All Time, No Time In The Quantum

I have been considering the existence of time, and how it affects the Possibility Waves that cause the Mandela Effect, and the Paradigm Shift. What I realized is there is no time in the Quantum.

As such, things like Quantum Entanglement and Superposition are possible because the Quantum exists outside the space and time constructs. There is no time in the Quantum, so it can act in all manner of ways that make no sense to someone watching it from within the time/space construct.

This is why spookie action is a normal function in a place where time/space are not a consideration. As such the ME and PS Probability Waves may well have had the same origin, in fact, it’s possible it is the same wave.

As such, due to the timelessness of the Quantum, it may just appear that the ME Probability Wave started in 2016, while the PS was identified as begining in 2018. Both, can be the same wave, just leaving the Quantum at different points.

As, the ME may well have never existed, it might have always been the PS, pop misidentified. As for residuals, that will be covered in a video to be put out shortly.

I theorize that due to time not existing in the Quantum, it is being used as a medium to transmit this Probability Wave to our time/space construct. Further, I do not believe the changes are random, but instead I think the waves are somehow “programed,” with the changes before they are transmitted to our reality.

Conclusion: Whether the Probability Wave is a result of something created by us is unknown at the present time. Or whether it is being sent by something totally alien. What is known is that our solar system and the surrounding area appears to be the only one affected at the present. However this could change.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

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