as a small group were not Quantum Entangled, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see or retain information about the the ME. So we postulated the possibility we stand for whatever reason in a Superposition, which allows us to see both the ME as well as the PS.

Further, we concluded that the Probability Wave, as well as the changes caused in the ME were the work of two different, but similar Wave Functions changing matter as they hit us.

The final area we covered in our conversation was what or who is causing the two wave functions or Probability Waves. This part we came up with several possibilities, and remember all of this is theoretical.

First we postulated the possibility that we exist in parallel alternative universes or dimensions and as our other selves or other realities change things there it causes ripple effects or Probability Waves that go out and cause changes in all the other realities to. Each alternate reality causing it’s own ripples, like throwing stones in a pond.

Second we consider someone or something is causing the Wave Functions or Probability Waves for their own purposes and that these changes are not only purposeful, but deliberate in a bid to change our universe to accommodate their plans, whatever they are.

Conclusion: I believe both science and the Paranormal realm are in play, as to the exact reason behind all the changes remains unclear. What is clear is that these changes are continuing and I think it is very possible that ME and PS have different origins, yet both are heading in the same direction.

Transforming us and our world. But Transforming to what and why. Questions that need answering, I don’t believe these changes to be beneficial or benevolent. The research continues.

I have included a brief summary of our conversation written by one of my close friends as reference on some of the subjects above.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

What Is Coming: The Hidden Sky

I have been doing alot of past research on Chemtrailing, and what the real purpose for spraying metals and other chemicals in the sky aside from their stories of alleviating global warming.

What I have found is extraordinary to say the least. I know many conspiracy researchers have cover Nibiru, and that is not what I’m talking about anyway. They have covered a Trappist system, which was closer to the truth than they knew.

However, what I would like to address is a apparent “Discovery,” of 7 planets which were addresses by Nasa in a news confrence, during which they told of 7 planets and a star which were suppose to be 30 or so light years from our solar system. Supposedly at least some of these planets could not only sustain life, but were quite possibly earthlike.

Now that I have covered some background information, let me share some information I have found. A YouTuber who covers weather cameras, especially those in Alaska has been covering an extraordinary story.

For she has found multiple planets, moons and even a second sun appearing in the sky regularly, and seen on the Alaskan weather cameras. This Youtuber, has also noted a huge effort to hide this information from you with Chemtrails as well as a device which in the passed was called a “Sun Simulator.”

The government’s stated purpose for the Sun Simulator, was to add sunlight in areas that need it like farm areas and such. What they have been using it for regularly is glaring out certain parts of the sky to obscure planets passing in front our real sun, and have used it to even hide planets and moons passing in front of our moon.

I covered some of this in a post called Signs and Wonders, and you can read that post if you like. However, what I would like to address is the actual coverup and why. First, apparently they try to sanitize the Alaskan weather cameras of all incriminating footage of these extra sky objects. However, they are thankfully not thorough.

As such a few images fall between the cracks, and it is these images that have come to light. Through these images we have become aware of the coverup, the only question is why? There are several possible reasons for this deception.

The first is that it has to do with the beast system trying to hide the fact that the “Signs and Wonders,” spoke of in the Bible are occurring, and they don’t want believers to know that the last days are almost here.

However, lets put that explanation aside and cover another possible reason. Obviously the governments of the world are aware that this star system has entered our own. They know something about this system and it’s possible effects on the earth that they don’t want the population to be aware of it.

I’d say that already this extra system within our own is causing tectonic movement, volcanic activity, wide ranging weather effects and earth’s magnetic poles to shift. The question is what coming effects could possibly be alot more destructive?

Further, are they surpressing this information because they are aware of a coming worldwide disaster which if know would cause a complete breakdown of control by the governments?

And, finally is this system’s presents something that has occurred before and is a repetitive catalist for the destruction of earth’s human society and a reset that has happened before?

Conclusion: Is the approach of this system within our own the reason it appears the governments are so frantic to uncover Stargates and Wormholes to find a way off the planet before this worldwide calamity occurs?

I have included a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.
Be sure to check out other videos by this Youtuber to see other images of these planets from the other system.

The PS (Paradigm Shift), The Black Hole Picture And The Solar System Has Moved Again

A worldwide group of group of large telescopes claim to have taken a picture of a blackhole in a distant galaxy. However, I believe that this is a lie and I am going to give you a more likely scenario.

The PS (Paradigm Shift,) has struck our universe, yet again and our solar system has moved yet again, approximately 10 light years closer to the blackhole at the center of our galaxy.

I believe that the above image is a rendering of the blackhole at the center of our own galaxy. The reason they hid this is to not insight a riot, and a breakdown of societal control.

As you can see above the lower map shows where our solar system was and the upper map shows where our solar system is currently. I had both maps for a while, one changed one didn’t. So as you can see we are now closer to the blackhole at the center of our universe, and makes it much more likely the telescopes rendered a computer image of our own blackhole than one in another galaxy.

The fact that our supposed technological level is presented to us as so primitive, lacking the ability to even return to the moon, which we supposedly accomplished not once, but 6 times 50 years ago is just ludicrous.

The fact is that with such a technological handicap, there is no way they could have taken pictures of an object in another galaxy, when we have yet to fully photograph our own galaxy due to technological inadequacies.

Which leaves us in a quandary, they try to present a image of our technological infancy. Yet, they keep slipping up and letting us see a glimpse behind the curtain at our true technological level which is said to be a 1000 years or more ahead of the our current presented technological picture.

Conclusion: The US black projects have hidden the fact that the precieved technological level, and our true technological level are very different. I suspect that both the Mandela Effect, and the Paradigm Shift were caused by them manipulating dimensional gateways as well, as hyperspectral conduits between our planet and those in other parts of our universe. And possibly beyond.

As far as shifting, and the Probability Waves, I suspect they are 2 completely different effects caused by 2 different energies which were both initiated by different types of initial events.

I am including the article of the blackhole picture as reference on the above subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.
*Reference media area of my blog for photo version of this post including photographs.

Mandatory Vaccinations

Well, it appears Manhattan,NY has taken the first step in forcing all the city’s residents to be vaccinated for measles. At least this is their premise for their campaign of forced inoculations. Get innoculated or pay a thousand dollar fine.

The mayor is blaming anti-Vaccination people for lying, spreading untruths about vaccinations, that they say is causing the epidemic of measles cases that is now plaguing the city.

As such Mayor Deblasio is going to force everyone to be vaccinated, under penalty of large monetary fine. Never mind that Bill Gates pretty much said the governments were going to use vaccines to cull the population, and that is a “good,” thing due to over population.

The question is ” If they have stated they intend to use the guise of vaccinations to eliminate a large portion of the population, why should the population comply with the plan that may well eliminate them?”

Further, if we live in a “free,” country what gives the government the right to force medicines or drugs on the citizens against their will? Why should the people comply with an unlawful order? What happens when it’s not just fines to enforce compliance?

To except the first step that removes choice of whether to be vaccinated or not, will undoubtedly lead to a possible enforcement police force that could come to your home and physically force inoculations on you and your family. If you allow penalty compliance it’s becomes a very slippery slope.

Chances are it may never get that bad, however in other countries such things have occurred. Remember, it’s very easy to take away rights when you never stand to defend them from the start.

Conclusion: If you say ” Ahh, you are just overreacting, nothing like that could ever happen.” That was exactly what the people of Germany thought, right before the Nazi’s took over. However, they soon found out how terribly wrong they really were. The same thing happen after Mao took over China, and Stalin took over Russia. Once your rights are gone, it takes alot of bloodshed to get them back.

Remember this the next time the government wants to force compliance on you by way of monetary penalties. Stand up for your rights now, other tomorrow may be too late.

I have included an article on this subject as reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Health Emergency: City Mandates Vaccinations For Children And Adults Or Face $1,000 Fine – CBS New York

The PS And The Schumann Reasonance

Recently I noticed a collation between the PS ” Paradigm Shift,” Probability Waves and marked change in the Schuman Reasonance. It appears that whenever the Schumann Reasonance is extremely high, the Probability Wave occurs.

The Schumann Reasonance is the energy reasonance for our reality and is generally 7.82 hz. However, when the Probability Waves occur we see those numbers reach 100-150 hz. It is in those times the major changes occur.

Further, when we reach the high end of the Schumann Reasonance frequencies, that is when people tend to hear humming or buzzing in their ears. The same phenomena occurs when people encounter UFO’s I suspect it is because they are either opening dimensional gateways, or their energy signature frequency is much different than our own.

The cycle of major PS changes appears to be every 30 days. Minor changes occur in between, which I believe is due to matter fluctuating and having it’s energetic frequency changed and takes a period of time to settle into it’s new pattern.

I started out believing the the Probability Wave is electromagnetic in nature. However, lacking equipment to detect, evaluate and measure the energy to determine it’s exact nature, I have found that the Schumann Reasonance is the only standard of measurement I have available to work with at the present time.

I still at a quandary as to what exactly is causing the PS. I thought at first that large amounts of energy released at Cern might have caused it. Yet, lacking direct proof lead me to think outside the box. I hypothesize that perhaps the deepstate and government black projects could have caused it by operating some sort of alien stargate technology.

I theorize that perhaps as the stargate operated it may send out energy ripples like a stone dropped in water. The returning ripples could be what is causing the Probability Waves. However, at the moment it’s simply a theory.

Conclusion: I intend to continue my research into the nature and cause of the PS , I am sure in time we will make a breakthrough. I have included with this post a link to check the Schumann Reasonance daily so you can at least track when the Probability Waves are coming. The research continues..

I have included a link to the daily Schumann Reasonance frequencies.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Schumann Resonance Today – Update – Disclosure News Italia