Are Extraterrestrials or Ultraterrestrials Invading Earth?

This has been a recurring question asked by a number of documentaries, TV shows, and UFO investigators.  However, the truth of the matter is that I believe they have always been here.

I think this is the secret the gatekeepers of society have been hiding all along.  Further, It is my belief that it’s not just extraterrestrials.  They may not be from interstellar space.  They could be from alternate dimensions or alternate realities.

Truthfully, it’s not a certainty that interstellar travel is even possible.   It’s more realistic that these beings are from alternate realities or dimensions.   Time travel is even a possibility.

What is I suspect these being have been not only on the planet.  But also controlling human history.  Chances are not only one race may have acted behind the scenes.

I think that perhaps the myths of the Annunaki may well have true.  Perhaps they genetically manipulate the indigenous mammals, creating modern humankind.

I think it’s possible that other races forced the Annunaki off the planet.  I think there is enough evidence that the dominant race was reptilian in nature.   It is that race that has dominated human history.  As well as led the direction of human history .

It’s obvious, at least in my opinion, that these reptilians or (Drago) are currently trying to take over the planet and minimize human control over the planet. 

This can be seen in the push to depopulate the human population of the planet.  Nothing else makes rational sense.  I have long suspected that another race was acting behind the scenes.  

Perhaps even interbred to create hybrids that could work among the humans without arising suspicions.  Nothing else makes sense logically given the suicidal propensity of the left toward pushing for self elimination  in recent history on a global scale.

Nothing justifies their push to eliminate the majority of the human population.  Unless some other race or species is intent on claiming the planet.  And could only do so after it is vacated by the humans.  It’s the only argument that makes logical sense.

I suspect these reptilians and others have been actively participating in not only a program of culling the human population.   But they also have manipulated themselves into controlling the top positions of human society in order to ensure they controlled the destiny of not only humanity but the Earth itself.

They covered their tracks throughout history, so the human population was none the wiser as to their mechanizations against them. 

Hence, we have societal gatekeepers that control the public narrative and hide anything that points to involvement of anything that wasn’t human in Earth’s past.

Conclusion: These outside influences have been here from the beginning, and chances are we’re the reason we exist in our current form.  They have controlled human society behind the scenes, and they have hidden their technology and involvement in human history.

I believe it is their direct involvement that is driving the globalist push to depopulate the planet. 

As well as their influence that is pushing humanity toward a one world government that, in my estimation, would give them greater control over the remaining human population after they finish their culling of humanity.

The main takeaway from this post is that these outside influences are not a recent occurrence.   Rather, they have been here since the beginning.   And have acted to control humanity behind the scenes all along. 
It is possible they have waged wars to try to retain control of the planet from other advanced species as well.  At least some of these conflicts were recorded in writings such as the ancient sanskrit texts.  As well as other ancient accounts.

These other species have always been here.  It’s just that they were able to hide their presence from humanity until now.

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