The Fall of the Treasonous Democratic Party

The current situation in the US highlights the level of treachery that has taken place in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has gone from a somewhat center leaning Party to a far Left progressive Marxist Anti-American Party that actively works toward the destruction of anything that is uniquely American.

Though in truth, the Republican Party has at least 2/ 3rds sold out as well to the same globalist interests the Democrats have sold out to.

The use of special interests lobbies has paved the way for the current social and economic downfall that the US is currently experiencing .

With the Biden Administration essentially throwing open the southern border abandoning US law in favor of sedition. 

Giving aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth army that is currently pouring across the border unfettered by any government intervention whatsoever.

They Essentually cooperated in a uni-party action in Washington, and their reason is clear.  To bankrupt the US causing as much economic damage to the US as possible while laudering money sent to the Ukraine war to get in my opinion kickbacks to the same politicians campaigns for re-election for approving these insane aid packages. 

They are actively allowing these invaders to destroy the social order.  Raping, robbing, plundering private property.  Waging social disruption through violence, riots, and disrupting college campuses across the US and allowing them a free hand to attack stores, restaurants, and government buildings without consequences.

Even committing murder of the citizens with recourse.  The facts are clear.  The federal government, for the most part , represents foreign interests and under foreign control rather than representing this country and its people.

Conclusion:  Each day, it becomes more apparent that the federal government is not representing the laws, constitution, or people of the US any longer. 

It’s not just my opinion but their very words and actions that show they no longer represent this country or people. 

They have been representing their own interests ( as is evident with the 20 shell companies Biden and his son are apparently running).

The Globalist are using their sergeants and their different tools IE (Communism, Radical Islam, Climate Change Scheme, The Cults of Trans, Queer, And Non-Binary as well as celebrities across the country and MSM to push their agenda and destroy US society and Sovereignty). 

The Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party has, in my opinion, sold out for money and power. 

Leaving the country to fend for itself.  With the states attempting to pick up the pieces of the failed policies and trying to save the US, not only without the help of the federal government.

But as we have seen in Texas and elsewhere around the country in direct opposition to the state efforts to defend the borders, constitution, and people of the US.  The same people they were elected to represent in the first place.

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