A Social Credit Score: Method of Control

As we have watched the government sellout time and time again in recent history, one thing becomes blatantly and abundantly obvious.  That is that the US government is completely controlled by the Globalist through the UN, China, and Lobbies on Capital Hill.

There is no two party system any longer.  There is simply a uniparty with its agendas and goals being directed by foreign interests and foreign money through lobbies.

There is no denying that this is a fact as huge multipurpose omnibus spending packages one after another are passed through Congress and the senate without ever being read or debated.  

And while on might argue, there are a few still at least going through the motions of pretending to represent the American public. 

The majority just aren’t even bothering to hide their complete disdain for not only the country as a whole but also anything uniquely American in culture, Christianity, or our society as a whole.

That being said, now they are bringing in UN peacekeeping forces under the guise of mass illegal immigration.   They are lying through their collective teeth to the American people as if we are a bunch of simpletons who just accept their propaganda pablem as if it were the gospel.  Without question or reservation.

This is simply not so.  The people see the deception and the treachery.   And witness the seditious behavior of our public officials.   Yet, we have been hoping against hope that they were wrong in their assumptions of being taken over from within. 

And praying the day wouldn’t come when they would have you enact the provisions of the Constitution and recall the admonishments of the Declaration of Independence.  

Because, while the American peoples patience is long suffering.  So are our memories of an oppressive government that once sought to surpress the people of the colonies and force its will on the people.

By way of military and economic force to bring to heel , people who had tired of governmental abuse and tyranny.   They were forced to stand against the most powerful military of its time to restore freedom, order, and grant the manifest destiny of its people.

We once again stand at the precipice of a time when the people may well be forced in good conscious to take back control of such a abusive and tyrannical regime that has forgotten the lessons of the past preferring money and power over actual representation of the people of the United States of America.

Enter the control mechanisms being currently formulated and prepared to be implemented in the form of digital ID, digital capital, and a social credit score. 

Among other initiatives targeting people’s rights to control their own destinies giving over too much of control of their lives to a corrupt system that has shown itself to be patently Anti-American, Marxist, and under the complete control of foreign interests through Lobbies and foreign money.

There is no doubt as to their motives, the direction they intend to take the public at large.  As well as not only this country but the entire world. 

They have hid nothing.  They were very upfront with their goals of depopulation and enslavement.   None of this is either conspiracy theory or conjecture.  It is simply fact.

The digital ID would identify every person and remove anonymity utterly.  As such, they are giving the ability to target any opposition to their agenda.

Digital currency would give them complete control of the finances of every person on the planet.  It would a lot them the ability to simply starve and block any who would dare stand against their agenda worldwide and effectively stop opposition by starvation of their detractors.

Finally, the coup de grace is the Social Credit Score will finish off opposition by removing effectively any individuals opposition by simply denying them access to society as a whole. 

Blocking public transportation, online commerce, and quite realistically, the ability to buy food and lodging effectively once again, starving and exposing those deemed a ( Threat to the State) access to shelter, commerce , and food.

Hence, these three tactics represent an existential threat not only to freedom.  But also a threat to one’s ability to oppose the globalists’ agenda of depopulation and creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  Make no mistake. These tactics are being planned and implemented as methods of control and forced compliance to an institutionalized system of slavery and elimination of the world population.   These facts are not only not in dispute. 

They have been confirmed by the globalist foreign elites themselves.  They are and have been very upfront with their intentions, motivations, and end goals.  None of this is in dispute.

In fact, they have repeatedly said this on the world state at the World Economic Forum.  At the UN. 

And through their paid and owned politicians who pretend to represent the peoples of the various western governments.   But are infact simply mouthpieces and puppets of the world Globalist agenda.

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