States Move To Counter Federal Government Sedition In Selling Out US Sovereignty To The WHO

The states have been utilizing the Constitutional authority to protect the rights of the people against an increasingly hostile and unresponsive federal government .

The actions taken by the Biden Administration have not only been counter to the obligations of the president to protect and defend the constitution, people, and country. But in fact, they have run counter to those duties.

It’s become obvious that the federal government no longer is acting as a representative of the people.  Rather, they are enforcing the agenda and dictates of the world Globalist elite.

Part of doing this is the elimination of US national sovereignty.  As such, if another disease were to create a pandemic, then through the WHO treaty, martial law could be declared, and US sovereignty could be handed over as part of the WHO treaty and reaction to that disease epidemic.

This treaty is a backdoor way to suspend the US Constitution as well as begin the culling of the US population.  

The forced relocation of the population to government controlled FEMA  concentration camps as acts to (quarantine) what disease they state they are responding to.

As such state governors are taking steps to bypass the federal governments betrayal of the Constitution and to block the implementation of such a treaty by putting in place state safeguards to protect the Constitutional rights of the people residing in those states.

Such protections are allowed as part of the states authority when the federal government can’t or won’t defend the Constitutional rights of its citizens.

Or the federal government acts in a way counter to the will of the people.  Which the signing of the WHO treaty surely represents.  A betrayal not only of their Oaths.  But also a betrayal of the US Constitution.

Conclusion:  The states not only have a duty to the Constitution.   But also a duty to protect the people when the federal government fails to do so.  Either by incompetence or sedition and treason.

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