A Social Credit Score: Method of Control

As we have watched the government sellout time and time again in recent history, one thing becomes blatantly and abundantly obvious.  That is that the US government is completely controlled by the Globalist through the UN, China, and Lobbies on Capital Hill.

There is no two party system any longer.  There is simply a uniparty with its agendas and goals being directed by foreign interests and foreign money through lobbies.

There is no denying that this is a fact as huge multipurpose omnibus spending packages one after another are passed through Congress and the senate without ever being read or debated.  

And while on might argue, there are a few still at least going through the motions of pretending to represent the American public. 

The majority just aren’t even bothering to hide their complete disdain for not only the country as a whole but also anything uniquely American in culture, Christianity, or our society as a whole.

That being said, now they are bringing in UN peacekeeping forces under the guise of mass illegal immigration.   They are lying through their collective teeth to the American people as if we are a bunch of simpletons who just accept their propaganda pablem as if it were the gospel.  Without question or reservation.

This is simply not so.  The people see the deception and the treachery.   And witness the seditious behavior of our public officials.   Yet, we have been hoping against hope that they were wrong in their assumptions of being taken over from within. 

And praying the day wouldn’t come when they would have you enact the provisions of the Constitution and recall the admonishments of the Declaration of Independence.  

Because, while the American peoples patience is long suffering.  So are our memories of an oppressive government that once sought to surpress the people of the colonies and force its will on the people.

By way of military and economic force to bring to heel , people who had tired of governmental abuse and tyranny.   They were forced to stand against the most powerful military of its time to restore freedom, order, and grant the manifest destiny of its people.

We once again stand at the precipice of a time when the people may well be forced in good conscious to take back control of such a abusive and tyrannical regime that has forgotten the lessons of the past preferring money and power over actual representation of the people of the United States of America.

Enter the control mechanisms being currently formulated and prepared to be implemented in the form of digital ID, digital capital, and a social credit score. 

Among other initiatives targeting people’s rights to control their own destinies giving over too much of control of their lives to a corrupt system that has shown itself to be patently Anti-American, Marxist, and under the complete control of foreign interests through Lobbies and foreign money.

There is no doubt as to their motives, the direction they intend to take the public at large.  As well as not only this country but the entire world. 

They have hid nothing.  They were very upfront with their goals of depopulation and enslavement.   None of this is either conspiracy theory or conjecture.  It is simply fact.

The digital ID would identify every person and remove anonymity utterly.  As such, they are giving the ability to target any opposition to their agenda.

Digital currency would give them complete control of the finances of every person on the planet.  It would a lot them the ability to simply starve and block any who would dare stand against their agenda worldwide and effectively stop opposition by starvation of their detractors.

Finally, the coup de grace is the Social Credit Score will finish off opposition by removing effectively any individuals opposition by simply denying them access to society as a whole. 

Blocking public transportation, online commerce, and quite realistically, the ability to buy food and lodging effectively once again, starving and exposing those deemed a ( Threat to the State) access to shelter, commerce , and food.

Hence, these three tactics represent an existential threat not only to freedom.  But also a threat to one’s ability to oppose the globalists’ agenda of depopulation and creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  Make no mistake. These tactics are being planned and implemented as methods of control and forced compliance to an institutionalized system of slavery and elimination of the world population.   These facts are not only not in dispute. 

They have been confirmed by the globalist foreign elites themselves.  They are and have been very upfront with their intentions, motivations, and end goals.  None of this is in dispute.

In fact, they have repeatedly said this on the world state at the World Economic Forum.  At the UN. 

And through their paid and owned politicians who pretend to represent the peoples of the various western governments.   But are infact simply mouthpieces and puppets of the world Globalist agenda.

The Hegelian Dialectic and Its Connection To Modern Day Communist Ideology

The Hegelian Dialectic is a philosophical concept developed by the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. It describes a process of intellectual and social development through the interaction of opposing forces.

The Hegelian Dialectic consists of three main elements:

1. Thesis: The initial idea, belief, or social condition.

2. Antithesis: The opposing idea, belief, or social condition that challenges the thesis.

3. Synthesis: The new idea, belief, or social condition that emerges from the resolution of the conflict between the thesis and antithesis.

The Hegelian Dialectic is often seen as a framework for understanding and driving social change.

The idea is that through the clash of opposing forces, a new and more advanced synthesis can emerge, leading to further progress.

The connection between the Hegelian Dialectic and communist ideology lies in the way Marxist thinkers, such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, interpret and apply Hegel’s ideas.

Marxists saw the Hegelian Dialectic as a way to understand the inherent conflicts within capitalist societies.

They viewed the capitalist system (the thesis) as being opposed by the working class (the antithesis), and that this conflict would ultimately lead to a new, socialist society (the synthesis).

In Marxist theory, the Hegelian Dialectic is used to explain the historical progression of society from feudalism to capitalism to socialism and eventually communism.

The idea is that the contradictions and conflicts within the capitalist system will inevitably lead to its overthrow and the establishment of a classless, communist society.

Marxists believe that by actively promoting and accelerating the conflict between the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) and the proletariat (the working class), they can hasten the arrival of the socialist synthesis and the ultimate goal of a communist society.

Conclusion:  It’s important to note that the application of the Hegelian Dialectic to communist ideology has been criticized by some scholars as being an oversimplification or a misinterpretation of Hegel’s original ideas.

Nevertheless, the Hegelian Dialectic remains a central concept in Marxist and communist thought.

Taking Control of the Food Suppliers and Meat Industry

The targeting of small ranches and meat production industry by the EPA is organized with other federal and local governments in a concerted effort to close down private food production industries.

They are also targeting small farms in the US as well as the other Western countries. 

There has been a hard pushback against these efforts by international globalists to take control of food production across the Western world.

Henry Kissinger, a long-time supporter of the Globalist agenda, said : ” Control the food, control the people.”

This is why they are focused on destroying small farms and meat producers.  The Globalists are buying up as much of the available farm land as they can.   People like Bill Gates and China are grabbing land at an alarming rate.

The reason they are doing this is for control of the people and the world food production.  Then, they can utilize this as another tool in their arsenal toward depopulation through starvation by simply curtailing food production on a planetary scale.

Conclusion:  Their goals are stated.  This is not conspiracy theory but just a continuation of their stated agenda.  They will use starvation as one more method of culling the worldwide population.

The Fall of the Treasonous Democratic Party

The current situation in the US highlights the level of treachery that has taken place in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has gone from a somewhat center leaning Party to a far Left progressive Marxist Anti-American Party that actively works toward the destruction of anything that is uniquely American.

Though in truth, the Republican Party has at least 2/ 3rds sold out as well to the same globalist interests the Democrats have sold out to.

The use of special interests lobbies has paved the way for the current social and economic downfall that the US is currently experiencing .

With the Biden Administration essentially throwing open the southern border abandoning US law in favor of sedition. 

Giving aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth army that is currently pouring across the border unfettered by any government intervention whatsoever.

They Essentually cooperated in a uni-party action in Washington, and their reason is clear.  To bankrupt the US causing as much economic damage to the US as possible while laudering money sent to the Ukraine war to get in my opinion kickbacks to the same politicians campaigns for re-election for approving these insane aid packages. 

They are actively allowing these invaders to destroy the social order.  Raping, robbing, plundering private property.  Waging social disruption through violence, riots, and disrupting college campuses across the US and allowing them a free hand to attack stores, restaurants, and government buildings without consequences.

Even committing murder of the citizens with recourse.  The facts are clear.  The federal government, for the most part , represents foreign interests and under foreign control rather than representing this country and its people.

Conclusion:  Each day, it becomes more apparent that the federal government is not representing the laws, constitution, or people of the US any longer. 

It’s not just my opinion but their very words and actions that show they no longer represent this country or people. 

They have been representing their own interests ( as is evident with the 20 shell companies Biden and his son are apparently running).

The Globalist are using their sergeants and their different tools IE (Communism, Radical Islam, Climate Change Scheme, The Cults of Trans, Queer, And Non-Binary as well as celebrities across the country and MSM to push their agenda and destroy US society and Sovereignty). 

The Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party has, in my opinion, sold out for money and power. 

Leaving the country to fend for itself.  With the states attempting to pick up the pieces of the failed policies and trying to save the US, not only without the help of the federal government.

But as we have seen in Texas and elsewhere around the country in direct opposition to the state efforts to defend the borders, constitution, and people of the US.  The same people they were elected to represent in the first place.

Who Is Responsible For Public Safety in the US?

Recently, Los Angeles Transit issues an emergency proclamation based on increased violence on the line.

This is due to the constant influx of invaders crossing the Southern Border illegally unfettered by federal government intervention.

Who is responsible?   Who can be held accountable for all the social disruption, violence, crime, rape, and increases in squating and economic damage caused by the UN stealth army?

The current crisis is directly related to the Biden open border policy.  This policy is causing a multitude of major issues, including economic damage, sovereignty, and obviously public health,safety, and the massive uptick of crime.

Who should be held accountable for these negative ramifications to the country based on these failed policies of the Biden Administration?

Not only is the federal government directly culpable for these social woes.  But also, local governments should be held responsible at the state and local levels for not acting to protect the public both bodily and private property.

As such, these politicians should be held responsible for their lack of action on this failure of government policy.

Conclusion:  Government policies are put in place to protect society, private property, and economic, as well as national solidity and sovereignty.

If those who were sworn and duly elected to take the responsibility for overseeing the publics business are unwilling or unable to proform the job for which they choose to run for and were elected to accomplish fail to do this they should be held responsible for these failures.

Especially when such failure results in bodily harm to the public, substantial loss of private property, economic damage as well as marked increase of crime across the board.

These arbitrators of the publics concern should be held accountable for these blatant failures of their oaths of office to the people and the Constitution.

Legally, people should financially hold them responsible for the massive damage caused through their anti-American actions, which have so damaged the country as a whole. 

These politicians should be held responsible for their actions.  And should be taught the consequences and ramifications of their bad decisions.   Just as their actions have hurt the population as a whole.

The 3 World Wars Predicted by Albert Pike

Albert Pike was a prominent figure in American Freemasonry and is often associated with his alleged predictions regarding the occurrence of three world wars.

While some believe that Pike accurately predicted the events of the two World Wars, it is important to approach these claims with caution as there is significant debate and controversy surrounding them.

According to the alleged predictions, Pike supposedly wrote a letter in 1871 outlining a plan for three global conflicts that would reshape the world.

It is important to note that the authenticity of this letter is disputed, and some researchers argue that it may have been a fabrication or misinterpretation.

In the alleged letter, Pike purportedly outlined that the first world war would be sparked by conflicts between different European nations, leading to the downfall of several empires and the establishment of communism in Russia.

This prediction is seen by some as mirroring the events of World War I and the subsequent Russian Revolution.

The second world war, as predicted by Pike, would allegedly involve a clash between fascism and communism.

This conflict would result in the rise of a totalitarian global government, according to the alleged predictions.

While aspects of this prediction can be seen in the events of World War II, it is important to note that the historical context and motivations behind the war were complex and cannot be solely attributed to Pike’s alleged predictions.

The alleged third world war, according to Pike’s supposed predictions, would involve a conflict between the Western world, led by the United States, and the Islamic world.

This conflict would result in widespread destruction and chaos, ultimately leading to the emergence of a new world order.

It is important to approach this prediction with skepticism, as the dynamics and causes of potential future conflicts are uncertain and subject to numerous factors.

It is crucial to recognize that the alleged predictions attributed to Albert Pike have been widely debated and questioned by historians and researchers.

Many argue that the interpretation of Pike’s writings and the subsequent attribution of these predictions to him are based on speculation and conspiracy theories.

While Albert Pike was undoubtedly a significant figure in American Freemasonry, it is important to critically examine any claims or assertions regarding his predictions on world wars.

Historians and scholars rely on verifiable evidence and rigorous analysis to understand the past and make predictions about the future, and it is essential to approach such claims with a critical mindset.

Conclusion:  The alleged predictions attributed to Albert Pike regarding three world wars are a subject of debate and controversy.

While some see parallels between his supposed predictions and historical events, it is important to approach these claims with caution and critically evaluate the evidence and context surrounding them.

The study of history requires careful analysis and interpretation, and it is crucial to rely on verifiable sources and scholarly research when examining such claims.

Though there is some skeptism surrounding these predictions, what is important to understand is what this represents if genuine is evidence of how long and deep the globalist agenda truly is spanning decades if not centuries in the making.

Further, it demonstrates how interconnected all these groups and ideologies are and how they are being utilized as weapons of change to force the globalist end goals on the world.

It’s shows communism, radical Islam, and other ideologies are simply tools and means to an end to accomplish the globalists’ ultimate agenda of depopulation and the conquest of the planet.

A Question of Integrity

Question :  What would possess a globalist banking entity to issue a warning to the Biden Administration? 

Especially when it appears that the Biden Administration not only does whatever it’s told. 

Why would Globalists, through an organization they own, tell Biden to stop his constant uncontrolled spending, especially when one of their objectives is to destroy the US economy?

Perhaps Biden has overstepped his globalist directives.  It’s been apparent that both him and his family’s goals are to acquire as much money as possible.

Perhaps Bidens’ actions are rogue and unsanctioned by his globalist bosses.  It has become obvious that the globalist elites have no love for Joe Biden.   

Perhaps this warning coming so close in the wake of the NYT rebuke represents their displeasure for Biden and his recent problems that have been brought to light.

The continuation of both Joe Biden and his family’s pursuit of their own interests by way of supporting the Ukrainian war.

Simply for a reason of creating a situation that has the possibility of impropriety and money laundering is enough to gain the ire of the Globalist who allowed this conflict in the first place by their drawing attention not by doing what they said to do. 

But by getting wealthy through it and again draw unwanted attention that the Globalist neither want nor condone. 

Joe Biden may well have overstepped his authority and thereby draw attention to his actions and, by doing so, drew attention to the globalist agenda itself. 

Which the Globalist have gone to a monumental effort to hide from the general population.   Because, once the people see without a shadow of a doubt they are being manipulated, they will rebel.

Conclusion:  As such, it appears the Globalists have been quietly at first and now with increasing regularity and more and more publicly.  

Begun to addressing his improper behaviors with increasing occurrence.  They may attempt to completely replace him before the upcoming election and replace him with someone more controllable and less self-serving.

Nudge Teams Are Being Utilized By Governments To Control The Public Through Psychological Warfare, Mind Control, and Propaganda

The governments around the world have been using (Nudge Units) to wage psychological warfare on the population to make them do what they want them to do.

This is done through subliminal programming, peer pressure, and social engineering, making their point of view appear the only choice. 

Labeling all other perspectives as extreme, anti science, and even in some cases demonizing those viewpoints as well as those who hold those beliefs .

This tactic started decades ago covertly.  However, during the covid era, they utilized teams to actively promote the government narratives and, in the time of the pandemic, even demonize and silenced top doctors in the field for stating the truth versus the government narratives.

Even if the government narratives ran counter to logic, science, or rational thought.  For instance, banning people walking alone in forests, parks,beaches, or outdoor church services.  While protests by far left groups were perfectly acceptable and allowed.

These Nudge groups are currently attacking anyone who would point out the fact that the Climate Change Scheme has no basis in hard science.  But it is simply a method of wealth redistribution as well as control of the public.

They utilize front groups, protests, violence, public shaming, disinformation and misinformation as well as spokesmen that have no basis to speak on the topic except to use emotion as a way to control people’s perception as in their use of the school girl Greta Thumberg who had zero scientific background or credible data to back up her claims.

Since the executive orders signed by Barack Obama, propaganda was cleared to be used against the citizens in the governments quest to control the thought of the population.  These Nudge units have been created and used to push the chosen narrative.

Conclusion: The creation and use of Nudge teams is a direct violation of the Constitution.  Free speech is considered a liability to the overall globalist  agenda.  As such, every effort is being brought to bear to not only label any ideas that run counter to their narrative as (hate speech).  This nebulous label can be utilized to demonize and shut down any opinion they deem counter to their overall goals.

These Nudge teams are nothing more than the modern day equivalent to the Nazi Grey shirts who terrorized the citizens and pushed the state narrative.  Demonizing any idea that ran counter to that state narrative.   And was actively used to curtail free speech as counter to the public good, therefore (hate speech).

The New York Times Leaves the Reservation To Attack Biden Over MSM Avoidance

New York Times Leaves The Reservation To Attack Biden Over MSM Avoidance

Recently the NYT made a statement regarding the avoidance of Biden to do interviews with the MSM on his policies and selling out of the country to the Globalist.

This call out of the administration is either a one-off or perhaps a whistle-blower taking a chance to say what everybody else already knows.  

Or perhaps it’s a first step toward others standing up against the seditious activities of not only Biden but the Democratic Party as well. 

It is also evident that a portion or possibly more of the Republican Party is also complict in there seditious support of the globalist agenda in opposition of the Constitution and freedom in general.

The NYT has been a supporter of the government narrative.  As well as actively pushing wokism and the Marxist line. 

Communism has been a tool again Western society that has been utilized for decades by the Globalists in their relentless March toward their ultimate goals of depopulation and world domination.

The NYT has, like most of the MSM, always pushed the far Left ideology and repeatedly supporting globalism over the countries they were reporting on this, including the NYT historically. 

This is because most of the MSM both digital as well as hard copy is owned or directly controlled by billionaire Globalist elites.   Which makes them simply mouthpieces of the Globalist propaganda narrative.

This negative attack on Biden is departure from the standard propaganda message.   And as such is surprising in it occurrence.  As well as the possible causes and ramifications of such a public accusation against Biden directly.

Which could signal a number of possible scenarios.  Among which could be a lone disgruntled whistle-blower acting alone.  Or the beginning of a rebellion of reporters, perhaps realizing the dire position our country is facing.

Or perhaps it’s a sign that the Globalists see Biden as a liability to their overall agenda and perhaps are going to malign him either to bring in a different front man to carry on their agenda.

Or even they see the people waking up to their betrayal and have decided to allow Trump to take office for 4 years to calm down the public.  A public on the brink of violent revolution would run counter to their long-term plans.

The Globalist are not worried about short-term setbacks.   They are playing the long game confident that given time, they will achieve their ultimate goals. 

They just have to keep the population in the dark and pacified until they are ready to pull the trigger on they overall plans.  They just need to keep the public in the dark and believe that their threat is nothing but a (conspiracy theory).

As long as the people believe they have a choice and freedom, then they won’t rebel.  Even though their government no longer represents them nor has it for decades is irrelevant. 

Their elections are bogus and rigged.  Again irrelevant as long as they maintain the status quo until the moment they are ready to act.  The public will never realize they are nothing but unknowing slaves that are not only not free at all but all expendable.  Unaware sheep waiting on the slaughter.

Conclusion:  The NYT attack against Biden, though it appears as the first light shone on the seditious activity of the president and his avoidance of true damage, his policies and corruption have wrought on the country. 

This is at best suspect and, at worst, the first step to eliminate an asset that has ceased to be of use to his globalist masters.

A stand and watch mentality is needed to see where this action leads.  Whether it takes root, among other reporters, across the MSM landscape is left to be seen.

Or was it a one-off done by a disgruntled rogue who will be silenced is left to be seen.  One voice can be silenced.   A million can not so easily be removed.

In this case, only time will tell the direction this first salvo against Biden will take.  And whether it was an act of civil disobedience or the Globalists removing one puppet to replace him with another.

States Move To Counter Federal Government Sedition In Selling Out US Sovereignty To The WHO

The states have been utilizing the Constitutional authority to protect the rights of the people against an increasingly hostile and unresponsive federal government .

The actions taken by the Biden Administration have not only been counter to the obligations of the president to protect and defend the constitution, people, and country. But in fact, they have run counter to those duties.

It’s become obvious that the federal government no longer is acting as a representative of the people.  Rather, they are enforcing the agenda and dictates of the world Globalist elite.

Part of doing this is the elimination of US national sovereignty.  As such, if another disease were to create a pandemic, then through the WHO treaty, martial law could be declared, and US sovereignty could be handed over as part of the WHO treaty and reaction to that disease epidemic.

This treaty is a backdoor way to suspend the US Constitution as well as begin the culling of the US population.  

The forced relocation of the population to government controlled FEMA  concentration camps as acts to (quarantine) what disease they state they are responding to.

As such state governors are taking steps to bypass the federal governments betrayal of the Constitution and to block the implementation of such a treaty by putting in place state safeguards to protect the Constitutional rights of the people residing in those states.

Such protections are allowed as part of the states authority when the federal government can’t or won’t defend the Constitutional rights of its citizens.

Or the federal government acts in a way counter to the will of the people.  Which the signing of the WHO treaty surely represents.  A betrayal not only of their Oaths.  But also a betrayal of the US Constitution.

Conclusion:  The states not only have a duty to the Constitution.   But also a duty to protect the people when the federal government fails to do so.  Either by incompetence or sedition and treason.