What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

Who Do Those in Government Represent?

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs recently vetoed a bill that was meant to combat the ongoing issue of those illegal invaders who have entered our country illegally from taking property from US citizens by way of simply occupying a vacant home in an act called (squating).

The purpose of the bill was to grant the legal authority to remove these invaders from property that US citizens purchased and own.  It would have provided the legal tools to combat these illegal actions and allow these landlords the right to protect their property.

The fact that Governor Hobbs has vetoed this bill raises the question ( Who does the governor represent)?  The citizens who have duly voted for her and elected her to office or the illegal invaders who have broken US laws and just decided to commendeer US citizens property as the spoils of war?

Governor Hobbs, a Democrat yet again shows who the Democratic Party represents and supports. 

And it has been shown time and again that it’s not the US citizens.  But rather they are loyal representatives of the Globalists and their sovereignty destroying agenda.

Last month, Governor Hobbs also vetoed a bill called The Arizona Border Invasion Act that would have allowed law enforcement to arrest on misdemeanor charges any who cross the US border illegally

Conclusion:  I’d say the message is clear that the message is clear :  The Democratic Party neither sides nor represents the people of the US any longer. 

They exist solely as wholly owned agents of the Globalists agenda in the US.  And as such, they should be voted out of office on the basis that they do not uphold their oaths of office, nor do they support the US Constitution.   But rather, exist as solely owned agents to address and propagate the Globalist agenda in the US.

The Truth About Main Stream Media And Their True Purpose

The New York Times coverage of Anti-semetic protests (riots) has been slanted and shows an anti-Jewish bias that only signals an intent not to an unbiased  reporting the news but simply to act as a mouthpiece for the Globalist elite in their propagation of disinformation and propaganda. 

However, though this is my opinion, it has been shown repeatedly across the spectrum of Main Stream Media not only nationwide.  But also across the Western world.

True unbiased news reporting has been dead for some time.  What we are left with is a daily dose of disinformation, propaganda, and racist, anti-capitalist anti-semetic, Anti-American, and globalist slanted Marxist anti- religious misinformation.

What was once unbiased news outlets only exist now to regurgitate the globalist narrative.  IE.  Climate Change, depopulation, anti-American, pro-Marxist, anti-Contitutional misinformation.

The current slanted coverage of the Pro-Palestinian college riots taking place by the NY York Times is a perfect example of this in their obvious anti-Isreal reporting.

The fact that these propaganda outlets are not only showing their bias against the Jewish state itself.

But also creating a dangerous anti-semetic bias which is further inflamed by the Marxist supported Pro-Palestinian fact which has been attempting to disrupt American society with their violent marches which have often degenerated into riots on college campuses across the US.

These MSM Propaganda outlets have made it very dangerous for regular Jewish citizens to live their lives, attend college, or at times just walk down the street unmolested.

With some colleges telling Jewish students that their campuses are now unsafe for Jewish students to attend and offer online classes. 

Even going so far as to shut off electronic id’s of Jewish professors for  the action of standing against such anti-Jewish bias and wanting to confront these Marxist Pro-Palestinian protesters.

These MSM propaganda mouthpieces are fanning the flames of antisemitism daily, pushing the Pro-Palestinian Globalist narrative and thereby directly supporting racism and anti-Jewish bias not only here in the US but across the Western world.

Conclusion:  The facts are clear.  The Main Stream Media most owned by the same globalist that is pushing the depopulation, the Climate Change Scheme, and the One World Totalitarian Government message mission is clear.

It’s not the desemination of unbiased information and factual news reporting.  Their mission has become to propagate the globalist narrative.

Regardless of how racist, destructive, or heinous that message becomes.  They are no better than the propaganda outlets that helped the Nazis rise to power in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.  Or the propaganda outlets in the old Soviet Union during the Cold War era in Russia.

They have become merely tools to parrot  Marxist propaganda and disinformation to support the Globalist in their ongoing mission to achieve the agenda Worldwide.

The Jewish people simply are the latest victim of their biased reporting, and they are targeted by design yet again.  Just as they were circ 1930s era Nazi Germany.

Margret Sanger and Her Connection To Hitler

Margret Sanger was a figure who, at the beginning of the 20th century, created the organization known as Planned Parenthood.  Not out of a desire to help the poor and disabled. 

But rather as a way to help plan the act of Parenthood.  But rather, as a way to rid society of those, she deemed undesirables such as the poor, disabled both physically and mentally.  And to lower the black and people of color birth rates.

Sanger, a Eugenics supporter, was an avid supporter of Hitler and the Nazi parties Eugenics effort to create the master race in Germany.   Hitler was a fan of Sangers’ efforts to lower the population by way of abortion and sterilization of the lower class and disabled.

Margaret Sanger was a prominent figure in the eugenics movement, which gained popularity in the early 20th century. Born in 1879, Sanger was a nurse and birth control activist who believed in the idea of improving the human race through selective breeding. She advocated for the use of contraception and reproductive rights, aiming to empower women and promote family planning. However, her association with the eugenics movement has been a subject of controversy.

The eugenics movement, rooted in the belief of improving the genetic quality of the human population, gained traction in the early 1900s. Proponents of eugenics believed that certain traits and characteristics could be inherited and passed on to future generations. They argued for the selective breeding of “desirable” individuals while discouraging reproduction among those deemed “undesirable.”

Margaret Sanger’s involvement in the eugenics movement was driven by her desire to address social and economic inequalities. She believed that by controlling reproduction, individuals could have a better chance at improving their lives and society as a whole. Sanger saw birth control as a means to prevent unwanted pregnancies, reduce poverty, and limit the population growth of those she considered disadvantaged.

Sanger’s advocacy for birth control faced significant opposition from religious institutions and conservative groups. However, her efforts led to the establishment of the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Despite her contributions to women’s reproductive rights, Sanger’s association with eugenics has cast a shadow over her legacy.

Critics argue that Sanger’s support for eugenics reflects a troubling aspect of the movement. The eugenics movement has been widely criticized for its discriminatory practices, which targeted marginalized communities, including people of color, disabled individuals, and those with lower socioeconomic status. The forced sterilization of individuals deemed “unfit” by eugenicists has been a dark chapter in the history of the movement.

It is important to note that Sanger’s views on eugenics evolved over time. While she initially aligned herself with the eugenics movement, she later distanced herself from its more extreme and coercive practices. Sanger focused more on women’s reproductive rights and access to contraception rather than the selective breeding aspect of eugenics.

Today, the eugenics movement is widely discredited due to its association with racism, ableism, and violations of human rights. The unethical practices and discriminatory ideologies of the movement have led to its condemnation by the scientific community and society at large.

Conclusion:  Margaret Sanger’s involvement in the eugenics movement was complex and controversial. While she advocated for reproductive rights and contraception, her association with eugenics raises ethical concerns. It is essential to critically examine the historical context and evolving perspectives when evaluating the legacy of individuals like Margaret Sanger and their contributions to social movements.

Sanger, in her own words, was a devout racist, a supporter of the Nazi extermination of what they viewed as undesirables.  An adulterous woman who saw being a housewife as mundane and aborant.  And being a mother as the lowest thing a woman could aspire to achieve.

And, according to her own words, considered worship of Jesus Christ as a complete waste of time to give consideration to a man crucified so long ago.  She had contempt for all who believe in Christ.

She believed that her creation of Planned Parenthood was her contribution to the class struggle.

Though a lot of negative things have been ascribed to Sanger, most came directly from her own quotes in publications of the time.  And her own writings.

You Reap What You Sow

Currently, massive anti-semetic protests are raging across the US, with Pro-Palestinian riotors declaring autonomous zones on those campuses.   Forcing the police to be put in dangerous situations to attempt to counter the violence.

With financial support coming from many Marxist organizations and surprise surprise, the Communist Party of China. 

A globalist puppet and weapon that has been doing their damnist to destroy the US from the inside financially.   It’s not surprising that the same actors that backed and financed the violent riots of the last several years are back using Palestinian as the catalyst for the current disruption.

Not that they really need a reason because their main purpose is social disruption and destruction of US sovereignty, so the cause is irrelevant.   As long as the goal is achieved.

These behind the scenes agitators drop and adopt causes at will with zero regard for the actual cause, it’s outcome, or the ramifications of their actions as long as the ultimately,  disruption of society, massive damage occurs and US sovereignty is destroyed.   Bonus if they damage the economy in the process.

However, this outcome should be a surprise to no one.  The Globalist have been pushing on hot and heavy with their agenda of depopulation and destruction of national sovereignties of all the Western countries.  

As such, this issue has been leveraged to again accomplish several goals simultaneously.   And , as such, they are putting pressure on an already overburdened society by staging these fake Pro-Palestinian rallies using them as an excuse to disrupt society. 

And foster animosity between Jewish and non Jewish factions.  Further, forcing the cities where these riots take place to finance the police presence to attempt to contain these staged violent events.

The use of Communism as a tool for the Globalist is obvious.  And, as such, the fact that the Marxist and Communist are behind staging these riots is not unusual.   In fact, they have been using these same agitators to disrupt and destroy the social bonds of this country for years now.

What is interesting is that not only has the federal government not stepped in to stop these stage violent events. 

They have until now encouraged them and in past violent protest assisted them going so far as to financially support these actors bailing them out of jail after the police did their duty to attempt to stop their acts of violence.

What does this say for the federal government?   The obvious statement is not only to support the Globalists in their mission.  But they are actively helping carry it out across the country.

As for where all these violent protectors came from, well, why do you think the Biden Administration has fought so hard to keep the southern border wide open? 

The Democratic Party is part of the Globalist plot and, in my opinion, actively assisting in the destruction of the US to the tune of between 12 to 14 thousand invaders daily.

They have their members married into the globalists’ families as well into the family of at least on family in the Middle East, and they are irreparably compromised.

With the Republicans in my opinion, colluding with them either compromised by their criminal or questionable actions. 

Or compromised by lobbies providing a lot of under the table encouragement to support the globalist agenda.  Basically turning Washington into a uniparty single party system owned by the Globalist and their partners and interest.

You reap what you sow.  As you throw the borders wide open and allow the invasion of the country by an unvetted UN/Brix Treaty/Radical Islamic stealth army, what did you think would be the ultimate outcome?

Conclusion:  The Globalist have been upfront with their stated goals of depopulation and elimination of the national sovereignty of all the current countries.  As well as the elimination of their societies as relics of another era.  In preparation for their final conquest of the planet to make way for their one world totalitarian government.

As such, these violent protests are simply another means to that end.  Just as Marxist Communism is but another means to achieve their ultimate goal.

The fact that the people allow their government to so throughly sell them out in such a blatantly seditious manner they will, in the end, reap what they have sown.

Main Stream Media Has Gone From Slanted Ideological Narratives To Active Promotion Of Far Left Ideological Activism

NPR has recently been the latest example of blaringly promoting far Left and, in many cases, blatantly anti-American reporting pushing narratives that are counter to the US and its policies.

This goes beyond the slanted Left leaning standard of the Western journalism has promoted for decades.  Not just putting forth counter conservative perspectives.

This new far Left Activism abandons any semblance of pretending to offer a fair and balanced view of the current events. 

And simply outright opposes any perspective that is pro-American in perspective, support of American policies . Or defense of US laws, the US Constitution, or even recently politicians that attempt to represent the citizens of the US or the policies that would protect the citizens’ rights.

Donald Trump is a perfect example of their far left Activism in their neat constant attacks meant destroy the man simply because he had the audacity to go against their goals to destroy this country and anything even remotely Pro-American or conservative in nature.

Balanced journalism and unbiased reporting of the news is dead and a thing of the past.  That is if it really ever existed at all to begin with.

What is left are simply propaganda dispensing outlets that push a far Left narrative, which is tailored to show pro-American, pro-Constitutional, or pro-conservative perspectives as negative, misguided, racist and basically demonize anything Uniquely American.

Conclusion:  The Main Stream Media had been bought and paid for by the Globalists and has become one more arrow in their quiver to destroy the Western society,economy, and sovereignty.

Communism, Socialism and Far Left ideology is their preferred weapon against the ideas of conservatism and capitalism. 

As such, they use radical perspectives through almost Cult like Activism to attempt to destroy Western societies and ultimately economies and sovereignty in preparation for depopulation and globalist conquest of the planet.

Actual unbiased reporting of the news is dead.  There are no more news reporting agencies remaining.  What we have now is simply mouthpieces of globalist far leftwing propaganda.   This all they convey.

Antisemitism: Folstered By The Globalist Elite

Since the onset of the current conflict between Isreal and Palestine in the West Bank, the occurrences of Antisemitism has been on the increase.

The question of whether this is a grassroots occurrence or something that was manufactured on purpose by the Globalists to foster further amity in the US and abroad to weaken social bonds as well as damage US sovereignty is unknown by suspect given their penchant for psychological operations as well as their fostering of propaganda.

It appears that through a combination of unfettered invasion by radical Islamic sympathizers and a push by Globalists Like Soros and Schwab they have fostered animosity toward Isreal and the Jews especially in the US on college campuses and at the Capital.

With their ongoing desire to eliminate the national sovereignties of all the countries of the West.  It’s not surprising that they would utilize their stealth soldiers as a socially disruptive force against the Jewish people as the portrayal of them as the aggressor in the current conflict.

Whereas the current crisis there is not a war between peoples.  Rather, it is a created conflict between governments that rather than an opposition that couldn’t find a peaceful resolution.  Was a manufactured event created, planned, and orchestrated, not by the two governments. 

It was planned and financed as a means to an end by the world’s globalist elite in a further effort to push forward their plan to cause further social disruption and a permanent elimination of national sovereignty.

Who are the victims of this manufactured event?  Not the countries that staged the event.  But rather, the innocent civilians who have been brutalized, raped, ravaged, and killed as well as displaced from their homes.

And why, you ask?  Well, it is a cruel scheme to act as a smoke screen and catalyst for the narrative of  forced immigrant migration. 

A narrative they use to hide the movement of their UN , Brix treaty stealth soldiers into the Western countries to begin their assault on the economies, sovereignties and societies in preparation for their destruction to make way for the creation of the Globalist one world totalitarian government.

Conclusion:  The current rash of antisemitism being folstered and put on display is being manufactured and utilized as simply one more act by the Globalists to destabilize, demoralize and hopefully destroy the social bonds of the Western countries in a bid to eliminate national sovereignties.

The Illuminati And It’s Connections To Other Secret Societies As Well As The Globalist Elite

The Illuminati, also known as the Bavarian Illuminati, was a secret society founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law in Bavaria, Germany.

Weishaupt founded the Illuminati with the goal of promoting Enlightenment ideals, including reason, secularism, and the separation of church and state.

The name “Illuminati” comes from the Latin word “illuminatus,” which means “enlightened.” Members of the Illuminati considered themselves enlightened thinkers who sought to spread knowledge and promote social change.

The Illuminati’s organizational structure was based on secret societies such as the Freemasons, with ranks, rituals, and symbols designed to create a sense of mystery and exclusivity.

The Illuminati’s goals included influencing political and social change, promoting equality and democracy, and combating religious influence in government and society.

In its early years, the Illuminati attracted influential members from various backgrounds, including intellectuals, politicians, and artists.

The Illuminati’s influence grew rapidly, spreading across Europe and attracting thousands of members from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

The Illuminati’s secrecy and reputation for subversive activities led to fear and suspicion from governments and religious authorities, who viewed the society as a threat to their power and influence.

In 1785, the Bavarian government, under pressure from the Catholic Church and other conservative forces, banned the Illuminati and launched a campaign to suppress the society.

Despite the government’s efforts to dismantle the Illuminati, society continued to exist in secret, with some members going underground and others forming new secret societies inspired by its teachings.

Over the years, various conspiracy theories have emerged linking the Illuminati to world events, suggesting that the society continues to exert influence over governments, banks, and other institutions.

While the historical Illuminati ceased to exist as a formal organization in the late 18th century, its legacy lives on in popular culture and conspiracy theories that continue to fascinate and intrigue people around the world.

Some believe that the Illuminati’s influence can still be felt in contemporary society, with secret societies and shadowy elites allegedly pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Critics of conspiracy theories about the Illuminati argue that they are based on little evidence and contribute to a climate of fear, mistrust, and paranoia.

Despite the lack of concrete proof linking the Illuminati to world events, the society’s legacy of promoting Enlightenment ideals continues to resonate with those who value reason, liberty, and social progress.

The Illuminati remains a symbol of defiance against authority, a beacon of intellectual curiosity, and a reminder of the power of ideas to shape history and society.

Conclusion:  The Illuminati’s origin and history are shrouded in mystery, myth, and controversy, making it a fascinating subject of study and speculation for centuries to come.

Though it was originally founded in 1776.  The secret society existed long before that with connections to the nobility in Europe and elsewhere.  

As well as purportedly being connected to other secret societies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, as well as many Babylonian death Cults. 

And, most of the leaders of the world are said to be secret members .  As well as the world’s wealthy elite.  Many Death and Demon worshipping, Cults  as well as even cannibalistic Cults are said to be either directly connected or affiliated with the Illuminati in the modern era.

Though the Illuminati has maintained a low profile using front groups to represent its interests.   Which in my opinion, are one and the same with the Globalist. 

That is ultimately world depopulation and the creation of a one world totalitarian government.   And enslavement of the population that survives the world culling.

The Reasons For The Fall Of The Roman Empire And The Parallels To The Current Day US

Barbarian Invasions: The constant invasions by various Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths weakened the empire’s ability to defend its borders effectively.

Weak Military: Over time, the Roman army became less disciplined and less effective, making it easier for invading forces to penetrate Roman territories.

Political Instability: The Roman Empire experienced frequent changes in leadership, with emperors often being assassinated or overthrown, leading to instability and power struggles.

Economic Decline: The empire faced economic challenges such as inflation, high taxes, and devaluation of currency, which weakened the economy and led to widespread poverty.

Social Decay: The gap between the rich and the poor widened, leading to social unrest and discontent among the lower classes.

Overexpansion: The Roman Empire grew too large to be effectively governed, leading to difficulties in maintaining control over distant territories.

Administrative Corruption: Corruption and bureaucracy within the Roman government led to inefficiency and mismanagement of resources.

Decline in Morale: The once proud and disciplined Roman citizens lost their sense of civic duty and became apathetic towards the state.

Religious Strife: Religious conflicts and sectarianism, particularly between paganism and Christianity, divided the empire and weakened its unity.

Military Overextension: The Roman Empire stretched its military resources thin by fighting wars on multiple fronts, leading to exhaustion and depletion of manpower.

Loss of Civic Virtue: The traditional Roman values of duty, honor, and civic responsibility eroded over time, leading to a decline in the strength of the empire.

Environmental Factors: Natural disasters such as droughts, plagues, and famines further weakened the empire’s stability and ability to recover from external threats.

Decline in Agriculture: The Roman Empire struggled with agricultural productivity due to soil exhaustion, leading to food shortages and economic hardship.

Decline of Trade: The disruption of trade routes and decline of commerce weakened the economy and deprived the empire of vital resources.

Cultural Decay: The decline of intellectual and artistic achievements in the Roman Empire reflected a broader decay in the empire’s vitality and creativity.

Military Reforms: The Roman military underwent significant reforms in response to the changing nature of warfare, but these reforms were not implemented effectively or efficiently.

Division of the Empire: The division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern halves weakened its overall unity and made it more vulnerable to external threats.

Leadership Failures: Weak and ineffective emperors failed to provide the strong leadership needed to address the challenges facing the empire.

Decline in Innovation: The Roman Empire saw a decline in technological and scientific innovation, which limited its ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Inability to Adapt: Ultimately, the Roman Empire failed to adapt to the complex challenges it faced, leading to its gradual decline and eventual collapse.

Conclusion:  As is evident about the parallels between the fall of Rome and the current situation in the US, the obvious similarities are startling.  Almost point for point the the conditions that caused the end of the Roman empire and the modern day situations happening in the United States are identical.

It makes one wonder if these conditions were recreated on purpose to destroy the US as they did 2000 years ago in Rome.

The Globalist have the stated goal of eliminating all the current countries in favor of a one world totalitarian regime.   As such, it is obvious the reasons for the  current situations that are occurring in the US.

And proves the old adage :  (If we do not learn from the lessons of the past, we are damned to repeat them).

Democrats Yet Again Betray The People And The Country

The Democrats were quick to defend the border of Ukraine.  To the tune of billions a month in remediation.   While refusing to defend or support this country or the Southern Border of the US.

The Democrats are quick to hand out massive amounts of month to defend almost any other country except the country they were elected to represent.

While the country has been invaded by over 7 million UN stealth soldiers hellbent on destroying the economy and eliminating national sovereignty. 

The Democrats and Republicans for that matter, show a unified front of their uniparty by voting to send close the 90 billion to defend the borders of foreign countries over that of the US.

Each day they hand out millions in aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth soldiers instead of doing their elected duty to secure the Southern Border of the US against the onslaught pouring across the US/Mexican border.

Conclusion: In obvious acts of treason and sedition the uniparty in DC is busy printing and handing out billions to secure the Ukraine and Isreali borders while they veto the bill that would have done the same for our own border.

At this point, we must seriously ask the question : ( Who do the members of the uniparty in the House and Senate truly represent?).  Because it is abundantly clear, it’s not the people of the US.