Beyond A Duelistic Universe

I have always been curious what lies beyond the duality of this realm.  Beyond light and dark, good and bad, life and death.  I asked the question what existed before energy and matter. 

In the Bible in Genesis, God said,” Let there be light , and there was light.”   What existed before light?  My theory is that in a dualistic universe, one can’t exist without the other. 

Therefore, in the moment, light came into existence, so too did darkness.  The hense there was nothing. 

See here is the conundrum of this argument.   Because if nothing existed, there had to be something else. There wouldn’t be duality.

If life and death are part of the duality.  Then God was beyond both. Therefore, neither live nor dead but something else entirely. 

And though traditionally seen as male.  God created male and female as such God would have had to be other than that as well being beyond that duality as well.

Assuming God came from beyond the construct, then God was some else entirely.  We attempt to relate to God using the terms we are familiar with. However, truth be told, God is beyond any descriptive that could be used to describe God.  Therefore, God said his name was (I Am).

Both matter and energy (light) are parts of the construct as well as parts of the duality.  The existence before the creation was likewise beyond either.  The primal existence was a  different medium entirely.

Perhaps it was the ether.  The essence that existed before creation.   Because both the physical and spiritual are also part of the dualistic universe.

Conclusion:  If it is possible, the only way to understand God and the creation is to go beyond the dualistic portion of reality through meditation connecting directly with the primal essence.

If the primal exists, then its essence is what God really is. Something beyond the scope of our experience.   It could explain the purpose of creation to begin with.  And why God created us.  We are the vessels through which God experiences the dualistic reality in its totality.

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