What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

The Truth About Main Stream Media And Their True Purpose

The New York Times coverage of Anti-semetic protests (riots) has been slanted and shows an anti-Jewish bias that only signals an intent not to an unbiased  reporting the news but simply to act as a mouthpiece for the Globalist elite in their propagation of disinformation and propaganda. 

However, though this is my opinion, it has been shown repeatedly across the spectrum of Main Stream Media not only nationwide.  But also across the Western world.

True unbiased news reporting has been dead for some time.  What we are left with is a daily dose of disinformation, propaganda, and racist, anti-capitalist anti-semetic, Anti-American, and globalist slanted Marxist anti- religious misinformation.

What was once unbiased news outlets only exist now to regurgitate the globalist narrative.  IE.  Climate Change, depopulation, anti-American, pro-Marxist, anti-Contitutional misinformation.

The current slanted coverage of the Pro-Palestinian college riots taking place by the NY York Times is a perfect example of this in their obvious anti-Isreal reporting.

The fact that these propaganda outlets are not only showing their bias against the Jewish state itself.

But also creating a dangerous anti-semetic bias which is further inflamed by the Marxist supported Pro-Palestinian fact which has been attempting to disrupt American society with their violent marches which have often degenerated into riots on college campuses across the US.

These MSM Propaganda outlets have made it very dangerous for regular Jewish citizens to live their lives, attend college, or at times just walk down the street unmolested.

With some colleges telling Jewish students that their campuses are now unsafe for Jewish students to attend and offer online classes. 

Even going so far as to shut off electronic id’s of Jewish professors for  the action of standing against such anti-Jewish bias and wanting to confront these Marxist Pro-Palestinian protesters.

These MSM propaganda mouthpieces are fanning the flames of antisemitism daily, pushing the Pro-Palestinian Globalist narrative and thereby directly supporting racism and anti-Jewish bias not only here in the US but across the Western world.

Conclusion:  The facts are clear.  The Main Stream Media most owned by the same globalist that is pushing the depopulation, the Climate Change Scheme, and the One World Totalitarian Government message mission is clear.

It’s not the desemination of unbiased information and factual news reporting.  Their mission has become to propagate the globalist narrative.

Regardless of how racist, destructive, or heinous that message becomes.  They are no better than the propaganda outlets that helped the Nazis rise to power in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.  Or the propaganda outlets in the old Soviet Union during the Cold War era in Russia.

They have become merely tools to parrot  Marxist propaganda and disinformation to support the Globalist in their ongoing mission to achieve the agenda Worldwide.

The Jewish people simply are the latest victim of their biased reporting, and they are targeted by design yet again.  Just as they were circ 1930s era Nazi Germany.