A Brief History of Communism In The 20th Century

Communism is an economic-political philosophy founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. They wrote and published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848, aiming to end capitalism, which they believed led to the exploitation of workers.

Marx and Engels envisioned a society where the means of production would belong to the entire community, abolishing all private ownership. Their slogan was that everyone would contribute according to their abilities and receive according to their needs.

Communist philosophy began to develop in Russia in the late 19th century, leading to the Bolsheviks seizing power through the October Revolution in 1917. They changed their name to the Communist Party and nationalized public property.

Joseph Stalin continued to lead the USSR with communist ideologies, extending the growth of communism in Russia and beyond. This example of communism influenced many countries, including China.

Communism as a political ideology advocates for state ownership of major resources in a society, aiming to eliminate the class system through equal redistribution of income and benefits of labor.

Karl Marx, known as the Father of Communism, proposed this ideology in his Communist Manifesto, emphasizing the importance of class struggle and critiquing capitalism’s instability.

The Communist Manifesto did not provide concrete instructions for setting up a communist government but influenced revolutionary industrial workers across Europe, leading to the rise of an international labor movement.

The early 19th century saw civil unrest in Europe as urban working-class individuals faced poor living conditions and saw stark inequalities between classes, fueling the appeal of communist ideas.

Marx envisioned communism as a global movement that would inspire and expedite working-class revolutions throughout the capitalist world, starting with the French revolutions of 1848.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 marked a significant turning point in the spread of communism, with the Bolsheviks establishing a communist government and nationalizing public properties.

The rise of the Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin and later Joseph Stalin exemplified the application of communist ideologies on a large scale, shaping the economic and political landscape of the 20th century.

The Cold War between communist ideologies represented by the USSR and capitalist ideologies represented by the United States was a defining struggle of the 20th century, highlighting the tensions between the two systems.

Communism in China followed a similar trajectory, with the Communist Party gaining power and implementing communist policies to transform the economic structure of the country.

The principles of communism, including collective ownership of resources and equitable distribution of wealth, continue to shape political discourse and movements around the world.

The transition from capitalism to communism involves a process of class conflict and revolutionary struggle, with the goal of establishing a classless society where everyone’s needs are met.

The implementation of communism has varied in different countries, with some experiencing success in establishing socialist governments while others faced challenges in transitioning to a communist society.

The influence of communism extends beyond economic and social realms to cultural and philosophical domains, inspiring movements for social justice and equality.

Criticisms of communism often center on issues of individual freedom, state control, and economic inefficiencies, leading to debates about the feasibility and desirability of communist systems.

Despite its challenges and criticisms, communism remains a significant force in global politics and history, shaping the trajectory of nations and influencing ideological debates.

The history of communism reflects a complex interplay of ideas, movements, and historical events that have left a lasting impact on societies around the world, shaping the course of modern history.

Conclusion: This overview provides a glimpse into the rich and intricate history of communism, highlighting its evolution, challenges, and enduring relevance in the modern world.

Communism like Capitalism were two approaches to a social issue which gripped the world.  The 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries were plagued by massive poverty, starvation, and pestilence.   This was due to overcrowding, poor living conditions and a scarcity of clean water, little food and unclean living conditions.

There were two distinct classes the wealthy and the poor.  It was under these conditions that Socialism/Communism were born. 

This was post feudal system, yet the wealthy saw them selves as aristocracy/noble born and the poor as nothing but slaves/the unwashed masses to be exploited for their enrichment.

They espoused Capitalism (Free Market Economy).  Though it appeared free and to believe in individual liberty and personal property.  The truth is that as long as you are wealthy, the system functions. 

However, those who were in the lower class were little more than slaves.  In the idea world Capitalism would have represented freedom.  However, we live far from the ideal world.

Therefore, it was simply a change of definitions and titles.  However, it was still the feudal system where the wealthy instead of having titles such as (Duke, Lord, Prince , or King was simply called Millionaires or later Billionaires).

Nothing in function had changed at all.  In the middle 20th century, the middle class emerged, raising the working classes standard of living somewhat. 

However, for the most part, nothing really has changed since the earlier eras.  As such, capitalism could not fulfill its envisioned goals of universal financial freedom and the ownership of private property for all. 

The wealthy maintained their domination of the majority of the wealth in society.

As such, it was out of this turmoil filled time that the idea of Socialism/Communism took root, especially among the lower working class. 

As they struggled to eck out a meager existence working (slaving) in factories, in farms and on jobs owned by the wealthy.

Communism was the idea of communal property.  Everything is owned not by a limited number of wealthy individuals.  Rather, all property would be owned by all the people.

The Communist idea was this would be achieved through a people’s revolution.  Where the workers would rise up and throw off the yolk of slavery to the wealthy and take back the means of creating their own destiny.

By doing this, give back all property to all the people instead of it being owned by a few at the top of society.  With everybody receiving their fair share according to their need.

Again, in an ideal world, communal ownership and governance seem to be a good path to take.  However, again, we don’t live in a. Ideal world. 

How it played out in reality is the Communism became a weapon to be spread among the poor of a given country sewing the seeds of hope among the disenfranchised and lower class as a way for enemies to overthrow governments through violent revolution and uprisings.

Communism was also a failure, just like capitalism because both relied on this being an ideal world.  And as we all are aware, we are far from living in an ideal world.

As such, due to greed, corruption, and psychopathic delusions of grandeur, the power hungry and opportunist used both ideologies to attempt world conquest leading to a very bloody and violent history spanning centuries.

Communism like Capitalism, was a failed ideology that led to nothing but misery and the death of millions of innocent people worldwide.  

Will There Be an Election in 2024?

Based on the complete selling out of the  of the country, people and the Constitution by Biden, his Administration and the Democratic Party to the Globalist conspiracyo depopulate the planet as well as the destruction of sovereignty of all the countries of the West. 

And the creation of a one world totalitarian government to conquer the planet.  As such, it has put in question whether they will use their stealth army ( mass illegal immigration) to begin the final destruction of the US as a sovereign country.

The 2024 presidential election is now. I’m questioning whether it will go ahead at all .   Or whether the Democratic Party will yet again rig the election to force the population to eat  the Communist policies and Bidens’ continued anti-American agenda.

The real possibility of a complete insurrection by this invading army that the Globalists, UN , Brix Nations, and Radical Islamic countries have been  sending across the US Southern Border is becoming more and more of a threat.

As such with The Democrats and Biden are very aware that without trickery, deception, or an insurrection, they will lose power in the next election.  It has become a real possibility that they may well initiate the insurrection and declare martial law to suspend elections permanently.

They could also suspend the Constitution, disarm the public, and begin depopulation in earnest with pesky things like laws or constitutional rights getting in the way.

Conclusion: We stand on the precipice of a dark, dystopian future fraught with slavery and death for the few who survive the global holocaust to come they would be condemned to be the slaves of psychopaths who destroyed the population of the planet to fulfill a sick vision of power and domination.

As such, the US presidential election is in jeopardy as the Democrats realize they have overplayed their hands.  

As such they now face the real possibility of a universal revolt against their insidious plot to depopulate the planet and force the destruction of all current sovereign countries in favor of a one world totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the psychopaths who orchestrated this plot to begin with.

Absolute Disrepect For Everything That Is American

It never fails to amaze me how far this president and his party can go to sell out our country, society, and people. 

Now, he is pushing the state Trans cult to continue the decimation of this country, society, and moral bulwark .

Biden and his party have, at this point, completely sold out the country and people.  After allowing invasion of our country.  Giving aid and comfort to the invaders they sided with against the people they took an oath to represent.

In siding with the Globalists, they have committed sedition and each day, they commit treason.  They not only betrayed the people but totally disrespected the Constitution.  And, it has complete and utter contempt for the Christian faith.

As such on one of the most religious holidays of the year Biden and his Administration has chosen to push their state sponsored Trans cult agenda and make a mockery of the day of remembrance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

They are not even hiding their contempt and indifference to the Christian population and Christian faith with this hideous insult and yet another betrayal of our society and moral foundation.

Conclusion:  This administration has made it their mission to destroy the moral fabric of our society. 

In concert with destroying the country as a whole economically, physically, waging propaganda campaigns in blatant psychological warfare against the population as they bring in their invading army to begin the final assault on Western culture as a whole.

In this blatant act of disrespect to the upcoming Easter holiday it only crystallizes the fact that this President and his party do not represent the country, people or values that have been our foundation since the inception of this republic.

The Newest Invaders Action: Seizing Property

The latest outrage to be perpetrated by the invaders of the Southern Border is the seizing of empty property by these interloper.

They have now decided that they would simply take what they want from the citizens.  Believing just as so many other invaders have done through that ages that these properties are simply spoils of war. 

Just as they have been ramsacking the economy and raping the local women.  They believe they can act with impunity because the government has sold out the citizenry, and they will take what they wish.

The seditious nature of our government is apparent in their complete indifference to this latest outrage to an already volatile situation. These actions are adding fuel to a wildfire that is burning out of control.

There are so many violations to the Constitution by this current administration that is unprecedented in the history of the country

With the government granting aid and comfort to this invading force that is pouring across the southern border daily.  Allowing them any insult, any indignity they wish to perpetrate. 

From ramsacking the stores, to rape in US women, to now simply taking whatever they want from the citizens vehicles.  To now simply moving in and taking their homes as well

This situation has become untenable and extremely dangerous.   The people of the US will only accept so much abuse before they begin to push back, and this could well become a full-on armed revolt again, the seditious tyranny being currently foisted again the public at large.

Just as in the first revolution of the British colonies.  The UN, Globalists, Brix Nations, and Radical Islam, in conjunction with the governments of the West, are waging a campaign to force the current citizens to fund their own enslavement.  

But also, they are giving over the citizens of the affected countries to the abuses of these invading covert military operatives as they try to get into position for the main invasion.

They are waging guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare in an effort to demoralize the citizens in perpetuation for their coming capture and eventual culling.

Conclusion:  This will only go so far before a fed-up public fights back.  And, though no one ever wishes for violence if this invasion continues. 

I’m afraid this is the inevitable outcome to such a complete and total Sedition that has been perpetrated by politicians more interested with lining their own pockets and gaining power, than actually upholding the oaths they swore to the Constitution and doing the jobs they were elected to accomplish 

The Failure Of The Communist/Socialist Ideology

Historically speaking, the concept of a purely agrarian society is not a new concept.  Ranging from the original hunter gather communities.  Down to medieval feudalism in which the peasant was the backbone of society that was top heavy with rich bourgeois.

The idea of utopia is not a new concept addressed but multiple philosophers and religious leaders, including Catholic theologian Thomas More in the publication Utopia.  The problem that has been faced is that there are very different ideas from the early advent of Socialism/Communism, and later versions of the ideology.

Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels’ view had less to do with equality and a social utopia with community controlled property and more to do with class struggle and a violent revolution of the workers or proletariat. 

Instead of the creation of a harmonious society where each had according to need.  Marx believed that only by destroying the wealthy and giving their property/wealth to the workers could the ideal Communist state be achieved.  Which flies in the face of the earlier notion of a peaceful agrarian society of abundance.

As such event the other rendition of Socialism varied widely.  British Socialism wasn’t much about equality but more about power and control.  One could argue that the French revolution was more aligned with the violent view of Marx than the utopian views of Thomas More.

Then, with the advent of the 20th century, it became blatantly apparent that the modern view of the Communist utopia and its route to that state had nothing to do with equality or a shared social utopia. 

And more to do with violence, control, power, and ultimately dictatorship with a quick and bloody culling of any that opposed those propagating the ideology in the targeted country. 

The trail of death and destruction tainted the twentieth century.  Millions of innocents were slaughtered in Russia, China, and the indopacific rim, South America and The Caribbean, and Europe.   The death toll was unimaginable.   And it was all in the name of equality and a social utopia.

The reality is that while the idea of a social utopia is laudable and even to be commended.   The reality is greed, selfishness, and narcissistic tendencies mixed with megalomania high jacked, the original concept turning it into a weapon to be wielded against one’s political rivals.

The Socialist utopia became a fantasy and a Trojan horse to be used as a weapon to utilize the poor and disenfranchised as a guerilla army to seize power from the old colonial governments and use those poor to destroy opposition and consolidate power and control. 

Once one country was seized, then they became jumping off points to the other countries in the regions affected.

The truth is the original ideology was high jacked by the Globalist elite (billionaires, bankers, corporations) weapoized, and then used to further their agenda of depopulation and to push their agenda of a one world totalitarian dictatorship .

Conclusion:  Though the original ideal of a Socialist/Communist peaceful agrarian society of equals where all property was community.   And abundance was the norm.  Was long ago abandoned in favor of the weapon this ideology has become .

Once the globalist gained control over the ideology, it became an agent of chaos and destruction, and the cost in material and human life was catastrophic.

The twentieth century stands as a testament to the failure of the original ideology.  And shines a light on not only its weaponization.  But also that the original idea no longer exists.  All that remains is a tool for depopulation and world domination. 

The original intent of the Socialist utopia is now dead.

The Barbarians Are At The Gate: The Silent Revolution On The Western World

As long as there is a state, there is no freedom.  If there is freedom, there is no state.  Lenin-

What is currently happening in the West is a revolution.  A seditious silent revolution being perpetrated by a globalist cabal, which is busy attempting to use the UN, China, and their allies and the seditious government leadership of all the Western nations.

Using weaponized immigration to collapse economies, eliminate national identities as well as destroy the national sovereignty of all the affected nations.  Further, to dominate the citizens of those nations with these invading hordes.

Their attacks are blatant and obvious.  As is the despicable attempt to force the citizens of those countries to pay for their countries’ own demise by supporting the invading army through higher taxation.

They have released these stealth army cells on the unsuspecting citizens and have even allowed that army to plunder the country, it’s citizens and attempt to make the native populations to give aid and comfort toward the very enemies that are currently attacking those Western nations.

This is a very similar technique that was employed by King George on the 13 original British colonies that led up to an armed revolt against King George for unreasonable taxation.  

Forcing those colonist to render shelter and aid toward the very invading British army that was there to quell their resistance to the tyranny being foisted upon them by King George and Great Britain.

History repeats itself with these wouldbe globalist dictators attempting the self same tactic King George attempted over 200 years ago, which led to the violent revolt against the King and his tyranny.

The Western leadership is completely complicit in this plot to use stealth armies under the guise of forced immigration to not only invade the affected nations.  But to render aid and comfort to these invading enemies in direct Sedition against the Constitution and the people of the US.

What’s to be done?  The answer is civil disobedience.   A complete and total refusal to not only financially support their anti-Western,  Anti-Constitutional actions. 

Further, a complete refusal to assist them in any way to accomplish their goals of collapsing the economy, eliminating national identity or national sovereignty.

What is required is a general national strike.  And an immediate moratorium on all immigration activities until positive control can be regained at the Southern Border as well as an elimination of all those who circumvented US law and entered the country illegally.

Further, all those who failed to carry out their duties as government representatives as well as those who knowingly rendered comfort and aid to foreign enemies of our nation must not only be held accountable for their seditious behavior.   But also should be punished for their anti-American activities.

Only a nationwide general strike can restore order to the country.  Violence, in this case, is not required.  However, resistance is required to force a stop to an out of control situation that without drastic action may already have been allowed to progress beyond the point where a peaceful solution to the situation is possible .

The only real question is, how far is too far?  With the situation in run away mode and the government agencies themselves admitting its completely out of control, the question is : ( Is a peaceful solution still possible? ) 

This president and administration have admitted they side with the invading stealth army and are doing everything in their power to not only support it . 

But also to facilitate it toward its ultimate end goals.  As such, we see the administration no longer supports nor represents the citizens of the US.

So, as such, civil disobedience appears to be the next step in this chain of events to curb this blatant invasion of our republic.   Therefore, I think the next step is a nationwide strike until these issues are not only addressed but corrected.

Conclusion:  200 years ago the colonist here in the New World were faced with out of control tyranny of a King who believed not in the rule of law but in abuse of power and domination by force to accomplish his dictatorial aims .  Through unreasonable taxation and the brute force to make the citizens bend to unreasonable demands and tyrannical control.

This led to a violent revolt.  And a taking up of arms and a great loss of life and shedding of blood.  We are now standing on the precipice of similar events today.  And, while we all pray that through peaceful means, a terrible tragedy can be averted.  

We must look to the past and use it as a cautionary tale to show what can happen when people are faced with overwhelming tyranny and a government that ceases to represent the good of the people.

Instead, go rogue and act against the people it was created to represent. Those who do not learn from the failures of the past are damned to repeat it.

In the Presence Of Enemies

Sometimes, we are faced with moral dilemmas.   Things that truly make us question our own values and everything we hold dear. 

We are faced with our own humanity.  And must determine whether we stand against tyranny or remain silent and, by inaction, become as complicit as those who have orchestrated it.

Such is the current state of affairs in the US .  With the Southern Border being invaded with an obvious silent invasion force that is being put in place for an eventual coming invasion, conflict, and quelling and subjugation of the current population.

The UN, the Globalist elites, the deepstate and current government are all working in unison to orchestrate and carry out the eventual subjugation of this country for the purpose of making way for a one world government that has been planned for centuries.

This same scenario is being played out in every Western country. At the moment, the only question is when they will pull the trigger on the inevitable world war to come.  And the populations respond to these traitors of humanity.

Their purpose is clear the complete decimation of the world population save for a select few that will survive the maelstrom to come.  With the majority slated for annihilation.

The future is a very bleak one indeed if we do nothing.  Already, the citizens are being relegated as simply slaves to be used, ignored, and abused at will as their diabolical plan is being put in place. 

The question is how far?  How far will humanity as a whole allow these enemies of humanity to progress before they say ( Enough!)   This far and no more.

The UN has spelled out their plane to eliminate humanity as the dominant species on earth in their publications: Agenda 21, 25 , 30.  They have not only spelled out their treachery.  But have done so brazenly and unapologetically.

The only question is humanities response.  People like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros are being very clear in their intentions to quell humanity.  Even notable scientists like Jane Goodall have sided with these enemies of humanity.

Their message is clear: they have declared war on the human race.  It makes me wonder what sort of narcissistic, sociopathic individuals could conceive of such a plan and a future post human reality.

Further, I question why humanity as a whole would stand by while their species is wiped out of existence with fighting back?  You may not have a stomach to take up arms against such a demonic enemy.  However, in this case, resistance is not futile.

You need neither comply with their demands.  Nor do you need to accept their taxation or efforts to further their insanity either.  You simply refuse to participate in the destruction of humanity as a whole.

And , if enough people say no and refuse their demands.  Then, they will be forced into submission, lacking the manpower and financial means to carry out their holocaust of humanity.

Conclusion:  The current governments of the West no longer represent the people they claim to govern.  They are simply figureheads being directed by the UNs depopulation agenda, which is being spearheaded by the Globalist elites in their quest for world domination and the creation of a one world dictatorship

As we attempt to get our politicians to actually do their jobs rather than cave to foreign interests and Globalist pressure we must understand that at this moment we stand in the company of enemies whose only goal is an elimination of you and humanity at large in a bid to create their one world government.

A Question Of Sedition

Much has been said and written in the news about the current debacle at the Southern Border of the US. As a steady stream of military age, illegals continue streaming into the country.

It has been argued that the continued tolerance for the illegal mass exodus into the US, as well as most of the Western countries, continues and is being said to be a humanitarian effort. What is actually happening in my estimation is a betrayal not only to our citizens and way of life.

But a betrayal of all the Western world by country leaders which complicit in Sedition against the countries they were elected to represent.

The evidence is clear as they are providing support for this illegal invading force that far exceeds anything even remotely in the realm of standard or reasonable.

In fact, in most cases, superseding any assistance provided to citizens of the affected countries. In most cases, it is not only inconveniencing the citizens but actually eliminating services such as hotel facilities and school or elderly care to make room to house these illegal invaders on the public dime.

Further, these invaders are exempt from the need of ID for air transportation. While citizens are forced to continue these security procedures, these invaders demand the best accommodations and refuse emergency food.

As well as demand and are receiving financial support from the US government and others while their are citizens who are homeless and unable to feed their families.

Now, it has come to light that the Biden Administration is fully complicit in this continued illegal invasion of the country.

As a hot mic caught Biden saying, Texas will not be allowed to stop the military age invaders entering the country. And , he would send F-15s to Texas to prevent any interference with the continued invasion.

I would say, in my opinion, this removes any lingering doubts as to not only the reason behind the allowance of the continued invasion.

But to the seditious nature of the Biden Administration as well as the Democratic Party in the destruction not only of US sovereignty but also the collapse of our economy as well as elimination of our society and national identity.

This is simply further evidence of globalist interference in not on US politics. But Western politics as well. The Biden Administration, in my opinion, has sold out the American people in favor of the globalist agenda of one world government and depopulation.

Conclusion: There is now little doubt as to the seditious nature of the current policy or lack thereof regarding border security. Their argument is soundly refuted as to refuge protection as mass amounts of invading Chinese, Middle Eastern as well as African illegals pour across the border.

They are not refugees from drug cartels. They are operatives from foreign powers being sent here as an advance force to eliminate US resistance to the globalist takeover of the globe.

The fact that not only does the Biden Administration not act to defend the border, but instead actively facilitate said invasion by sending border guards and IS military to eliminate barriers to this invasion represent a clear and present danger not just to our way of life but to the sovereignty of our republic is not only a clear act of Sedition.

It represents a clear act of treason to the Constitution and the people of this republic. While I do not advocate violence. I do believe the states have not only the Constitutional duty to stop this invasion by any and all legal means at their disposal, including force to stop the invasion.

As well as to secure the Southern Border. Regardless of federal mandate, If the federal government can’t or won’t act to protect the country. Then, that duty falls to the states to take up and execute.

Once that duty is accomplished, then the failure to perform the duties of their offices must be addressed by Congress and the Senate. With guilty parties not only being held accountable. But brought to justice for their actions.

We are a nation of laws. As such, they must be brought to bear to correct this betrayal and injustice. Rather than to resort to violence to correct a failure of our checks and balances to prevent such an eventuality from ever to have transpired in the first place.

The Forced Replacement Of The Current Western Population By Illegal Mass Immigration

The current scenes playing out at the US southern border are being played out across the Western world. Mass illegal immigration is not only being tolerated but encouraged by the UN and Western Goverments.

The question is, why now? As well as why was it being encountered and supported by most of the G8 countries in the West? To answer this, we must understand what is actually transpiring.

To begin with, this is neither a random occurrence. Nor is it being caused by the several proxy wars currently taking place around the globe. This situation is being quietly orchestrated behind the scenes for specific reasons and to accomplish clear-cut goals to accomplish an agenda centuries in the making.

The Globalist elite have depopulation and a one world oligarchy as their end goal. However, to accomplish these ends, they must eliminate the old power structures as well as eliminate countries’ sovereignty.

They must further eliminate allegiance to the current political structures as well as national identity.

To do this they must eliminate the current populations of those targeted countries and to do that they must allow enough displaced people to enter those countries to destroy the current society, political structure as well as moral and religious identity.

And, thus, the current crisis we are witnessing replayed over and over again across the globe. As massive amounts of poor displaced illegals are being allowed to not only pour across the southern border of the US.

But also, this same strategy is being encouraged and financially supported across the Western world. Notice this is not happening in China, North Korea, Japan, or the Middle East. Only in the Western countries.

This is by design as the Globalist elites are moving their agenda of destruction of Western power and sovereignty as well as preparation for the mass depopulation which they envision must take place before the creation of their One World Totalitarian Dictatorship is created.

As well as their seizure of the world’s wealth and resources and the final enslavement of the remainder of those remaining post mass depopulation.

As such, this mass illegal forced immigration is simply one more tool being deployed. Just as they have used war, Marxist ideology and the Islamic fundamentalist movements and bioweapons as tools toward their ultimate end goals.

They have laid out their plans in UN agendas 21,25,30, and 50 . They have plainly spelled out their intentions.

Depopulation, elimination of the old world governments and the creation of a New World Order and their Great Reset. Which is a One World Government, Depopulation of the planet, and the enslavement of whoever remains.

Conclusion: There is zero chance that mass illegal mass immigration occurred by chance. And only to Western Counties.

The purpose is crystal clear. It is meant to collapse the social, economic, and sovereignty of all the current power structures in the west to make way for the next steps in the globalist master plan and the creation of a world political authority.

As well as the depopulation of the planet in preparation for final world domination and enslavement of any left after this plans goals have finally been achieved.

This is the purpose of the mass illegal forced immigration of the Western world. This is their ultimate purpose for these events.

The American Revolution: A British Civil War, And is a Revolt Coming Again?

The American Revolutionary War was a historic event that directly led to the break away of the British colonies from Great Britain.

It was a direct result of the monarchs unreasonable taxation of British citizens in the New World and the subsequent tyranny directly caused by the heavy handedness of that governments attempts to force its edicts on an unresponsive citizenry.

As such, it was not actually the American Revolution, but a British rebellion against an oppressive king and government. As such, the events that are currently taking place more closely resemble those events than the Civil War of the 1860s.

Because while the Civil War was a rebellion of sorts against federal abuse and states’ rights. What is happening now is a government not trying to force states to comply with the law.

Rather, it is a government attempting to not only force oppressive and unfair taxation without any actual representation or regress against such oppressive and unreasonable taxation.

It also represents an oppressive regime attempting to circumvent actual law in favor of a globalist agenda, which does not serve the wellbeing of either the states as an institution. But it also represents a clear tyrannical and unreasonable attempt to force the citizenry to comply with the same.

During the British conflict, Great Britain was empire building. This was led by the Banks and Wealthist family lines such as the Rothchilds and others pitting countries against each other, financing both sides of each conflict.

Becoming rich at the expense of the suffering of those who had to fight those bloody conflicts. Then, they would finance the rebuilding after each conflict.

These globalist bankers held the actual power in all the world’s governments. Which they have continued to do up to the present era. They have been following their agenda, which they have been pursuing for centuries.

Their ultimate goal has always been to possess all the world’s wealth and natural resources. Further, the second goal will have to be the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship that they will control.

After which they will have to eliminate the majority of the world population (98%) in order to maintain their control over global resources and enslaving those that remain to act as slaves maintaining the infrastructure required to control the global government and their hold on global resources.

All of these are stated goals of the Globalists. None of this is conjecture or conspiracy theory. They have stated this with their own mouths in the UN., the World Economic Forum, and their other entities. None of this is in dispute.

What we must understand is these same agendas were in play during the actions which led up to the British revolt of the colonies and the subsequent break away of those British colonies and directly led to the war of 1776, and formation of the United States of America.

So, in a real sense, the globalist agenda led to the British revolution, which formed the United States. Flash forward a century and the same Globalist families and their financial organizations were the catalyst that led to the 1860s conflict between the break away states and the US federal government.

In that conflict, they again financed through proxies both sides of said conflict. In the aftermath, they again made a killing in loaning money, which was used in the rebuilding effort after the cessation of hostilities.

Flash forward to the present. Once again they are attempting to circumvent the laws of the country in a blatant attempt to force their clearly illegal agenda down the throats of the citizenry much in the same fashion as they did by utilizing the King and British government to levy unreasonable taxes and then use force to enforce their tyrannical mandates.

Thus, we stand at another juncture in history where yet again the Globalists are forcing their proxies in the US government much in the same fashion the did the British King and government to circumvent the law of the land to push forth their agenda at the expense of the country as well as its citizens.

Their intent is clear. They intend to collapse the US as a whole and import so many illegal aliens as to completely destroy national sovereignty in preparation for their creation of their much anticipated one world government.

This is nothing but a continuation of the agenda centuries in the making. It is completely obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

As such, what we are witnessing is the exact same tactics the Globalist attempted to apply, which led to the British revolt of the 13 original British colonies and the formation of the United States of America.

Their agenda directly led to that eventuality. The only question is, was it a miscalculation, or did they do that on purpose?

Was the breakaway and formation of a new country done on purpose in an attempt to begin a drawing together of power in preparation of the next steps to eliminate old sovereignties in preparation for building the foundation upon which they would build their one world government?

Conclusion: You see, the current dilemma we find ourselves in is reminiscent of the elimination of British sovereignty here in North America to make way for the next step toward their dream of world government.

Only now they are attempting to eliminate US Sovereignty in North America in preparation to move their agenda forward yet again in their constant drum beat toward their one world dictatorship.

As such, if the citizens revolt, it will be a direct reflection of what occurred in 1776 . The only question is if such a revolt were to occur, we must ask ourselves, is it another miscalculation?

Or are they simply resorting to the exact same tactic they used in 1776 to eliminate British sovereignty in North America. However, this time to eliminate US sovereignty in order to once again move their agenda forward at the expense of the citizens of the US?