The Fall of the Treasonous Democratic Party

The current situation in the US highlights the level of treachery that has taken place in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has gone from a somewhat center leaning Party to a far Left progressive Marxist Anti-American Party that actively works toward the destruction of anything that is uniquely American.

Though in truth, the Republican Party has at least 2/ 3rds sold out as well to the same globalist interests the Democrats have sold out to.

The use of special interests lobbies has paved the way for the current social and economic downfall that the US is currently experiencing .

With the Biden Administration essentially throwing open the southern border abandoning US law in favor of sedition. 

Giving aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth army that is currently pouring across the border unfettered by any government intervention whatsoever.

They Essentually cooperated in a uni-party action in Washington, and their reason is clear.  To bankrupt the US causing as much economic damage to the US as possible while laudering money sent to the Ukraine war to get in my opinion kickbacks to the same politicians campaigns for re-election for approving these insane aid packages. 

They are actively allowing these invaders to destroy the social order.  Raping, robbing, plundering private property.  Waging social disruption through violence, riots, and disrupting college campuses across the US and allowing them a free hand to attack stores, restaurants, and government buildings without consequences.

Even committing murder of the citizens with recourse.  The facts are clear.  The federal government, for the most part , represents foreign interests and under foreign control rather than representing this country and its people.

Conclusion:  Each day, it becomes more apparent that the federal government is not representing the laws, constitution, or people of the US any longer. 

It’s not just my opinion but their very words and actions that show they no longer represent this country or people. 

They have been representing their own interests ( as is evident with the 20 shell companies Biden and his son are apparently running).

The Globalist are using their sergeants and their different tools IE (Communism, Radical Islam, Climate Change Scheme, The Cults of Trans, Queer, And Non-Binary as well as celebrities across the country and MSM to push their agenda and destroy US society and Sovereignty). 

The Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party has, in my opinion, sold out for money and power. 

Leaving the country to fend for itself.  With the states attempting to pick up the pieces of the failed policies and trying to save the US, not only without the help of the federal government.

But as we have seen in Texas and elsewhere around the country in direct opposition to the state efforts to defend the borders, constitution, and people of the US.  The same people they were elected to represent in the first place.

The Path Forward

We know Globalists’ endgame.  However, what is their path forward?  They are running multiple games simultaneously.  

Among them, they forced immigration in order to mix their stealth army among those who are legitimately forced into migration.

And, it is notable that they utilize each of their moves for multiple purposes.  Such as utilizing their invading army to collapse the economy.  

To destroy the state sovereignty.   To replace the civilians currently present.   To demoralize the civilian population through crime such as robbery, rape, and taking of property such as real estate.

Then their true purpose to recon soft targets, ultimately to destroy those targets.  To disarm the public and to arrest and detain the current citizens in FEMA(concentration) camps.  In preparation for the final invasion of the US.

They utilized the Climate Change Scheme to redistribute the wealth of the middle-class.  Was just the first portion of the purpose of this ideology.   The second was control. 

By way of closing small businesses , changing regulations and shutting down small farms concentrating the majority of control of food into the hands of a select few corporations controlled by the Globalists.

He who controls the food controls the people.  They also utilize the ideology to limit energy and control travel, thereby restricting movement and centralizing people to make the capture and ultimate culling of the population easier.

And, finally they utilize this scheme as a reason for land grabbing and forced re-zoning and limiting where the population can live in preparation for the forced relocation to 24/7 Ai monitored Smart Cities.

Everything the Globalists do has multiple layers of purpose.  They have been planning this agenda for a couple of centuries.  Though in earnest for the last 90 years.

They attempted to level the playing field by attempting to emasculate the male population through chemicals and socially by creating the Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer to weaken the opposition to their plot.  Without strong men, they can quickly move forward with their agenda.

Conclusion: What is the path forward?  The answer also lies in a multipart plan .  First: a general nationwide strike and work stop age.

Second:  A demand for an end to the current invasion at the Southern Border.   And a deportation of all the illegal invaders’ current occupation being perpetrated and foisted on the public by the Democratic Party.

Thirdly: A complete moratorium on the broken immigration system.  And a cessation of all immigration into the country until the current problems have been addressed and repaired.

And finally, a hearings on all public officials who have acted against the Constitution and the laws of the US.  As well as refused to do the jobs for which they were elected to fulfill.

These actions would restore some semblance of normalcy to a badly broken and flawed system.  Without extreme action and repair of the current system. 

Then, I can truly predict the days of not only the US as a sovereign country as well as the rest of the Western world are numbered. 

And when I say numbered, we aren’t talking centuries or even decades.  But perhaps a few years, and I’m afraid we may not have that long.  I’m afraid the free world is on life support.  And the Globalists are trying with their every action to pull the plug.

Without immediate action, it’s only a matter of time before the West falls.

Censorship and the Hiding of The Globalist Conspiracy

I have noticed that a number of social platforms are using the excuse of (Community Standards) to hide blatant censorship of free speech when it comes to the governments selling out and complicity toward the globalist agenda.

Some platforms like Facebook and TikTok have been very upfront with their censorship agenda.  Other platforms are more subtle but nonetheless as adamant about towing the party line. 

Whether it’s blocking government decent here in the US.  Or in the case of TokTok blocking opposition to the Chinese and Communist issues.

Recently, I received a message from patrion stating 4 of my recent posts were censored because they were either in opposition to the invasion of the stealth army that has been allowed to invade the Southern Border  Or posts about the government sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer.

They are apparently running cover for the invasion of the US by the Globalists,UN, Brix Nations, and the Radical Islamic Middle Eastern countries.

Leading up to the 2024 Presidental election its obvious that the Democratic Party and their Marxist supported are pulling out all the stops to make sure nothing can be said by their opposition to prevent the coming Globalist agenda.

The Democrats have demonstrated their absolute contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.  They are now showing their absolute support of the globalist agenda and their adherence to the Marxist ideology.

As such, they are silencing detractors.  In some cases, it uses the three letter agencies, a weaponized judiciary, and backdoor censorship on social media platforms to maintain the globalist perspective in media and in movies, TV, and the MSM.

This censorship is merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is a worldwide selling out of the government leaders to the globalist agenda of depopulation and goal of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

Conclusion:  My censorship on the patrion platform just galvanize my belief that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of freedom.  As such, it only pushes me to redouble my efforts to oppose censorship, the globalist agenda, and worldwide Marxist tyranny.

Their plot to depopulate the planet and conquer those who remain can not and must not be allowed to succeed.  It behooves every free thinking human being to oppose their thought policing and their attempt to enslave the human race.

Freedom of speech must be protected at all costs regardless of the consequences.

America Has Quietly Adopted A Chinese Style Social Credit Score

In the last few years, woke culture has pushed a woke score in corporations.  This Woke score is meant to force corporations to follow the left leaning Woke agenda in their business and social practices including diversity, supporting left politics such as Climate Change and of course the Cults of Trans,Non-Binary, and Queer. 

As well as the Anti-American, Anti-White movements, including Antifa and BLM.  Through putting financial pressure, they are attempting to propagate this woke agenda.

As such they are forcing things such as electric vehicles, eliminating meat consumption and of course discouraging purchase of firearms and patronization of local all American products and support of anything that is pro-American or considered anti-globalist in nature.

The WEF ( World Economic Forum) in conjunction with the UN, Brix treaty countries and the radical Islamic regimes of the Middle East are working on not only collapsing Western economies and eliminating state sovereignty of all Western countries. 

This social credit score is part of building a population control system to eliminate opposition to their ultimate depopulation, one world government agenda.

As such, they are using the Climate Change scheme to force compliance with their wealth redistribution agenda. 

By pushing the state sponsored Cults of Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer they weaken opposition by attempting to neuter masculinity. I’m males to halt opposition to their agenda.

The Woke corporate credit score is a back door approach to force this Communist social credit score on the American public by so limiting their choices and options that they will have to choice but to comply with the government or be socially, and financially isolated.

This is how it is being used in China to force social compliance to government norms.  China was the test bed for this idea of social control.  Quite literally forcing the citizens to be their own slave masters.  Creating a society of (Free Range Slaves.)

Just as in the book 1984, the idea of state sponsored socially mandated slavery is being implemented in the name of the greater good.  Setting the stage for a diminished dystopian slave future to come.

As such, with the full support of the WEF and the UN they are implementing their agenda through forced immigration of the West by stealth army with the full cooperation of the leaders and governments of the West who have become corrupt and complict with the Globalists agenda.

The social credit score is simply one more tool in their arsenal to accomplish their goal of world depopulation and world governance.  It is a control mechanism put in place to prevent opposition to their anti-human policies.

Conclusion:  If you only see one component at a time, it is difficult to understand the overall strategy.   However, if we see the entire picture, we are witnessing the greatest conspiracy ever perpetrated of the human race.

The social credit score is a control collar meant to force the population at large to willing accept their yoke and place as slaves to their globalist masters. 

If you understand its intent, you begin to understand the true insidious diabolical nature of their psychopaths who are set on world genocide and world domination.

Absolute Disrepect For Everything That Is American

It never fails to amaze me how far this president and his party can go to sell out our country, society, and people. 

Now, he is pushing the state Trans cult to continue the decimation of this country, society, and moral bulwark .

Biden and his party have, at this point, completely sold out the country and people.  After allowing invasion of our country.  Giving aid and comfort to the invaders they sided with against the people they took an oath to represent.

In siding with the Globalists, they have committed sedition and each day, they commit treason.  They not only betrayed the people but totally disrespected the Constitution.  And, it has complete and utter contempt for the Christian faith.

As such on one of the most religious holidays of the year Biden and his Administration has chosen to push their state sponsored Trans cult agenda and make a mockery of the day of remembrance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

They are not even hiding their contempt and indifference to the Christian population and Christian faith with this hideous insult and yet another betrayal of our society and moral foundation.

Conclusion:  This administration has made it their mission to destroy the moral fabric of our society. 

In concert with destroying the country as a whole economically, physically, waging propaganda campaigns in blatant psychological warfare against the population as they bring in their invading army to begin the final assault on Western culture as a whole.

In this blatant act of disrespect to the upcoming Easter holiday it only crystallizes the fact that this President and his party do not represent the country, people or values that have been our foundation since the inception of this republic.