The Fallacy Of Climate Change

A favorite lie of the left is man made climate change. For a long time now they have pushed this narrative in the hopes they could make their lie a truth in order to make a justification for their carbon dioxide tax which they could potentially make trillions of dollars on.

They were unsuccessful in bringing in their carbon taxes during the Obama administration even though they controlled both houses of Congress. The reason is the lobbiest pushed against it due to the huge amounts of money it would have cost the corporations.

They tried everything, even going so far as to threatening to make climate change denial a crime punished by prison time. Yet they just could not push their agenda forward. Even offering cabon footprint credits as an incentive.

The implantation of their planned carbon tax scheme would have created a new carbon police who would have had the power to impose fines on those deemed in noncompliance with the law. Further those carbon tax police could have closed corporations and companies down, and do the same to individual homeowners who were in noncompliance.

The carbon police would wielded probably the most power of any single government department. Yet, thankfully at least so far they have been unable to implement their carbon tax hoax.

Of course their is no real data that man has created global warming at all. With the scientists they have bought towing the party line only to keep their government grant money flowing. The majority of scientists don’t truly agree on the fact of man made climate change.

The fact is the planet goes through periods of warming and cooling and chances are man has nothing to due with the cycle whatsoever. If you consider the planet’s history as a whole you see that the earth cycles, seasons if you will, and it is a natural occurrence.

Conclusion: Man made climate change is a lie created to further fleece the public and their companies and corporations of what wealth the rich couldn’t steal any other way, nothing more.

I have included a video on this subject as reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

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